    void Awake()
        // Grab the receiver off the object.
        // If no receiver then this object will not have attacks enacted upon it.
        mCombatAttackModel = gameObject.GetComponent("CombatAttackModel") as CombatAttackModel;

        if (mCombatAttackModel == null)
            throw new MissingComponentException("Unable to find CombatAttackModel.");
    void Awake()
        // Grab the receiver off the object.
        // If no receiver then this object will not have attacks enacted upon it.
        mCombatAttackModel = gameObject.GetComponent("CombatAttackModel") as CombatAttackModel;

        if (mCombatAttackModel == null)
            throw new MissingComponentException("Unable to find CombatAttackModel.");
    public void OnDeathEvent()
        GameObject        parent            = gameObject;
        CombatAttackModel combatAttackModel = GetComponent("CombatAttackModel") as CombatAttackModel;

        if (combatAttackModel)
            parent = combatAttackModel.Owner;
        CombatGod.SpawnCombatActor(DeathAttack, this.transform.position, parent, combatAttackModel);
    // This is the main controller for combat.  It arbitrates the interaction, records what took place
    // into a combat result, and sends out a message to both parties about the combat result.
    public static void ResolveAttackCollision(CombatAttackModel attack, CombatReceiverModel receiver)
        CombatResult result;

        result = new CombatResult();
        // Record models
        result.Attack = attack;
        result.Receiver = receiver;

        result.DamageToReceiver = attack.Damage;

        result.DamageToAttacker = receiver.DamageToAttackerOnHit;

        if (receiver.AllowColorLeech)
            result.ColorChangeAttacker = DetermineColorLeech(attack, receiver, result.DamageToReceiver/receiver.InitialHealthPoints);
            result.ColorChangeAttacker = Vector3.zero;

        // Determine if attack will kill the receiver.
        if ( (receiver.HealthPoints - result.DamageToReceiver) <= 0)
            result.DamageToAttacker += receiver.DamageToAttackerOnKill;
        // Send result back to the receiver.
        receiver.SendMessage("ReceiveCombatResult", result, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
        attack.SendMessage("AttackCombatResult", result, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
        // Inform the owner of the attack success.
        if (attack.Owner)
            attack.Owner.SendMessage("AttackCombatResult", result, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
    // This is the main controller for combat.  It arbitrates the interaction, records what took place
    // into a combat result, and sends out a message to both parties about the combat result.
    public static void ResolveAttackCollision(CombatAttackModel attack, CombatReceiverModel receiver)
        CombatResult result;

        result = new CombatResult();
        // Record models
        result.Attack   = attack;
        result.Receiver = receiver;

        result.DamageToReceiver = attack.Damage;

        result.DamageToAttacker = receiver.DamageToAttackerOnHit;

        if (receiver.AllowColorLeech)
            result.ColorChangeAttacker = DetermineColorLeech(attack, receiver, result.DamageToReceiver / receiver.InitialHealthPoints);
            result.ColorChangeAttacker = Vector3.zero;

        // Determine if attack will kill the receiver.
        if ((receiver.HealthPoints - result.DamageToReceiver) <= 0)
            result.DamageToAttacker += receiver.DamageToAttackerOnKill;
        // Send result back to the receiver.
        receiver.SendMessage("ReceiveCombatResult", result, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
        attack.SendMessage("AttackCombatResult", result, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
        // Inform the owner of the attack success.
        if (attack.Owner)
            attack.Owner.SendMessage("AttackCombatResult", result, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
 public void Awake()
     mCombatAttackModel = gameObject.GetComponent("CombatAttackModel") as CombatAttackModel;
 public void Awake()
     mCombatAttackModel = gameObject.GetComponent("CombatAttackModel") as CombatAttackModel;
    // Spawns an actor and sets up properties.  If provided with a CombatAttackModel it will
    // copy the properties from the model.
    // Otherwies it will attempt to add properties from the owner.
    public static GameObject SpawnCombatActor(UnityEngine.Object objectToSpawn, Vector3 position, GameObject owner=null, CombatAttackModel spawnAttackModel=null)
        GameObject actorGO = Instantiate (objectToSpawn) as GameObject;

        // If this is an attack object we need to set up the attack model
        CombatAttackModel attackCombatModel = actorGO.GetComponent("CombatAttackModel") as CombatAttackModel;
        if (attackCombatModel != null)
            // Set up attack model based off parent.
            attackCombatModel.Owner = owner;

            // Copy properties of parent attack mods if it exists.
            if (spawnAttackModel)
                CopyAttackProperties(spawnAttackModel, ref attackCombatModel);
            // Otherwise if there is an owner try to copy their properties.
            else if (owner != null)
                ColorCombatComponent ownerColorComponent = owner.GetComponent("ColorCombatComponent") as ColorCombatComponent;
                if (ownerColorComponent)
                    CalculateAttackPropertiesFromColorComponent(ref attackCombatModel, ownerColorComponent);

        actorGO.transform.position = position;

        return actorGO;
    private static Vector3 DetermineColorLeech(CombatAttackModel attack, CombatReceiverModel receiver, float percentDamageToTotalHealthDealt)
        Color attackerColor = new Color();
        Color receiverColor = new Color();
        // Make sure the attacker and receiver have colors
        if (attack.Owner)
                attackerColor = attack.Owner.renderer.material.color;
                receiverColor = receiver.renderer.material.color;
                return new Vector3();

        //Player Property += ((Experience Property - Player Property) * SCALER) * ( Damage / Experiences Health)
        float scale = SCALER * percentDamageToTotalHealthDealt;
        //Debug.Log ("PercentDamageDealtToTotalHealth: " + percentDamageToTotalHealthDealt + " Scaler: " + SCALER + " Final: " + scale);
        //Debug.Log("Receiver Color: " + receiverColor + " Attacker Color: " + attackerColor);
        float rDifference = (receiverColor.r - attackerColor.r) * scale;
        float gDifference = (receiverColor.g - attackerColor.g) * scale;
        float bDifference = (receiverColor.b - attackerColor.b) * scale;
        Vector3 colorChange = new Vector3( rDifference, gDifference, bDifference);
        //Debug.Log ("Color Change: " + colorChange);

        return colorChange;
 private static void CopyAttackProperties(CombatAttackModel fromData, ref CombatAttackModel toData)
     toData.BulletSpeedScale		=	fromData.BulletSpeedScale;
     toData.DamageScale 			=	fromData.DamageScale;
     toData.BulletSizeScale 		=	fromData.BulletSizeScale;
     toData.BulletMassScale 		=	fromData.BulletMassScale;
     toData.ExplosionScale		=	fromData.ExplosionScale;
     toData.HealthLossRateScale	=	fromData.HealthLossRateScale;
 private static void CalculateAttackPropertiesFromColorComponent(ref CombatAttackModel attackCombatModel, ColorCombatComponent ownerColorComponent)
     attackCombatModel.BulletSpeedScale		=	ownerColorComponent.GetBulletSpeedScale();
     attackCombatModel.DamageScale 			=	ownerColorComponent.GetDamageScale();
     attackCombatModel.BulletSizeScale 		=	ownerColorComponent.GetBulletSizeScale();
     attackCombatModel.BulletMassScale 		=	ownerColorComponent.GetBulletMassScale();
     attackCombatModel.ExplosionScale		=	ownerColorComponent.GetExplosionSizeScale();
     attackCombatModel.HealthLossRateScale	=	ownerColorComponent.GetHealthLossRateScale();
    // Spawns an actor and sets up properties.  If provided with a CombatAttackModel it will
    // copy the properties from the model.
    // Otherwies it will attempt to add properties from the owner.
    public static GameObject SpawnCombatActor(UnityEngine.Object objectToSpawn, Vector3 position, GameObject owner = null, CombatAttackModel spawnAttackModel = null)
        GameObject actorGO = Instantiate(objectToSpawn) as GameObject;

        // If this is an attack object we need to set up the attack model
        CombatAttackModel attackCombatModel = actorGO.GetComponent("CombatAttackModel") as CombatAttackModel;

        if (attackCombatModel != null)
            // Set up attack model based off parent.
            attackCombatModel.Owner = owner;

            // Copy properties of parent attack mods if it exists.
            if (spawnAttackModel)
                CopyAttackProperties(spawnAttackModel, ref attackCombatModel);
            // Otherwise if there is an owner try to copy their properties.
            else if (owner != null)
                ColorCombatComponent ownerColorComponent = owner.GetComponent("ColorCombatComponent") as ColorCombatComponent;
                if (ownerColorComponent)
                    CalculateAttackPropertiesFromColorComponent(ref attackCombatModel, ownerColorComponent);

        actorGO.transform.position = position;
