public override void Stop() { if (_channelPool != null) { _channelPool.close(true); _bootstrap.releaseExternalResources(); _channelPool = null; } _comExceptionHandler = NoOpComExceptionHandler; + " shutdown"); }
public Client(string destinationHostNameOrIp, int destinationPort, string originHostNameOrIp, LogProvider logProvider, StoreId storeId, int frameLength, long readTimeout, int maxConcurrentChannels, int chunkSize, ResponseUnpacker responseUnpacker, ByteCounterMonitor byteCounterMonitor, RequestMonitor requestMonitor, LogEntryReader <ReadableClosablePositionAwareChannel> entryReader) { this._entryReader = entryReader; Debug.Assert(byteCounterMonitor != null); Debug.Assert(requestMonitor != null); this._byteCounterMonitor = byteCounterMonitor; this._requestMonitor = requestMonitor; assertChunkSizeIsWithinFrameSize(chunkSize, frameLength); this._msgLog = logProvider.getLog(this.GetType()); this._storeId = storeId; this._frameLength = frameLength; this._readTimeout = readTimeout; // ResourcePool no longer controls max concurrent channels. Use this value for the pool size this._maxUnusedChannels = maxConcurrentChannels; this._comExceptionHandler = NoOpComExceptionHandler; if (destinationHostNameOrIp.Equals("")) { // So it turns out that on Windows, connecting to when specifying // an origin address will not succeed. But since we know we are // connecting to ourselves, and that we are listening on everything, // replacing with localhost is the proper thing to do. this._destination = new InetSocketAddress(LocalAddress, destinationPort); } else { // An explicit destination address is always correct this._destination = new InetSocketAddress(destinationHostNameOrIp, destinationPort); } if (string.ReferenceEquals(originHostNameOrIp, null) || originHostNameOrIp.Equals("")) { _origin = null; } else { _origin = new InetSocketAddress(originHostNameOrIp, 0); } ProtocolVersion protocolVersion = ProtocolVersion; this._protocol = CreateProtocol(chunkSize, protocolVersion.ApplicationProtocol); this._responseUnpacker = responseUnpacker; + " communication channel created towards " + _destination); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void clientShouldUseHandlersToHandleComExceptions() public virtual void ClientShouldUseHandlersToHandleComExceptions() { // Given const string comExceptionMessage = "The ComException"; //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Java wildcard generics have no direct equivalent in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: MadeUpCommunicationInterface communication = mock(MadeUpCommunicationInterface.class, (org.mockito.stubbing.Answer<Response<?>>) ignored -> MadeUpCommunicationInterface communication = mock(typeof(MadeUpCommunicationInterface), (Answer <Response <object> >)ignored => { throw new ComException(comExceptionMessage); }); ComExceptionHandler handler = mock(typeof(ComExceptionHandler)); _life.add(_builder.server(communication)); MadeUpClient client = _life.add(_builder.client()); client.ComExceptionHandler = handler; _life.start(); // When ComException exceptionThrownOnRequest = null; try { client.Multiply(1, 10); } catch (ComException e) { exceptionThrownOnRequest = e; } // Then assertNotNull(exceptionThrownOnRequest); assertEquals(comExceptionMessage, exceptionThrownOnRequest.Message); ArgumentCaptor <ComException> exceptionCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(typeof(ComException)); verify(handler).handle(exceptionCaptor.capture()); assertEquals(comExceptionMessage, exceptionCaptor.Value.Message); verifyNoMoreInteractions(handler); }