/// <summary> /// Sets the Else edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the Else edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setElse(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Statement.IfStatementSyntax.setElse(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkElseClauseSyntax)) { if (m_Else != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Else); } m_Else = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_Else, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkIfStatementSyntax_Else); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Statement.IfStatementSyntax.setElse(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_Else != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Else); } m_Else = 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the WhenNotNull edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the WhenNotNull edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setWhenNotNull(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.ConditionalAccessExpressionSyntax.setWhenNotNull(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkExpressionSyntax)) { if (m_WhenNotNull != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_WhenNotNull); } m_WhenNotNull = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_WhenNotNull, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkConditionalAccessExpressionSyntax_WhenNotNull); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.ConditionalAccessExpressionSyntax.setWhenNotNull(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_WhenNotNull != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_WhenNotNull); } m_WhenNotNull = 0; } }
// ---------- Edge setter function(s) ---------- /// <summary> /// Sets the ExpressionBody edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the ExpressionBody edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setExpressionBody(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.IndexerDeclarationSyntax.setExpressionBody(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkArrowExpressionClauseSyntax)) { if (m_ExpressionBody != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_ExpressionBody); } m_ExpressionBody = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_ExpressionBody, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkIndexerDeclarationSyntax_ExpressionBody); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.IndexerDeclarationSyntax.setExpressionBody(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_ExpressionBody != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_ExpressionBody); } m_ExpressionBody = 0; } }
// ---------- Edge setter function(s) ---------- /// <summary> /// Sets the ParameterList edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the ParameterList edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setParameterList(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.ParenthesizedLambdaExpressionSyntax.setParameterList(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkParameterListSyntax)) { if (m_ParameterList != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_ParameterList); } m_ParameterList = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_ParameterList, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkParenthesizedLambdaExpressionSyntax_ParameterList); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.ParenthesizedLambdaExpressionSyntax.setParameterList(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_ParameterList != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_ParameterList); } m_ParameterList = 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the ConstructorCall edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the ConstructorCall edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setConstructorCall(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax.setConstructorCall(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkConstructorDeclarationSyntax)) { if (m_ConstructorCall != 0) { } m_ConstructorCall = nodeId; } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax.setConstructorCall(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_ConstructorCall != 0) { } m_ConstructorCall = 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the SelectOrGroup edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the SelectOrGroup edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setSelectOrGroup(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.QueryBodySyntax.setSelectOrGroup(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkSelectOrGroupClauseSyntax)) { if (m_SelectOrGroup != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_SelectOrGroup); } m_SelectOrGroup = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_SelectOrGroup, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkQueryBodySyntax_SelectOrGroup); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.QueryBodySyntax.setSelectOrGroup(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_SelectOrGroup != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_SelectOrGroup); } m_SelectOrGroup = 0; } }
// ---------- Edge setter function(s) ---------- /// <summary> /// Sets the Alias edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the Alias edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setAlias(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.UsingDirectiveSyntax.setAlias(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkNameEqualsSyntax)) { if (m_Alias != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Alias); } m_Alias = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_Alias, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkUsingDirectiveSyntax_Alias); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.UsingDirectiveSyntax.setAlias(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_Alias != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Alias); } m_Alias = 0; } }
// ---------- Edge setter function(s) ---------- /// <summary> /// Sets the Declaration edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the Declaration edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setDeclaration(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Statement.LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax.setDeclaration(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkVariableDeclarationSyntax)) { if (m_Declaration != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Declaration); } m_Declaration = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_Declaration, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkLocalDeclarationStatementSyntax_Declaration); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Statement.LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax.setDeclaration(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_Declaration != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Declaration); } m_Declaration = 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the Name edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the Name edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setName(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.TypeParameterConstraintClauseSyntax.setName(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkIdentifierNameSyntax)) { if (m_Name != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Name); } m_Name = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_Name, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkTypeParameterConstraintClauseSyntax_Name); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.TypeParameterConstraintClauseSyntax.setName(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_Name != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Name); } m_Name = 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the Member edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the Member edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setMember(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.QualifiedCrefSyntax.setMember(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkMemberCrefSyntax)) { if (m_Member != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Member); } m_Member = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_Member, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkQualifiedCrefSyntax_Member); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.QualifiedCrefSyntax.setMember(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_Member != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Member); } m_Member = 0; } }
// ---------- Edge setter function(s) ---------- /// <summary> /// Sets the Block edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the Block edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setBlock(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.CatchClauseSyntax.setBlock(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkBlockSyntax)) { if (m_Block != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Block); } m_Block = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_Block, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkCatchClauseSyntax_Block); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.CatchClauseSyntax.setBlock(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_Block != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Block); } m_Block = 0; } }
// ---------- Edge setter function(s) ---------- /// <summary> /// Sets the Body edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the Body edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setBody(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.AnonymousFunctionExpressionSyntax.setBody(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkPositioned)) { if (m_Body != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Body); } m_Body = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_Body, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkAnonymousFunctionExpressionSyntax_Body); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.AnonymousFunctionExpressionSyntax.setBody(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_Body != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Body); } m_Body = 0; } }
// ---------- Edge setter function(s) ---------- /// <summary> /// Sets the ArgumentList edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the ArgumentList edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setArgumentList(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.AttributeSyntax.setArgumentList(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkAttributeArgumentListSyntax)) { if (m_ArgumentList != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_ArgumentList); } m_ArgumentList = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_ArgumentList, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkAttributeSyntax_ArgumentList); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.AttributeSyntax.setArgumentList(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_ArgumentList != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_ArgumentList); } m_ArgumentList = 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the Initializer edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the Initializer edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setInitializer(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.PropertyDeclarationSyntax.setInitializer(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkEqualsValueClauseSyntax)) { if (m_Initializer != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Initializer); } m_Initializer = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_Initializer, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkPropertyDeclarationSyntax_Initializer); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.PropertyDeclarationSyntax.setInitializer(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_Initializer != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Initializer); } m_Initializer = 0; } }
// ---------- Edge setter function(s) ---------- /// <summary> /// Sets the Condition edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the Condition edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setCondition(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.WhereClauseSyntax.setCondition(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkExpressionSyntax)) { if (m_Condition != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Condition); } m_Condition = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_Condition, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkWhereClauseSyntax_Condition); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.WhereClauseSyntax.setCondition(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_Condition != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Condition); } m_Condition = 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the StartTag edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the StartTag edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setStartTag(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.XmlElementSyntax.setStartTag(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkXmlElementStartTagSyntax)) { if (m_StartTag != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_StartTag); } m_StartTag = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_StartTag, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkXmlElementSyntax_StartTag); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.XmlElementSyntax.setStartTag(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_StartTag != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_StartTag); } m_StartTag = 0; } }
// ---------- Edge setter function(s) ---------- /// <summary> /// Sets the Parameters edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the Parameters edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setParameters(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.IndexerMemberCrefSyntax.setParameters(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkCrefBracketedParameterListSyntax)) { if (m_Parameters != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Parameters); } m_Parameters = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_Parameters, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkIndexerMemberCrefSyntax_Parameters); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.IndexerMemberCrefSyntax.setParameters(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_Parameters != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Parameters); } m_Parameters = 0; } }
// ---------- Edge setter function(s) ---------- /// <summary> /// Sets the OriginalDefinition edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the OriginalDefinition edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setOriginalDefinition(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.TypeSyntax.setOriginalDefinition(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkMemberDeclarationSyntax)) { if (m_OriginalDefinition != 0) { } m_OriginalDefinition = nodeId; } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.TypeSyntax.setOriginalDefinition(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_OriginalDefinition != 0) { } m_OriginalDefinition = 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the Type edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the Type edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setType(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.ConversionOperatorDeclarationSyntax.setType(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkTypeSyntax)) { if (m_Type != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Type); } m_Type = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_Type, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkConversionOperatorDeclarationSyntax_Type); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.ConversionOperatorDeclarationSyntax.setType(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_Type != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Type); } m_Type = 0; } }
// ---------- Edge setter function(s) ---------- /// <summary> /// Sets the Operand edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the Operand edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setOperand(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.PostfixUnaryExpressionSyntax.setOperand(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkExpressionSyntax)) { if (m_Operand != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Operand); } m_Operand = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_Operand, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkPostfixUnaryExpressionSyntax_Operand); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.PostfixUnaryExpressionSyntax.setOperand(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_Operand != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Operand); } m_Operand = 0; } }
// ---------- Edge setter function(s) ---------- /// <summary> /// Sets the Name edge. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The new end point of the Name edge or 0. With 0 the edge can be deleted.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void setName(uint nodeId) { if (nodeId != 0) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.MemberBindingExpressionSyntax.setName(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkSimpleNameSyntax)) { if (m_Name != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Name); } m_Name = nodeId; setParentEdge(m_Name, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkMemberBindingExpressionSyntax_Name); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.MemberBindingExpressionSyntax.setName(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } } else { if (m_Name != 0) { removeParentEdge(m_Name); } m_Name = 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new AccessorCall edge to the node and inserts it after the other ones. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The end point of the new AccessorCall edge.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the given nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void addAccessorCall(uint nodeId) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.IdentifierNameSyntax.addAccessorCall(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkAccessorDeclarationSyntax)) { AccessorCallContainer.AddLast(nodeId); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.IdentifierNameSyntax.setAccessorCall(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } if (fact.ReverseEdges != null) { fact.ReverseEdges.insertEdge(nodeId, this.Id, Types.EdgeKind.edkIdentifierNameSyntax_AccessorCall); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new Parameters edge to the node and inserts it after the other ones. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The end point of the new Parameters edge.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the given nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void addParameters(uint nodeId) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.TypeParameterListSyntax.addParameters(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkTypeParameterSyntax)) { ParametersContainer.AddLast(nodeId); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.TypeParameterListSyntax.setParameters(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } if (fact.ReverseEdges != null) { fact.ReverseEdges.insertEdge(nodeId, this.Id, Types.EdgeKind.edkTypeParameterListSyntax_Parameters); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new Usings edge to the node and inserts it after the other ones. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The end point of the new Usings edge.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the given nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void addUsings(uint nodeId) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.NamespaceDeclarationSyntax.addUsings(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkUsingDirectiveSyntax)) { UsingsContainer.AddLast(nodeId); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.NamespaceDeclarationSyntax.setUsings(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } setParentEdge(nodeId, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkNamespaceDeclarationSyntax_Usings); if (fact.ReverseEdges != null) { fact.ReverseEdges.insertEdge(nodeId, this.Id, Types.EdgeKind.edkNamespaceDeclarationSyntax_Usings); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new RankSpecifiers edge to the node and inserts it after the other ones. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The end point of the new RankSpecifiers edge.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the given nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void addRankSpecifiers(uint nodeId) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.ArrayTypeSyntax.addRankSpecifiers(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkArrayRankSpecifierSyntax)) { RankSpecifiersContainer.AddLast(nodeId); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.ArrayTypeSyntax.setRankSpecifiers(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } setParentEdge(nodeId, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkArrayTypeSyntax_RankSpecifiers); if (fact.ReverseEdges != null) { fact.ReverseEdges.insertEdge(nodeId, this.Id, Types.EdgeKind.edkArrayTypeSyntax_RankSpecifiers); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new Attributes edge to the node and inserts it after the other ones. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The end point of the new Attributes edge.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the given nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void addAttributes(uint nodeId) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.XmlElementStartTagSyntax.addAttributes(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkXmlAttributeSyntax)) { AttributesContainer.AddLast(nodeId); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Structure.XmlElementStartTagSyntax.setAttributes(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } setParentEdge(nodeId, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkXmlElementStartTagSyntax_Attributes); if (fact.ReverseEdges != null) { fact.ReverseEdges.insertEdge(nodeId, this.Id, Types.EdgeKind.edkXmlElementStartTagSyntax_Attributes); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new Initializers edge to the node and inserts it after the other ones. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">[in] The end point of the new Initializers edge.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.Csharp.Asg.CsharpException">Throws CsharpException if the given nodeId is invalid.</exception> public void addInitializers(uint nodeId) { if (!fact.getExist(nodeId)) { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.AnonymousObjectCreationExpressionSyntax.addInitializers(NodeId)", "The end point of the edge does not exist."); } Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node = fact.getRef(nodeId); if (Common.getIsBaseClassKind(node.NodeKind, Types.NodeKind.ndkAnonymousObjectMemberDeclaratorSyntax)) { InitializersContainer.AddLast(nodeId); } else { throw new CsharpException("Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Expression.AnonymousObjectCreationExpressionSyntax.setInitializers(NodeId)", "Invalid NodeKind (" + node.NodeKind.ToString() + ")."); } setParentEdge(nodeId, (uint)Types.EdgeKind.edkAnonymousObjectCreationExpressionSyntax_Initializers); if (fact.ReverseEdges != null) { fact.ReverseEdges.insertEdge(nodeId, this.Id, Types.EdgeKind.edkAnonymousObjectCreationExpressionSyntax_Initializers); } }
/// <summary> /// Visitor for all nodes. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">[in] This node is being visited.</param> public override void visit(Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node, bool callVirtualBase) { nodeList.Add(node.Id); }
/// <summary> /// Visitor for saving node. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">[in] This node is being saved.</param> /// <exception cref="Columbus.ColumbusIOException">Throws ColumbusIOException if there's something wrong with the file.</exception> public override void visitEnd(Columbus.Csharp.Asg.Nodes.Base.Base node, bool callVirtualBase) { node.save(io); }