private void ColorList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { int index = ColorList.SelectedIndex; if (Hexradio.IsChecked == true) { ColorsConverter converter = new ColorsConverter(); try { Focused().Text = converter.Tohex(FromPredColor(index)); } catch (Exception) { throw; } } else { try { Focused().Text = RGBValues(FromPredColor(index)); } catch (Exception) { throw; } } ColorList.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; ColorPDefbtn.Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Transparent; }
public static void TestLeoCorpLibrary() { Console.WriteLine($"The area of circle where R=10cm is {Maths.Circle.GetArea(10)}"); Console.WriteLine($"The 55;21;125 RGB color in HEX is #{ColorsConverter.RGBtoHEX(55, 21, 125).Value}"); Console.WriteLine($"The current Windows version is {Env.GetWindowsVersion()}"); Console.WriteLine($"The current Unix Time is {Env.GetUnixTime()}"); }
private void Color2Tb_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { ColorsConverter colors = new ColorsConverter(); if (Hexradio.IsChecked == true) { try { Color color = colors.FromHex(Color2Tb.Text); COlorLabel2.Background = new SolidColorBrush(color); } catch (Exception) { } } else if (RGBradio.IsChecked == true) { try { int r1 = int.Parse(Color2Tb.Text.Substring(0, Color2Tb.Text.IndexOf(","))); int b1 = int.Parse(Color2Tb.Text.Substring(Color2Tb.Text.LastIndexOf(",") + 1)); int g1 = int.Parse(Color2Tb.Text.Substring(Color2Tb.Text.IndexOf(",") + 1, (Color2Tb.Text.Length - r1.ToString().Length - b1.ToString().Length - 2))); Color color = colors.RGBTOColor(r1, g1, b1); COlorLabel2.Background = new SolidColorBrush(color); } catch (Exception) { } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please Check one of Buttons HEX or RGB", "Option mismatch error"); } }
private void ResultTb_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { ColorsConverter colors = new ColorsConverter(); try { Color color = colors.FromHex(ResultTb.Text); COlorLabel3.Background = new SolidColorBrush(color); } catch (Exception) { } }
public static Mat ImageToMat(Bitmap image) { var mat = new Mat(image.Width, image.Height); for (var x = 0; x < mat.Width; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < mat.Height; y++) { mat.Set(x, y, ColorsConverter.RgbToGreyscale(image.GetPixel(x, y))); } } return(mat); }
private void EqualBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ColorsConverter colors = new ColorsConverter(); Color color1 = new Color(), color2 = new Color(); float coef = 0; try { if (Hexradio.IsChecked == true) { color1 = colors.FromHex(Color1Tb.Text); if (Operator != '*') { color2 = colors.FromHex(Color2Tb.Text); } else { coef = float.Parse(Color2Tb.Text); } } else if (RGBradio.IsChecked == true) { int r1 = int.Parse(Color1Tb.Text.Substring(0, Color1Tb.Text.IndexOf(","))); int b1 = int.Parse(Color1Tb.Text.Substring(Color1Tb.Text.LastIndexOf(",") + 1)); int g1 = int.Parse(Color1Tb.Text.Substring(Color1Tb.Text.IndexOf(",") + 1, (Color1Tb.Text.Length - r1.ToString().Length - b1.ToString().Length - 2))); color1 = colors.RGBTOColor(r1, g1, b1); if (Operator != '*') { int r2 = int.Parse(Color2Tb.Text.Substring(0, Color1Tb.Text.IndexOf(","))); int b2 = int.Parse(Color2Tb.Text.Substring(Color2Tb.Text.LastIndexOf(",") + 1)); int g2 = int.Parse(Color2Tb.Text.Substring(Color2Tb.Text.IndexOf(",") + 1, (Color2Tb.Text.Length - r2.ToString().Length - b2.ToString().Length - 2))); color2 = colors.RGBTOColor(r2, g2, b2); } else { coef = float.Parse(Color2Tb.Text); } } Result = colors.ColorOperation(color1, color2, Operator, coef); ResultTb.Text = Result; ResultColor = colors.FromHex(Result); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message + "\nPlease enter value like #ffffff or 255,255,255"); } }
public static Bitmap MatToImage(Mat img) { img.Normalize(); var image = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height); for (var x = 0; x < image.Width; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < image.Height; y++) { image.SetPixel(x, y, ColorsConverter.GreyscaleToRgb(img.GetAt(x, y))); } } return(image); }
private void ConvertHSL() { try { int h = int.Parse(HTxt.Text); // Parse int s = int.Parse(STxt.Text); // Parse int l = int.Parse(LTxt.Text); // Parse var rgb = ColorHelper.ColorConverter.HslToRgb(new(h, (byte)s, (byte)l)); // Convert var hex = ColorsConverter.RGBtoHEX(rgb.R, rgb.G, rgb.B); // Convert var hsv = ColorHelper.ColorConverter.RgbToHsv(rgb); // Convert var cmyk = ColorHelper.ColorConverter.HslToCmyk(new(h, (byte)s, (byte)l)); RGBTxt.Text = $"{Properties.Resources.RGB} {rgb.R}{sep}{rgb.G}{sep}{rgb.B}"; // Set text HEXTxt.Text = $"{Properties.Resources.HEX} #{(u ? hex.Value.ToUpper() : hex.Value)}"; // Set text HSVTxt.Text = $"{Properties.Resources.HSV} ({hsv.H},{hsv.S},{hsv.V})"; // Set text HSLTxt.Text = $"{Properties.Resources.HSL} ({h},{s},{l})"; // Set text CMYKTxt.Text = $"{Properties.Resources.CMYK} {cmyk.C},{cmyk.M},{cmyk.Y},{cmyk.K}"; hslColor = $"({h},{s},{l})"; // Set hsvColor = $"({hsv.H},{hsv.S},{hsv.V})"; // Set rgbColor = $"{rgb.R}{sep}{rgb.G}{sep}{rgb.B}"; // Set hexColor = $"#{(u ? hex.Value.ToUpper() : hex.Value)}"; // Set cmykColor = $"{cmyk.C},{cmyk.M},{cmyk.Y},{cmyk.K}"; // Set ColorDisplayer.Background = new SolidColorBrush { Color = Color.FromRgb(rgb.R, rgb.G, rgb.B) }; // Set color IconValidMsgTxt.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush { Color = Color.FromRgb(0, 223, 57) }; // Set foreground color IconValidMsgTxt.Text = "\uF299"; // Set icon ValidMsgTxt.Text = Properties.Resources.ColorValid; // Set text } catch { IconValidMsgTxt.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush { Color = Color.FromRgb(255, 69, 0) }; // Set foreground color IconValidMsgTxt.Text = "\uF36E"; // Set icon ValidMsgTxt.Text = Properties.Resources.InvalidColor; // Set text } }
private void ColorPickbtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { PickColorHandle pickColor = new PickColorHandle(); pickColor.Options = ColorPickerWPF.Code.ColorPickerDialogOptions.LoadCustomPalette; if (Hexradio.IsChecked == true) { pickColor.PickColorButton_OnClick(Focused()); } else { ColorsConverter converter = new ColorsConverter(); pickColor.PickColorButton_OnClick(Focused()); Focused().Text = RGBValues(converter.FromHex(Focused().Text)); } } catch (Exception) { } }
private void ToCombo_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (From == null) { } else { ColorsConverter converter = new ColorsConverter(); try { switch (ToCombo.SelectedIndex) { case 0: ToBox.Text = converter.Tohex(From); break; case 1: ToBox.Text = RGBValues(From); break; case 2: Color newc = new Color(); newc.A = From.A; newc.R = From.R; newc.G = From.G; newc.B = From.B; ToBox.Text = newc.A.ToString() + "," + newc.R.ToString() + "," + newc.G.ToString() + "," + newc.B.ToString(); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message + "\nPlease correct error and try again"); } } }
private void ColorTxt_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ColorTxt.Text)) { try { if (ColorTypeComboBox.Text == Properties.Resources.RGB) { string[] rgb = ColorTxt.Text.Split(new string[] { sep }, StringSplitOptions.None); // Split var hsv = ColorsConverter.RGBtoHSV(int.Parse(rgb[0]), int.Parse(rgb[1]), int.Parse(rgb[2])); // Convert var hsl = ColorHelper.ColorConverter.RgbToHsl(new((byte)int.Parse(rgb[0]), (byte)int.Parse(rgb[1]), (byte)int.Parse(rgb[2]))); var cmyk = ColorHelper.ColorConverter.RgbToCmyk(new((byte)int.Parse(rgb[0]), (byte)int.Parse(rgb[1]), (byte)int.Parse(rgb[2]))); RGBTxt.Text = $"{Properties.Resources.RGB} {rgb[0]}{sep}{rgb[1]}{sep}{rgb[2]}"; // Set text HEXTxt.Text = $"{Properties.Resources.HEX} #{(u ? ColorsConverter.RGBtoHEX(int.Parse(rgb[0]), int.Parse(rgb[1]), int.Parse(rgb[2])).Value.ToUpper() : ColorsConverter.RGBtoHEX(int.Parse(rgb[0]), int.Parse(rgb[1]), int.Parse(rgb[2])).Value)}"; // Set text HSVTxt.Text = $"{Properties.Resources.HSV} ({hsv.Hue},{hsv.Saturation},{hsv.Value})"; // Set text HSLTxt.Text = $"{Properties.Resources.HSL} ({hsl.H},{hsl.S},{hsl.L})"; // Set text CMYKTxt.Text = $"{Properties.Resources.CMYK} {cmyk.C},{cmyk.M},{cmyk.Y},{cmyk.K}"; rgbColor = $"{rgb[0]}{sep}{rgb[1]}{sep}{rgb[2]}"; // Set text hexColor = $"#{(u ? ColorsConverter.RGBtoHEX(int.Parse(rgb[0]), int.Parse(rgb[1]), int.Parse(rgb[2])).Value.ToUpper() : ColorsConverter.RGBtoHEX(int.Parse(rgb[0]), int.Parse(rgb[1]), int.Parse(rgb[2])).Value.ToLower())}"; // Set text hsvColor = $"({hsv.Hue},{hsv.Saturation},{hsv.Value})"; // Set hslColor = $"({hsl.H},{hsl.S},{hsl.L})"; // Set cmykColor = $"{cmyk.C},{cmyk.M},{cmyk.Y},{cmyk.K}"; // Set } else if (ColorTypeComboBox.Text == Properties.Resources.HEX) { var rgb = ColorsConverter.HEXtoRGB(new() { Value = ColorTxt.Text }); // Convert string hex = ColorTxt.Text.StartsWith("#") ? ColorTxt.Text : "#" + ColorTxt.Text; // Set var hsv = ColorsConverter.RGBtoHSV(rgb); // Convert var hsl = ColorHelper.ColorConverter.HexToHsl(new(hex)); // Convert var cmyk = ColorHelper.ColorConverter.HexToCmyk(new(hex)); RGBTxt.Text = $"{Properties.Resources.RGB} {rgb.R}{sep}{rgb.G}{sep}{rgb.B}"; // Set text HEXTxt.Text = $"{Properties.Resources.HEX} {(u ? hex.ToUpper() : hex)}"; // Set text HSVTxt.Text = $"{Properties.Resources.HSV} ({hsv.Hue},{hsv.Saturation},{hsv.Value})"; // Set text HSLTxt.Text = $"{Properties.Resources.HSL} ({hsl.H},{hsl.S},{hsl.L})"; // Set text CMYKTxt.Text = $"{Properties.Resources.CMYK} {cmyk.C},{cmyk.M},{cmyk.Y},{cmyk.K}"; rgbColor = $"{rgb.R}{sep}{rgb.G}{sep}{rgb.B}"; // Set text hexColor = $"{(u ? hex.ToUpper() : hex)}"; // Set text hsvColor = $"({hsv.Hue},{hsv.Saturation},{hsv.Value})"; // Set hslColor = $"({hsl.H},{hsl.S},{hsl.L})"; // Set cmykColor = $"{cmyk.C},{cmyk.M},{cmyk.Y},{cmyk.K}"; // Set } string[] rC = rgbColor.Split(new string[] { sep }, StringSplitOptions.None); // Split ColorDisplayer.Background = new SolidColorBrush { Color = Color.FromRgb((byte)int.Parse(rC[0]), (byte)int.Parse(rC[1]), (byte)int.Parse(rC[2])) }; IconValidMsgTxt.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush { Color = Color.FromRgb(0, 223, 57) }; // Set foreground color IconValidMsgTxt.Text = "\uF299"; // Set icon ValidMsgTxt.Text = Properties.Resources.ColorValid; // Set text } catch { IconValidMsgTxt.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush { Color = Color.FromRgb(255, 69, 0) }; // Set foreground color IconValidMsgTxt.Text = "\uF36E"; // Set icon ValidMsgTxt.Text = Properties.Resources.InvalidColor; // Set text } } }
private void FromBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { string Input = FromBox.Text; ColorsConverter converter = new ColorsConverter(); switch (FromCombo.SelectedIndex) { case 0: { try { From = converter.FromHex(Input); } catch (Exception) { } break; } case 1: { try { int r1 = int.Parse(Input.Substring(0, Input.IndexOf(","))); int b1 = int.Parse(Input.Substring(Input.LastIndexOf(",") + 1)); int g1 = int.Parse(Input.Substring(Input.IndexOf(",") + 1, (Input.Length - r1.ToString().Length - b1.ToString().Length - 2))); From = converter.RGBTOColor(r1, g1, b1); } catch (Exception) { } break; } case 2: { try { int a = int.Parse(Input.Substring(0, Input.IndexOf(","))); int b = int.Parse(Input.Substring(Input.LastIndexOf(",") + 1)); string Rest = Input.Substring(Input.IndexOf(",") + 1, Input.LastIndexOf(",")); int r = int.Parse(Rest.Substring(0, Rest.IndexOf(","))); int g = int.Parse(Rest.Substring(Rest.IndexOf(",") + 1)); From = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToByte(a), Convert.ToByte(r), Convert.ToByte(g), Convert.ToByte(b)); } catch (Exception) { } break; } case 3: { try { int r1 = int.Parse(Input.Substring(0, Input.IndexOf(","))); int b1 = int.Parse(Input.Substring(Input.LastIndexOf(",") + 1)); int g1 = int.Parse(Input.Substring(Input.IndexOf(",") + 1, (Input.Length - r1.ToString().Length - b1.ToString().Length - 2))); From = converter.FromHSL(r1, g1, b1); } catch (Exception) { } break; } case 4: { try { int a = int.Parse(Input.Substring(0, Input.IndexOf(","))); float b = float.Parse(Input.Substring(Input.LastIndexOf(",") + 1)); string Rest = Input.Substring(Input.IndexOf(",") + 1, Input.LastIndexOf(",")); float r = float.Parse(Rest.Substring(0, Rest.IndexOf(","))); float g = float.Parse(Rest.Substring(Rest.IndexOf(",") + 1)); From = converter.FromAhsb(a, r, g, b); } catch (Exception) { } break; } } try { ConvColLabel.Background = new SolidColorBrush(From); } catch (Exception) { } }
private void Window_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Key == Key.Enter) { ColorsConverter colors = new ColorsConverter(); Color color1 = new Color(), color2 = new Color(); float coef = 0; try { if (Hexradio.IsChecked == true) { color1 = colors.FromHex(Color1Tb.Text); if (Operator != '*') { color2 = colors.FromHex(Color2Tb.Text); } else { coef = float.Parse(Color2Tb.Text); } } else if (RGBradio.IsChecked == true) { int r1 = int.Parse(Color1Tb.Text.Substring(0, Color1Tb.Text.IndexOf(","))); int b1 = int.Parse(Color1Tb.Text.Substring(Color1Tb.Text.LastIndexOf(",") + 1)); int g1 = int.Parse(Color1Tb.Text.Substring(Color1Tb.Text.IndexOf(",") + 1, (Color1Tb.Text.Length - r1.ToString().Length - b1.ToString().Length - 2))); color1 = colors.RGBTOColor(r1, g1, b1); if (Operator != '*') { int r2 = int.Parse(Color2Tb.Text.Substring(0, Color1Tb.Text.IndexOf(","))); int b2 = int.Parse(Color2Tb.Text.Substring(Color2Tb.Text.LastIndexOf(",") + 1)); int g2 = int.Parse(Color2Tb.Text.Substring(Color2Tb.Text.IndexOf(",") + 1, (Color2Tb.Text.Length - r2.ToString().Length - b2.ToString().Length - 2))); color2 = colors.RGBTOColor(r2, g2, b2); } else { coef = float.Parse(Color2Tb.Text); } } Result = colors.ColorOperation(color1, color2, Operator, coef); ResultTb.Text = Result; ResultColor = colors.FromHex(Result); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message + "\nPlease enter value like #ffffff or 255,255,255"); } } else if (e.Key == Key.OemPlus || e.Key == Key.Add) { Operator = '+'; OperLabel.Content = PlusBtn.Content; Color2Tb.Focusable = true; Color2Tb.Focus(); } else if (e.Key == Key.OemMinus || e.Key == Key.Subtract) { Operator = '-'; OperLabel.Content = MinusBtn.Content; Color2Tb.Focusable = true; Color2Tb.Focus(); } else if (e.Key == Key.Multiply) { Operator = '*'; OperLabel.Content = TimesBtn.Content; Color2Tb.Focusable = true; Color2Tb.Focus(); } else { if (ColorList.IsVisible) { foreach (var i in ColorList.Items) { if (i.ToString().Remove(0, 38).StartsWith(e.Key.ToString())) { ColorList.ScrollIntoView(i); return; } } } } }