public void Run(NWObject target, params object[] args) { int retrievalRating = (int)args[0]; int highQualityChance = 10 * retrievalRating; int veryHighQualityChance = 2 * retrievalRating; int roll = RandomService.Random(0, 100); ResourceQuality quality = ResourceQuality.Normal; if (roll <= veryHighQualityChance) { quality = ResourceQuality.VeryHigh; } else if (roll <= highQualityChance) { quality = ResourceQuality.High; } var ip = ResourceService.GetRandomComponentBonusIP(quality); BiowareXP2.IPSafeAddItemProperty(target.Object, ip.Item1, 0.0f, AddItemPropertyPolicy.IgnoreExisting, true, true); switch (ip.Item2) { case 0: target.Name = ColorTokenService.Green(target.Name); break; case 1: target.Name = ColorTokenService.Blue(target.Name); break; case 2: target.Name = ColorTokenService.Purple(target.Name); break; case 3: target.Name = ColorTokenService.Orange(target.Name); break; } }
public void ApplyEffects(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation, CustomData customData) { NWPlayer player = user.Object; ResourceQuality quality = (ResourceQuality)target.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_QUALITY"); int tier = target.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_TIER"); int remaining = target.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_COUNT") - 1; string itemResref = target.GetLocalString("RESOURCE_RESREF"); int gemChance = ResourceService.CalculateChanceForComponentBonus(player, tier, quality); int roll = RandomService.Random(1, 100); int rank = SkillService.GetPCSkillRank(player, SkillType.Harvesting); if (item.RecommendedLevel < rank) { rank = item.RecommendedLevel; } int difficulty = (tier - 1) * 10 + ResourceService.GetDifficultyAdjustment(quality); int delta = difficulty - rank; int baseXP = 0; if (delta >= 6) { baseXP = 400; } else if (delta == 5) { baseXP = 350; } else if (delta == 4) { baseXP = 325; } else if (delta == 3) { baseXP = 300; } else if (delta == 2) { baseXP = 250; } else if (delta == 1) { baseXP = 225; } else if (delta == 0) { baseXP = 200; } else if (delta == -1) { baseXP = 150; } else if (delta == -2) { baseXP = 100; } else if (delta == -3) { baseXP = 50; } else if (delta == -4) { baseXP = 25; } int itemHarvestBonus = item.HarvestingBonus; int scanningBonus = user.GetLocalInt(target.GlobalID.ToString()); gemChance += itemHarvestBonus * 2 + scanningBonus * 2; baseXP = baseXP + scanningBonus * 5; // Spawn the normal resource. NWItem resource = CreateItemOnObject(itemResref, player); user.SendMessage("You harvest " + resource.Name + "."); // If player meets the chance to acquire a gem, create one and modify its properties. if (quality > ResourceQuality.Low && roll <= gemChance) { // Gemstone quality is determined by the quality of the vein. switch (quality) { case ResourceQuality.Normal: resource = CreateItemOnObject("flawed_gemstone", player); break; case ResourceQuality.High: resource = CreateItemOnObject("gemstone", player); break; case ResourceQuality.VeryHigh: resource = CreateItemOnObject("perfect_gemstone", player); break; } var ip = ResourceService.GetRandomComponentBonusIP(quality); BiowareXP2.IPSafeAddItemProperty(resource, ip.Item1, 0.0f, AddItemPropertyPolicy.IgnoreExisting, true, true); switch (ip.Item2) { case 0: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Green(resource.Name); break; case 1: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Blue(resource.Name); break; case 2: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Purple(resource.Name); break; case 3: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Orange(resource.Name); break; case 4: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.LightPurple(resource.Name); break; case 5: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Yellow(resource.Name); break; case 6: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Red(resource.Name); break; case 7: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Cyan(resource.Name); break; } user.SendMessage("You harvest " + resource.Name + "."); } float decayMinimum = 0.03f; float decayMaximum = 0.07f; if (delta > 0) { decayMinimum += delta * 0.1f; decayMaximum += delta * 0.1f; } DurabilityService.RunItemDecay(player, item, RandomService.RandomFloat(decayMinimum, decayMaximum)); int xp = baseXP; SkillService.GiveSkillXP(player, SkillType.Harvesting, xp); if (remaining <= 0) { NWPlaceable prop = target.GetLocalObject("RESOURCE_PROP_OBJ"); if (prop.IsValid) { prop.Destroy(); } target.Destroy(); user.DeleteLocalInt(target.GlobalID.ToString()); } else { target.SetLocalInt("RESOURCE_COUNT", remaining); } ApplyEffectAtLocation(DurationType.Instant, EffectVisualEffect(VisualEffect.Vfx_Fnf_Summon_Monster_3), target.Location); }
public void ColorTokenService_NullText_ShouldThrowArgumentException() { ColorTokenService service = new ColorTokenService(); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Black(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Blue(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Gray(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Green(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.LightPurple(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Orange(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Pink(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Purple(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Red(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.White(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Yellow(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Cyan(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Combat(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Dialog(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.DialogAction(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.DialogCheck(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.DialogHighlight(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.DialogReply(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.DM(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.GameEngine(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.SavingThrow(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Script(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Server(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Shout(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.SkillCheck(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Talk(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Tell(null); }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { service.Whisper(null); }); }
public bool Run(params object[] args) { NWPlaceable point = (Object.OBJECT_SELF); NWPlayer oPC = (_.GetLastOpenedBy()); if (!oPC.IsPlayer) { return(false); } var effectiveStats = PlayerStatService.GetPlayerItemEffectiveStats(oPC); const int baseChanceToFullyHarvest = 50; bool alwaysDestroys = point.GetLocalInt("SCAVENGE_POINT_ALWAYS_DESTROYS") == 1; bool hasBeenSearched = point.GetLocalInt("SCAVENGE_POINT_FULLY_HARVESTED") == 1; if (hasBeenSearched) { oPC.SendMessage("There's nothing left to harvest here..."); return(true); } // Not fully harvested but the timer hasn't counted down yet. int refillTick = point.GetLocalInt("SCAVENGE_POINT_REFILL_TICKS"); if (refillTick > 0) { oPC.SendMessage("You couldn't find anything new here. Check back later..."); return(true); } if (!oPC.IsPlayer && !oPC.IsDM) { return(false); } int rank = SkillService.GetPCSkillRank(oPC, SkillType.Scavenging); int lootTableID = point.GetLocalInt("SCAVENGE_POINT_LOOT_TABLE_ID"); int level = point.GetLocalInt("SCAVENGE_POINT_LEVEL"); int delta = level - rank; if (delta > 8) { oPC.SendMessage("You aren't skilled enough to scavenge through this. (Required Level: " + (level - 8) + ")"); oPC.AssignCommand(() => _.ActionInteractObject(point.Object)); return(true); } int dc = 6 + delta; if (dc <= 4) { dc = 4; } int searchAttempts = 1 + CalculateSearchAttempts(oPC); int luck = PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.Lucky) + effectiveStats.Luck; if (RandomService.Random(100) + 1 <= luck / 2) { dc--; } oPC.AssignCommand(() => _.ActionPlayAnimation(_.ANIMATION_LOOPING_GET_LOW, 1.0f, 2.0f)); for (int attempt = 1; attempt <= searchAttempts; attempt++) { int roll = RandomService.Random(20) + 1; if (roll >= dc) { oPC.FloatingText(ColorTokenService.SkillCheck("Search: *success*: (" + roll + " vs. DC: " + dc + ")")); ItemVO spawnItem = LootService.PickRandomItemFromLootTable(lootTableID); if (spawnItem == null) { return(false); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spawnItem.Resref) && spawnItem.Quantity > 0) { NWItem resource = _.CreateItemOnObject(spawnItem.Resref, point.Object, spawnItem.Quantity); var componentIP = resource.ItemProperties.FirstOrDefault(x => _.GetItemPropertyType(x) == (int)CustomItemPropertyType.ComponentType); if (componentIP != null) { // Add properties to the item based on Scavenging skill. Similar logic to the resource harvester. var chance = RandomService.Random(1, 100) + PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.Lucky) + effectiveStats.Luck; ResourceQuality quality; if (chance < 50) { quality = ResourceQuality.Low; } else if (chance < 75) { quality = ResourceQuality.Normal; } else if (chance < 95) { quality = ResourceQuality.High; } else { quality = ResourceQuality.VeryHigh; } int ipBonusChance = ResourceService.CalculateChanceForComponentBonus(oPC, (level / 10 + 1), quality, true); if (RandomService.Random(1, 100) <= ipBonusChance) { var ip = ResourceService.GetRandomComponentBonusIP(ResourceQuality.Normal); BiowareXP2.IPSafeAddItemProperty(resource, ip.Item1, 0.0f, AddItemPropertyPolicy.IgnoreExisting, true, true); switch (ip.Item2) { case 0: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Green(resource.Name); break; case 1: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Blue(resource.Name); break; case 2: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Purple(resource.Name); break; case 3: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Orange(resource.Name); break; } } } } float xp = SkillService.CalculateRegisteredSkillLevelAdjustedXP(200, level, rank); SkillService.GiveSkillXP(oPC, SkillType.Scavenging, (int)xp); } else { oPC.FloatingText(ColorTokenService.SkillCheck("Search: *failure*: (" + roll + " vs. DC: " + dc + ")")); float xp = SkillService.CalculateRegisteredSkillLevelAdjustedXP(50, level, rank); SkillService.GiveSkillXP(oPC, SkillType.Scavenging, (int)xp); } dc += RandomService.Random(3) + 1; } // Chance to destroy the scavenge point. int chanceToFullyHarvest = baseChanceToFullyHarvest - (PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.CarefulScavenger) * 5); string growingPlantID = point.GetLocalString("GROWING_PLANT_ID"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(growingPlantID)) { Data.Entity.GrowingPlant growingPlant = FarmingService.GetGrowingPlantByID(new Guid(growingPlantID)); chanceToFullyHarvest = chanceToFullyHarvest - (growingPlant.LongevityBonus); } if (chanceToFullyHarvest <= 5) { chanceToFullyHarvest = 5; } if (alwaysDestroys || RandomService.Random(100) + 1 <= chanceToFullyHarvest) { point.SetLocalInt("SCAVENGE_POINT_FULLY_HARVESTED", 1); oPC.SendMessage("This resource has been fully harvested..."); } // Otherwise the scavenge point will be refilled in 10-20 minutes. else { point.SetLocalInt("SCAVENGE_POINT_REFILL_TICKS", 100 + RandomService.Random(100)); } point.SetLocalInt("SCAVENGE_POINT_DESPAWN_TICKS", 30); return(true); }
public void ApplyEffects(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation, CustomData customData) { NWPlayer player = user.Object; ResourceQuality quality = (ResourceQuality)target.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_QUALITY"); int tier = target.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_TIER"); int remaining = target.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_COUNT") - 1; string itemResref = target.GetLocalString("RESOURCE_RESREF"); int ipBonusChance = ResourceService.CalculateChanceForComponentBonus(player, tier, quality); int roll = RandomService.Random(1, 100); int rank = SkillService.GetPCSkillRank(player, SkillType.Harvesting); if (item.RecommendedLevel < rank) { rank = item.RecommendedLevel; } int difficulty = (tier - 1) * 10 + ResourceService.GetDifficultyAdjustment(quality); int delta = difficulty - rank; int baseXP = 0; if (delta >= 6) { baseXP = 400; } else if (delta == 5) { baseXP = 350; } else if (delta == 4) { baseXP = 325; } else if (delta == 3) { baseXP = 300; } else if (delta == 2) { baseXP = 250; } else if (delta == 1) { baseXP = 225; } else if (delta == 0) { baseXP = 200; } else if (delta == -1) { baseXP = 150; } else if (delta == -2) { baseXP = 100; } else if (delta == -3) { baseXP = 50; } else if (delta == -4) { baseXP = 25; } int itemHarvestBonus = item.HarvestingBonus; int scanningBonus = user.GetLocalInt(target.GlobalID.ToString()); ipBonusChance += itemHarvestBonus * 2 + scanningBonus * 2; baseXP = baseXP + scanningBonus * 5; NWItem resource = _.CreateItemOnObject(itemResref, player.Object); if (roll <= ipBonusChance) { var ip = ResourceService.GetRandomComponentBonusIP(quality); BiowareXP2.IPSafeAddItemProperty(resource, ip.Item1, 0.0f, AddItemPropertyPolicy.IgnoreExisting, true, true); switch (ip.Item2) { case 0: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Green(resource.Name); break; case 1: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Blue(resource.Name); break; case 2: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Purple(resource.Name); break; case 3: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Orange(resource.Name); break; } } float decayMinimum = 0.03f; float decayMaximum = 0.07f; if (delta > 0) { decayMinimum += delta * 0.1f; decayMaximum += delta * 0.1f; } user.SendMessage("You harvest " + resource.Name + "."); DurabilityService.RunItemDecay(player, item, RandomService.RandomFloat(decayMinimum, decayMaximum)); int xp = baseXP; SkillService.GiveSkillXP(player, SkillType.Harvesting, xp); if (remaining <= 0) { NWPlaceable prop = target.GetLocalObject("RESOURCE_PROP_OBJ"); if (prop.IsValid) { prop.Destroy(); } target.Destroy(); user.DeleteLocalInt(target.GlobalID.ToString()); } else { target.SetLocalInt("RESOURCE_COUNT", remaining); } _.ApplyEffectAtLocation(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, _.EffectVisualEffect(VFX_FNF_SUMMON_MONSTER_3), target.Location); }