        private PreGarment CreatePreGarment(Silouhette s, ColorFamily cf, PatternType pt)
            PreGarment g = new PreGarment();

            g.PreSilouhette = s.PreSilouhette;
            g.ColorFamily   = cf;
            g.PatternType   = pt;

        // Returns true if the colors matches in the game rules, false otherwise.
        static public bool colors_matches(ColorFamily left_color, ColorFamily right_color)
            // Whites matches all colors
            if (left_color == ColorFamily.Whites || right_color == ColorFamily.Whites)

            // Blacks matches with no colors, not even blacks.
            if (left_color == ColorFamily.Blacks || right_color == ColorFamily.Blacks)

            // Other colors only matches their own familly
            return(left_color == right_color);
 public OutfitUpdater(int id, string name, string keywords, string description, string externalId, double price, string buyUrl, string imageUrl, int partnerId, int silouhetteId, int patternId, int colorFamilyId, int status)
     this.Id          = id;
     this.name        = name;
     this.description = description;
     this.keywords    = keywords;
     this.externalId  = externalId;
     if (price > 0)
         this.price = Convert.ToDecimal(price);
     this.buyUrl      = buyUrl;
     this.imageUrl    = imageUrl;
     this.partner     = new Partner(partnerId);
     this.silouhette  = new Silouhette(silouhetteId);
     this.pattern     = new Pattern(patternId);
     this.colorFamily = new ColorFamily(colorFamilyId);
     this.status      = (OutfitUpdaterStatus)status;
        public IList <OutfitUpdater> GetFor(Silouhette silouhette, ColorFamily colorFamily, int pageNumber, int pageSize, out int totalCount)
            ICriteria crit = Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(OutfitUpdater));

            crit.Add(Expression.Eq("Season", SeasonHelper.CurrentSeason));
            crit.CreateCriteria("Silouhette").Add(Expression.Eq("Id", silouhette.Id));
            crit.Add(Expression.Not(Expression.Ge("Status", OutfitUpdaterStatus.Valid)));
            totalCount =
                crit.SetProjection(Projections.ProjectionList().Add(Projections.Count("Id"))).UniqueResult <int>();

            string sizeandpage = pageSize.ToString();

            if (pageNumber > 1)
                sizeandpage += ", " + pageSize;
            string query = string.Format("SELECT ou.outfitupdaterid, ou.description, ou.name, ou.price, ou.buyurl, ou.imageurl, p.Code, p.Name, ou.silouhetteid FROM outfitupdaters ou inner join partners p ON ou.PartnerId = p.PartnerId inner join silouhettes s ON ou.SilouhetteId = s.SilouhetteId WHERE ou.Status >= {0} and ou.Season = {3} and s.CategoryId = {1} ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT {2};", Convert.ToInt32(OutfitUpdaterStatus.Valid), silouhette.Category.Id, sizeandpage, (int)SeasonHelper.CurrentSeason);
            IQuery q     = Session.CreateSQLQuery(query);

            q.SetResultTransformer(new NHibernate.Transform.AliasToBeanConstructorResultTransformer(typeof(OutfitUpdater).GetConstructors()[3]));
            return(q.List <OutfitUpdater>());
        public static Color32 GetColor(ColorFamily colorFamily, List<Color32> usedColors)
            Color32 color;
            double difference;
            var atempts = 0;
                color = GetColor(colorFamily);
                difference = CompareColorWithUsedColors(usedColors, color);

            } while (difference < Configuration.Instance.MinColorDiffPercentage && (atempts < Configuration.Instance.MaxDiffColorPickAttempt));

            if (difference <= 0)
                foreach (var usedColor in usedColors)
                    var differentColorFound = false;
                    foreach (var colorItem in _colors[colorFamily])
                        if (!usedColor.IsColorEqual(colorItem))
                            color = colorItem;
                            differentColorFound = true;
                            logger.Message(string.Format("Color not repeated: {0} Color2: {2} Diference: {1}", color, CompareColorWithUsedColors(usedColors, color), usedColor));
                    if (differentColorFound)


            logger.Message(string.Format("Diference: {0} Atempts: {1}", difference, atempts));

            return color;
        public static Color32 GetColor(ColorFamily colorFamily, List <Color32> usedColors)
            Color32 color;
            double  difference;
            var     atempts = 0;

                color      = GetColor(colorFamily);
                difference = CompareColors(color, usedColors.First());
                foreach (var usedColor in usedColors)
                    var auxDifference = CompareColors(color, usedColor);
                    if (auxDifference < difference)
                        difference = auxDifference;
                Console.Message(string.Format("Diference: {0}", difference));
            } while (difference < Configuration.Instance.MinimumColorDifferencePercentage && (atempts < Configuration.Instance.MaximunDifferentCollorPickAtempt));
 public OutfitUpdater(int Id, Silouhette s, ColorFamily c, Pattern p)
     this.silouhette  = s;
     this.colorFamily = c;
     this.pattern     = p;
 public static Color32 GetColor(ColorFamily colorFamily)
     return(_colors[colorFamily][Random.Range(0, _colors[colorFamily].Length - 1)]);
 public static Color32 GetColor(ColorFamily colorFamily)
     return _colors[colorFamily][Random.Range(0, _colors[colorFamily].Length - 1)];
        public static void Initialize(CeramicsContext context)

            // Look for any students.
            if (context.Customer.Any())
                return;   // DB has been seeded

            var customers = new Customer[]
                new Customer {
                    FirstMidName = "Sodom", LastName = "Lee", OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-12-11")
                new Customer {
                    FirstMidName = "Rachel", LastName = "Buse", OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-12-01")
                new Customer {
                    FirstMidName = "Heather", LastName = "Whittlesey", OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-11-01")
                new Customer {
                    FirstMidName = "Alexis", LastName = "Dwyer", OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-12-11")
                new Customer {
                    FirstMidName = "Jeff", LastName = "Miller", OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-12-01")
                new Customer {
                    FirstMidName = "Lyndsay", LastName = "Nissen", OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-11-01")
                new Customer {
                    FirstMidName = "Edgar", LastName = "Camacho", OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-12-01")
                new Customer {
                    FirstMidName = "Cody", LastName = "Ryan", OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-09-01")

            foreach (Customer cu in customers)

            var colors = new Color[]
                new Color {
                    ColorID = 6002, ColorName = "Rose Pink", Price = 25.55
                new Color {
                    ColorID = 6121, ColorName = "Saturn Orange", Price = 14.18
                new Color {
                    ColorID = 6404, ColorName = "Vanadium", Price = 32.27
                new Color {
                    ColorID = 6166, ColorName = "Camel Beige", Price = 14.00
                new Color {
                    ColorID = 6006, ColorName = "Deep Crimson", Price = 25.00
                new Color {
                    ColorID = 6020, ColorName = "Alumina Pink", Price = 14.45
                new Color {
                    ColorID = 6126, ColorName = "Hazelnut", Price = 17.27

            foreach (Color co in colors)

            var orders = new Order[]
                new Order {
                    ColorID = 6002, CustomerID = 0001, MembershipStat = MembershipStat.A
                new Order {
                    ColorID = 6121, CustomerID = 0002, MembershipStat = MembershipStat.C
                new Order {
                    ColorID = 6404, CustomerID = 0003, MembershipStat = MembershipStat.B
                new Order {
                    ColorID = 6002, CustomerID = 0004, MembershipStat = MembershipStat.A
                new Order {
                    ColorID = 6166, CustomerID = 0005, MembershipStat = MembershipStat.C
                new Order {
                    ColorID = 6006, CustomerID = 0006, MembershipStat = MembershipStat.B
                new Order {
                    ColorID = 6166, CustomerID = 0007, MembershipStat = MembershipStat.C
                new Order {
                    ColorID = 6006, CustomerID = 0008, MembershipStat = MembershipStat.B

            foreach (Order o in orders)

            var chemistry = new Chemistry[]
                new Chemistry {
                    ID         = 9001, ChemComp = "Chromium, Strontium",
                    ChemAbbrev = "CrSn", ColorID = 6002
                new Chemistry {
                    ID         = 9002, ChemComp = "Chromium, Iron, Zinc, Aluminum, Silicon",
                    ChemAbbrev = "CrFeZnAlSi", ColorID = 6121
                new Chemistry {
                    ID         = 9003, ChemComp = "Strontium, Vanadium",
                    ChemAbbrev = "SnV", ColorID = 6404
                new Chemistry {
                    ID         = 9004, ChemComp = "Chromium, Iron, Zinc, Aluminum, Cobalt, Manganese",
                    ChemAbbrev = "CrFeZnAlCoMn", ColorID = 6166
                new Chemistry {
                    ID         = 9005, ChemComp = "Manganese, Aluminum ",
                    ChemAbbrev = "MnAl", ColorID = 6020
                new Chemistry {
                    ID         = 9006, ChemComp = "Chromium, Iron, Zinc, Aluminum",
                    ChemAbbrev = "CrFeZnAl", ColorID = 6126
                new Chemistry {
                    ID         = 9007, ChemComp = "Chromium, Strontium",
                    ChemAbbrev = "CrSn", ColorID = 6006

            foreach (Chemistry i in chemistry)

            var colorfamily = new ColorFamily[]
                new ColorFamily {
                    ColorFamID = 1, ColorFam = "red", ColorName = "Rose Pink", ColorID = 6002
                new ColorFamily {
                    ColorFamID = 2, ColorFam = "orange", ColorName = "Saturn Orange", ColorID = 6121
                new ColorFamily {
                    ColorFamID = 3, ColorFam = "yellow", ColorName = "Vanadium", ColorID = 6404
                new ColorFamily {
                    ColorFamID = 2, ColorFam = "orange", ColorName = "Camel Beige", ColorID = 6166
                new ColorFamily {
                    ColorFamID = 1, ColorFam = "red", ColorName = "Alumina Pink", ColorID = 6020
                new ColorFamily {
                    ColorFamID = 2, ColorFam = "orange", ColorName = "Hazelnut", ColorID = 6126
                new ColorFamily {
                    ColorFamID = 1, ColorFam = "red", ColorName = "Deep Crimson", ColorID = 6006

            foreach (ColorFamily d in colorfamily)