public override void RefreshDisplayData() { System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; lvwEntries.BeginUpdate(); foreach (ListViewItem itmX in lvwEntries.Items) { DynamicWSCollectorConfigEntry entry = (DynamicWSCollectorConfigEntry)itmX.Tag; try { object obj = entry.RunMethod(); CollectorState state = entry.GetState(obj); itmX.SubItems[1].Text = entry.LastFormattedValue; if (state == CollectorState.Good) { itmX.ImageIndex = 0; itmX.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; } else { itmX.ImageIndex = 2; itmX.BackColor = Color.Salmon; } } catch (Exception ex) { itmX.SubItems[1].Text = ex.Message; itmX.ImageIndex = 2; itmX.BackColor = Color.Salmon; } } lvwEntries.EndUpdate(); System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; toolStripStatusLabelDetails.Text = "Last updated " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); }
public MonitorState GetCurrentState() { object wsData = null; CollectorState agentState = CollectorState.NotAvailable; try { wsData = GetValue(); CurrentAgentValue = FormatUtils.FormatArrayToString(wsData, "[null]"); agentState = CollectorAgentReturnValueCompareEngine.GetState(ReturnCheckSequence, GoodResultMatchType, GoodValue, WarningResultMatchType, WarningValue, ErrorResultMatchType, ErrorValue, CurrentAgentValue); } catch (Exception wsException) { agentState = CollectorState.Error; wsData = wsException.Message; } MonitorState currentState = new MonitorState() { ForAgent = Description, State = agentState, CurrentValue = wsData == null ? "N/A" : wsData.ToString(), CurrentValueUnit = OutputValueUnit }; return(currentState); }
public CollectorState GetState(float value) { CollectorState state = CollectorState.Good; if (!ReturnValueInverted) { if (ErrorValue <= value) { state = CollectorState.Error; } else if (WarningValue <= value) { state = CollectorState.Warning; } } else { if (ErrorValue >= value) { state = CollectorState.Error; } else if (WarningValue >= value) { state = CollectorState.Warning; } } return(state); }
public CollectorState GetState(double value) { CollectorState state = CollectorState.Good; if (WarningValue < ErrorValue) { if (ErrorValue <= value) { state = CollectorState.Error; } else if (WarningValue <= value) { state = CollectorState.Warning; } } else { if (ErrorValue >= value) { state = CollectorState.Error; } else if (WarningValue >= value) { state = CollectorState.Warning; } } return(state); }
public CollectorState GetState(PingCollectorResult pingResult) { CollectorState result = CollectorState.Good; if (pingResult.PingTime > -1)// pingResult.Success) { if (pingResult.PingTime > TimeOutMS) { result = CollectorState.Error; pingResult.ResponseDetails = string.Format("Operation timed out! Max time allowed: {0}ms, {1}", TimeOutMS, pingResult.ResponseDetails); } else if (pingResult.PingTime > MaxTimeMS) { result = CollectorState.Warning; pingResult.ResponseDetails = string.Format("Operation did not finished in allowed time! Excepted time: {0}ms, {1}", MaxTimeMS, pingResult.ResponseDetails); } else { result = CollectorState.Good; } } else { result = CollectorState.Error; } return(result); }
public override void RefreshDisplayData() { try { CollectorState currentState = ((LoopbackCollector)Collector).GetState().State; lblDisplayedState.Text = currentState.ToString() + " - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); if (currentState == CollectorState.Error) { lblDisplayedState.BackColor = Color.LightSalmon; } else if (currentState == CollectorState.Warning) { lblDisplayedState.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } else if (currentState == CollectorState.Good) { lblDisplayedState.BackColor = Color.LightGreen; } else { lblDisplayedState.BackColor = Color.Silver; } } catch (Exception ex) { lblDisplayedState.BackColor = Color.LightSalmon; lblDisplayedState.Text = ex.Message + " - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); } }
private string GetQIValue(ListViewItem lvi, DirectoryServicesQueryCollectorConfigEntry dsQueryEntry) { string results = ""; try { object value = dsQueryEntry.RunQuery(); CollectorState currentstate = dsQueryEntry.GetState(value); results = FormatUtils.N(value, "[null]"); if (currentstate == CollectorState.Error) { lvi.ImageIndex = 3; } else if (currentstate == CollectorState.Warning) { lvi.ImageIndex = 2; } else { lvi.ImageIndex = 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { results = ex.Message; } return(results); }
private CollectorState GetState(List <ServiceStateInfo> list) { CollectorState result = CollectorState.Good; int runningCount = 0; int notRunningCount = 0; foreach (var entry in list) { if (entry.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Running) { runningCount++; } else { notRunningCount++; } } if (list.Count > 0) { if (runningCount > 0 && notRunningCount > 0) { result = CollectorState.Warning; } else if (runningCount == 0 && notRunningCount > 0) { result = CollectorState.Error; } } else { result = CollectorState.NotAvailable; } return(result); }
private void cmdTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { LinuxSSHCommandEntry testEntry = new LinuxSSHCommandEntry() { SSHConnection = sshConnectionDetails }; testEntry.CommandString = txtCommandText.Text; testEntry.ValueReturnCheckSequence = optEWG.Checked ? CollectorAgentReturnValueCheckSequence.EWG : CollectorAgentReturnValueCheckSequence.GWE; testEntry.ValueReturnType = (SSHCommandValueReturnType)cboReturnType.SelectedIndex; testEntry.SuccessMatchType = (CollectorAgentReturnValueCompareMatchType )cboSuccessMatchType.SelectedIndex; testEntry.SuccessValueOrMacro = txtGoodValueOrMacro.Text; testEntry.WarningMatchType = (CollectorAgentReturnValueCompareMatchType)cboWarningMatchType.SelectedIndex; testEntry.WarningValueOrMacro = txtWarningValueOrMacro.Text; testEntry.ErrorMatchType = (CollectorAgentReturnValueCompareMatchType)cboErrorMatchType.SelectedIndex; testEntry.ErrorValueOrMacro = txtErrorValueOrMacro.Text; string value = testEntry.ExecuteCommand(); CollectorState currentState = CollectorAgentReturnValueCompareEngine.GetState(testEntry.ValueReturnCheckSequence, testEntry.SuccessMatchType, testEntry.SuccessValueOrMacro, testEntry.WarningMatchType, testEntry.WarningValueOrMacro, testEntry.ErrorMatchType, testEntry.ErrorValueOrMacro, value); MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Returned state: {0}\r\nOutput: {1}", currentState, value), "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }
public override void RefreshDisplayData() { try { System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; lvwEntries.BeginUpdate(); foreach (ListViewItem itmX in lvwEntries.Items) { PingCollectorHostEntry host = (PingCollectorHostEntry)itmX.Tag; try { PingCollectorResult pingResult = host.Ping(); CollectorState result = host.GetState(pingResult); if (pingResult.Success) { itmX.SubItems[1].Text = pingResult.PingTime.ToString() + " ms"; itmX.SubItems[2].Text = pingResult.ResponseDetails; if (result == CollectorState.Good) { itmX.ImageIndex = 0; itmX.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; } else if (result == CollectorState.Warning) { itmX.ImageIndex = 1; itmX.BackColor = Color.SandyBrown; } else { itmX.ImageIndex = 2; itmX.BackColor = Color.Salmon; } } else { itmX.ImageIndex = 2; itmX.BackColor = Color.Salmon; if (pingResult.PingTime < 0) { itmX.SubItems[1].Text = "Err"; } itmX.SubItems[2].Text = pingResult.ResponseDetails; } } catch (Exception ex) { itmX.ImageIndex = 2; itmX.SubItems[1].Text = "Err"; itmX.SubItems[2].Text = ex.Message; itmX.BackColor = Color.Salmon; } } lvwEntries.EndUpdate(); System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; toolStripStatusLabelDetails.Text = "Last updated " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } finally { } }
public static ReturnTypes T(CollectorState state) { switch (state) { case CollectorState.OK: return(ReturnTypes.rtOK); case CollectorState.UNITIALIZED: return(ReturnTypes.rtErrorInitializeFirst); case CollectorState.WAIT_MORE: return(ReturnTypes.rtWaitMore); case CollectorState.NO_DATA: return(ReturnTypes.rtNoData); case CollectorState.BUSY: return(ReturnTypes.rtErrorBusy); case CollectorState.DECRYPT_ALL: return(ReturnTypes.rtDecryptAll); case CollectorState.DECRYPT_LIST: return(ReturnTypes.rtDecryptList); default: return(ReturnTypes.rtErrorUnknown); } }
private string GetQIValue(ListViewItem lvi, OLEDBQueryInstance queryInstance) { string results = ""; try { object value = queryInstance.RunQuery(); CollectorState currentstate = queryInstance.GetState(value); results = FormatUtils.N(value, "[null]"); if (currentstate == CollectorState.Error) { lvi.ImageIndex = 3; } else if (currentstate == CollectorState.Warning) { lvi.ImageIndex = 2; } else { lvi.ImageIndex = 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { results = ex.Message; } return(results); }
public override MonitorState GetCurrentState() { string returnedData = ""; CollectorState agentState = CollectorState.NotAvailable; try { returnedData = ExecuteCommand(); CurrentAgentValue = FormatUtils.FormatArrayToString(returnedData, "[null]"); agentState = CollectorAgentReturnValueCompareEngine.GetState(ReturnCheckSequence, GoodResultMatchType, GoodValue, WarningResultMatchType, WarningValue, ErrorResultMatchType, ErrorValue, CurrentAgentValue); } catch (Exception wsException) { agentState = CollectorState.Error; returnedData = wsException.Message; } MonitorState currentState = new MonitorState() { ForAgent = Description, State = agentState, CurrentValue = returnedData == null ? "N/A" : returnedData, CurrentValueUnit = OutputValueUnit }; return(currentState); }
private void cmdTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DoValidate()) { string lastStep = "Initialize values"; try { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; RegistryQueryCollectorConfigEntry testQueryInstance = new RegistryQueryCollectorConfigEntry(); testQueryInstance.Name = txtName.Text; testQueryInstance.UseRemoteServer = chkUseRemoteServer.Checked; testQueryInstance.Server = txtServer.Text; testQueryInstance.Path = txtPath.Text; testQueryInstance.KeyName = txtKey.Text; testQueryInstance.ExpandEnvironmentNames = chkExpandEnvNames.Checked; testQueryInstance.RegistryHive = RegistryQueryCollectorConfigEntry.GetRegistryHiveFromString(cboRegistryHive.Text); if (!chkValueIsANumber.Checked) { testQueryInstance.ReturnValueIsNumber = false; testQueryInstance.ReturnValueInARange = false; testQueryInstance.ReturnValueInverted = false; } else { testQueryInstance.ReturnValueIsNumber = true; testQueryInstance.ReturnValueInARange = chkValueIsInARange.Checked; testQueryInstance.ReturnValueInverted = !chkReturnValueNotInverted.Checked; } testQueryInstance.SuccessValue = cboSuccessValue.Text; testQueryInstance.WarningValue = cboWarningValue.Text; testQueryInstance.ErrorValue = cboErrorValue.Text; object returnValue = null; returnValue = testQueryInstance.GetValue(); CollectorState state = testQueryInstance.EvaluateValue(returnValue); if (state == CollectorState.Good) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Success!\r\nValue return: {0}", FormatUtils.FormatArrayToString(returnValue)), "Test", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else if (state == CollectorState.Warning) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Warning!\r\nValue return: {0}", FormatUtils.FormatArrayToString(returnValue)), "Test", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Error!\r\nValue return: {0}", FormatUtils.FormatArrayToString(returnValue)), "Test", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Failed!\r\nLast step: {0}\r\n{1}", lastStep, ex.Message), "Test", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } finally { Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } } }
public CollectorState GetState(PingCollectorResult pingResult) { CollectorState result = CollectorState.Good; if (pingResult.PingTime > -1) { if (pingResult.PingTime > TimeOutMS) { result = CollectorState.Error; pingResult.ResponseDetails = string.Format("Operation timed out! Max time allowed: {0}ms, {1}", TimeOutMS, pingResult.ResponseDetails); } else if (pingResult.PingTime > MaxTimeMS) { result = CollectorState.Warning; pingResult.ResponseDetails = string.Format("Operation did not finished in allowed time! Excepted time: {0}ms, {1}", MaxTimeMS, pingResult.ResponseDetails); } else if (pingType == PingCollectorType.HTTP && HTMLContentContain != null && pingResult.ResponseContent.Trim().Length > 0 && HTMLContentContain.Trim().Length > 0 && !pingResult.ResponseContent.Contains(HTMLContentContain)) { result = CollectorState.Warning; pingResult.ResponseDetails = string.Format("The returned HTML does not contain the specified string '{0}'", HTMLContentContain); } else { result = CollectorState.Good; } } else { result = CollectorState.Error; } return(result); }
private void cmdRunScript_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; PowerShellScriptRunnerEntry testEntry = new PowerShellScriptRunnerEntry(); testEntry.Name = txtName.Text; testEntry.ReturnCheckSequence = optGWE.Checked ? CollectorAgentReturnValueCheckSequence.GWE : CollectorAgentReturnValueCheckSequence.EWG; testEntry.TestScript = txtScript.Text; testEntry.GoodScriptText = txtSuccess.Text; testEntry.GoodResultMatchType = (CollectorAgentReturnValueCompareMatchType)cboSuccessMatchType.SelectedIndex; testEntry.WarningScriptText = txtWarning.Text; testEntry.WarningResultMatchType = (CollectorAgentReturnValueCompareMatchType)cboWarningMatchType.SelectedIndex; testEntry.ErrorScriptText = txtError.Text; testEntry.ErrorResultMatchType = (CollectorAgentReturnValueCompareMatchType)cboErrorMatchType.SelectedIndex; string scriptResult = testEntry.RunScript(); CollectorState state = testEntry.GetState(scriptResult); MessageBox.Show(scriptResult, "Test script", MessageBoxButtons.OK, state == CollectorState.Good ? MessageBoxIcon.Information : state == CollectorState.Warning ? MessageBoxIcon.Warning : MessageBoxIcon.Error); } catch (Exception ex) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Run script", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } }
public CollectorState GetState(List <IISAppPoolStateInfo> list) { CollectorState result = CollectorState.Good; int runningCount = 0; int notRunningCount = 0; foreach (var entry in list) { if (entry.Status == AppPoolStatus.Started) { runningCount++; } else { notRunningCount++; } } if (list.Count > 0) { if (runningCount > 0 && notRunningCount > 0) { result = CollectorState.Warning; } else if (runningCount == 0 && notRunningCount > 0) { result = CollectorState.Error; } } else { result = CollectorState.NotAvailable; } return(result); }
private CollectorState GetState(float value) { CollectorState state = CollectorState.Good; if (WarningValue < ErrorValue) { if (ErrorValue <= value) { state = CollectorState.Error; } else if (WarningValue <= value) { state = CollectorState.Warning; } } else { if (ErrorValue >= value) { state = CollectorState.Error; } else if (WarningValue >= value) { state = CollectorState.Warning; } } return(state); }
public ReturnTypes IsReady() { log.Info("IsReady called"); CollectorState res = collectorService.IsReady(); log.InfoFormat("result {0}", res); return(T(res)); }
public void InitializeInstance() { this.CurrentState = CollectorState.MenuBuilded; this.ContextMenu = new Dictionary<Instance, ToolStripItem>(); this.IsUnderConstruction = false; TrayPluginEvents.ContextMenuEntryConstructed += this.OnMenuEntryConstructed; TrayPluginEvents.ContextMenuConstructed += this.OnContextMenuConstructed; }
public ReturnTypes ShowFileView() { log.Info("Called ShowFileView"); CollectorState res = collectorService.ShowFileView(); log.Info("result" + res); return(T(res)); }
private void cmdTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string commandText = ApplyConfigVarsOnField(txtCommandText.Text); string successText = ApplyConfigVarsOnField(txtSuccess.Text); string warningText = ApplyConfigVarsOnField(txtWarning.Text); string errorText = ApplyConfigVarsOnField(txtError.Text); string connectionString = ApplyConfigVarsOnField(sshConnectionDetails.ConnectionString); SSHConnectionDetails sshConnection; if (connectionString.Length > 0) { sshConnection = SSHConnectionDetails.FromConnectionString(connectionString); } else { sshConnection = sshConnectionDetails.Clone(); sshConnection.ComputerName = ApplyConfigVarsOnField(sshConnection.ComputerName); sshConnection.UserName = ApplyConfigVarsOnField(sshConnection.UserName); sshConnection.Password = ApplyConfigVarsOnField(sshConnection.Password); sshConnection.PrivateKeyFile = ApplyConfigVarsOnField(sshConnection.PrivateKeyFile); sshConnection.PassPhrase = ApplyConfigVarsOnField(sshConnection.PassPhrase); sshConnection.ConnectionName = ApplyConfigVarsOnField(sshConnection.ConnectionName); } SSHCommandCollectorConfigEntry testEntry = new SSHCommandCollectorConfigEntry() { SSHConnection = sshConnection }; testEntry.CommandString = commandText; testEntry.ValueReturnType = (SSHCommandValueReturnType)cboReturnType.SelectedIndex; testEntry.ReturnCheckSequence = (CollectorAgentReturnValueCheckSequence)cboReturnCheckSequence.SelectedIndex; testEntry.GoodResultMatchType = (CollectorAgentReturnValueCompareMatchType)cboSuccessMatchType.SelectedIndex; testEntry.GoodValue = successText; testEntry.WarningResultMatchType = (CollectorAgentReturnValueCompareMatchType)cboWarningMatchType.SelectedIndex; testEntry.WarningValue = warningText; testEntry.ErrorResultMatchType = (CollectorAgentReturnValueCompareMatchType)cboErrorMatchType.SelectedIndex; testEntry.ErrorValue = errorText; testEntry.OutputValueUnit = cboOutputValueUnit.Text; string value = testEntry.ExecuteCommand(); CollectorState currentState = CollectorAgentReturnValueCompareEngine.GetState(testEntry.ReturnCheckSequence, testEntry.GoodResultMatchType, testEntry.GoodValue, testEntry.WarningResultMatchType, testEntry.WarningValue, testEntry.ErrorResultMatchType, testEntry.ErrorValue, value); MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Returned state: {0}\r\nOutput: {1}", currentState, value), "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }
public MonitorState GetCurrentState() { MonitorState currentState = new MonitorState() { ForAgent = Description }; object wsData = null; CollectorState agentState = CollectorState.NotAvailable; try { wsData = RunMethod(); if (ValueExpectedReturnType == WebServiceValueExpectedReturnTypeEnum.CheckAvailabilityOnly) { agentState = CollectorState.Good; } else { FormatCurrentAgentValue(wsData); agentState = CollectorAgentReturnValueCompareEngine.GetState(ReturnCheckSequence, GoodResultMatchType, GoodScriptText, WarningResultMatchType, WarningScriptText, ErrorResultMatchType, ErrorScriptText, CurrentAgentValue); } } catch (Exception wsException) { agentState = CollectorState.Error; if (wsException.Message.Contains("Method") && wsException.Message.Contains("not found or parameters invalid!")) { wsData = "Invalid Method/Parameters!"; } else if (wsException.Message.Contains("Object reference not set to an instance of an object")) { wsData = "Object instance not found!"; } else if (wsException.Message.Contains("There was an error downloading")) { wsData = "WS down/Invalid URL!"; } else { wsData = "WS Error"; } currentState.RawDetails = wsException.Message; } currentState.State = agentState; currentState.CurrentValue = CurrentAgentValue != null ? CurrentAgentValue : wsData == null ? "N/A" : wsData.ToString(); return(currentState); }
internal CollectorState GetState(object value) { CollectorState currentState = CollectorState.Good; if (value == DBNull.Value) { if (ErrorValue == "[null]") currentState = CollectorState.Error; else if (WarningValue == "[null]") currentState = CollectorState.Warning; } else //non null value { if (!ReturnValueIsNumber) { if (value.ToString() == ErrorValue) currentState = CollectorState.Error; else if (value.ToString() == WarningValue) currentState = CollectorState.Warning; else if (value.ToString() == SuccessValue || SuccessValue == "[any]") currentState = CollectorState.Good; //just to flag condition else if (WarningValue == "[any]") currentState = CollectorState.Warning; else if (ErrorValue == "[any]") currentState = CollectorState.Error; } else //now we know the value is not null and must be in a range { if (!value.IsNumber()) //value must be a number! { currentState = CollectorState.Error; } else if (ErrorValue != "[any]" && ErrorValue != "[null]" && ( (!ReturnValueInverted && double.Parse(value.ToString()) >= double.Parse(ErrorValue)) || (ReturnValueInverted && double.Parse(value.ToString()) <= double.Parse(ErrorValue)) ) ) { currentState = CollectorState.Error; } else if (WarningValue != "[any]" && WarningValue != "[null]" && ( (!ReturnValueInverted && double.Parse(value.ToString()) >= double.Parse(WarningValue)) || (ReturnValueInverted && double.Parse(value.ToString()) <= double.Parse(WarningValue)) ) ) { currentState = CollectorState.Warning; } } } return currentState; }
/// <summary> /// Extends the amount of post shown. /// </summary> /// <param name="extendCount"></param> public void ExtendCollection(int extendCount = 50) { // #todo #bug If we are refreshing we will grab 50 new post but listeners might already have 100 // we need to indicate to them they should remove the rest of the posts that are old. lock (m_listHelper) { if (m_state == CollectorState.Updating || m_state == CollectorState.Extending) { return; } // Otherwise do the extension m_state = CollectorState.Extending; } // Fire this not under lock FireStateChanged(); // Kick off a new task to get the posts Task.Run(async() => { try { int previousCollectionSize = GetCurrentPostsInternal().Count; // Get the next elements // #todo make this lower when we have endless scrolling. List <T> posts = ParseElementList(await m_listHelper.FetchNext(extendCount)); // Fire the notification that the list has updated. FireCollectionUpdated(previousCollectionSize, posts, false, false); // Update the state lock (m_listHelper) { m_state = CollectorState.Idle; } FireStateChanged(); } catch (Exception e) { m_baconMan.MessageMan.DebugDia("Subreddit extension failed", e); // Update the state lock (m_listHelper) { m_state = CollectorState.Error; } FireStateChanged(); } }); }
public CollectorState GetState(DirectoryFileInfo fileInfo) { CollectorState returnState = CollectorState.Good; LastErrorMsg = ""; if (!fileInfo.Exists) { returnState = CollectorState.Error; LastErrorMsg = string.Format("Directory '{0}' not found or not accessible!", DirectoryPath); } else if (DirectoryExistOnly) { returnState = CollectorState.Good; } else if (fileInfo.FileCount == -1) { returnState = CollectorState.Error; LastErrorMsg = string.Format("An error occured while accessing '{0}'\r\n\t{1}", FilterFullPath, LastErrorMsg); } else if (ErrorOnFilesExist) { returnState = fileInfo.FileCount > 0 ? CollectorState.Error : CollectorState.Good; } else if (FilesExistOnly) { returnState = fileInfo.FileCount > 0 ? CollectorState.Good : CollectorState.Error; } else { if ( (CountErrorIndicator > 0 && CountErrorIndicator <= fileInfo.FileCount) || (SizeKBErrorIndicator > 0 && SizeKBErrorIndicator * 1024 <= fileInfo.FileSize) ) { returnState = CollectorState.Error; LastErrorMsg = string.Format("Error state reached for '{0}': {1} file(s), {2}", FilterFullPath, fileInfo.FileCount, FormatUtils.FormatFileSize(fileInfo.FileSize)); } else if ( (CountWarningIndicator > 0 && CountWarningIndicator <= fileInfo.FileCount) || (SizeKBWarningIndicator > 0 && SizeKBWarningIndicator * 1024 <= fileInfo.FileSize) ) { returnState = CollectorState.Warning; LastErrorMsg = string.Format("Warning state reached for '{0}': {1} file(s), {2}", FilterFullPath, fileInfo.FileCount, FormatUtils.FormatFileSize(fileInfo.FileSize)); } else { returnState = CollectorState.Good; } } return(returnState); }
public MonitorState GetCurrentState() { MonitorState currentState = new MonitorState() { ForAgent = Description }; try { string scriptResultText = RunScript(); if (scriptResultText.Contains("System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException")) { currentState.State = CollectorState.Error; currentState.CurrentValue = "Bad command(s)"; currentState.CurrentValueUnit = ""; CurrentAgentValue = "Bad command(s)"; currentState.RawDetails = scriptResultText; } else if (scriptResultText.Contains("The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized")) { currentState.State = CollectorState.Error; currentState.CurrentValue = "Unauthorized"; currentState.CurrentValueUnit = ""; CurrentAgentValue = "Unauthorized"; currentState.RawDetails = scriptResultText; } else { CurrentAgentValue = scriptResultText; currentState.CurrentValue = scriptResultText; currentState.CurrentValueUnit = OutputValueUnit; CollectorState currentScriptState = CollectorAgentReturnValueCompareEngine.GetState(ReturnCheckSequence, GoodResultMatchType, GoodScriptText, WarningResultMatchType, WarningScriptText, ErrorResultMatchType, ErrorScriptText, scriptResultText); currentState.State = currentScriptState; } } catch (Exception ex) { currentState.State = CollectorState.Error; currentState.CurrentValue = "Unknown error"; currentState.CurrentValueUnit = ""; currentState.RawDetails = ex.Message; } return(currentState); }
public ReturnTypes AddFile(FileInfoStruct fileInfo) { log.Info("Add file called"); BioFileInfo bioFileInfo = new BioFileInfo() { Filename = fileInfo.Filename, FileNumber = fileInfo.FileNumber, FileSize = fileInfo.FileSize, Timestamp = fileInfo.ModificationDate, PathType = fileInfo.type == FileEntityTypes.FOLDER ? BioFileInfo.EntityAtPathType.Folder : BioFileInfo.EntityAtPathType.Regular }; CollectorState res = collectorService.AddFile(bioFileInfo); return(T(res)); }
public CollectorState GetState(MemInfo mi) { CollectorState state = CollectorState.Good; if (ErrorValue >= GetMonitoredValue(mi)) { state = CollectorState.Error; } else if (WarningValue >= GetMonitoredValue(mi)) { state = CollectorState.Warning; } return(state); }
public override MonitorState GetCurrentState() { MonitorState currentState = new MonitorState() { ForAgent = Description, State = CollectorState.Good, CurrentValueUnit = "%" }; try { Renci.SshNet.SshClient sshConnection = SSHConnection.GetConnection(); List <CPUInfo> cpuInfos = CPUInfo.GetCurrentCPUPerc(sshConnection, MSSampleDelay); SSHConnection.CloseConnection(); currentState.State = CollectorState.NotAvailable; if (cpuInfos.Count > 0) { currentState.CurrentValue = cpuInfos[0].CPUPerc.ToString("0.0"); currentState.State = GetState(cpuInfos[0].CPUPerc); } for (int i = 1; i < cpuInfos.Count; i++) { CollectorState currentCPUState = GetState(cpuInfos[i].CPUPerc); if ((int)currentCPUState > (int)currentState.State && !UseOnlyTotalCPUvalue) { currentState.CurrentValue = cpuInfos[i].CPUPerc.ToString("0.0"); currentState.State = currentCPUState; } MonitorState cpuState = new MonitorState() { ForAgent = cpuInfos[i].Name, State = currentCPUState, CurrentValue = cpuInfos[i].CPUPerc.ToString("0.0"), CurrentValueUnit = "%" }; currentState.ChildStates.Add(cpuState); } } catch (Exception wsException) { currentState.State = CollectorState.Error; currentState.RawDetails = wsException.Message; } return(currentState); }
private void cmdTestService_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtServiceURL.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { string lastStep = "Creating entry"; try { DynamicWSCollectorConfigEntry textEntry = new DynamicWSCollectorConfigEntry(); textEntry.ServiceBaseURL = txtServiceURL.Text; textEntry.ServiceBindingName = cboEndPoint.Text; textEntry.MethodName = cboMethodName.Text; textEntry.ParametersFromString(txtParameters.Text); textEntry.ResultIsSuccess = !chkResultXOr.Checked; textEntry.ValueExpectedReturnType = (WebServiceValueExpectedReturnTypeEnum)cboExpectedValueType.SelectedIndex; if (cboValueFormatMacro.SelectedIndex == -1 || !(cboValueFormatMacro.SelectedItem is ValueFormatMacroDisplay)) { textEntry.MacroFormatType = WebServiceMacroFormatTypeEnum.None; } else { textEntry.MacroFormatType = ((ValueFormatMacroDisplay)cboValueFormatMacro.SelectedItem).MacroFormatType; } textEntry.CheckValueArrayIndex = (int)indexOrRowNumericUpDown.Value; textEntry.CheckValueColumnIndex = (int)dataSetColumnNumericUpDown.Value; textEntry.CheckValueOrMacro = cboValueOrMacro.Text; textEntry.UseRegEx = chkUseRegEx.Checked; lastStep = "Running method"; object returnValue = textEntry.RunMethod(); lastStep = "Evaluating return value"; CollectorState state = textEntry.GetState(returnValue); MessageBox.Show("Returned state: " + state.ToString() + "\r\nValue: " + textEntry.LastFormattedValue, "Test", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.Contains("Specified web service invalid or not available")) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { MessageBox.Show("Last step: " + lastStep + "\r\n" + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } }
private void SetState(CollectorState state) { this.State = state; if (this.StateChanged != null) StateChanged(state); }
protected virtual void OnContextMenuConstructed(object sender, ConstructedMenuArgs args) { if (this.CurrentState == CollectorState.MenuBuilded) { throw new Exception("State inconsistency"); } this.CurrentState = CollectorState.MenuBuilded; this.IsUnderConstruction = false; this.OnContextMenuUpdated(); }
protected virtual void OnMenuEntryConstructed(object sender, MenuEntryConstructedArgs args) { if (this.CurrentState == CollectorState.MenuBuilded) { this.IsUnderConstruction = true; this.ContextMenu = new Dictionary<Instance, ToolStripItem>(); this.CurrentState = CollectorState.MenuBuilding; } this.AddInstanceEntry(args); }
public void Dispose() { this.State = CollectorState.Stopped; this._watchTimer.Dispose(); this._tickTimer.Dispose(); this.GetDatasCancelTokenSource.Cancel(); if (this.snmp != null) this.snmp.Dispose(); this.StateChanged = null; this.DatasChanged = null; this.AwaitTick = null; }