public void GetImages(string path, string dziFolderPath) { ImageCreator creator = new ImageCreator(); creator.TileFormat = ImageFormat.Jpg; creator.TileOverlap = 1; creator.TileSize = 256; List <string> files = new List <string>(); foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path)) { files.Add(file); } ; List <string> dzi = new List <string>(); foreach (var name in files) { string output = Path.Combine(dziFolderPath + "\\", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(name) + ".dzi"); dzi.Add(output); creator.Create(name, output); } CollectionCreator ccreator = new CollectionCreator(); ccreator.TileFormat = ImageFormat.Jpg; ccreator.TileOverlap = 1; ccreator.TileSize = 256; ccreator.Create(dzi, Path.Combine(dziFolderPath + "\\", "da.dzc")); }
/// <summary> /// Generate the deep zoom content using a CollectionCreator. /// </summary> private void CreateDeepZoom() { CollectionCreator creator = new CollectionCreator(); List <Image> images = new List <Image>(); XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/ClientBin/GeneratedImages/Metadata.xml")); var imageElements = doc.Root.Elements("Image"); double aspectRatio = double.Parse(doc.Root.Element("AspectRatio").Value); //Populates a list of Microsoft.DeepZoomTools.Image objects using the value provided in Metadata.xml. foreach (XElement imageElement in imageElements) { int zOrder = int.Parse(imageElement.Element("ZOrder").Value); double width = 1d / double.Parse(imageElement.Element("Width").Value); images.Add(new Image(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/SourceImages/" + imageElement.Element("FileName").Value)) { ViewportWidth = width, ViewportOrigin = new Point(double.Parse(imageElement.Element("x").Value) * -width, double.Parse(imageElement.Element("y").Value) * -width / aspectRatio), }); } creator.Create(images, HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/ClientBin/GeneratedImages/dzc_output")); }
public void TileImages() { if (!Directory.Exists(Up.CollectionDeepzoomPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Up.CollectionDeepzoomPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(Up.CollectionDeepzoomPath + "_tmp")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Up.CollectionDeepzoomPath + "_tmp"); } List<string> images = GetCollectionImages(); List<string> data = new List<string>(); //sort by filename int offset = 4; var sortedFiles = from imgF in images orderby Int32.Parse(imgF.Substring(0, imgF.Length - offset)) ascending select imgF; IList<string> sortedFileList = sortedFiles.ToList(); UpdateProgressBar(0, "Generating Images"); int numImages = sortedFiles.Count(); int updateInterval = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(numImages / 100.0)); //MessageBox.Show(sortedFiles.Count().ToString()); string timeInterval = DateTime.Now.ToString(); int count = 0; ImageCreator ic = new ImageCreator(); ic.TileSize = 512; ic.TileFormat = ImageFormat.Png; ic.ImageQuality = 0.92; ic.TileOverlap = 0; ic.MaxLevel = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Log(ic.TileSize, 2)); //Parallel.For(0, numImages, i => for (int i = 0; i < numImages; i++) { string image = sortedFileList[i]; if ((count % updateInterval) == 0) { int progValue = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round((double)count / sortedFiles.Count() * 100, 0)); UpdateProgressBar(progValue, "Generating Images"); } count++; string target = Up.CollectionDeepzoomPath + "\\" + image.Substring(0, (image.Length - 4)) + ".xml"; data.Add(target); ic.Create(Up.CollectionImagePath + "\\" + image, target); //TileSingleImage(image, target); //}); } timeInterval += "\n" + DateTime.Now.ToString(); //MessageBox.Show(timeInterval); /* foreach (string image in sortedFiles) { string target = Up.CollectionDeepzoomPath + "\\" + System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(image); data.Add(System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(target, ".xml")); } Parallel.ForEach(sortedFiles, (image, state, count) => { int progValue = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round((double)count / sortedFiles.Count() * 100, 0)); UpdateProgressBar(progValue, "Generating Images"); TileSingleImage(image); }); */ CollectionCreator cc = new CollectionCreator(); cc.TileSize = 512; cc.TileFormat = ImageFormat.Png; cc.ImageQuality = 0.92; cc.TileOverlap = 0; cc.MaxLevel = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Log(cc.TileSize, 2)); Dispatcher.Invoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(delegate() { progressBar1.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden; progressText1.Text = "Processing Images"; })); //UpdateProgressBar(0, "Processing Images"); /* Directory.CreateDirectory(Up.CollectionDeepzoomPath + "\\" + Up.CollectionName + "_deepzoom_files"); Bitmap img1px = new Bitmap(1, 1); for (int i = 0; i <= cc.MaxLevel; i++) { string levelDir = Up.CollectionDeepzoomPath + "\\" + Up.CollectionName + "_deepzoom_files" + "\\" + i.ToString(); Directory.CreateDirectory(levelDir); img1px.Save(levelDir + "\\0_0.png"); } StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Up.CollectionDeepzoomPath + "\\" + Up.CollectionName + "_deepzoom.xml"); sw.Write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<Collection MaxLevel=\"{0}\" TileSize=\"{1}\" Format=\"{2}\" NextItemId=\"{3}\" ServerFormat=\"{4}\" xmlns=\"\">\n<Items>", cc.MaxLevel, cc.TileSize, cc.TileFormat, data.Count, cc.ServerFormat); for (int i = 0; i < numImages; i++) { string image = sortedFileList[i]; string name = image.Substring(0, (image.Length - 4)); string xml = name + ".xml"; sw.WriteLine( "<I Id=\"{0}\" N=\"{0}\" Source=\"{0}.xml\"><Size Width=\"{1}\" Height=\"{1}\" /></I>", name, cc.TileSize ); } sw.WriteLine("</Items>\n</Collection>"); sw.Close(); */ cc.Create(data, Up.CollectionDeepzoomPath + "\\" + Up.CollectionUid + "_deepzoom"); }