public static List <DDLClass> DataCollection; //if you take out static, everyone has their own version of the page. with static, one copy for everyone

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //this event will happen EACH AND EVERY time your page is executed
            //this event will happen BEFORE ANY of YOUR control events happen
            //this is a great place to initilize items(controls) that are common
            //to many events and need to be done every time

            //e.x.: old messages should be cleared out on every pass
            //      you can empty the MessageLabel control under EACH event
            //   OR you can do it ONCE here for ALL events
            MessageLabel.Text = "";

            //this is a great place to do 1st time initialization of controls
            // (similar to the else side of the IsPost from Razor)

            if (!Page.IsPostBack) //same thing as (Page.IsPostBack == false) or (Page.IsPostBack != true)
                //load the DDL on the first pass.
                //create an instance of a collection (List<T>; T == class DDLClass)
                //create 4 record instances for the collection
                //place the collection into the DDL
                DataCollection = new List <DDLClass>();
                DataCollection.Add(new DDLClass(1, "COMP1008"));
                DataCollection.Add(new DDLClass(2, "CPSC1517"));
                DataCollection.Add(new DDLClass(3, "DMIT1508"));
                DataCollection.Add(new DDLClass(4, "DMIT2018"));

                //sort the data collection for the ddl by program course name
                //syntax: collectionname.Sort((x,y) => x.fieldname.CompareTo(y.fieldname))
                //collectionname is where your data resides (List<t>)
                //(x,y) represent any two values (records) in your collection at any point in time
                //=> (lamda) can be thought of as "do the following to x and y" (delegate)
                //our delegate for lamda is comparing x and y on the fieldname
                // x CompareTo y is an ascending sort
                // y CompareTo x is a descending sort
                DataCollection.Sort((y, x) => x.DisplayField.CompareTo(y.DisplayField));

                //steps in loading your DDL
                //assume that the DataCollection is actually database data
                // a) assign the data source to the control
                CollectionChoiceList.DataSource = DataCollection; //collectionchoicelist is id of what was used for the dropdownlist in BasicControls.aspx

                //<option value=somevalue> sometext </option>
                //define what somevalue and sometext is in the data collection
                // b) indicate the display field to the control
                CollectionChoiceList.DataTextField = "DisplayField"; //Non-Object Style

                // c) indicate the value field to the control
                CollectionChoiceList.DataValueField = nameof(DDLClass.ValueField); //Object Style; preferable because you can use intellisense

                // d) physically bind the data to the control

                //optional prompt line??
                CollectionChoiceList.Items.Insert(0, "select ..."); //Index for COMP1008 changes from 3 to 4?
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //this event will happen EACH and EVERY time your page is executed
            //this event will happen BEFORE ANY of YOUR control events happen
            //this is a great place to initialize items (controls) that are
            //  common to  many events and need to be done every time

            //example: old messages should be cleared out on every pass
            //         you can empty the MessageLabel control under each event
            //      OR do it once here all ALL events
            MessageLabel.Text = "";

            //this is a great place to do 1st time initialization of controls
            //(similar to the else side of the IsPost from Razor)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack) //(Page.IsPostBack == false)
                //load the DDL on the 1st pass
                //create an instance of a collection (List<T>) (T == class called DDLCLass)
                //create 4 instance of DDLClass for the collection
                //place the collection into the DDL
                DataCollection = new List <DDLClass>();
                DataCollection.Add(new DDLClass(2, "CPSC1517"));
                DataCollection.Add(new DDLClass(1, "COMP1008"));
                DataCollection.Add(new DDLClass(4, "DMIT2018"));
                DataCollection.Add(new DDLClass(3, "DMIT1508"));

                //sort the data collection for the ddl by program course name
                //syntax collectionname.Sort((x,y) => x.fieldname.CompareTo(y.fieldname))
                //collectionname is where your List<T> resides
                //(x,y) represents any two values (records) in your collection at any point in time
                //=> (lamda) can be thought of as "do the following to x an y" (delegate)
                //our delegate for lamba is comparing x and y on the fieldname
                // x CompareTo y is an ascending sort
                // y CompareTo x is a descending sort
                DataCollection.Sort((x, y) => x.DisplayField.CompareTo(y.DisplayField));

                //steps in loading your DDL
                //assume that the DataCollection is actually database data
                //a) assign the data source to the control
                CollectionChoiceList.DataSource = DataCollection; //just the data

                //<option value=theValue> theDisplay </option>
                //b) indicated the display field to the controller
                CollectionChoiceList.DataTextField = "DisplayField";               //non object style
                //c) inidcated the value field to the controller
                CollectionChoiceList.DataValueField = nameof(DDLClass.ValueField); //object style
                //d) physically bind the data to the control

                //optional prompt line??
                CollectionChoiceList.Items.Insert(0, "select ....");
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //this event will happen EACH and EVERY time your page is executed
            //this event will happen BEFORE ANY of YOUR control events happen
            //this is a great place to intialize items (controls) that are common
            //    to many events and need to be done every time

            //example: old messages should be cleared out on every pass
            //         you can empty the MessageLabel control under each event
            //         OR do it once here for ALL events
            MessageLabel.Text = "";

            //this is a great place to do 1st time intialization of controls
            //(similar to the else side of the IsPost from Razor)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)  //Page.IsPostBack == false
                //load the DDL on the first pass
                //create a new instance of the DDLClass
                //create 4 entries for the collection
                //place the collection into the DDL
                DataCollection = new List <DDLClass>();
                DataCollection.Add(new DDLClass(1, "COMP1008"));
                DataCollection.Add(new DDLClass(2, "CPSC1517"));
                DataCollection.Add(new DDLClass(3, "DMIT1508"));
                DataCollection.Add(new DDLClass(4, "DMIT2018"));

                //SORT the data collection for the DDL by course name
                //syntax: CollectionName.Sort((x,y) => x.fieldname.CompareTo(y.namefield))
                //collection name is where your List<t> resides
                //(x,y) represent and TWO values (records) in your collection at any point in time
                // =>(lamda) can be thought of as "do the following to x and y"
                // our delgate for => is comparing x and y on fieldname
                //x compare to y is an ascending sort
                //y compare to x is an descending sort
                DataCollection.Sort((x, y) => x.DisplayField.CompareTo(y.DisplayField));

                //steps in loading your DDL
                //A) Assign the datasource to the control
                CollectionChoiceList.DataSource = DataCollection;
                //B) Indicate the display field to the control
                //<option value=valuefield>DisplayField</option>
                CollectionChoiceList.DataTextField = "DisplayField";               //nonobject style
                //C) Indicate the value field to the control
                CollectionChoiceList.DataValueField = nameof(DDLClass.ValueField); //object style
                //D) Physically bind the data to the control

                //Optional promptline
                CollectionChoiceList.Items.Insert(0, "select...");
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //This event will happen EACH and EVERY time your page is executed
            //this event will happen BEFORE ANY of YOUR control events happen
            //this is a great place to initialise items(controls) that are common
            //  to many events. and need to be done everytime

            // old messages should be cleared our on every pass
            //      you can empty the MessageLabel control under each event
            //  OR  DO it ONCE here for ALL events
            MessageLabel.Text = "";

            //this is a great place to do first time initialization of controls.
            // (simlilar to the else side of the "IsPost" from Razor)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack) //or if(Page.IsPostBack == false)or if(Page.IsPostBack != true)
                //load the DDL on the 1st pass
                //create an instane of a collection (List<T>); T = class DDLClass)
                //create 4 record instances for the collection
                //place the collection into the DDL
                //normaly, the collection is the result of a qury to your database
            DataCollection = new List <DDLClass>();
            DataCollection.Add(new DDLClass(1, "COMP 1008"));
            DataCollection.Add(new DDLClass(2, "CPSC-1517"));
            DataCollection.Add(new DDLClass(3, "DMIT-1508"));
            DataCollection.Add(new DDLClass(4, "DMIT-2018"));

            //sort the data collection for the ddl by program course name
            //Syntax: collectionname.Sort((x,y) => x.fieldname.Compare(y.fieldname))
            //collectionname is where your data resides (List<T>).
            //(x,y) represents any two values (records0 in your collection in any point in time
            // = (lamda) can be though of as "do the following to x and y" (delegate)
            //our delegate for lamda is compairing x and y on the fieldname
            // x CompaireTo y is an ascending sort
            // y CompairTo x is an descending sort
            DataCollection.Sort((x, y) => x.DisplayField.CompareTo(y.DisplayField));

            //steps in loading your DDL:
            //assume the DataCollection is actually database data
            //a) assign the data source to the controll.
            CollectionChoiceList.DataSource = DataCollection; //just the data

            //<option value ="somevalue"> some text </option>
            //defince what somevalue and sometext is in the data collection

            //b.) indicate the dicplay field to the control
            CollectionChoiceList.DataTextField = nameof(DDLClass.DisplayField); //non-object style

            //c.) indicate the value field to the control
            CollectionChoiceList.DataValueField = nameof(DDLClass.ValueField); //this is perferable since that the program is
                                                                               //ensured that the correct object is called

            //d.)physically bind the data to the control

            //optional prompt line??
            CollectionChoiceList.Items.Insert(0, "select...");