public async Task Collect() { var result = await DoCommand(async() => { var playerId = _account.PlayerId; var command = new CollectCommand(playerId); await _bus.SendCommand(command); }); }
public async Task <Unit> Handle(CollectCommand command, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { await BeginChangeStatus(new PlayerStatusModel { PlayerId = command.PlayerId, Status = PlayerStatusEnum.采药 }); return(Unit.Value); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Generic Classes and Methods"); // basics var r = new ResultFromClosed <string>(); // T is string even though its base class T is int // non-static generic classes // cache<T> // string message = "Generics are fun!"; // var cache = new Cache<string, string>(); // per instance (thus per key/value type combination) // string key = "fun-message"; // cache.AddOrUpdate(key, message); // string cachedResult = cache.Get(key); // Console.WriteLine(cachedResult); // string message2 = "Lazy loading is fun, too."; // string message2key = "lazy-message"; // Cache.Global.AddOrUpdate(message2key, message2); // essentially as singleton // object cachedResult2 = Cache.Global.Get(message2key); // note: no strong typing // Console.WriteLine(cachedResult2); // working with generics that have a generic base class and non-generic analogs string[] inputs = { "Follow ", "Steve ", "on ", " ", "to ", "get ", "updates!" }; ICommand <string> c = new ConcatCommand(inputs); // can replace with ICommand<string> string results = c.Execute(); // which eliminates the cast here Console.WriteLine(results); // counters -- these are not threadsafe BaseClass.GlobalCounter += 10; Generic <int> .Counter += 5; Generic <string> .Counter += 7; Console.WriteLine($"Counts: {BaseClass.GlobalCounter} {Generic<int>.Counter} {Generic<string>.Counter}"); Generic <int> .GlobalCounter += 5; Generic <string> .GlobalCounter += 5; Console.WriteLine($"Counts: {BaseClass.GlobalCounter} {Generic<int>.Counter} {Generic<string>.Counter}"); var intInstance = new Generic <int>(); intInstance.AnotherCounter++; Console.WriteLine($"Counts: {BaseClass.GlobalCounter} {Generic<int>.Counter} {Generic<string>.Counter}"); intInstance.LocalCounter++; var stringInstance = new Generic <string>(); stringInstance.LocalCounter++; Console.WriteLine($"Counts: int: {intInstance.LocalCounter} string: {stringInstance.LocalCounter}"); // using the non-generic command with just objects var stuff = new Object[] { 1, "hey", 4.3 }; var collectCommand = new CollectCommand(stuff); var collectResult = (List <object>)collectCommand.Execute(); // Console.WriteLine(String.Join(',', collectResult // .Select(o => o.ToString()).ToArray())); // static classes/methods //string result = Converter.Convert("input"); // type arguments cannot be inferred string result0 = Converter.Convert <string, string>("input"); // must specify every type string result = ConvertTo <string> .Convert("input"); // only need to specify output type // extension methods -- cover in methods section string someMessage = ""; Console.WriteLine($"Is message not empty? {someMessage.ToArray().WhereNotEmpty()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Is message default? {someMessage.IsDefault()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Is 0 default? {0.IsDefault()}"); // swap - extension method int a = 1; int b = 2; a.Swap <int>(ref b); // specify type Console.WriteLine($"a: {a},b: {b}"); a.Swap(ref b); // type inferred by argument // a and b should be back to original values Console.WriteLine($"a: {a},b: {b}"); // swap strings string one = "one"; string two = "two"; // one.Swap(ref two); // Error - not a struct // static data access - not recommended typically IEnumerable <Customer> customers = DataAccess <Customer> .List(); }