// Happens when the user presses the save button on the dialog
        // We validate our server connection before allowing DialogResult.OK
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // The lists that store our request and response batches
            List <JsonCommand> requestList  = new List <JsonCommand>();
            List <JsonResult>  responseList = new List <JsonResult>();

            // Create the API get login ticket request object
            SessionService.getLoginTicket request = new SessionService.getLoginTicket();
            // Populate the request fields with our form data
            request.login    = tbUsername.Text;
            request.password = tbPassword.Text;

            // Queue up the above request, wrapping it in a JsonCommand object
            requestList.Add(new JsonCommand(request));

                // Send the request, it's our responsibility to trap errors here, they should be friendly
                responseList = CollabServerRequest.Execute(tbServerURL.Text, requestList);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // TODO: Do something better with exceptions
                // Tell the user about the low level communication error. e.g. connection refused
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error sending request", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                this.DialogResult = DialogResult.None; // There was an error, don't close the dialog

            if (responseList != null && responseList.Count() > 0) // Execute block if we didn't error above
                foreach (JsonResult obj in responseList)          // There should only be 1 response here
                    // This block catches errors returned as an error object by the Collab API
                    if (!obj.isError()) // Did the user authenticate successfully?
                        // Authenticated!
                        // Put the login ticket in a handy place, where the caller can get it
                        this.loginTicket = obj.GetResponse <SessionService.getLoginTicketResponse>().loginTicket;
                        // Let the dialog close with DialogResult.OK, the caller will save form data
                        // Authentication error, tell the user what happened
                        MessageBox.Show(obj.GetErrorString(), "Error returned from server", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                        this.DialogResult = DialogResult.None; // There was an error, don't close the dialog
        private void btnRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // The lists that store our request and response batches
            List <JsonCommand> requestList  = new List <JsonCommand>();
            List <JsonResult>  responseList = new List <JsonResult>();

            // Create the API request objects
            // Authenticate with our token
            requestList.Add(new JsonCommand(
                                new SessionService.authenticate
                login  = Properties.Settings.Default.CollabUser,
                ticket = Properties.Settings.Default.CollabLoginTicket
            // Get action items
            requestList.Add(new JsonCommand(
                                new UserService.getActionItems
                // no args

                // Send the requests, it's our responsibility to trap errors here, they should be friendly
                responseList = CollabServerRequest.Execute(Properties.Settings.Default.CollabServerURL, requestList);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // TODO: Do something better with exceptions
                // Tell the user about the low level communication error. e.g. connection refused
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error sending request", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (responseList != null && responseList.Count() > 0) // Execute block if we didn't error above
                // Get the items in the list, in order
                List <JsonResult> .Enumerator resultEnum = responseList.GetEnumerator();
                resultEnum.MoveNext(); // get the first response

                    // first command is authenticate, make sure there's no error.
                    if (resultEnum.Current.isError())
                        // Assume the ticket is not valid, and clear out the stored one
                        Properties.Settings.Default.CollabLoginTicket = "";
                        Properties.Settings.Default.settingsValidated = false;
                        // Stop execution, and display an error
                        throw (new Exception(resultEnum.Current.GetErrorString()));

                    resultEnum.MoveNext(); // get next command response

                    // make sure we didn't error on action item retrieval
                    if (resultEnum.Current.isError())
                        throw (new Exception(resultEnum.Current.GetErrorString()));

                    // deserialize action items
                    UserService.getActionItemsResponse actItems = resultEnum.Current.GetResponse


                    foreach (UserService.ActionItem act in actItems.actionItems)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // TODO: Add different exception types to differentiate between api errors and potential deserialization explosions
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error returned from server", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        private void btnUpload_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e)
            Presentation curDoc        = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActivePresentation;
            string       zipFileName   = Path.GetTempPath().TrimEnd('\\') + "\\temp_ccollabpptaddinupload.zip";
            string       docFileName   = Path.GetTempPath().TrimEnd('\\') + "\\temp_ccollabpptaddinupload.pptx";
            string       curDocMD5     = "";
            string       oldFilePath   = "";
            string       oldFileName   = "";
            int          revID         = 0;
            string       uploadComment = "";
            string       revTitle      = "";

            // Make sure the current document is saved before we do anything
            while ((curDoc.Saved == Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse) || (curDoc.Path.Length < 1))
                // User hasn't saved the current document, prompt them to save it!
                if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show(
                        "You must save the current document before you can upload it to Collaborator for review. Would you like to save now?",
                        "Collaborator by SmartBear", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2))
                    return; // User didn't say yes to save, cancel the upload request
                // Run in a loop to make sure the document has no pending changes. Maybe the save or save as failed.
            // Document is saved, next get the review that we want to upload to
            ReviewSelectDlg revSelectDlg = new ReviewSelectDlg();

            if (DialogResult.OK == revSelectDlg.ShowDialog())
                revID         = revSelectDlg.selectedReviewId;
                revTitle      = revSelectDlg.tbReviewTitle.Text;
                uploadComment = revSelectDlg.tbComment.Text;
                return; // User hit cancel
            // Now save an extra copy
            oldFileName = curDoc.Name;
            oldFilePath = curDoc.FullName;

                // Quickly save to a temp directory
                curDoc.SaveAs(docFileName, PpSaveAsFileType.ppSaveAsPDF, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoTrue);
                // Now re-save back to the original location to release the file lock on the temp file

                docFileName += ".pdf";        // Tack on the PDF extension, because Collab doesn't natively support pptx

                if (File.Exists(zipFileName)) // If we've got an old zip file lying around
                    File.Delete(zipFileName); // then delete it
                // Get the MD5SUM for the document
                using (var md5 = MD5.Create())
                    // Make sure we open with the lowest acces rights possible
                    using (var stream = File.Open(docFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                        curDocMD5 = BitConverter.ToString(md5.ComputeHash(stream)).Replace("-", "").ToLower();

                // Create a new zip archive
                using (ZipArchive newFile = ZipFile.Open(zipFileName, ZipArchiveMode.Create))
                    ZipArchiveEntry newEntry = newFile.CreateEntryFromFile(docFileName, curDocMD5, CompressionLevel.Optimal);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Something bad happened
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Collaborator by SmartBear", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                return; // Abort the whole operation

            // Everything is zipped, let's upload it
                    new SessionService.authenticate
                    login  = Properties.Settings.Default.CollabUser,
                    ticket = Properties.Settings.Default.CollabLoginTicket
            catch (Exception ex)
                // TODO: Do something better with exceptions
                // Tell the user about the low level communication error. e.g. connection refused
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Collaborator by SmartBear", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                return; // Abort the whole operation

            // The lists that store our request and response batches
            List <JsonCommand> requestList  = new List <JsonCommand>();
            List <JsonResult>  responseList = new List <JsonResult>();

            // If we need to create a new review
            if (revID == 0)
                // Authenticate with our token
                requestList.Add(new JsonCommand(
                                    new SessionService.authenticate
                    login  = Properties.Settings.Default.CollabUser,
                    ticket = Properties.Settings.Default.CollabLoginTicket

                // Review creation request
                requestList.Add(new JsonCommand(
                                    new ReviewService.createReview
                    creator = Properties.Settings.Default.CollabUser,
                    title   = revTitle

                    // Send the requests, it's our responsibility to trap errors here, they should be friendly
                    responseList = CollabServerRequest.Execute(Properties.Settings.Default.CollabServerURL, requestList);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // TODO: Do something better with exceptions
                    // Tell the user about the low level communication error. e.g. connection refused
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Collaborator by SmartBear", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                if (responseList != null && responseList.Count() > 0) // Execute block if we didn't error above
                    // Get the items in the list, in order
                    List <JsonResult> .Enumerator resultEnum = responseList.GetEnumerator();

                        resultEnum.MoveNext(); // get the first command response

                        // first command is authenticate, make sure there's no error.
                        if (resultEnum.Current.isError())
                            // Error!
                            // Assume the ticket is not valid, and clear out the stored one
                            Properties.Settings.Default.CollabLoginTicket = "";
                            Properties.Settings.Default.settingsValidated = false;
                            // Stop execution, and display an error
                            throw (new Exception(resultEnum.Current.GetErrorString()));

                        resultEnum.MoveNext(); // get next command response

                        // get the review ID of the new review
                        if (resultEnum.Current.isError())
                            throw (new Exception(resultEnum.Current.GetErrorString())); // Error!
                            revID = resultEnum.Current.GetResponse <ReviewService.createReviewResponse>().reviewId;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // TODO: Add different exception types to differentiate between api errors and potential deserialization explosions
                        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Collaborator by SmartBear", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                // Clean up before our next API call

            // Create the API request objects
            // Authenticate with our token
            requestList.Add(new JsonCommand(
                                new SessionService.authenticate
                login  = Properties.Settings.Default.CollabUser,
                ticket = Properties.Settings.Default.CollabLoginTicket

            // Create version descriptor
            List <ReviewService.version> vrsns = new List <ReviewService.version>();

            vrsns.Add(new ReviewService.version
                md5       = curDocMD5,
                localPath = oldFileName + ".pdf"     // Tack on the PDF extension, because Collab doesn't natively support pptx

            // Create changelist descriptor
            List <ReviewService.changelist> chgLists = new List <ReviewService.changelist>();

            chgLists.Add(new ReviewService.changelist
                versions   = vrsns,
                commitInfo = new ReviewService.commitInfo
                    comment = uploadComment

            // Create addFiles request
            requestList.Add(new JsonCommand(
                                new ReviewService.addFiles
                reviewId    = revID,
                changelists = chgLists,

                // Send the requests, it's our responsibility to trap errors here, they should be friendly
                responseList = CollabServerRequest.Execute(Properties.Settings.Default.CollabServerURL, requestList);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // TODO: Do something better with exceptions
                // Tell the user about the low level communication error. e.g. connection refused
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Collaborator by SmartBear", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (responseList != null && responseList.Count() > 0) // Execute block if we didn't error above
                // Get the items in the list, in order
                List <JsonResult> .Enumerator resultEnum = responseList.GetEnumerator();

                    resultEnum.MoveNext(); // get the first command response

                    // first command is authenticate, make sure there's no error.
                    if (resultEnum.Current.isError())
                        // Error!
                        // Assume the ticket is not valid, and clear out the stored one
                        Properties.Settings.Default.CollabLoginTicket = "";
                        Properties.Settings.Default.settingsValidated = false;
                        // Stop execution, and display an error
                        throw (new Exception(resultEnum.Current.GetErrorString()));

                    resultEnum.MoveNext(); // get next command response

                    // make sure we didn't error on addFiles
                    if (resultEnum.Current.isError())
                        throw (new Exception(resultEnum.Current.GetErrorString())); // Error!
                    // Success! Offer to open up the review.
                    if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show(
                            "We've successfully attached \"" + oldFileName + "\" to Review " + revID.ToString() + "!\r\n\r\n" + "Would you like to open it in your browser?",
                            "Collaborator by SmartBear", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2))
                        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Properties.Settings.Default.CollabServerURL + @"/ui#review:id=" + revID.ToString());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // TODO: Add different exception types to differentiate between api errors and potential deserialization explosions
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Collaborator by SmartBear", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        static void DoAPITest()
            JsonResult result; // used repeatedly

            WL("Creating CollabAPI() instance");
            WL("Server URL: " + serverURL);
            WL("User Name: " + userName);
            CollabAPI api = new CollabAPI(serverURL, userName);

                WL("Calling getServerVersion()");
                WL("Result: " + api.getServerVersion());

                WL("Calling getServerBuild()");
                WL("Result: " + api.getServerBuild());

                WL("Calling getMinimumJavaClientBuild()");
                WL("Result: " + api.getMinimumJavaClientBuild());

                WL("Calling checkTicketValidity()");
                WL("Result: " + api.checkTicketValidity().ToString());

                WL("Calling getLoginTicket()");
                WL("Password: "******"Received Login Ticket: " + result.GetResponse <SessionService.getLoginTicketResponse>().loginTicket);

                WL("Calling checkTicketValidity()");
                WL("Result: " + api.checkTicketValidity().ToString());

                WL("Calling clearLoginTicket()");

                WL("Calling checkTicketValidity()");
                WL("Result: " + api.checkTicketValidity().ToString());

                WL("Calling getLoginTicket()");
                result = api.getLoginTicket(userPass);
                WL("Password: "******"Received Login Ticket: " + result.GetResponse <SessionService.getLoginTicketResponse>().loginTicket);

                WL("Calling createReview()");
                result = api.createReview();

                // ========================================================================================================
                // This block creates 500 reviews in a single request
                // ========================================================================================================
#if false
                List <JsonCommand> requestList = new List <JsonCommand>();

                // Add the API authenticate command
                requestList.Add(new JsonCommand(new SessionService.authenticate()
                    login  = api.userName,
                    ticket = api.userTicket

                // Create tons of reviews!
                for (int i = 1; i < 500; i++)
                    requestList.Add(new JsonCommand(new ReviewService.createReview {
                        creator = api.userName, title = "Test Review " + i.ToString()

                CollabServerRequest.Execute(api.serverURL, requestList);
                // ========================================================================================================
                // ========================================================================================================
                // ========================================================================================================

                if (!result.isError())
                    WL("New Review Id: " + result.GetResponse <ReviewService.createReviewResponse>().reviewId.ToString());

                WL("Calling createReview(\"API Test Review\")");
                result = api.createReview("API Test Review");
                if (!result.isError())
                    WL("New Review Id: " + result.GetResponse <ReviewService.createReviewResponse>().reviewId.ToString());

                WL("Calling getLoginTicket()");
                result = api.getLoginTicket(userPass);
                WL("Password: "******"Received Login Ticket: " + result.GetResponse <SessionService.getLoginTicketResponse>().loginTicket);

                WL("Calling getSuggestedReviews()");
                result = api.getSuggestedReviews(UserService.SuggestionType.UPLOAD, "", 5000);
                if (!result.isError())
                    UserService.SuggestedReviewsResponse response = result.GetResponse <UserService.SuggestedReviewsResponse>();
                    WL("Received " + response.suggestedReviews.Count().ToString() + " results:");
                    foreach (UserService.SuggestedReview sug in response.suggestedReviews)
                        WL("     Review Id: " + sug.reviewId.ToString());
                        WL("     Description: " + sug.displayText);
                        WL("     Modified: " + sug.lastModified.ToString());
                        WL("     Has Changelist: " + sug.containsChangelist.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)

            // We're done
            WL("Press any key to exit.");