void OnFocusChange(System.Object sender, FocusEventArgs args) { bool focused = args.Focus; FocusManager.Inst.UpdateFocusID(browserTexture.id, focused, browserTexture.URL, GameManager.Inst.LevelLoaded != GameManager.Level.ORIENT && (!focused || GameManager.Inst.LevelLoaded != GameManager.Level.OFFICE || !GameGUI.Inst.allowPresenterTool), browserTexture.minWriteAccessType); if (!focused) { GameObject hitObj = MouseHelpers.GetCurrentGameObjectHit(); if (hitObj != null && hitObj.GetComponent <WebToolBarItem>() != null && hitObj.GetComponent <SnapToScreenOnClick>() == null) { browserTexture.Focus(); return; } } if (goToActivateOnFocus != null) { goToActivateOnFocus.SetActive(focused); if (focused && goToActivateOnFocus.name == "screenglow") { Color c = new Color(0.286f, 0.32f, 1.0f, 0.5f); TeamWebScreen tws = GetComponent <TeamWebScreen>(); if (tws != null && tws.IsParseControlled) { c = new Color(0.98823529411f, 1.0f, 0.16862745098f); } if (browserTexture.minWriteAccessType > PlayerType.NORMAL && browserTexture.minWriteAccessType > GameManager.Inst.LocalPlayerType) { c = new Color(1.0f, 0.286f, 0.286f, 0.5f); } goToActivateOnFocus.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetColor("_TintColor", c); } } bool snapCamInUse = MainCameraController.Inst.cameraType == CameraType.SNAPCAM; if (focusLossReleasesSnapCam && snapCamInUse && browserTexture.SnapCamOnMe && !focused) { browserTexture.ToggleSnapCameraToObject(); } if (focusGainEngagesSnapCam && !snapCamInUse && focused) { browserTexture.ToggleSnapCameraToObject(); } allowZoomInMsg = true; }
// List of callbacks that can be registered public void RegisterZoom() { RegisterNotificationCallback("Zoom", delegate(JSValue[] args) { if (MainCameraController.Inst.cameraType != CameraType.SNAPCAM && (!ReplayManager.Initialized || !ReplayManager.Inst.Playing)) { bTex.ToggleSnapCameraToObject(); } }); }
void OnGUI() { if (screenToSnapTo != null && Event.current != null && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && MouseHelpers.GetCurrentGameObjectHit() == gameObject) { if (browserTexture == null) { browserTexture = screenToSnapTo.GetComponent <CollabBrowserTexture>(); } if (browserTexture != null) { Event.current.Use(); browserTexture.ToggleSnapCameraToObject(); if (MainCameraController.Inst.cameraType == CameraType.SNAPCAM) { browserTexture.Focus(); } } SoundManager.Inst.PlayClick(); } }