        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iSrc"></param>
        /// <param name="iDst"></param>
        /// <param name="alpha"></param>
        public void ColAdditionDeferred(int iSrc, int iDst, double alpha)
            TestIndex(iDst, m_Matrix.Mtx.ColPartition);
            if (!m_Matrix.ColPart.IsInLocalRange(iSrc))
                if (!m_Matrix.ColProcessorsExternal.ContainsKey(iSrc))
                    throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
            ColAddition ca = new ColAddition();
            ca.alpha = alpha;
            ca.iSrc  = iSrc;
            ca.jCol  = iDst;
        /// <summary>
        /// An MPI-collective call, which executes all column operations.
        /// </summary>
        public void CompleteColOperation()
            int j0Loc  = (int)m_Matrix.ColPart.i0;
            int LenLoc = m_Matrix.ColPart.LocalLength;

            // sort operations according to processor
            // ======================================

            // keys: MPI processor rank p
            // values: list of operations to execute on p
            SortedDictionary <int, List <ColOp> > OperationsPerProcessor = new SortedDictionary <int, List <ColOp> >();

            List <int> InvokedProc;

            for (int i = 0; i < DeferredColOpList.Count; i++)
                ColOp op = DeferredColOpList[i];

                bool        skip           = false;
                ColAddition ca             = op as ColAddition;
                List <int>  InvokesProcSrc = null;
                if (ca != null)
                    // we have a column addition - this requires some special treatments
                    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                    // problem 1: if
                    //          * the destination col. (aka. accumulator column), i.e. column no. 'op.jCol'
                    //            is zero,
                    //          * and the source row is nonzero
                    //  then we need to send the command not only to processors which contain
                    //  nonzeros in destination row, but also the source row.

                    // problem 2: for subsequent operations, we may expect that some column which has
                    // originally been zero now contains nonzero elements.
                    // So, therefore, we have to add the processor set of the source row
                    // (i.e. 'm_Matrix.ColProcessors[ca.iSrc]' to the processor set of the
                    // destination row.

                    if (m_Matrix.ColPart.IsInLocalRange(ca.iSrc))
                        InvokesProcSrc = m_Matrix.ColProcessors[ca.iSrc - j0Loc];
                        if (!this.m_Matrix.ColProcessorsExternal.TryGetValue(ca.iSrc, out InvokesProcSrc))
                            throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("manipulation operation not available on current processor");

                    if (InvokesProcSrc != null)
                        if (m_Matrix.ColProcessors[op.jCol - j0Loc] == null)
                            m_Matrix.ColProcessors[op.jCol - j0Loc] = InvokesProcSrc;
                            InvokedProc = m_Matrix.ColProcessors[op.jCol - j0Loc];

                            foreach (int ps in InvokesProcSrc)
                                if (!InvokedProc.Contains(ps))
                        // optimization: source column is zero (on other processors) -> nothing to do
                        skip = true;

                if (m_Matrix.ColPart.IsInLocalRange(op.jCol))
                    InvokedProc = m_Matrix.ColProcessors[op.jCol - j0Loc];
                    if (!this.m_Matrix.ColProcessorsExternal.TryGetValue(op.jCol, out InvokedProc))
                        throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("manipulation operation not available on current processor");

                if (InvokedProc != null && !skip)
                    foreach (int proc in InvokedProc)
                        bool skip2 = false;
                        if (ca != null)
                            // optimization: don't need to send column addition if
                            //               the source row is zero
                            if (!InvokesProcSrc.Contains(proc))
                                skip2 = true;

                        if (!skip2)
                            List <ColOp> DeferredOp_proc;
                            if (OperationsPerProcessor.ContainsKey(proc))
                                DeferredOp_proc = OperationsPerProcessor[proc];
                                DeferredOp_proc = new List <ColOp>();
                                OperationsPerProcessor.Add(proc, DeferredOp_proc);

            // transmit to other processors
            // ============================

            SerialisationMessenger sms = new SerialisationMessenger(csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);

            foreach (int proc in OperationsPerProcessor.Keys)

            foreach (int proc in OperationsPerProcessor.Keys)
                sms.Transmit(proc, OperationsPerProcessor[proc].ToArray());

            int rcvp; ColOp[] rcv;

            while (sms.GetNext(out rcvp, out rcv))
                DeferredColOpList.AddRange(rcv); // operations from different processors
                                                 // commute (because they are bound to the column partition)
                                                 // therefore, it doesn't matter how they are added

//#if DEBUG
//                {
//                    int Rank;
//                    csMPI.Raw.Comm_Rank(csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD, out Rank);
//                    //Console.WriteLine("P# " + Rank + ": " + rcv.Length + " operation(s) received from P# " + rcvp);

//                    foreach (var op in rcv) {
//                        if ((op.jCol >= m_Matrix.ColPart.i0 && op.jCol < (m_Matrix.ColPart.i0 + m_Matrix.ColPart.LocalLength)))
//                            throw new ApplicationException("internal error");
//                    }
//                }

            // execute operations
            // ==================

            int L = DeferredColOpList.Count;

            for (int l = 0; l < L; l++)
                ColOp op = DeferredColOpList[l];

                int jlocal = op.jCol - j0Loc;

                if (op is ColAddition)
                    double alpha = ((ColAddition)op).alpha;
                    int    iSrc  = ((ColAddition)op).iSrc;

                    int[] col;
                    if (iSrc >= j0Loc && iSrc < (j0Loc + LenLoc))
                        // operation in local column range
                        col = m_Matrix.ColToRowLocal[iSrc - j0Loc].ToArray();
                        // operation comes from other processor
                        List <int> _col;
                        if (m_Matrix.ColToRowExternal.TryGetValue(iSrc, out _col))
                            col = _col.ToArray();
                            col = new int[0];
                        //col = m_Matrix.ColToRowExternal[iSrc].ToArray();

                    foreach (int irow in col)
                        m_Matrix[irow, op.jCol] += m_Matrix[irow, iSrc] * alpha;
                    int[] col;
                    if (jlocal >= 0 && jlocal < LenLoc)
                        // operation in local column range
                        col = m_Matrix.ColToRowLocal[jlocal].ToArray();
                        // operation comes from other processor
                        List <int> _col;
                        if (m_Matrix.ColToRowExternal.TryGetValue(op.jCol, out _col))
                            col = _col.ToArray();
                            col = new int[0];
                        //col = m_Matrix.ColToRowExternal[op.jCol].ToArray();

                    if (op is ColMul)
                        double alpha = ((ColMul)op).alpha;
                        foreach (int irow in col)
                            m_Matrix[irow, op.jCol] *= alpha;
                    else if (op is ColClear)
                        foreach (int irow in col)
                            m_Matrix[irow, op.jCol] = 0;
                        throw new NotImplementedException();

            // finish & return
            // ===============