/// <exception cref="ArgumentException"></exception>
		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception>
		/// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"></exception>
		public BuildTransactionResult BuildTransaction(
			PaymentIntent payments,
			Func<FeeRate> feeRateFetcher,
			IEnumerable<OutPoint>? allowedInputs = null,
			Func<LockTime>? lockTimeSelector = null,
			IPayjoinClient? payjoinClient = null)
			payments = Guard.NotNull(nameof(payments), payments);
			lockTimeSelector ??= () => LockTime.Zero;

			long totalAmount = payments.TotalAmount.Satoshi;
			if (totalAmount is < 0 or > Constants.MaximumNumberOfSatoshis)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"{nameof(payments)}.{nameof(payments.TotalAmount)} sum cannot be smaller than 0 or greater than {Constants.MaximumNumberOfSatoshis}.");

			// Get allowed coins to spend.
			var availableCoinsView = Coins.Available();
			List<SmartCoin> allowedSmartCoinInputs = AllowUnconfirmed // Inputs that can be used to build the transaction.
					? availableCoinsView.ToList()
					: availableCoinsView.Confirmed().ToList();
			if (allowedInputs is { }) // If allowedInputs are specified then select the coins from them.
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"></exception>
        public BuildTransactionResult BuildTransaction(
            PaymentIntent payments,
            Func <FeeRate> feeRateFetcher,
            IEnumerable <OutPoint> allowedInputs = null,
            Func <LockTime> lockTimeSelector     = null,
            IPayjoinClient payjoinClient         = null)
            payments = Guard.NotNull(nameof(payments), payments);
            lockTimeSelector ??= () => LockTime.Zero;

            long totalAmount = payments.TotalAmount.Satoshi;

            if (totalAmount < 0 || totalAmount > Constants.MaximumNumberOfSatoshis)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"{nameof(payments)}.{nameof(payments.TotalAmount)} sum cannot be smaller than 0 or greater than {Constants.MaximumNumberOfSatoshis}.");

            // Get allowed coins to spend.
            var availableCoinsView = Coins.Available();
            List <SmartCoin> allowedSmartCoinInputs = AllowUnconfirmed            // Inputs that can be used to build the transaction.
                                        ? availableCoinsView.ToList()
                                        : availableCoinsView.Confirmed().ToList();

            if (allowedInputs != null)             // If allowedInputs are specified then select the coins from them.
                if (!allowedInputs.Any())
                    throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(allowedInputs)} is not null, but empty.");

                allowedSmartCoinInputs = allowedSmartCoinInputs
                                         .Where(x => allowedInputs.Any(y => y.Hash == x.TransactionId && y.N == x.Index))

                // Add those that have the same script, because common ownership is already exposed.
                // But only if the user didn't click the "max" button. In this case he'd send more money than what he'd think.
                if (payments.ChangeStrategy != ChangeStrategy.AllRemainingCustom)
                    var allScripts = allowedSmartCoinInputs.Select(x => x.ScriptPubKey).ToHashSet();
                    foreach (var coin in availableCoinsView.Where(x => !allowedSmartCoinInputs.Any(y => x.TransactionId == y.TransactionId && x.Index == y.Index)))
                        if (!(AllowUnconfirmed || coin.Confirmed))

                        if (allScripts.Contains(coin.ScriptPubKey))

            // Get and calculate fee
            Logger.LogInfo("Calculating dynamic transaction fee...");

            TransactionBuilder builder = Network.CreateTransactionBuilder();

            builder.SetCoinSelector(new SmartCoinSelector(allowedSmartCoinInputs));
            builder.AddCoins(allowedSmartCoinInputs.Select(c => c.GetCoin()));

            foreach (var request in payments.Requests.Where(x => x.Amount.Type == MoneyRequestType.Value))
                var amountRequest = request.Amount;

                builder.Send(request.Destination, amountRequest.Amount);
                if (amountRequest.SubtractFee)

            HdPubKey changeHdPubKey = null;

            if (payments.TryGetCustomRequest(out DestinationRequest custChange))
                var changeScript = custChange.Destination.ScriptPubKey;
                changeHdPubKey = KeyManager.GetKeyForScriptPubKey(changeScript);

                var changeStrategy = payments.ChangeStrategy;
                if (changeStrategy == ChangeStrategy.Custom)
                else if (changeStrategy == ChangeStrategy.AllRemainingCustom)
                    throw new NotSupportedException(payments.ChangeStrategy.ToString());
                KeyManager.AssertCleanKeysIndexed(isInternal: true);
                changeHdPubKey = KeyManager.GetKeys(KeyState.Clean, true).RandomElement();


            builder.OptInRBF = new Random().NextDouble() < Constants.TransactionRBFSignalRate;

            FeeRate feeRate = feeRateFetcher();


            var psbt = builder.BuildPSBT(false);

            var spentCoins = psbt.Inputs.Select(txin => allowedSmartCoinInputs.First(y => y.OutPoint == txin.PrevOut)).ToArray();

            var realToSend = payments.Requests
                             .Select(t =>
                                     (label: t.Label,
                                      destination: t.Destination,
                                      amount: psbt.Outputs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ScriptPubKey == t.Destination.ScriptPubKey)?.Value))
                             .Where(i => i.amount != null);

            if (!psbt.TryGetFee(out var fee))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Impossible to get the fees of the PSBT, this should never happen.");
            Logger.LogInfo($"Fee: {fee.Satoshi} Satoshi.");

            var vSize = builder.EstimateSize(psbt.GetOriginalTransaction(), true);

            Logger.LogInfo($"Estimated tx size: {vSize} vBytes.");

            // Do some checks
            Money totalSendAmountNoFee = realToSend.Sum(x => x.amount);

            if (totalSendAmountNoFee == Money.Zero)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The amount after subtracting the fee is too small to be sent.");

            Money totalOutgoingAmountNoFee;

            if (changeHdPubKey is null)
                totalOutgoingAmountNoFee = totalSendAmountNoFee;
                totalOutgoingAmountNoFee = realToSend.Where(x => !changeHdPubKey.ContainsScript(x.destination.ScriptPubKey)).Sum(x => x.amount);
            decimal totalOutgoingAmountNoFeeDecimal = totalOutgoingAmountNoFee.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC);
            // Cannot divide by zero, so use the closest number we have to zero.
            decimal totalOutgoingAmountNoFeeDecimalDivisor = totalOutgoingAmountNoFeeDecimal == 0 ? decimal.MinValue : totalOutgoingAmountNoFeeDecimal;
            decimal feePc = 100 * fee.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC) / totalOutgoingAmountNoFeeDecimalDivisor;

            if (feePc > 1)
                Logger.LogInfo($"The transaction fee is {feePc:0.#}% of the sent amount.{Environment.NewLine}"
                               + $"Sending:\t {totalOutgoingAmountNoFee.ToString(fplus: false, trimExcessZero: true)} BTC.{Environment.NewLine}"
                               + $"Fee:\t\t {fee.Satoshi} Satoshi.");
            if (feePc > 100)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"The transaction fee is more than twice the sent amount: {feePc:0.#}%.");

            if (spentCoins.Any(u => !u.Confirmed))
                Logger.LogInfo("Unconfirmed transaction is spent.");

            // Build the transaction
            Logger.LogInfo("Signing transaction...");
            // It must be watch only, too, because if we have the key and also hardware wallet, we do not care we can sign.

            Transaction tx = null;

            if (KeyManager.IsWatchOnly)
                tx = psbt.GetGlobalTransaction();
                IEnumerable <ExtKey> signingKeys = KeyManager.GetSecrets(Password, spentCoins.Select(x => x.ScriptPubKey).ToArray());
                builder = builder.AddKeys(signingKeys.ToArray());

                UpdatePSBTInfo(psbt, spentCoins, changeHdPubKey);

                if (!KeyManager.IsWatchOnly)
                    // Try to pay using payjoin
                    if (payjoinClient is { })
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"></exception>
        public BuildTransactionResult BuildTransaction(
            PaymentIntent payments,
            Func <FeeRate> feeRateFetcher,
            IEnumerable <OutPoint> allowedInputs = null,
            Func <LockTime> lockTimeSelector     = null)
            payments = Guard.NotNull(nameof(payments), payments);
            lockTimeSelector ??= () => LockTime.Zero;

            long totalAmount = payments.TotalAmount.Satoshi;

            if (totalAmount < 0 || totalAmount > Constants.MaximumNumberOfSatoshis)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"{nameof(payments)}.{nameof(payments.TotalAmount)} sum cannot be smaller than 0 or greater than {Constants.MaximumNumberOfSatoshis}.");

            // Get allowed coins to spend.
            var availableCoinsView = Coins.Available();
            List <SmartCoin> allowedSmartCoinInputs = AllowUnconfirmed            // Inputs that can be used to build the transaction.
                                        ? availableCoinsView.ToList()
                                        : availableCoinsView.Confirmed().ToList();

            if (allowedInputs != null)             // If allowedInputs are specified then select the coins from them.
                if (!allowedInputs.Any())
                    throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(allowedInputs)} is not null, but empty.");

                allowedSmartCoinInputs = allowedSmartCoinInputs
                                         .Where(x => allowedInputs.Any(y => y.Hash == x.TransactionId && y.N == x.Index))

                // Add those that have the same script, because common ownership is already exposed.
                // But only if the user didn't click the "max" button. In this case he'd send more money than what he'd think.
                if (payments.ChangeStrategy != ChangeStrategy.AllRemainingCustom)
                    var allScripts = allowedSmartCoinInputs.Select(x => x.ScriptPubKey).ToHashSet();
                    foreach (var coin in availableCoinsView.Where(x => !allowedSmartCoinInputs.Any(y => x.TransactionId == y.TransactionId && x.Index == y.Index)))
                        if (!(AllowUnconfirmed || coin.Confirmed))

                        if (allScripts.Contains(coin.ScriptPubKey))

            // Get and calculate fee
            Logger.LogInfo("Calculating dynamic transaction fee...");

            TransactionBuilder builder = Network.CreateTransactionBuilder();

            builder.SetCoinSelector(new SmartCoinSelector(allowedSmartCoinInputs));
            builder.AddCoins(allowedSmartCoinInputs.Select(c => c.GetCoin()));

            foreach (var request in payments.Requests.Where(x => x.Amount.Type == MoneyRequestType.Value))
                var amountRequest = request.Amount;

                builder.Send(request.Destination, amountRequest.Amount);
                if (amountRequest.SubtractFee)

            HdPubKey changeHdPubKey = null;

            if (payments.TryGetCustomRequest(out DestinationRequest custChange))
                var changeScript = custChange.Destination.ScriptPubKey;
                changeHdPubKey = KeyManager.GetKeyForScriptPubKey(changeScript);

                var changeStrategy = payments.ChangeStrategy;
                if (changeStrategy == ChangeStrategy.Custom)
                else if (changeStrategy == ChangeStrategy.AllRemainingCustom)
                    throw new NotSupportedException(payments.ChangeStrategy.ToString());
                KeyManager.AssertCleanKeysIndexed(isInternal: true);
                changeHdPubKey = KeyManager.GetKeys(KeyState.Clean, true).RandomElement();


            builder.OptInRBF = new Random().NextDouble() < Constants.TransactionRBFSignalRate;

            FeeRate feeRate = feeRateFetcher();


            var psbt = builder.BuildPSBT(false);

            var spentCoins = psbt.Inputs.Select(txin => allowedSmartCoinInputs.First(y => y.OutPoint == txin.PrevOut)).ToArray();

            var realToSend = payments.Requests
                             .Select(t =>
                                     (label: t.Label,
                                      destination: t.Destination,
                                      amount: psbt.Outputs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ScriptPubKey == t.Destination.ScriptPubKey)?.Value))
                             .Where(i => i.amount != null);

            if (!psbt.TryGetFee(out var fee))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Impossible to get the fees of the PSBT, this should never happen.");
            Logger.LogInfo($"Fee: {fee.Satoshi} Satoshi.");

            var vSize = builder.EstimateSize(psbt.GetOriginalTransaction(), true);

            Logger.LogInfo($"Estimated tx size: {vSize} vBytes.");

            // Do some checks
            Money totalSendAmountNoFee = realToSend.Sum(x => x.amount);

            if (totalSendAmountNoFee == Money.Zero)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The amount after subtracting the fee is too small to be sent.");

            Money totalOutgoingAmountNoFee;

            if (changeHdPubKey is null)
                totalOutgoingAmountNoFee = totalSendAmountNoFee;
                totalOutgoingAmountNoFee = realToSend.Where(x => !changeHdPubKey.ContainsScript(x.destination.ScriptPubKey)).Sum(x => x.amount);
            decimal totalOutgoingAmountNoFeeDecimal = totalOutgoingAmountNoFee.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC);
            // Cannot divide by zero, so use the closest number we have to zero.
            decimal totalOutgoingAmountNoFeeDecimalDivisor = totalOutgoingAmountNoFeeDecimal == 0 ? decimal.MinValue : totalOutgoingAmountNoFeeDecimal;
            decimal feePc = 100 * fee.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC) / totalOutgoingAmountNoFeeDecimalDivisor;

            if (feePc > 1)
                Logger.LogInfo($"The transaction fee is {feePc:0.#}% of the sent amount.{Environment.NewLine}"
                               + $"Sending:\t {totalOutgoingAmountNoFee.ToString(fplus: false, trimExcessZero: true)} BTC.{Environment.NewLine}"
                               + $"Fee:\t\t {fee.Satoshi} Satoshi.");
            if (feePc > 100)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"The transaction fee is more than twice the sent amount: {feePc:0.#}%.");

            if (spentCoins.Any(u => !u.Confirmed))
                Logger.LogInfo("Unconfirmed transaction is spent.");

            // Build the transaction
            Logger.LogInfo("Signing transaction...");
            // It must be watch only, too, because if we have the key and also hardware wallet, we do not care we can sign.

            Transaction tx = null;

            if (KeyManager.IsWatchOnly)
                tx = psbt.GetGlobalTransaction();
                IEnumerable <ExtKey> signingKeys = KeyManager.GetSecrets(Password, spentCoins.Select(x => x.ScriptPubKey).ToArray());
                builder = builder.AddKeys(signingKeys.ToArray());
                tx = psbt.ExtractTransaction();

                var checkResults = builder.Check(tx).ToList();
                if (!psbt.TryGetEstimatedFeeRate(out FeeRate actualFeeRate))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Impossible to get the fee rate of the PSBT, this should never happen.");

                // Manually check the feerate, because some inaccuracy is possible.
                var sb1 = feeRate.SatoshiPerByte;
                var sb2 = actualFeeRate.SatoshiPerByte;
                if (Math.Abs(sb1 - sb2) > 2)                 // 2s/b inaccuracy ok.
                    // So it'll generate a transactionpolicy error thrown below.
                    checkResults.Add(new NotEnoughFundsPolicyError("Fees different than expected"));
                if (checkResults.Count > 0)
                    throw new InvalidTxException(tx, checkResults);

            if (KeyManager.MasterFingerprint is HDFingerprint fp)
                foreach (var coin in spentCoins)
                    var rootKeyPath = new RootedKeyPath(fp, coin.HdPubKey.FullKeyPath);
                    psbt.AddKeyPath(coin.HdPubKey.PubKey, rootKeyPath, coin.ScriptPubKey);

            var label = SmartLabel.Merge(payments.Requests.Select(x => x.Label).Concat(spentCoins.Select(x => x.Label)));
            var outerWalletOutputs = new List <SmartCoin>();
            var innerWalletOutputs = new List <SmartCoin>();

            for (var i = 0U; i < tx.Outputs.Count; i++)
                TxOut output   = tx.Outputs[i];
                var   anonset  = tx.GetAnonymitySet(i) + spentCoins.Min(x => x.AnonymitySet) - 1;              // Minus 1, because count own only once.
                var   foundKey = KeyManager.GetKeyForScriptPubKey(output.ScriptPubKey);
                var   coin     = new SmartCoin(tx.GetHash(), i, output.ScriptPubKey, output.Value, tx.Inputs.ToOutPoints().ToArray(), Height.Unknown, tx.RBF, anonset, pubKey: foundKey);
                label = SmartLabel.Merge(label, coin.Label);                 // foundKey's label is already added to the coinlabel.

                if (foundKey is null)

            foreach (var coin in outerWalletOutputs.Concat(innerWalletOutputs))
                var foundPaymentRequest = payments.Requests.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Destination.ScriptPubKey == coin.ScriptPubKey);

                // If change then we concatenate all the labels.
                if (foundPaymentRequest is null)                 // Then it's autochange.
                    coin.Label = label;
                    coin.Label = SmartLabel.Merge(coin.Label, foundPaymentRequest.Label);

                var foundKey = KeyManager.GetKeyForScriptPubKey(coin.ScriptPubKey);
                foundKey?.SetLabel(coin.Label);                 // The foundkeylabel has already been added previously, so no need to concatenate.

            Logger.LogInfo($"Transaction is successfully built: {tx.GetHash()}.");
            var sign = !KeyManager.IsWatchOnly;
            var spendsUnconfirmed = spentCoins.Any(c => !c.Confirmed);

            return(new BuildTransactionResult(new SmartTransaction(tx, Height.Unknown), psbt, spendsUnconfirmed, sign, fee, feePc, outerWalletOutputs, innerWalletOutputs, spentCoins));