        public void CoinChangeProblemSimpleTest()
            var coinChanger  = new CoinChange();
            var firstResult  = coinChanger.DynamicCoinCange(6, new int[] { 1, 3, 4 });
            var secondResult = coinChanger.DynamicCoinCange(12, new int[] { 1, 6, 8 });
            var thirdResult  = coinChanger.DynamicCoinCange(48, new int[] { 1, 16, 40 });
            var fourthResult = coinChanger.DynamicCoinCange(50, new int[] { 5, 25, 40 });
            var fifthResult  = coinChanger.DynamicCoinCange(500, new int[] { 10, 250, 480 });

            firstResult.Should().Be("2 * 3");
            secondResult.Should().Be("2 * 6");
            thirdResult.Should().Be("3 * 16");
            fourthResult.Should().Be("2 * 25");
            fifthResult.Should().Be("2 * 250");
        public void InvalidInputSimpleTest()
            var    coinChanger            = new CoinChange();
            Action negativeInteger        = () => coinChanger.DynamicCoinCange(-6, new int[] { 1, 3, 4 });
            Action negativeCoin           = () => coinChanger.DynamicCoinCange(12, new int[] { 1, -6, 8 });
            Action notUniqueCoins         = () => coinChanger.DynamicCoinCange(48, new int[] { 1, 16, 40, 40 });
            var    nullIntegerValueResult = coinChanger.DynamicCoinCange(0, new int[] { 5, 25, 40 });

            negativeCoin.Should().Throw <Exception>()
            .WithMessage("Coin should be positive integer");
            negativeInteger.Should().Throw <Exception>()
            .WithMessage("Input should be a positive integer");
            notUniqueCoins.Should().Throw <Exception>()
            .WithMessage("Coins should have unique values");