public void TestIgnore() { CodeSweep.VSPackage.TaskProvider_Accessor accessor = new CodeSweep.VSPackage.TaskProvider_Accessor(_serviceProvider); Project project = Utilities.SetupMSBuildProject(); Utilities.RegisterProjectWithMocks(project, _serviceProvider); MockTermTable table = new MockTermTable("termtable.xml"); MockTerm term0 = new MockTerm("dupText", 0, "term0Class", "term0Comment", "term0recommended", table); MockTerm term1 = new MockTerm("term2Text", 2, "term2Class", "term2Comment", "term2recommended", table); MockScanHit hit0 = new MockScanHit("file0", 1, 5, "line text", term0, null); MockScanHit hit1 = new MockScanHit("file1", 4, 1, "line text 2", term1, null); MockScanHit hit2 = new MockScanHit("file2", 3, 2, "line text 3", term1, null); MockScanResult scanResult = new MockScanResult("file0", new IScanHit[] { hit0, hit1, hit2 }, true); accessor.AddResult(scanResult, project.FullPath); IVsEnumTaskItems enumerator = null; accessor.EnumTaskItems(out enumerator); List <IVsTaskItem> items = Utilities.TasksFromEnumerator(enumerator); CodeSweep.VSPackage.Task_Accessor task0Accessor = new CodeSweep.VSPackage.Task_Accessor(new PrivateObject(items[0])); CodeSweep.VSPackage.Task_Accessor task1Accessor = new CodeSweep.VSPackage.Task_Accessor(new PrivateObject(items[1])); MockTaskList taskList = _serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsTaskList)) as MockTaskList; // Ensure cmd is disabled with no selection OleMenuCommandService mcs = _serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IMenuCommandService)) as OleMenuCommandService; MenuCommand command = mcs.FindCommand(new CommandID(CodeSweep.VSPackage.GuidList_Accessor.guidVSPackageCmdSet, (int)CodeSweep.VSPackage.PkgCmdIDList_Accessor.cmdidIgnore)); // NOTE: simply getting command.Supported or command.Enabled doesn't seem to invoke // QueryStatus, so I'll explicitly call the status update method as a workaround. accessor.QueryIgnore(null, EventArgs.Empty); Assert.IsTrue(command.Supported, "Command not supported."); Assert.IsFalse(command.Enabled, "Command enabled with no selection."); // Ensure cmd is disabled with an ignored item selected task0Accessor.Ignored = true; taskList.SetSelected(items[0], true); accessor.QueryIgnore(null, EventArgs.Empty); Assert.IsFalse(command.Enabled, "Command enabled with ignored item selected."); // Ensure cmd is enabled with one ignored and one non-ignored item selected taskList.SetSelected(items[1], true); accessor.QueryIgnore(null, EventArgs.Empty); Assert.IsTrue(command.Enabled, "Command disabled with a non-ignored item selected."); // Fire cmd, ensure selected items are ignored command.Invoke(); accessor.QueryIgnore(null, EventArgs.Empty); Assert.IsTrue(task0Accessor.Ignored, "Command set ignored task to non-ignored."); Assert.IsTrue(task1Accessor.Ignored, "Command did not set non-ignored task to ignored."); // Ensure cmd is now disabled accessor.QueryIgnore(null, EventArgs.Empty); Assert.IsFalse(command.Enabled, "Command still enabled after invocation."); }
public void AddResultsThenClear() { CodeSweep.VSPackage.TaskProvider_Accessor accessor = new CodeSweep.VSPackage.TaskProvider_Accessor(_serviceProvider); // Add some tasks MockTermTable table = new MockTermTable("termtable.xml"); MockTerm term0 = new MockTerm("term0Text", 0, "term0Class", "term0Comment", "term0recommended", table); MockTerm term1 = new MockTerm("term1Text", 3, "term1Class", "term1Comment", "term1recommended", table); MockScanHit hit0 = new MockScanHit("file0", 1, 10, "line text", term0, null); MockScanHit hit1 = new MockScanHit("file1", 4, 1, "line text 2", term1, null); MockScanResult scanResult = new MockScanResult("file0", new IScanHit[] { hit0, hit1 }, true); accessor.AddResult(scanResult, "c:\\projFile"); IVsEnumTaskItems enumerator; int hr = accessor.EnumTaskItems(out enumerator); Assert.AreEqual(VSConstants.S_OK, hr, "EnumTaskItems returned wrong hresult."); List <IVsTaskItem> tasks = Utilities.TasksFromEnumerator(enumerator); Assert.AreEqual(2, tasks.Count, "EnumTaskItems did not enumerate correct number of tasks."); accessor.Clear(); hr = accessor.EnumTaskItems(out enumerator); Assert.AreEqual(VSConstants.S_OK, hr, "EnumTaskItems returned wrong hresult."); tasks = Utilities.TasksFromEnumerator(enumerator); Assert.AreEqual(0, tasks.Count, "EnumTaskItems did not enumerate correct number of tasks after Clear()."); }
public void TestEnumerator() { CodeSweep.VSPackage.TaskProvider_Accessor accessor = new CodeSweep.VSPackage.TaskProvider_Accessor(_serviceProvider); // Add some tasks MockTermTable table = new MockTermTable("termtable.xml"); MockTerm term0 = new MockTerm("term0Text", 0, "term0Class", "term0Comment", "term0recommended", table); MockTerm term1 = new MockTerm("term1Text", 3, "term1Class", "term1Comment", "term1recommended", table); MockScanHit hit0 = new MockScanHit("file0", 1, 10, "line text", term0, null); MockScanHit hit1 = new MockScanHit("file1", 4, 1, "line text 2", term1, null); MockScanResult scanResult = new MockScanResult("file0", new IScanHit[] { hit0, hit1 }, true); accessor.AddResult(scanResult, "c:\\projFile"); IVsEnumTaskItems enumerator; int hr = accessor.EnumTaskItems(out enumerator); Assert.AreEqual(VSConstants.S_OK, hr, "EnumTaskItems returned wrong hresult."); IVsTaskItem[] items = new IVsTaskItem[3] { null, null, null }; uint[] fetched = new uint[1] { 0 }; hr = enumerator.Next(3, items, fetched); Assert.AreEqual(VSConstants.S_FALSE, hr, "Next returned wrong hresult with celt too high."); Assert.AreEqual((uint)2, fetched[0], "Next returned wrong value for fetched with celt too high."); Assert.IsNotNull(items[0], "Next failed to set first item with celt too high."); Assert.IsNotNull(items[1], "Next failed to set second item with celt too high."); Assert.IsNull(items[2], "Next set third item with celt too high."); hr = enumerator.Reset(); Assert.AreEqual(VSConstants.S_OK, hr, "Reset returned wrong hresult."); items[0] = items[1] = items[2] = null; fetched[0] = 0; hr = enumerator.Next(2, items, fetched); Assert.AreEqual(VSConstants.S_OK, hr, "Next returned wrong hresult with celt at max."); Assert.AreEqual((uint)2, fetched[0], "Next returned wrong value for fetched with celt at max."); Assert.IsNotNull(items[0], "Next failed to set first item with celt at max."); Assert.IsNotNull(items[1], "Next failed to set second item with celt at max."); enumerator.Reset(); items[0] = items[1] = items[2] = null; fetched[0] = 0; hr = enumerator.Next(1, items, fetched); Assert.AreEqual(VSConstants.S_OK, hr, "Next returned wrong hresult with celt lower than max."); Assert.AreEqual((uint)1, fetched[0], "Next returned wrong value for fetched with celt lower than max."); Assert.IsNotNull(items[0], "Next failed to set first item with celt lower than max."); Assert.IsNull(items[1], "Next set second item with celt lower than max."); enumerator.Reset(); items[0] = items[1] = items[2] = null; fetched[0] = 1; hr = enumerator.Next(0, items, fetched); Assert.AreEqual(VSConstants.S_OK, hr, "Next returned wrong hresult with celt = 0."); Assert.AreEqual((uint)0, fetched[0], "Next returned wrong value for fetched with celt = 0."); Assert.IsNull(items[0], "Next set first item with celt = 0."); enumerator.Reset(); hr = enumerator.Skip(0); Assert.AreEqual(VSConstants.S_OK, hr, "Skip(0) returned wrong hresult."); hr = enumerator.Skip(1); Assert.AreEqual(VSConstants.S_OK, hr, "Skip(1) returned wrong hresult."); hr = enumerator.Skip(2); Assert.AreEqual(VSConstants.S_FALSE, hr, "Skip(2) returned wrong hresult."); List <IVsTaskItem> tasks = Utilities.TasksFromEnumerator(enumerator); IVsEnumTaskItems enumerator2 = null; hr = enumerator.Clone(out enumerator2); Assert.AreEqual(VSConstants.S_OK, hr, "Clone returned wrong hresult."); List <IVsTaskItem> tasks2 = Utilities.TasksFromEnumerator(enumerator2); Assert.IsTrue(CodeSweep.Utilities.OrderedCollectionsAreEqual(tasks, tasks2), "Clone did not produce an equivalent collection."); }
public void AddDuplicateTermsAndVerifyWarningAppearsOnce() { CodeSweep.VSPackage.TaskProvider_Accessor accessor = new CodeSweep.VSPackage.TaskProvider_Accessor(_serviceProvider); MockTermTable table = new MockTermTable("termtable.xml"); MockTerm term0 = new MockTerm("dupText", 0, "term0Class", "term0Comment", "term0recommended", table); MockTerm term1 = new MockTerm("dupText", 3, "term1Class", "term1Comment", "term1recommended", table); MockTerm term2 = new MockTerm("term2Text", 2, "term2Class", "term2Comment", "term2recommended", table); MockScanHit hit0 = new MockScanHit("file0", 1, 10, "line text", term0, "warning 1"); MockScanHit hit1 = new MockScanHit("file1", 4, 1, "line text 2", term1, "warning 2"); MockScanHit hit2 = new MockScanHit("file2", 3, 2, "line text 3", term2, "warning 3"); MockScanResult scanResult = new MockScanResult("file0", new IScanHit[] { hit0, hit1, hit2 }, true); accessor.AddResult(scanResult, "c:\\projFile"); IVsEnumTaskItems enumerator; int hr = accessor.EnumTaskItems(out enumerator); Assert.AreEqual(VSConstants.S_OK, hr, "EnumTaskItems returned wrong hresult."); // Verify there are three hits plus two warnings. List <IVsTaskItem> tasks = Utilities.TasksFromEnumerator(enumerator); Assert.AreEqual(5, tasks.Count, "EnumTaskItems did not enumerate correct number of tasks."); string[] termValues = new string[5] { "dupText", "dupText", "dupText", "term2Text", "term2Text" }; int[] priorityValues = new int[5] { 0, 0, 3, 2, 2 }; string[] classValues = new string[5] { "term0Class", "term0Class", "term1Class", "term2Class", "term2Class" }; string[] replacementValues = new string[5] { "", "term0recommended", "term1recommended", "", "term2recommended" }; string[] commentValues = new string[5] { "warning 1", "term0Comment", "term1Comment", "warning 3", "term2Comment" }; string[] fileValues = new string[5] { "", "file0", "file1", "", "file2" }; for (int taskIndex = 0; taskIndex < tasks.Count; ++taskIndex) { uint type; object val; uint flags; string acc; hr = (tasks[taskIndex] as IVsTaskItem3).GetColumnValue((int)TaskFields.Term, out type, out flags, out val, out acc); Assert.AreEqual(VSConstants.S_OK, hr); Assert.AreEqual(__VSTASKVALUETYPE.TVT_TEXT, (__VSTASKVALUETYPE)type, "Task " + taskIndex.ToString() + " term type is wrong."); Assert.AreEqual(termValues[taskIndex], (string)val, "Task " + taskIndex.ToString() + " term text is wrong."); hr = (tasks[taskIndex] as IVsTaskItem3).GetColumnValue((int)TaskFields.Comment, out type, out flags, out val, out acc); Assert.AreEqual(VSConstants.S_OK, hr); Assert.AreEqual(__VSTASKVALUETYPE.TVT_LINKTEXT, (__VSTASKVALUETYPE)type, "Task " + taskIndex.ToString() + " comment type is wrong."); Assert.AreEqual(commentValues[taskIndex], (string)val, "Task " + taskIndex.ToString() + " comment text is wrong."); hr = (tasks[taskIndex] as IVsTaskItem3).GetColumnValue((int)TaskFields.Replacement, out type, out flags, out val, out acc); Assert.AreEqual(VSConstants.S_OK, hr); Assert.AreEqual(__VSTASKVALUETYPE.TVT_TEXT, (__VSTASKVALUETYPE)type, "Task " + taskIndex.ToString() + " replacement type is wrong."); Assert.AreEqual(replacementValues[taskIndex], (string)val, "Task " + taskIndex.ToString() + " replacement text is wrong."); } }