public static CodeSettings GetSettings(Bundle bundle) { CodeSettings settings = new CodeSettings(); settings.PreserveImportantComments = GetValue(bundle, "preserveImportantComments", true) == "True"; settings.TermSemicolons = GetValue(bundle, "termSemicolons", true) == "True"; if (GetValue(bundle, "renameLocals", true) == "False") settings.LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.KeepAll; string evalTreatment = GetValue(bundle, "evalTreatment", "ignore"); if (evalTreatment == "ignore") settings.EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.Ignore; else if (evalTreatment == "makeAllSafe") settings.EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeAllSafe; else if (evalTreatment == "makeImmediateSafe") settings.EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeImmediateSafe; string outputMode = GetValue(bundle, "outputMode", "singleLine"); if (outputMode == "multipleLines") settings.OutputMode = OutputMode.MultipleLines; else if (outputMode == "singleLine") settings.OutputMode = OutputMode.SingleLine; else if (outputMode == "none") settings.OutputMode = OutputMode.None; string indentSize = GetValue(bundle, "indentSize", 2); int size; if (int.TryParse(indentSize, out size)) settings.IndentSize = size; return settings; }
public static void Minify(string sourceFile, string minFile, bool isBundle) { if (sourceFile.EndsWith(".min.js")) return; try { CodeSettings settings = new CodeSettings() { EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeImmediateSafe, TermSemicolons = true, PreserveImportantComments = WESettings.GetBoolean(WESettings.Keys.KeepImportantComments) }; if (WESettings.GetBoolean(WESettings.Keys.GenerateJavaScriptSourceMaps)) { MinifyFileWithSourceMap(sourceFile, minFile, settings, isBundle); } else { MinifyFile(sourceFile, minFile, settings, isBundle); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(ex); } }
public string Process() { CodeSettings = new CodeSettings { SourceMode = JavaScriptSourceMode.Program, MinifyCode = false, }; var code = String.Format("function ___________({0}){{return {1};}};", Params.Select(t => t.Name).StringJoin(","), InlineCodeExpression); var block = ParseJavaScript(code); Func = ((FunctionObject)block[0]); var i = 0; foreach (var prm in Func.ParameterDeclarations) { var prm2 = prm as ParameterDeclaration; if (prm2 == null) continue; var binding = prm2.Binding as BindingIdentifier; if (binding == null) continue; var prm3 = Params[i]; binding.VariableField.GetType().GetProperty("Name").SetValue(binding.VariableField, prm3.Code); i++; } if (ThisCode != null) Scan(Func.Body); var ret = Func.Body[0] as ReturnNode; if (ret == null) throw new Exception(); var s = ToJavaScript(ret.Operand); return s; }
private static void MinifyFile(string file, string minFile, CodeSettings settings, bool isBundle) { Minifier minifier = new Minifier(); if (!isBundle) { minifier.FileName = Path.GetFileName(file); } string content = minifier.MinifyJavaScript(File.ReadAllText(file), settings); if (File.Exists(minFile) && content == File.ReadAllText(minFile)) return; if (WESettings.GetBoolean(WESettings.Keys.GenerateJavaScriptSourceMaps)) { content += "\r\n/*\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=" + Path.GetFileName(minFile) + ".map\r\n*/"; } ProjectHelpers.CheckOutFileFromSourceControl(minFile); using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(minFile, false, new UTF8Encoding(true))) { writer.Write(content); } if (WESettings.GetBoolean(WESettings.Keys.JavaScriptEnableGzipping)) CssSaveListener.GzipFile(file, minFile, content); }
/// <summary> /// Get settings for the minification /// </summary> /// <param name="config"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static CodeSettings GetSettings(Config config) { CodeSettings settings = new CodeSettings(); settings.PreserveImportantComments = GetValue(config, "preserveImportantComments") == "True"; settings.TermSemicolons = GetValue(config, "termSemicolons") == "True"; string evalTreatment = GetValue(config, "evanTreatment").ToLowerInvariant(); if (evalTreatment == "ignore") settings.EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.Ignore; else if (evalTreatment == "makeallsafe") settings.EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeAllSafe; else if (evalTreatment == "makeimmediatesafe") settings.EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeImmediateSafe; string outputMode = GetValue(config, "outputMode").ToLowerInvariant(); if (outputMode == "multiplelines") settings.OutputMode = OutputMode.MultipleLines; else if (outputMode == "singleline") settings.OutputMode = OutputMode.SingleLine; else if (outputMode == "none") settings.OutputMode = OutputMode.None; string indentSize = GetValue(config, "indentSize"); int size; if (int.TryParse(indentSize, out size)) settings.IndentSize = size; return settings; }
/// <summary> /// Minifies the specified JavaScript. /// </summary> /// <param name="resource">The JavaScript to minify.</param> /// <returns>The minified JavaScript, if minification was successful; otherwise, the original JavaScript with minification errors appended at the end.</returns> public string Minify(string resource) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(resource)) { return resource; } var settings = new CodeSettings { AllowEmbeddedAspNetBlocks = false, EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeAllSafe }; var minifier = new Minifier(); try { resource = minifier.MinifyJavaScript(resource, settings); } catch { var minificationErrors = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, minifier.Errors); resource = AppendMinificationErrors(resource, minificationErrors); if (mLogErrors) { CoreServices.EventLog.LogEvent("W", "Resource minification", "JavaScriptMinificationFailed", minificationErrors); } } return resource; }
public virtual string TransformText() { #line 5 "C:\Projects\sfdocsamples\SF\T4\Generar_javascript\T4Sample\JavascriptCruncher\" EnvDTE.Project project = EnvDteHelper.GetProject(this.Host); List<EnvDTE.ProjectItem> jsProjectItems = EnvDteHelper.GetJsProjectItems(project); ScriptCruncher cruncher = new ScriptCruncher(); CodeSettings crunchSettings = new CodeSettings(); crunchSettings.CollapseToLiteral = true; crunchSettings.LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.CrunchAll; crunchSettings.StripDebugStatements=true; foreach( EnvDTE.ProjectItem item in jsProjectItems) { string itemFileName = item.FileNames[0]; string jsCode = File.ReadAllText(itemFileName); string jsMinified = cruncher.Crunch(jsCode, crunchSettings); EnvDteHelper.SaveMinifiedCode(item, jsMinified); this.WriteLine( "Processed: {0}", itemFileName); } this.WriteLine("done!"); #line default #line hidden return this.GenerationEnvironment.ToString(); }
public string Minify(string content) { var minifer = new Minifier(); codeSettings = codeSettings ?? new CodeSettings(); codeSettings.SetKnownGlobalNames(globalNames); return minifer.MinifyJavaScript(content, codeSettings); }
/// <summary> /// In addition to combining, also minifies the given Javascript. /// </summary> /// <returns>The combined and minified Javascript code for this bundle.</returns> public override string Combine() { var source = base.Combine(); var result = string.Empty; var errorLines = string.Empty; var hasError = false; try { var jsParser = new JSParser(source); var settings = new CodeSettings() { CombineDuplicateLiterals = true, OutputMode = OutputMode.SingleLine, RemoveUnneededCode = true, TermSemicolons = false, PreserveImportantComments = false, }; jsParser.CompilerError += delegate(object sender, JScriptExceptionEventArgs args) { // The 0 severity means errors. // We can safely ignore the rest. if (args.Error.Severity == 0) { hasError = true; errorLines += string.Format("\r\n/* Javascript parse error when processing the bundle.\r\nStart: line {0} column {1}, end: line {2} column {3}.\r\nError message: {4} */", args.Error.StartLine, args.Error.StartColumn, args.Error.EndLine, args.Error.EndColumn, args.Error.Message); } }; jsParser.UndefinedReference += delegate(object sender, UndefinedReferenceEventArgs args) { // Let's just ignore undefined references. }; var block = jsParser.Parse(settings); result = block.ToCode(); } catch (Exception exc) { hasError = true; Logger.WriteException(exc); } // If there were errors, use the non-minified version and append the errors to the bottom, // so that the portal builder can debug it. if (hasError) result = source + "\r\n\r\n" + errorLines; return result; }
public void Minify() { var minifer = new Minifier(); var codeSettings = new CodeSettings(); var content = _fileSystem.BundleFiles(_files); var minified = minifer.MinifyJavaScript(content, codeSettings); _fileSystem.File.WriteAllText(_outputPath, minified); }
public string Minify(string source) { CodeSettings settings = new CodeSettings { PreserveImportantComments = false, PreserveFunctionNames = true }; Minifier doMin = new Minifier(); string mind = doMin.MinifyJavaScript(source, settings); return mind; }
/// <summary> /// Compressed the javascript content /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string Compress(string content) { // The CodeSettings object specifies how the content // will be minified var codeSettings = new CodeSettings(); codeSettings.RemoveUnneededCode = true; codeSettings.LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.CrunchAll; codeSettings.OutputMode = OutputMode.SingleLine; codeSettings.StripDebugStatements = true; codeSettings.IndentSize = 0; var value = new Minifier().MinifyJavaScript(content, codeSettings); return value; }
private static string MinifyJavaScript(string input) { Minifier minifier = new Minifier(); CodeSettings settings = new CodeSettings(); settings.RemoveUnneededCode = false; settings.PreserveFunctionNames = true; string output = minifier.MinifyJavaScript(input, settings); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(output)) { output = output + ";"; } return output; }
/// <summary> /// Compressed the javascript content /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string Compress(string content) { // The CodeSettings object specifies how the content // will be minified var lCodeSettings = new CodeSettings(); lCodeSettings.RemoveUnneededCode = true; lCodeSettings.LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.CrunchAll; lCodeSettings.OutputMode = OutputMode.SingleLine; lCodeSettings.StripDebugStatements = true; lCodeSettings.W3CStrict = true; lCodeSettings.IndentSize = 0; var lValue = new ScriptCruncher().Crunch(content, lCodeSettings); return lValue; }
public static string ProcessFiles(string concatString, string rootPath) { var crunch = new ScriptCruncher(); var cs = new CodeSettings(); cs.RemoveUnneededCode = true; cs.CollapseToLiteral = true; cs.CombineDuplicateLiterals = true; cs.InlineSafeStrings = true; cs.StripDebugStatements = true; cs.LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.CrunchAll; cs.OutputMode = OutputMode.SingleLine; var minifyJavaScript = crunch.MinifyJavaScript(concatString, cs); return minifyJavaScript; }
private static void Minify(HttpResponse response, string file, string ext) { string content = File.ReadAllText(file); Minifier minifier = new Minifier(); if (ext == ".css") { CssSettings settings = new CssSettings() { CommentMode = CssComment.None }; response.Write(minifier.MinifyStyleSheet(content, settings)); } else if (ext == ".js") { CodeSettings settings = new CodeSettings() { PreserveImportantComments = false }; response.Write(minifier.MinifyJavaScript(content, settings)); } }
public void Process(BundleContext context, BundleResponse response) { var minifer = new Minifier(); var cs = new CodeSettings {ManualRenamesProperties = false,LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.KeepAll}; var content = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var file in response.Files) { var path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(file.IncludedVirtualPath); using (var reader = new StreamReader(path)) { content.Append(reader.ReadToEnd()); } } response.ContentType = "application/javascript"; var responseContent = minifer.MinifyJavaScript(content.ToString(), cs); response.Content = responseContent; }
public override CombinedFileResult Parse(params string[] files) { var combined = CombineFiles(files); var settings = new CodeSettings { }; var parser = new JSParser(combined); var block = parser.Parse(settings); var result = block.ToCode(); var key = GenerateKey(result); return new CombinedFileResult { Content = result, Key = key, }; }
public static string Minify(string fullFileName, string text, EnvDTE.ProjectItem projectItem,CodeSettings codeSettings) { Minifier minifier = new Minifier(); string mini = minifier.MinifyJavaScript(text,codeSettings); foreach (var err in minifier.ErrorList) { if (TaskList.Instance == null) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}({1},{2}){3}", fullFileName, 1, 1, err)); } else { TaskList.Instance.Add(projectItem.ContainingProject, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.TaskErrorCategory.Error, fullFileName, err.StartLine, err.StartColumn, err.Message); } } return mini; }
private void Minify(TranslatorOutputItem output, CodeSettings minifierSettings) { if (output.OutputType != TranslatorOutputType.JavaScript) { return; } if (output.MinifiedVersion != null) { this.Log.Trace(output.Name + " has already a minified version " + output.MinifiedVersion.Name); return; } var formatted = output.IsEmpty ? null : output.Content.GetContentAsString(); if (formatted == null) { this.Log.Trace("Content of " + output.Name + " is empty - skipping it a nothing to minifiy"); return; } var minifiedName = FileHelper.GetMinifiedJSFileName(output.Name); var minifiedContent = this.Minify(new Minifier(), formatted, minifierSettings); output.MinifiedVersion = new TranslatorOutputItem { IsMinified = true, Name = minifiedName, OutputType = output.OutputType, OutputKind = output.OutputKind | TranslatorOutputKind.Minified, Location = output.Location, Content = minifiedContent }; if (this.AssemblyInfo.OutputFormatting == JavaScriptOutputType.Minified) { output.IsEmpty = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Builds the required CodeSettings class needed for the Ajax Minifier. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private CodeSettings CreateCodeSettings() { var codeSettings = new CodeSettings(); codeSettings.MinifyCode = false; codeSettings.OutputMode = (this.RemoveWhitespace ? OutputMode.SingleLine : OutputMode.MultipleLines); // MinifyCode needs to be set to true in order for anything besides whitespace removal // to be done on a script. codeSettings.MinifyCode = this.ShouldMinifyCode; if (this.ShouldMinifyCode) { switch (this.VariableMinification) { case Core.VariableMinification.None: codeSettings.LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.KeepAll; break; case Core.VariableMinification.LocalVariablesOnly: codeSettings.LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.KeepLocalizationVars; break; case Core.VariableMinification.LocalVariablesAndFunctionArguments: codeSettings.LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.CrunchAll; break; } // This is being set by default. A lot of scripts use eval to parse out various functions // and objects. These names need to be kept consistant with the actual arguments. codeSettings.EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeAllSafe; // This makes sure that function names on objects are kept exactly as they are. This is // so functions that other non-minified scripts rely on do not get renamed. codeSettings.PreserveFunctionNames = this.PreserveFunctionNames; } return codeSettings; }
public string Process(string includedVirtualPath, string input) { if (includedVirtualPath.EndsWith("min.js", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return(input); } Minifier minifier = new Minifier(); var codeSettings = new CodeSettings(); codeSettings.EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeImmediateSafe; codeSettings.PreserveImportantComments = false; string str = minifier.MinifyJavaScript(input, codeSettings); if (minifier.ErrorList.Count > 0) { return("/* " + string.Concat(minifier.Errors) + " */"); } return(str); }
private static void MinifyFile(string file, string minFile, CodeSettings settings, bool isBundle) { Minifier minifier = new Minifier(); if (!isBundle) { minifier.FileName = Path.GetFileName(file); } string content = minifier.MinifyJavaScript(File.ReadAllText(file), settings); if (WESettings.GetBoolean(WESettings.Keys.GenerateJavaScriptSourceMaps)) { content += Environment.NewLine + "//@ sourceMappingURL=" + Path.GetFileName(minFile) + ".map"; } ProjectHelpers.CheckOutFileFromSourceControl(minFile); using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(minFile, false, new UTF8Encoding(true))) { writer.Write(content); } }
/// <summary> /// Builds the required CodeSettings class needed for the Ajax Minifier. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private CodeSettings CreateCodeSettings() { var codeSettings = new CodeSettings(); codeSettings.MinifyCode = false; codeSettings.OutputMode = (this.RemoveWhitespace ? OutputMode.SingleLine : OutputMode.MultipleLines); // MinifyCode needs to be set to true in order for anything besides whitespace removal // to be done on a script. codeSettings.MinifyCode = this.ShouldMinifyCode; if (this.ShouldMinifyCode) { switch (this.VariableMinification) { case Core.VariableMinification.None: codeSettings.LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.KeepAll; break; case Core.VariableMinification.LocalVariablesOnly: codeSettings.LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.KeepLocalizationVars; break; case Core.VariableMinification.LocalVariablesAndFunctionArguments: codeSettings.LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.CrunchAll; break; } // This is being set by default. A lot of scripts use eval to parse out various functions // and objects. These names need to be kept consistant with the actual arguments. codeSettings.EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeAllSafe; // This makes sure that function names on objects are kept exactly as they are. This is // so functions that other non-minified scripts rely on do not get renamed. codeSettings.PreserveFunctionNames = this.PreserveFunctionNames; } return(codeSettings); }
public override async Task <IEnumerable <Asset> > TransformAsync(string extension, params Asset[] assets) { CssSettings cssSettings = new CssSettings() { CommentMode = CssComment.None }; if (0 < this.MinificationOptions.Substitutions.Count) { cssSettings.ReplacementTokensApplyDefaults(this.MinificationOptions.Substitutions); } CodeSettings codeSettings = new CodeSettings() { AmdSupport = true, ScriptVersion = ScriptVersion.None, PreserveImportantComments = false }; List <Asset> outputs = new List <Asset>(); foreach (var asset in assets) { string code = await asset.ReadContentAsStringAsync(); UglifyResult uglifyResult = Uglify.Css(code, cssSettings, codeSettings); if (uglifyResult.HasErrors) { throw new AggregateException(uglifyResult.Errors.Select(x => new Exception(x.Message))); } Asset outputAsset = await asset.CloneWithContentAsync(uglifyResult.Code); outputs.Add(outputAsset); } return(outputs.AsEnumerable()); }
private static void MinifyFileWithSourceMap(string file, string minFile, CodeSettings settings, bool isBundle) { string mapPath = minFile + ".map"; ProjectHelpers.CheckOutFileFromSourceControl(mapPath); using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(mapPath, false, new UTF8Encoding(false))) using (V3SourceMap sourceMap = new V3SourceMap(writer)) { settings.SymbolsMap = sourceMap; sourceMap.StartPackage(Path.GetFileName(minFile), Path.GetFileName(mapPath)); // This fails when debugger is attached. Bug raised with Ron Logan MinifyFile(file, minFile, settings, isBundle); sourceMap.EndPackage(); if (!isBundle) { ProjectHelpers.AddFileToProject(file, mapPath); } } }
public void ReplacementNodesJS() { // reuse the same parser object var parser = new JSParser(); // default should leave tokens intact var settings = new CodeSettings(); var source = "var a = %My.Token:foo%;"; var actual = Parse(parser, settings, source); Assert.AreEqual("var a=%My.Token:foo%", actual); settings.ReplacementTokensApplyDefaults(new Dictionary <string, string> { { "my.token", "\"Now he's done it!\"" }, { "num_token", "123" }, { "my-json", "{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }" }, }); settings.ReplacementFallbacks.Add("zero", "0"); actual = Parse(parser, settings, source); Assert.AreEqual("var a=\"Now he's done it!\"", actual); actual = Parse(parser, settings, "var b = %Num_Token%;"); Assert.AreEqual("var b=123", actual); actual = Parse(parser, settings, "var c = %My-JSON%;"); Assert.AreEqual("var c={\"a\":1,\"b\":2,\"c\":[1,2,3]}", actual); actual = Parse(parser, settings, "var d = '*%MissingToken:zero%*';"); Assert.AreEqual("var d=\"*0*\"", actual); actual = Parse(parser, settings, "var e = '*%MissingToken:ack%*';"); Assert.AreEqual("var e=\"**\"", actual); actual = Parse(parser, settings, "var f = '*%MissingToken:%*';"); Assert.AreEqual("var f=\"**\"", actual); }
/// <summary> /// Get settings for the minification /// </summary> /// <param name="config"></param> /// <returns>CodeSettings based on the config file.</returns> public static CodeSettings GetSettings(Config config) { LoadDefaultSettings(config, "javascript"); CodeSettings settings = new CodeSettings(); settings.PreserveImportantComments = GetValue(config, "preserveImportantComments", true) == "True"; settings.TermSemicolons = GetValue(config, "termSemicolons", true) == "True"; if (GetValue(config, "renameLocals", true) == "False") settings.LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.KeepAll; string evalTreatment = GetValue(config, "evalTreatment", "ignore"); if (evalTreatment.Equals("ignore", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) settings.EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.Ignore; else if (evalTreatment.Equals("makeAllSafe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) settings.EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeAllSafe; else if (evalTreatment.Equals("makeImmediateSafe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) settings.EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeImmediateSafe; string outputMode = GetValue(config, "outputMode", "singleLine"); if (outputMode.Equals("multipleLines", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) settings.OutputMode = OutputMode.MultipleLines; else if (outputMode.Equals("singleLine", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) settings.OutputMode = OutputMode.SingleLine; else if (outputMode.Equals("none", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) settings.OutputMode = OutputMode.None; string indentSize = GetValue(config, "indentSize", 2); int size; if (int.TryParse(indentSize, out size)) settings.IndentSize = size; return settings; }
private static void CreateExporter(ExportPackageOptions exportPackageOptions, string path) { LogUtility.LogInfo("Creating Exporter"); UpdateSettings(); ModToolSettings modToolSettings = ModToolSettings.instance; CodeSettings codeSettings = CodeSettings.instance; string modToolDirectory = AssetUtility.GetModToolDirectory(); string exporterPath = Path.Combine(modToolDirectory, Path.Combine("Editor", "ModTool.Exporting.Editor.dll")); string fileName = Path.Combine(path, Application.productName + " Mod Tools.unitypackage"); List <string> assetPaths = new List <string> { AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(modToolSettings), AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(codeSettings), Path.Combine(modToolDirectory, Path.Combine("Editor", "ModTool.Exporting.Editor.dll")), Path.Combine(modToolDirectory, Path.Combine("Editor", "ModTool.Shared.Editor.dll")), Path.Combine(modToolDirectory, "ModTool.Shared.dll"), Path.Combine(modToolDirectory, "ModTool.Shared.xml"), Path.Combine(modToolDirectory, "ModTool.Interface.dll"), Path.Combine(modToolDirectory, "ModTool.Interface.xml"), Path.Combine(modToolDirectory, Path.Combine("Mono.Cecil", "Mono.Cecil.dll")), Path.Combine(modToolDirectory, Path.Combine("Mono.Cecil", "LICENSE.txt")) }; List <string> assemblyPaths = GetApiAssemblyPaths(CodeSettings.apiAssemblies); AssetUtility.MoveAssets(assemblyPaths, modToolDirectory); assetPaths.AddRange(assemblyPaths); SetPluginEnabled(exporterPath, true); //TODO: ExportPackageOptions.IncludeLibraryAssets makes the package huge in Unity 2017.2 AssetDatabase.ExportPackage(assetPaths.ToArray(), fileName, exportPackageOptions | ExportPackageOptions.IncludeLibraryAssets); }
public void Process(BundleContext context, BundleResponse response) { if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); } if (response == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("response"); } if (!context.EnableInstrumentation) { var codeSetting = new CodeSettings { // Important to make it all safe, otherwise the function grapher would // run to problems which extensively uses window.eval("some expression"). EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeAllSafe, PreserveImportantComments = false }; var min = new Minifier(); var content = min.MinifyJavaScript(response.Content, codeSetting); if (min.ErrorList.Count > 0) { GenerateErrorResponse(response, min.ErrorList); } else { response.Content = content; } } response.ContentType = "text/javascript"; }
/// <summary> /// Produces a code minifiction of JS content by using the Microsoft Ajax JS Minifier /// </summary> /// <param name="content">JS content</param> /// <param name="isInlineCode">Flag whether the content is inline code</param> /// <param name="encoding">Text encoding</param> /// <returns>Minification result</returns> public CodeMinificationResult Minify(string content, bool isInlineCode, Encoding encoding) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content)) { return(new CodeMinificationResult(string.Empty)); } CodeSettings originalJsSettings = isInlineCode ? _originalInlineJsSettings : _originalEmbeddedJsSettings; var originalMinifier = new Minifier { WarningLevel = 2 }; string newContent = originalMinifier.MinifyJavaScript(content, originalJsSettings); ICollection <ContextError> originalErrors = originalMinifier.ErrorList; var errors = new List <MinificationErrorInfo>(); var warnings = new List <MinificationErrorInfo>(); MapErrors(originalErrors, errors, warnings); return(new CodeMinificationResult(newContent, errors, warnings)); }
private static void MinifyFileWithSourceMap(string file, string minFile, CodeSettings settings, bool isBundle) { string mapPath = minFile + ".map"; ProjectHelpers.CheckOutFileFromSourceControl(mapPath); using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(mapPath, false, new UTF8Encoding(false))) using (V3SourceMap sourceMap = new V3SourceMap(writer)) { settings.SymbolsMap = sourceMap; sourceMap.StartPackage(Path.GetFileName(minFile), Path.GetFileName(mapPath)); // This fails when debugger is attached. Bug raised with Ron Logan MinifyFile(file, minFile, settings, isBundle); sourceMap.EndPackage(); if (!isBundle) { MarginBase.AddFileToProject(file, mapPath); } } }
/// <inheritdoc cref="IResourceMinifier.Minify" /> public string Minify(Settings settings, ResourceSet resourceSet, string combinedContent) { var localRenaming = (LocalRenaming)LocalRenaming.ConvertToType( typeof(LocalRenaming), Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.LocalRenaming.CrunchAll); var outputMode = (OutputMode)OutputMode.ConvertToType( typeof(OutputMode), Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.OutputMode.SingleLine); var evalTreatment = (EvalTreatment)EvalTreatment.ConvertToType( typeof(EvalTreatment), Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.EvalTreatment.MakeAllSafe); var codeSettings = new CodeSettings { EvalTreatment = evalTreatment, MacSafariQuirks = MacSafariQuirks == null ? true : MacSafariQuirks.Value, CollapseToLiteral = CollapseToLiteral == null ? true : CollapseToLiteral.Value, LocalRenaming = localRenaming, OutputMode = outputMode, RemoveUnneededCode = RemoveUnneededCode == null ? true : RemoveUnneededCode.Value, StripDebugStatements = StripDebugStatements == null ? true : StripDebugStatements.Value }; return(new Minifier().MinifyJavaScript(combinedContent, codeSettings)); }
public SwitchParser(CodeSettings scriptSettings, CssSettings cssSettings) { // apply the switches to these two settings objects JSSettings = scriptSettings ?? new CodeSettings(); CssSettings = cssSettings ?? new CssSettings(); }
public WithScope(ActivationObject parent, CodeSettings settings) : base(parent, settings, ScopeType.With) { IsInWithScope = true; }
public string BuildBundleContent(Bundle bundle, BundleContext context, IEnumerable<BundleFile> files) { if (files == null) { return string.Empty; } if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); } if (bundle == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("bundle"); } // Generates source map using an approach documented here: var sourcePath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(bundle.Path); var mapVirtualPath = string.Concat(bundle.Path, "map"); // don't use .map so it's picked up by the bundle module var mapPath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(mapVirtualPath); // Concatenate file contents to be minified, including the sourcemap hints var contentConcatedString = GetContentConcated(context, files); // Try minify (+ source map) using AjaxMin dll try { var contentBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var mapBuilder = new StringBuilder(); using (var contentWriter = new StringWriter(contentBuilder)) using (var mapWriter = new StringWriter(mapBuilder)) using (var sourceMap = new V3SourceMap(mapWriter)) { var settings = new CodeSettings() { EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeImmediateSafe, PreserveImportantComments = false, SymbolsMap = sourceMap, TermSemicolons = true }; sourceMap.StartPackage(sourcePath, mapPath); var minifier = new Minifier(); string contentMinified = minifier.MinifyJavaScript(contentConcatedString, settings); if (minifier.ErrorList.Count > 0) { return GenerateMinifierErrorsContent(contentConcatedString, minifier); } contentWriter.Write(contentMinified); } // Write the SourceMap to another Bundle AddContentToAdHocBundle(context, mapVirtualPath, mapBuilder.ToString()); // Note: A current bug in AjaxMin reported by @LodewijkSioen here, // causes the MinifyJavascript method call to hang when debugger is attached if the following line is included. // To avoid more harm than good, don't support source mapping in this scenario until AjaxMin fixes it's bug. if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { contentBuilder.Insert(0, sourceMappingDisabledMsg + "\r\n\r\n\r\n"); } return contentBuilder.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceWarning("An exception occurred trying to build bundle contents for bundle with virtual path: " + bundle.Path + ". See Exception details.", ex, typeof(ScriptWithSourceMapBundleBuilder)); return GenerateGenericErrorsContent(contentConcatedString); } }
/// <summary> /// Crunched JS string passed to it, returning crunched string. /// The ErrorList property will be set with any errors found during the minification process. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">source Javascript</param> /// <param name="fileName">File name to use in error reporting. Default is <c>input</c></param> /// <param name="codeSettings">code minification settings</param> /// <returns>minified Javascript</returns> public static UglifyResult Js(string source, string fileName = null, CodeSettings codeSettings = null) { if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); } fileName = fileName ?? "input"; codeSettings = codeSettings ?? new CodeSettings(); // default is an empty string string crunched; // reset the errors builder var errorList = new List <UglifyError>(); // create the parser and hook the engine error event var parser = new JSParser(); parser.CompilerError += (sender, e) => { var error = e.Error; if (error.Severity <= codeSettings.WarningLevel) { errorList.Add(error); } }; var sb = StringBuilderPool.Acquire(); try { var preprocessOnly = codeSettings.PreprocessOnly; using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter(sb, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { if (preprocessOnly) { parser.EchoWriter = stringWriter; } // parse the input var scriptBlock = parser.Parse(new DocumentContext(source) { FileContext = fileName }, codeSettings); if (scriptBlock != null && !preprocessOnly) { // we'll return the crunched code if (codeSettings.Format == JavaScriptFormat.JSON) { // we're going to use a different output visitor -- one // that specifically returns valid JSON. if (!JsonOutputVisitor.Apply(stringWriter, scriptBlock, codeSettings)) { errorList.Add(new UglifyError() { Severity = 0, File = fileName, Message = CommonStrings.InvalidJSONOutput, }); } } else { // just use the normal output visitor OutputVisitor.Apply(stringWriter, scriptBlock, codeSettings); codeSettings.SymbolsMap?.EndFile(stringWriter, codeSettings.LineTerminator); } } } crunched = sb.ToString(); } catch (Exception e) { errorList.Add(new UglifyError() { Severity = 0, File = fileName, Message = e.Message, }); throw; } finally { sb.Release(); } return(new UglifyResult(crunched, errorList)); }
public static void Apply(AstNode node, CodeSettings codeSettings) { var logicalNot = new LogicalNotVisitor(node, codeSettings); logicalNot.Apply(); }
public MsMinifier(CodeSettings codeSettings, string[] globalNames) { this.codeSettings = codeSettings; this.globalNames = globalNames; }
public string BuildBundleContent(Bundle bundle, BundleContext context, IEnumerable <BundleFile> files) { if (files == null) { return(string.Empty); } if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); } if (bundle == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("bundle"); } // Generates source map using an approach documented here: var sourcePath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(bundle.Path); var mapVirtualPath = string.Concat(bundle.Path, "map"); // don't use .map so it's picked up by the bundle module var mapPath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(mapVirtualPath); // Concatenate file contents to be minified, including the sourcemap hints var contentConcatedString = GetContentConcated(context, files); // Try minify (+ source map) using AjaxMin dll try { var contentBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var mapBuilder = new StringBuilder(); using (var contentWriter = new StringWriter(contentBuilder)) using (var mapWriter = new StringWriter(mapBuilder)) using (var sourceMap = new V3SourceMap(mapWriter)) { var settings = new CodeSettings() { EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeImmediateSafe, PreserveImportantComments = false, SymbolsMap = sourceMap, TermSemicolons = true, MinifyCode = minifyCode }; sourceMap.StartPackage(sourcePath, mapPath); var minifier = new Minifier(); string contentMinified = minifier.MinifyJavaScript(contentConcatedString, settings); if (minifier.ErrorList.Count > 0) { return(GenerateMinifierErrorsContent(contentConcatedString, minifier)); } contentWriter.Write(contentMinified); } // Write the SourceMap to another Bundle AddContentToAdHocBundle(context, mapVirtualPath, mapBuilder.ToString()); // Note: A current bug in AjaxMin reported by @LodewijkSioen here, // causes the MinifyJavascript method call to hang when debugger is attached if the following line is included. // To avoid more harm than good, don't support source mapping in this scenario until AjaxMin fixes it's bug. if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { contentBuilder.Insert(0, sourceMappingDisabledMsg + "\r\n\r\n\r\n"); } return(contentBuilder.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceWarning("An exception occurred trying to build bundle contents for bundle with virtual path: " + bundle.Path + ". See Exception details.", ex, typeof(ScriptWithSourceMapBundleBuilder)); return(GenerateGenericErrorsContent(contentConcatedString)); } }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { var executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var databaseEngine = Configuration["AppSettings:DatabaseEngine"]; DbConfiguration.SetConfiguration(new DatabaseEngineDbConfiguration(databaseEngine)); services.AddDbContext <AdminAppDbContext>(ConfigureForAdminDatabase); services.AddDbContext <AdminAppIdentityDbContext>(ConfigureForAdminDatabase); services.AddDbContext <AdminAppDataProtectionKeysDbContext>(ConfigureForAdminDatabase); services.AddIdentity <AdminAppUser, IdentityRole>() .AddEntityFrameworkStores <AdminAppIdentityDbContext>() .AddDefaultTokenProviders(); services.AddControllersWithViews(options => { options.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeFilter("UserMustExistPolicy")); options.Filters.Add <AutoValidateAntiforgeryTokenAttribute>(); options.Filters.Add <JsonValidationFilter>(); options.Filters.Add <SetupRequiredFilter>(); options.Filters.Add <UserContextFilter>(); options.Filters.Add <PasswordChangeRequiredFilter>(); options.Filters.Add <InstanceContextFilter>(); }) .AddFluentValidation( opt => { opt.RegisterValidatorsFromAssembly(executingAssembly); opt.ValidatorOptions.DisplayNameResolver = (type, memberInfo, expression) => memberInfo? .GetCustomAttribute <System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayAttribute>()?.GetName(); }); services.AddWebOptimizer( pipeline => { var minifyJsSettings = new CodeSettings { LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.CrunchAll, MinifyCode = true }; var minifyCssSettings = new CssSettings { MinifyExpressions = true }; pipeline.AddCssBundle("/bundles/bootstrap-multiselect.min.css", minifyCssSettings, "/content/css/bootstrap-multiselect.css"); pipeline.AddCssBundle("/bundles/site.min.css", minifyCssSettings, "/content/css/Site.css"); pipeline.AddJavaScriptBundle("/bundles/bootstrap-multiselect.min.js", minifyJsSettings, "/Scripts/bootstrap-multiselect.js"); pipeline.AddJavaScriptBundle("/bundles/modernizr.min.js", minifyJsSettings, "/Scripts/modernizr-2.8.3.js"); pipeline.AddJavaScriptBundle("/bundles/site.min.js", minifyJsSettings, "/Scripts/site.js", "/Scripts/site-form-handlers.js", "/Scripts/signalr-progress.js"); pipeline.AddJavaScriptBundle("/bundles/claimset.min.js", minifyJsSettings, "/Scripts/resource-editor.js"); pipeline.AddJavaScriptBundle("/bundles/authstrategy.min.js", minifyJsSettings, "/Scripts/auth-editor.js"); }); services.AddAuthorization(options => { options.AddPolicy("UserMustExistPolicy", policyBuilder => { policyBuilder.AddRequirements(new UserMustExistRequirement()); }); }); services.AddScoped <IAuthorizationHandler, UserMustExistHandler>(); services.Configure <IdentityOptions>(options => { options.User.RequireUniqueEmail = true; }); services.ConfigureApplicationCookie(options => { options.LoginPath = "/Identity/Login"; options.LogoutPath = "/Identity/LogOut"; options.AccessDeniedPath = "/Identity/Login"; }); services.AddDataProtection().PersistKeysToDbContext <AdminAppDataProtectionKeysDbContext>(); services.AddAutoMapper(executingAssembly, typeof(AdminManagementMappingProfile).Assembly); services.Configure <AppSettings>(Configuration.GetSection("AppSettings")); services.Configure <ConnectionStrings>(Configuration.GetSection("ConnectionStrings")); services.AddSignalR(); services.AddHttpClient(); var appSettings = new AppSettings(); Configuration.GetSection("AppSettings").Bind(appSettings); ConfigurationAppSettings = appSettings; var connectionStrings = new ConnectionStrings(); Configuration.GetSection("ConnectionStrings").Bind(connectionStrings); ConfigurationConnectionStrings = connectionStrings; var appStartup = appSettings.AppStartup; if (appStartup == "OnPrem") { new OnPremInstaller().Install(services, appSettings); } services.AddHangfire(configuration => configuration .SetDataCompatibilityLevel(CompatibilityLevel.Version_170) .UseSimpleAssemblyNameTypeSerializer() .UseRecommendedSerializerSettings()); HangFireInstance.EnableWithoutSchemaMigration(); services.AddHangfireServer(); services.AddHealthCheck(Configuration.GetConnectionString("Admin"), IsSqlServer(databaseEngine)); // This statement should be kept last to ensure that the IHttpClientFactory and IInferOdsApiVersion services are registered. CommonConfigurationInstaller.ConfigureLearningStandards(services).Wait(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs instance of NUglify JS Minifier /// </summary> /// <param name="settings">NUglify JS Minifier settings</param> public NUglifyJsMinifier(NUglifyJsMinificationSettings settings) { _originalEmbeddedJsSettings = CreateOriginalJsMinifierSettings(settings, false); _originalInlineJsSettings = CreateOriginalJsMinifierSettings(settings, true); }
/// <summary> /// Minifies the CSS stylesheet passes to it using the given settings, returning the minified results /// The ErrorList property will be set with any errors found during the minification process. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">CSS Source</param> /// <param name="fileName">File name to use in error reporting. Default is <c>input</c></param> /// <param name="settings">CSS minification settings</param> /// <param name="scriptSettings">JS minification settings to use for expression-minification</param> /// <returns>Minified StyleSheet</returns> public static UglifyResult Css(string source, string fileName, CssSettings settings = null, CodeSettings scriptSettings = null) { if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); } fileName = fileName ?? "input"; settings = settings ?? new CssSettings(); scriptSettings = scriptSettings ?? new CodeSettings(); // initialize some values, including the error list (which shoudl start off empty) string minifiedResults; var errorList = new List <UglifyError>(); // create the parser object and if we specified some settings, // use it to set the Parser's settings object var parser = new CssParser { FileContext = fileName, Settings = settings, JSSettings = scriptSettings }; // hook the error handler parser.CssError += (sender, e) => { var error = e.Error; if (error.Severity <= settings.WarningLevel) { errorList.Add(error); } }; // try parsing the source and return the results try { minifiedResults = parser.Parse(source); } catch (Exception e) { errorList.Add(new UglifyError() { Severity = 0, File = fileName, Message = e.Message, }); throw; } return(new UglifyResult(minifiedResults, errorList)); }
public static UglifyResult Css(string source, CssSettings settings = null, CodeSettings scriptSettings = null) { return(Css(source, null, settings, scriptSettings)); }
public MsMinifier(CodeSettings codeSettings) { this.codeSettings = codeSettings; }
public JavaScriptMinifier(CodeSettings settings) { Settings = settings; }
public SwitchParser() { // initialize with default values JSSettings = new CodeSettings(); CssSettings = new CssSettings(); // see if this is running under the Mono runtime (on UNIX) m_isMono = Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") != null; }
/// <summary> /// Runs the JavaScript minifier on the content. /// </summary> public static IEnumerable <IAsset> MinifyJavaScript(this IEnumerable <IAsset> assets, CodeSettings settings) { return(assets.AddProcessor(asset => asset.MinifyJavaScript(settings))); }
/// <summary> /// Minifies tje specified .js files. /// </summary> public static IEnumerable <IAsset> MinifyJsFiles(this IAssetPipeline pipeline, CodeSettings settings, params string[] sourceFiles) { return(pipeline.AddFiles("text/javascript; charset=UTF-8", sourceFiles) .AddResponseHeader("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff") .MinifyJavaScript(settings)); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { HttpRequest request = context.Request; // Read setName, contentType and version. All are required. They are // used as cache key string setName = request["s"] ?? string.Empty; string contentType = request["t"] ?? string.Empty; string version = request["v"] ?? string.Empty; // Decide if browser supports compressed response bool isCompressed = DO_GZIP && this.CanGZip(context.Request); // Response is written as UTF8 encoding. If you are using languages like // Arabic, you should change this to proper encoding UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false); // If the set has already been cached, write the response directly from // cache. Otherwise generate the response and cache it if (!this.WriteFromCache(context, setName, version, isCompressed, contentType)) { using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(5000)) { // Decide regular stream or GZipStream based on whether the response // can be cached or not using (Stream writer = isCompressed ? (Stream)(new GZipStream(memoryStream, CompressionMode.Compress)) : memoryStream) { // Load the files defined in and process each file string setDefinition = GetFilelist(setName) ?? ""; string[] fileNames = setDefinition.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string minifiedString = string.Empty; var minifier = new Minifier(); StringBuilder allScripts = new StringBuilder(); if (contentType == JS_TYPE) { foreach (string fileName in fileNames) { byte[] fileBytes = this.GetFileBytes(context, fileName.Trim(), encoding); allScripts.Append(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fileBytes)); //writer.Write(fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.Length); } var codeSettings = new CodeSettings(); codeSettings.MinifyCode = true; codeSettings.OutputMode = OutputMode.SingleLine; //codeSettings.OutputMode = OutputMode.MultipleLines; codeSettings.InlineSafeStrings = true; codeSettings.MacSafariQuirks = true; codeSettings.RemoveUnneededCode = true; codeSettings.LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.CrunchAll; codeSettings.EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeAllSafe; //codeSettings.CombineDuplicateLiterals = true; codeSettings.PreserveFunctionNames = false; minifiedString = minifier.MinifyJavaScript(allScripts.ToString(), codeSettings); } if (contentType == CSS_TYPE) { CssParser parser = new CssParser(); foreach (string fileName in fileNames) { byte[] fileBytes = this.GetFileBytes(context, fileName.Trim(), encoding); string crunchedStyles = parser.Parse(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fileBytes)); allScripts.Append(crunchedStyles); } var cssSettings = new CssSettings(); cssSettings.CommentMode = CssComment.None; cssSettings.ColorNames = CssColor.Strict; //cssSettings.ExpandOutput = true; cssSettings.TermSemicolons = true; minifiedString = minifier.MinifyStyleSheet(allScripts.ToString(), cssSettings); } byte[] rikiki = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(minifiedString); writer.Write(rikiki, 0, rikiki.Length); writer.Close(); } // Cache the combined response so that it can be directly written // in subsequent calls byte[] responseBytes = memoryStream.ToArray(); context.Cache.Insert( GetCacheKey(setName, version, isCompressed), responseBytes, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, CACHE_DURATION); // Generate the response this.WriteBytes(responseBytes, context, isCompressed, contentType); } } }
public static string MinifyString(string extension, string content) { if (extension == ".css") { Minifier minifier = new Minifier(); CssSettings settings = new CssSettings(); settings.CommentMode = CssComment.None; if (WESettings.GetBoolean(WESettings.Keys.KeepImportantComments)) { settings.CommentMode = CssComment.Important; } return minifier.MinifyStyleSheet(content, settings); } else if (extension == ".js") { Minifier minifier = new Minifier(); CodeSettings settings = new CodeSettings() { EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeImmediateSafe, PreserveImportantComments = WESettings.GetBoolean(WESettings.Keys.KeepImportantComments) }; return minifier.MinifyJavaScript(content, settings); } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Crunched JS string passed to it, returning crunched string. /// The ErrorList property will be set with any errors found during the minification process. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">source Javascript</param> /// <param name="codeSettings">code minification settings</param> /// <returns>minified Javascript</returns> public static UglifyResult Js(string source, CodeSettings codeSettings) { // just pass in default settings return(Js(source, null, codeSettings)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a JavaScript bundle on the specified route and minifies the output. /// </summary> public static IAsset AddJavaScriptBundle(this IAssetPipeline pipeline, string route, CodeSettings settings, params string[] sourceFiles) { return(pipeline.AddBundle(route, "text/javascript; charset=UTF-8", sourceFiles) .EnforceFileExtensions(".js", ".jsx", ".es5", ".es6") .Concatenate() .AddResponseHeader("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff") .MinifyJavaScript(settings)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a JavaScript bundle on the specified route and minifies the output. /// </summary> public static IAsset AddJavaScriptBundle(this IAssetPipeline pipeline, string route, CodeSettings settings, params string[] sourceFiles) { return(pipeline.AddBundle(route, "application/javascript; charset=UTF-8", sourceFiles) .EnforceFileExtensions(".js", ".jsx", ".es5", ".es6") .Concatenate() .MinifyJavaScript(settings)); }
/// <summary> /// Minifies any .js file requested. /// </summary> public static IEnumerable <IAsset> MinifyJsFiles(this IAssetPipeline pipeline, CodeSettings settings) { return(pipeline.MinifyJsFiles(settings, "**/*.js")); }
/// <summary> /// Minifies tje specified .js files. /// </summary> public static IEnumerable <IAsset> MinifyJsFiles(this IAssetPipeline pipeline, CodeSettings settings, params string[] sourceFiles) { return(pipeline.AddFiles("application/javascript; charset=UTF-8", sourceFiles) .MinifyJavaScript(settings)); }
internal CatchScope(ActivationObject parent, CodeSettings settings) : base(parent, settings, ScopeType.Catch) { }
/// <summary> /// Constructs an instance of the Microsoft Ajax CSS Minifier /// </summary> /// <param name="settings">Microsoft Ajax CSS Minifier settings</param> public MsAjaxCssMinifier(MsAjaxCssMinificationSettings settings) { _originalEmbeddedCssSettings = CreateOriginalCssMinifierSettings(settings, false); _originalInlineCssSettings = CreateOriginalCssMinifierSettings(settings, true); _originalJsSettings = new CodeSettings(); }