public void PivExhaustion() { SecurityContext context = SecurityContext.DeriveGroupContext(secret, groupId1, clientId, AlgorithmValues.EdDSA, _clientSign1, null, null); SecurityContext context2 = SecurityContext.DeriveGroupContext(secret2, groupId2, clientId, AlgorithmValues.EdDSA, _clientSign1, null, null); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { context.Sender.IncrementSequenceNumber(); } context.Sender.MaxSequenceNumber = 10; context.OscoreEvents += ClientEventHandler; CoapClient client = new CoapClient($"coap://localhost:{_serverPort}/abc") { OscoreContext = context, Timeout = 20 }; Response r = client.Get(); Assert.IsTrue(trigger.WaitOne(1000)); Assert.AreEqual(OscoreEvent.EventCode.PivExhaustion, _clientCallbackCode); _clientEventChoice = 1; client.Timeout = 1000 * 60; r = client.Get(); Assert.AreEqual(OscoreEvent.EventCode.UnknownGroupIdentifier, _callbackCode); }
public void GetUnicastV6() { Uri uri; CoapClient client; Response response; IPAddress[] addresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses("localhost"); IPAddress addr = null; foreach (IPAddress a in addresses) { if (a.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) { addr = a; break; } } uri = new Uri($"coap://[{addr}]:{_serverPort}/{UnicastTarget}"); client = new CoapClient(uri); response = client.Get(); Assert.IsNotNull(response); Assert.AreEqual(UnicastResponse, response.ResponseText); }
public void TestMulticastIPv6_Offset() { Uri uri; CoapClient client; List <Response> responseList = new List <Response>(); AutoResetEvent trigger = new AutoResetEvent(false); if (!SupportsIPV6()) { Assert.Inconclusive("System does not support IP v6"); } uri = new Uri($"coap://[{multicastAddress2}]:{_serverPort + PortJump}/{MulticastTarget}"); client = new CoapClient(uri); client.UseNONs(); client.GetAsync(r => { responseList.Add(r); trigger.Set(); }); Assert.IsTrue(trigger.WaitOne(2 * 1000)); Console.WriteLine($"response count = {responseList.Count}"); Assert.IsTrue(responseList.Count == 1); foreach (Response r in responseList) { Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.Content, r.StatusCode); Assert.AreEqual(MulticastResponse, r.ResponseText); } }
public void TestMulticastV4_Offset() { Uri uri; CoapClient client; // Check that multicast returns on multicast List <Response> responseList = new List <Response>(); AutoResetEvent trigger = new AutoResetEvent(false); uri = new Uri($"coap://{multicastAddress}:{_serverPort + PortJump}/{MulticastTarget}"); client = new CoapClient(uri); client.UseNONs(); client.GetAsync(r => { responseList.Add(r); trigger.Set(); }); trigger.WaitOne(1000); Assert.IsTrue(responseList.Count == 1); foreach (Response r in responseList) { Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.Content, r.StatusCode); Assert.AreEqual(MulticastResponse, r.ResponseText); } }
public async Task TestReceiveMulticastMessagFromMulticastEndpoint() { // Arrange var mockClientEndpoint = new Mock <MockEndpoint> { CallBase = true }; var messageReceived = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); var expected = new CoapMessage { Type = CoapMessageType.NonConfirmable, Code = CoapMessageCode.Get, Options = new System.Collections.Generic.List <CoapOption> { new Options.ContentFormat(Options.ContentFormatType.ApplicationLinkFormat) }, Payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("</.well-known/core>") }; mockClientEndpoint.Setup(c => c.IsMulticast).Returns(true); mockClientEndpoint .Setup(c => c.MockSendAsync(It.IsAny <CoapPacket>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>())) .Returns(Task.CompletedTask); mockClientEndpoint .SetupSequence(c => c.MockReceiveAsync(It.IsAny <CancellationToken>())) .Returns(Task.FromResult(new CoapPacket { Payload = expected.ToBytes() })) .Throws(new CoapEndpointException("Endpoint closed")); // Ack using (var client = new CoapClient(mockClientEndpoint.Object)) { var ct = new CancellationTokenSource(MaxTaskTimeout); ct.Token.Register(() => messageReceived.TrySetCanceled()); try { while (true) { var received = await client.ReceiveAsync(ct.Token); messageReceived.TrySetResult(received.Message?.IsMulticast ?? false); } } catch (CoapEndpointException) { Debug.WriteLine($"Caught CoapEndpointException", nameof(TestReceiveMulticastMessagFromMulticastEndpoint)); } await messageReceived.Task; } // Assert Assert.IsTrue(messageReceived.Task.IsCompleted, "Took too long to receive message"); Assert.IsTrue(messageReceived.Task.Result, "Message is not marked as Multicast"); }
public void CancelReceiveAsync() { // Arrange var endpoint = new CoapUdpEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback); var safetyCt = new CancellationTokenSource(MaxTaskTimeout); var testCt = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); Task receiveTask1; Task receiveTask2; Task receiveTask3; // Ack using (var client = new CoapClient(endpoint)) { receiveTask1 = client.ReceiveAsync(testCt.Token); receiveTask2 = client.ReceiveAsync(testCt.Token); receiveTask3 = client.ReceiveAsync(testCt.Token); Task.Run(() => { // Assert Assert.ThrowsAsync <TaskCanceledException>( async() => await receiveTask1, $"{nameof(CoapClient.ReceiveAsync)} did not throw an {nameof(OperationCanceledException)} when the CancelationToken was canceled."); Assert.ThrowsAsync <TaskCanceledException>( async() => await receiveTask2, $"{nameof(CoapClient.ReceiveAsync)} did not throw an {nameof(OperationCanceledException)} when the CancelationToken was canceled."); Assert.ThrowsAsync <TaskCanceledException>( async() => await receiveTask3, $"{nameof(CoapClient.ReceiveAsync)} did not throw an {nameof(OperationCanceledException)} when the CancelationToken was canceled."); }, safetyCt.Token).Wait(); } Assert.That(testCt.IsCancellationRequested, Is.True, "The test's CancellationToken should have timed out."); Assert.That(safetyCt.IsCancellationRequested, Is.False, "The test's safety CancellationToken timed out"); }
public void MutiTierTest() { CoapClient client = new CoapClient(new Uri($"coap://localhost:{_port}/ps")); Response resp = client.Get(); Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.Content, resp.StatusCode); Assert.AreEqual(MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat, resp.ContentType); List <WebLink> links = LinkFormat.Parse(resp.PayloadString).ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(0, links.Count); resp = client.Post($"<middle>;ct={MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat}", MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.Created, resp.StatusCode); Assert.AreEqual("ps/middle", resp.LocationPath); client.UriPath = "/ps/middle"; resp = client.Post($"<topic1>;ct={MediaType.TextPlain}", MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.Created, resp.StatusCode); Assert.AreEqual("ps/middle/topic1", resp.LocationPath); resp = client.Post($"<topic2>;ct={MediaType.ApplicationCbor}", MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.Created, resp.StatusCode); Assert.AreEqual("ps/middle/topic2", resp.LocationPath); client.UriPath = ""; resp = client.Get(); Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.Content, resp.StatusCode); Assert.AreEqual(MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat, resp.ContentType); links = LinkFormat.Parse(resp.PayloadString).ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(3, links.Count); string[] linkStrings = resp.PayloadString.Split(','); Assert.Contains("</ps/middle/topic2>;ct=60;obs", linkStrings); Assert.Contains("</ps/middle/topic1>;ct=0;obs", linkStrings);; }
public void CancelReceiveAsync() { // Arrange var endpoint = new NonDisposableEndpoint(); var safetyCt = new CancellationTokenSource(MaxTaskTimeout); var testCt = new CancellationTokenSource(MaxTaskTimeout / 2); Task receiveTask1; Task receiveTask2; Task receiveTask3; // Ack using (var client = new CoapClient(endpoint)) { receiveTask1 = client.ReceiveAsync(testCt.Token); receiveTask2 = client.ReceiveAsync(testCt.Token); receiveTask3 = client.ReceiveAsync(testCt.Token); Task.Run(() => { // Assert Assert.ThrowsAsync <TaskCanceledException>( async() => await receiveTask1, $"{nameof(CoapClient.ReceiveAsync)} did not throw an {nameof(CoapEndpointException)} when {nameof(CoapClient)} was disposed."); Assert.ThrowsAsync <TaskCanceledException>( async() => await receiveTask2, $"{nameof(CoapClient.ReceiveAsync)} did not throw an {nameof(CoapEndpointException)} when {nameof(CoapClient)} was disposed."); Assert.ThrowsAsync <TaskCanceledException>( async() => await receiveTask3, $"{nameof(CoapClient.ReceiveAsync)} did not throw an {nameof(CoapEndpointException)} when {nameof(CoapClient)} was disposed."); }, safetyCt.Token).Wait(); } Assert.That(testCt.IsCancellationRequested, Is.True, "The test's CancellationToken should have timed out."); Assert.That(safetyCt.IsCancellationRequested, Is.False, "The test's safety CancellationToken timed out"); }
public void TestCancelWithNotify() { // Check what happens with out of order delivery Uri uri = new Uri($"coap://localhost:{_serverPort}/{target1}"); CoapClient client = new CoapClient(uri); AutoResetEvent trigger = new AutoResetEvent(false); Response nextResponse = null; int lastObserve = -1; _expected = "No Content Yet"; CoapObserveRelation obs1 = client.Observe(response => { nextResponse = response; trigger.Set(); }); Assert.IsFalse(obs1.Canceled); Assert.IsTrue(trigger.WaitOne(1000)); Assert.IsTrue(Code.IsSuccess(nextResponse.Code)); Assert.AreEqual(_expected, nextResponse.ResponseText); Assert.IsTrue(nextResponse.HasOption(OptionType.Observe)); Assert.IsTrue(nextResponse.Observe.HasValue); int oNumber = nextResponse.Observe.Value; Assert.IsTrue(oNumber > lastObserve); lastObserve = oNumber; _resource.Changed(); Assert.IsTrue(trigger.WaitOne(1000)); Assert.IsTrue(Code.IsSuccess(nextResponse.Code)); Assert.AreEqual(_expected, nextResponse.ResponseText); Assert.IsTrue(nextResponse.HasOption(OptionType.Observe)); Assert.IsTrue(nextResponse.Observe.HasValue); oNumber = nextResponse.Observe.Value; Assert.IsTrue(oNumber > lastObserve); lastObserve = oNumber; _resource.Changed(); Assert.IsTrue(trigger.WaitOne(1000)); Assert.IsTrue(Code.IsSuccess(nextResponse.Code)); Assert.AreEqual(_expected, nextResponse.ResponseText); Assert.IsTrue(nextResponse.HasOption(OptionType.Observe)); Assert.IsTrue(nextResponse.Observe.HasValue); oNumber = nextResponse.Observe.Value; Assert.IsTrue(oNumber > lastObserve); lastObserve = oNumber; _resource.Canceled(true); Assert.IsTrue(trigger.WaitOne(1000)); Assert.IsTrue(!Code.IsSuccess(nextResponse.Code)); Assert.AreEqual(null, nextResponse.ResponseText); Assert.IsFalse(nextResponse.HasOption(OptionType.Observe)); _resource.Changed(); Assert.IsFalse(trigger.WaitOne(1000)); client = null; }
public void PostTo() { CoapClient c = new CoapClient(Program.Host) { UriPath = "/.well-known/core", UriQuery = "ep=node1", Timeout = 5000, EndPoint = EndPoints.First() }; Response r = c.Post(new byte[] { }, MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); if (r == null) { Console.WriteLine("No response received"); } else { if (r.StatusCode != StatusCode.Changed) { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect response"); } Console.WriteLine(Utils.ToString(r)); } }
static void RunTest5_4_1() { CoapClient request = new CoapClient(Program.Host + "/oscore/hello/1") { Timeout = 2000 }; Response response = request.Post(new byte[] { 0x4a }, MediaType.TextPlain); if (response == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to receive response"); return; } if (response.StatusCode != StatusCode.Changed) { Console.WriteLine($"Content type should be 2.04 not {response.StatusCode}"); } if (response.PayloadSize != 1 || response.Payload[0] != 0x4a) { Console.WriteLine("Payload for the package is wrong - should be 0x4a"); } Console.WriteLine($"Response Message:\n{Utils.ToString(response)}"); }
public async Task TestClientRequest() { // Arrange var mockClientEndpoint = new Mock <MockEndpoint>() { CallBase = true }; mockClientEndpoint .Setup(c => c.MockSendAsync(It.IsAny <CoapPacket>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>())) .Returns(Task.CompletedTask); // Act using (var client = new CoapClient(mockClientEndpoint.Object)) { var ct = new CancellationTokenSource(MaxTaskTimeout); await client.SendAsync(new CoapMessage { Type = CoapMessageType.NonConfirmable, Code = CoapMessageCode.None }, ct.Token); } // Assert mockClientEndpoint.Verify(cep => cep.SendAsync(It.IsAny <CoapPacket>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>())); }
static void RunTest15(string[] cmds) { // Do it as a third party. CoapClient cl = new CoapClient(Program.Host) { UriPath = ResourceLookup, Timeout = 20 * 1000 }; Response r1 = cl.Get(MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); if (r1 == null) { Console.WriteLine("No response message retrieved"); return; } if (r1.StatusCode != StatusCode.Content) { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect return code"); } if (r1.StatusCode < StatusCode.BadRequest) { if (r1.ContentFormat != MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat) { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect Media Type"); } } Console.WriteLine(Utils.ToString(r1)); }
static void RunTest4(string[] cmds) { // Do it as a third party. CoapClient cl = new CoapClient(Program.Host) { UriPath = ResourceRegister, UriQuery = "ep=node2", Timeout = 20 * 1000 }; Response r1 = cl.Post( "</temp>;rt=\"temperature\";ct=0," + "</light>;rt=\"light-lux\";ct=0," + "</t>;anchor=\"sensors/temp\";rel=\"alternate\"," + "<>;anchor=\"sensors/temp\";rel=\"describedby\"", MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); if (r1 == null) { Console.WriteLine("No response message retrieved"); return; } Test4Location = r1.LocationPath; return; }
static void ProductCall() { // Create a new client var client = new CoapClient(); // Set the Uri to visit client.Uri = new Uri("coap://"); // Build the data MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); // Example product dynamic product = new JObject(); = "Example Product"; product.price = 120.35; // Get JSON object from example product var response = client.Post(product.ToString(), MediaType.ApplicationJson); Console.WriteLine("Wrote product: {0}", product.ToString()); // Get the response Console.WriteLine("Response from GET: {0}", response.PayloadString); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void ServerNewSenderGroup() { SecurityContext context = SecurityContext.DeriveGroupContext(secret, groupId1, clientId, AlgorithmValues.EdDSA, _clientSign1, new byte[][] { serverId, serverId2 }, new OneKey[] { _serverSign1, _serverSign1 }); SecurityContext serverContext = SecurityContext.DeriveGroupContext(secret, groupId1, serverId, AlgorithmValues.EdDSA, _serverSign1, new byte[][] { clientId2, clientId }, new OneKey[] { _clientSign2, _clientSign1 }); _server.SecurityContexts.Add(serverContext); serverContext.OscoreEvents += ServerEventHandler; serverContext.Sender.SequenceNumber = 10; serverContext.Sender.MaxSequenceNumber = 10; CoapClient client = new CoapClient($"coap://localhost:{_serverPort}/abc") { OscoreContext = context, Timeout = 60 * 1000 }; _serverEventChoice = 4; client.Observe(o => { Assert.AreEqual("/abc", o.PayloadString); }); Assert.AreEqual(OscoreEvent.EventCode.PivExhaustion, _callbackCode); }
/// <summary> /// ctor /// </summary> /// <param name="_cc">existing coap client</param> /// <param name="loadAutomatically">Load GatewayInfo object automatically (default: true)</param> public GatewayController(CoapClient _cc, bool loadAutomatically = true) { cc = _cc; if (loadAutomatically) { GetGatewayInfo(); } }
/// <summary> /// ctor /// </summary> /// <param name="coapClient">existing coap client</param> /// <param name="loadAutomatically">Load GatewayInfo object automatically (default: true)</param> public GatewayController(CoapClient coapClient, bool loadAutomatically = true) { _coapClient = coapClient; if (loadAutomatically) { GetGatewayInfo(); } }
public async Task Read_BlockWiseCoapMessage_WithExtentionMethod( [Values(16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024)] int blockSize, [Range(1, 2)] int blocks, [Values] bool lastHalfblock) { // Arrange int totalBytes = (blocks * blockSize) + (lastHalfblock ? blockSize / 2 : 0); int totalBlocks = ((totalBytes - 1) / blockSize) + 1; var baseRequest = new CoapMessage { Code = CoapMessageCode.Get, Type = CoapMessageType.Confirmable, }; baseRequest.SetUri("/status", UriComponents.Path); var baseResponse = new CoapMessage { Code = CoapMessageCode.Content, Type = CoapMessageType.Acknowledgement, }; var helper = new BlockWiseTestHelper { BlockSize = blockSize, TotalBytes = totalBytes }; var mockClientEndpoint = new Mock <MockBlockwiseEndpoint>(baseResponse, blockSize, totalBytes) { CallBase = true }; helper.AssertReadResponseCorrespondance(mockClientEndpoint, 1) .AssertInitialRequest(mockClientEndpoint); byte[] result; // Act using (var client = new CoapClient(mockClientEndpoint.Object)) { var ct = new CancellationTokenSource(MaxTaskTimeout); client.SetNextMessageId(1); var identifier = await client.SendAsync(baseRequest, ct.Token); var response = await client.GetResponseAsync(identifier, ct.Token); result = response.GetCompletedBlockWisePayload(client, baseRequest); } // Assert Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(BlockWiseTestHelper.ByteRange(0, totalBytes)), "Incorrect payload read"); mockClientEndpoint.Verify(); }
private static void CleanAll(string[] cmds) { CoapClient c = new CoapClient(Program.Host); IEnumerable <WebLink> d = c.Discover("rt=core.rd*", MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); string endpointRegister = null; string endpointLookup = null; string groupRegister = null; string groupLookup = null; string resourceLookup = null; foreach (WebLink w in d) { foreach (string s in w.Attributes.GetResourceTypes()) { switch (s) { case "core.rd": endpointRegister = w.Uri; break; case "core.rd-lookup-res": resourceLookup = w.Uri; break; case "core.rd-group": groupRegister = w.Uri; break; case "core.rd-lookup-gp": groupLookup = w.Uri; break; case "core.rd-lookup-ep": endpointLookup = w.Uri; break; } } } if (groupLookup != null) { d = c.Discover(groupLookup, null, MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); foreach (WebLink w in d) { c.UriPath = w.Uri; c.Delete(); } } d = c.Discover(endpointLookup, null, MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); foreach (WebLink w in d) { c.UriPath = w.Uri; c.Delete(); } }
/// <summary> /// ctor /// </summary> /// <param name="_id">group id</param> /// <param name="_cc">existing coap client</param> /// <param name="loadAutomatically">Load group object automatically (default: true)</param> public GroupController(long _id, CoapClient _cc, bool loadAutomatically = true) { id = _id; cc = _cc; if (loadAutomatically) { GetTradFriGroup(); } }
/// <summary> /// ctor /// </summary> /// <param name="id">group id</param> /// <param name="coapClent">existing coap client</param> /// <param name="loadAutomatically">Load group object automatically (default: true)</param> public GroupController(long id, CoapClient coapClent, bool loadAutomatically = true) { this._id = id; _coapClent = coapClent; if (loadAutomatically) { GetTradfriGroup(); } }
private static async Task TestGet_ApiCoap() { var client = new CoapClient(); client.Uri = new Uri("coap://localhost:5683/helloworld"); var res = client.Get(); Console.WriteLine(res.ResponseText); }
/// <summary> /// ctor /// </summary> /// <param name="_id">group id</param> /// <param name="_cc">existing coap client</param> /// <param name="loadAutomatically">Load group object automatically (default: true)</param> public SmartTaskController(long _id, CoapClient _cc, bool loadAutomatically = true) { id = _id; cc = _cc; if (loadAutomatically) { GetTradFriSmartTask(); } }
/// <summary> /// ctor /// </summary> /// <param name="id">group id</param> /// <param name="coapClient">existing coap client</param> /// <param name="loadAutomatically">Load group object automatically (default: true)</param> public SmartTaskController(long id, CoapClient coapClient, bool loadAutomatically = true) { this._id = id; this._coapClient = coapClient; if (loadAutomatically) { GetTradfriSmartTask(); } }
public void Write_BlockWiseCoapMessage_BlockSizeTooLarge(int initialBlockSize, int reducetoBlockSize, int blocks, bool lastHalfblock) { Assume.That(reducetoBlockSize < initialBlockSize, "Ignoring invalid test input"); // Arrange var totalBytes = (blocks * initialBlockSize) + (lastHalfblock ? initialBlockSize / 2 : 0); var totalBlocks = ((totalBytes - 1) / reducetoBlockSize) + 1; var baseRequest = new CoapMessage { Code = CoapMessageCode.Post, Type = CoapMessageType.Confirmable, }; var baseResponseMessage = new CoapMessage { Code = CoapMessageCode.Continue, Type = CoapMessageType.Acknowledgement, }; var helper = new BlockWiseTestHelper { BlockSize = reducetoBlockSize, TotalBytes = totalBytes, }; var mockClientEndpoint = new Mock <MockBlockwiseEndpoint>(baseRequest, reducetoBlockSize, totalBytes) { CallBase = true }; mockClientEndpoint.Object.Mode = MockBlockwiseEndpointMode.RequestTooLarge; helper.AssertLargeBlockSizeGetsSent(mockClientEndpoint, initialBlockSize, reducetoBlockSize) .AssertWriteRequestCorrespondance(mockClientEndpoint); // Act using (var client = new CoapClient(mockClientEndpoint.Object)) { var ct = new CancellationTokenSource(MaxTaskTimeout); client.SetNextMessageId(1); using (var writer = new CoapBlockStreamWriter(client, baseRequest) { BlockSize = initialBlockSize }) { writer.Write(BlockWiseTestHelper.ByteRange(0, totalBytes), 0, totalBytes); writer.Flush(); }; } // Assert mockClientEndpoint.Verify(); }
// Use Security Context A static void RunTest3() { CoapClient request = new CoapClient(Program.Host + "/oscore/hello/2?first=1") { Timeout = 2000, OscoreContext = _oscoreContext }; Response response = request.Get(); if (response == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to receive response"); return; } if (response.StatusCode != StatusCode.Content) { Console.WriteLine("Content type should be 2.05 not ${response.StatusCode}"); } if (response.HasOption(OptionType.ContentType)) { if (response.ContentType != MediaType.TextPlain) { Console.WriteLine($"Content type is set to {response.ContentType} and not 0"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Content Type is missing"); } if (response.HasOption(OptionType.ETag)) { if (response.ETags.Count() != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Number of ETags is incorrect"); } if (!response.ContainsETag(new byte[] { 0x2b })) { Console.WriteLine("Missing ETag = 0x2b"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("ETag is missing"); } if (!response.PayloadString.Equals("Hello World!")) { Console.WriteLine("Content value is wrong"); } Console.WriteLine($"Response Message:\n{Utils.ToString(response)}"); }
static async Task ReceiveAsync(CoapClient client, CancellationToken token) { while (!token.IsCancellationRequested) { // Wait indefinitely until any message is received. var response = await client.ReceiveAsync(token); Console.WriteLine($"Received a response from {response.Endpoint}\n{Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response.Message.Payload)}"); } }
public void Ocoap_Get() { CoapClient client = new CoapClient($"coap://localhost:{_serverPort}/abc") { OscoreContext = SecurityContext.DeriveContext(_Secret, null, _ClientId, _ServerId) }; Response r = client.Get(); Assert.AreEqual("/abc", r.PayloadString); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { var host = "localhost"; var port = Coap.PortDTLS; var identity = new BasicTlsPskIdentity("user", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("password")); // Create a new client using a DTLS endpoint with the remote host and Identity var client = new CoapClient(new CoapDtlsClientEndPoint(host, port, new ExamplePskDtlsClient(identity))); // Create a cancelation token that cancels after 1 minute var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)); // Capture the Control + C event Console.CancelKeyPress += (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Exiting"); cancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); // Prevent the Main task from being destroyed prematurely. e.Cancel = true; }; Console.WriteLine("Press <Ctrl>+C to exit"); try { // Create a simple GET request var message = new CoapMessage { Code = CoapMessageCode.Get, Type = CoapMessageType.Confirmable, }; // Get the /hello resource from localhost. message.SetUri($"coaps://{host}:{port}/hello"); Console.WriteLine($"Sending a {message.Code} {message.GetUri().GetComponents(UriComponents.PathAndQuery, UriFormat.Unescaped)} request"); await client.SendAsync(message, cancellationTokenSource.Token); // Wait for the server to respond. var response = await client.ReceiveAsync(cancellationTokenSource.Token); // Output our response Console.WriteLine($"Received a response from {response.Endpoint}\n{Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response.Message.Payload)}"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Exception caught: {ex}"); } finally { Console.WriteLine($"Press <Enter> to exit"); Console.Read(); } }