public ClusterMetricsCollector(IActorRef publisher) { _publisher = publisher; _cluster = Cluster.Get(Context.System); Collector = MetricsCollector.Get(Context.System.AsInstanceOf<ExtendedActorSystem>(), _cluster.Settings); LatestGossip = MetricsGossip.Empty; Nodes = ImmutableHashSet.Create<Address>(); _metricsCancelable = Context.System.Scheduler.ScheduleTellRepeatedlyCancelable( _cluster.Settings.PeriodicTasksInitialDelay.Max(_cluster.Settings.MetricsInterval), _cluster.Settings.MetricsInterval, Self, InternalClusterAction.MetricsTick.Instance, Self); _gossipCancelable = Context.System.Scheduler.ScheduleTellRepeatedlyCancelable( _cluster.Settings.PeriodicTasksInitialDelay.Max(_cluster.Settings.GossipInterval), _cluster.Settings.GossipInterval, Self, InternalClusterAction.GossipTick.Instance, Self); Receive<InternalClusterAction.GossipTick>(tick => Gossip()); Receive<InternalClusterAction.MetricsTick>(tick => Collect()); Receive<MetricsGossipEnvelope>(envelope => ReceiveGossip(envelope)); Receive<ClusterEvent.CurrentClusterState>(state => ReceiveState(state)); Receive<ClusterEvent.MemberUp>(up => AddMember(up.Member)); Receive<ClusterEvent.MemberRemoved>(removed => RemoveMember(removed.Member)); Receive<ClusterEvent.MemberExited>(exited => RemoveMember(exited.Member)); Receive<ClusterEvent.UnreachableMember>(member => RemoveMember(member.Member)); Receive<ClusterEvent.ReachableMember>(member => { if (member.Member.Status == MemberStatus.Up) AddMember(member.Member); }); Receive<ClusterEvent.IMemberEvent>(@event => { }); //not interested in other types of member event }
public void TestFixtureSetUp() { _cluster = new Cluster("couchbaseClients/couchbase"); using (var bucket = _cluster.OpenBucket()) { bucket.Upsert(TestKeys.KeyWithInt32Value.Key, TestKeys.KeyWithInt32Value.Value); bucket.Upsert(TestKeys.KeyWithStringValue.Key, TestKeys.KeyWithStringValue.Value); // ISO-8601 and Microsoft JSON Date format: bucket.Upsert(TestKeys.KeyWithIsoDateValue.Key, TestKeys.KeyWithIsoDateValue.Value); bucket.Upsert(TestKeys.KeyWithIsoUtcDateValue.Key, TestKeys.KeyWithIsoUtcDateValue.Value); bucket.Upsert(TestKeys.KeyWithMsDateValue.Key, TestKeys.KeyWithMsDateValue.Value); // De-Serialize const JSON string into a Dictionary<string, dynamic> and write via bucket.Upsert(Couchbase.Document<dynamic>) var ADict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, dynamic>>(TestKeys.KeyWithJsonDocValueStr); var couchDoc = new Couchbase.Document<dynamic>() { Id = TestKeys.KeyWithJsonDocKey, Content = ADict }; bucket.Upsert(couchDoc); } }
public void Test_Timed_Execution_Parallel_Client() { var options = new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4 }; var n = 1000;//set to a higher # if needed using (var cluster = new Cluster("couchbaseClients/couchbase")) { using (var bucket = cluster.OpenBucket()) { using (new OperationTimer()) { var temp = bucket; Parallel.For(0, n, options, i => { var key = string.Format("key{0}", i); var value = (int?) i; var result = temp.Upsert(key, value); Assert.IsTrue(result.Success); var result1 = temp.Get<int?>(key); Assert.IsTrue(result1.Success); Assert.AreEqual(i, result1.Value); }); } } } }
public ClusterHeartBeat(Cluster cluster, IConnectionProvider provider, TimeSpan pollingInterval) { Cluster = cluster; NodeChecks = new Dictionary<INode, IFixedSizeStack<ConnectivityCheck>>(); ConnectionProvider = provider; PollingInterval = pollingInterval; }
public UserData(string name) { userName = name; likedPages = new List<string>(); likedWikiPages = new List<WikiPage>(); likedPagesCluster = new Cluster(); }
public IBucket GetBucketForKey(string key) { var config = new ClientConfiguration(); var fakeServer = new FakeServer(_connectionPool, null, null, _endPoint, new FakeIOStrategy(_endPoint, _connectionPool, false)); var mappedNode = new Mock<IMappedNode>(); mappedNode.Setup(x => x.LocatePrimary()).Returns(fakeServer); var mockKeyMapper = new Mock<IKeyMapper>(); mockKeyMapper.Setup(x => x.MapKey(key)).Returns(mappedNode.Object); var mockConfigInfo = new Mock<IConfigInfo>(); mockConfigInfo.Setup(x => x.GetKeyMapper()).Returns(mockKeyMapper.Object); mockConfigInfo.Setup(x => x.BucketConfig).Returns(_bucketConfig); mockConfigInfo.Setup(x => x.GetServer()).Returns(fakeServer); var mockController = new Mock<IClusterController>(); mockController.Setup(x => x.Configuration).Returns(config); mockController.Setup(x => x.CreateBucket("memcached", "")) .Returns(new MemcachedBucket(mockController.Object, "memcached", _converter, _transcoder)); var cluster = new Cluster(config, mockController.Object); var bucket = cluster.OpenBucket("memcached", ""); //simulate a config event ((IConfigObserver) bucket).NotifyConfigChanged(mockConfigInfo.Object); return bucket; }
public IBucket GetBucketForKey(string key) { var config = new ClientConfiguration(); var fakeServer = new FakeServer(_connectionPool, null, null, _endPoint, new FakeIOService(_endPoint, _connectionPool, false)); var mockVBucket = new Mock<IVBucket>(); mockVBucket.Setup(x => x.LocatePrimary()).Returns(fakeServer); var mockKeyMapper = new Mock<IKeyMapper>(); mockKeyMapper.Setup(x => x.MapKey(key, It.IsAny<uint>())).Returns(mockVBucket.Object); var mockConfigInfo = new Mock<IConfigInfo>(); mockConfigInfo.Setup(x => x.GetKeyMapper()).Returns(mockKeyMapper.Object); mockConfigInfo.Setup(x => x.BucketConfig).Returns(_bucketConfig); mockConfigInfo.Setup(x => x.GetServer()).Returns(fakeServer); mockConfigInfo.Setup(x => x.IsDataCapable).Returns(true); mockConfigInfo.Setup(x => x.ClientConfig).Returns(new ClientConfiguration()); var mockController = new Mock<IClusterController>(); mockController.Setup(x => x.Configuration).Returns(config); mockController.Setup(x => x.CreateBucket("default", "", null)) .Returns(new CouchbaseBucket(mockController.Object, "default", _converter, _transcoder, null)); var cluster = new Cluster(config, mockController.Object); var bucket = cluster.OpenBucket("default", ""); //simulate a config event ((IConfigObserver)bucket).NotifyConfigChanged(mockConfigInfo.Object); return bucket; }
public DeleteCommand(Cluster cluster, WritePolicy policy, Key key) { this.cluster = cluster; this.policy = policy; this.key = key; this.partition = new Partition(key); }
void Start() { cluster = gameObject.GetComponent<Cluster>(); stageScript = gameObject.GetComponent<Stage> (); mouseDragged =; mousePressed =; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if(!HUDDrawer.drawerOut && !SpeechBubble.inFreezeState){ if(cluster){ Vector3 newPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); newPosition.z = 1; cluster.transform.position = newPosition; grid.AlignTransform(cluster.transform); if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)){ InsertHere(); } }else{ if(!GameController.Frozen () && !GameController.finished){ GameObject nextCluster = GameController.GetNextCluster(); if(nextCluster){ Cluster returnedCluster = nextCluster.GetComponent<Cluster>(); returnedCluster.transform.position = transform.position; if(GameController.remainingEnergy >= 1){ Vector3 newPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); newPosition.z = 1; cluster = returnedCluster; grid.AlignTransform(cluster.transform); }else{ Destroy (returnedCluster.gameObject); GameController.LoadLoseScreen(); } } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Need to subscribe to cluster changes /// </summary> protected override void PreStart() { this.cluster = Cluster.Get(Context.System); this.cluster.Subscribe( this.Self, ClusterEvent.InitialStateAsEvents, new[] { typeof(ClusterEvent.IClusterDomainEvent) }); Context.GetLogger().Debug( "{Type}: Cluster log up", this.GetType().Name); var seeds = Context.System.Settings.Config.GetStringList("akka.cluster.seed-nodes"); if (seeds != null && seeds.Count > 0) { Context.GetLogger().Debug( "{Type}: Joining cluster", this.GetType().Name); this.cluster.JoinSeedNodes(seeds.Select(Address.Parse)); } this.cluster.RegisterOnMemberUp( () => { Context.GetLogger().Debug("{Type}: Cluster connection is up", this.GetType().Name); }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Logger.ParseArgs(args); Console.WriteLine("Init..."); Prajna.Core.Environment.Init(); Console.WriteLine("Init done."); var cluster = new Cluster("cluster.lst"); var nodes = cluster.Nodes; //var cluster = new Cluster("local[2]"); Console.WriteLine($"nodes = {cluster.NumNodes}"); GetProcessInfo(cluster); var containers = Prajna.Service.DistributedFunctionBuiltIn.GetConnectedContainers(); foreach (var container in containers ) { var name = container.Item1; var info = container.Item2; Console.WriteLine($"The connected containers are = {name}, {info}"); } Console.WriteLine("Cleanup..."); Prajna.Core.Environment.Cleanup(); Console.WriteLine("Cleanup done"); }
public QueryRecordExecutor(Cluster cluster, QueryPolicy policy, Statement statement) : base(cluster, policy, statement) { this.recordSet = new RecordSet(this, policy.recordQueueSize, cancel.Token); statement.Prepare(true); InitializeThreads(); }
public void Test() { var keyValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(); using (var cluster = new Cluster()) { using (var bucket = cluster.OpenBucket()) { for (int i = 0; i <10; i++) { var key = "MGETKEY" + i; var value = "{\"val:\"MGETVALUE" + i +"\"}"; bucket.Upsert(key, value); keyValues.Add(key, value); } foreach (var keyValue in keyValues) { Console.WriteLine(bucket.Get<dynamic>(keyValue.Key).Value); } } } var operations = new ConcurrentDictionary<uint, IOperation>(); foreach (var keyValue in keyValues) { var getk = new GetK<dynamic>(keyValue.Key, GetVBucket(), Converter, Transcoder); operations.TryAdd(getk.Opaque, getk); } var noop = new Noop(Converter); operations.TryAdd(noop.Opaque, noop); var results = IOStrategy.Execute<dynamic>(operations); }
public void Test_CanAuthenticate_Views() { var credentials = new ClusterCredentials { ClusterUsername = "******", ClusterPassword = "******", BucketCredentials = new AttributeDictionary { {"authenticated", "secret"} } }; var cluster = new Cluster(TestConfiguration.GetCurrentConfiguration()); cluster.Authenticate(credentials); //if authentication failed - an exception would be thrown during bootstrapping var bucket = cluster.OpenBucket("authenticated"); var query = bucket.CreateQuery("somedoc", "someview"); var result = bucket.Query<dynamic>(query); //assert - view does not exist but should still return a response and no auth error Assert.IsFalse(result.Success); Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, result.StatusCode); }
public void When_Bucket_Is_Not_Open_IsOpen_Returns_False() { var cluster = new Cluster("couchbaseClients/couchbase"); var bucket = cluster.OpenBucket("default"); cluster.CloseBucket(bucket); Assert.IsFalse(cluster.IsOpen("default")); }
public void When_Bucket_Is_Closed_By_Dispose_IsOpen_Returns_False() { var cluster = new Cluster("couchbaseClients/couchbase"); var bucket = cluster.OpenBucket("default"); bucket.Dispose(); Assert.IsFalse(cluster.IsOpen("default")); }
public void When_Configuration_Contains_Bad_Bucket_Password_It_Is_Used_And_Fails() { var config = new ClientConfiguration((CouchbaseClientSection) ConfigurationManager.GetSection("couchbaseClients/couchbase")); config.BucketConfigs = new Dictionary<string, BucketConfiguration> { { "default", new BucketConfiguration { BucketName = "default", Password = "******" } } }; var cluster = new Cluster(config); var bucketName = config.BucketConfigs.Single().Value.BucketName; try { var bucket = cluster.OpenBucket(bucketName); Assert.Fail("Unexpected GetBucket success"); } catch (AggregateException e) { e = e.Flatten(); if (e.InnerExceptions.All(x => x.GetType() != typeof (AuthenticationException))) { Assert.Fail("Expected authentication exception, got " + e.InnerException); } //success } }
private bool Estimate(Cluster cluster) { var name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"); var value = (new DSet<int> { Name = name, Cluster = cluster }) .SourceI(NumPartitions, i => Enumerable.Range(1, NumSamplesPerPartition).Select(j => i * NumSamplesPerPartition + j)) .Select(i => { var rnd = new Random(i); var x = rnd.NextDouble(); var y = rnd.NextDouble(); if (x * x + y * y < 1.0) return 1.0; else return 0.0; } ) .Aggregate((a, b) => a + b); var pi = (value * 4.0) / NumSamples; Console.WriteLine("Estimate Pi value: {0}", pi); return Math.Abs(pi - Math.PI) < 0.1; }
public void SetRenderData(Cluster cluster) { if (cluster.RenderTag == null) cluster.RenderTag = new ClusterRenderer(); (cluster.RenderTag as ClusterRenderer).Update(cluster); }
public void When_InValid_Credentials_Provided_Bucket_Created_UnSuccesfully() { try { var config = ClientConfigUtil.GetConfiguration(); config.BucketConfigs = new Dictionary<string, BucketConfiguration> { { "authenticated", new BucketConfiguration { BucketName = "authenticated" } } }; var cluster = new Cluster(config); var bucket = cluster.OpenBucket("authenticated", "secretw"); cluster.CloseBucket(bucket); Assert.IsNotNull(bucket); } catch (AggregateException e) { foreach (var exception in e.InnerExceptions) { if (exception.GetType() == typeof (AuthenticationException)) { throw exception; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a missile with homing and target finding capabilities. /// </summary> public GuidedMissile(IMyEntity missile, IMyCubeBlock firedBy, TargetingOptions opt, Ammo ammo, LastSeen initialTarget = null, bool isSlave = false) : base(missile, firedBy) { myLogger = new Logger("GuidedMissile", () => missile.getBestName(), () => m_stage.ToString()); myAmmo = ammo; myDescr = ammo.Description; if (ammo.Description.HasAntenna) myAntenna = new MissileAntenna(missile); TryHard = true; AllGuidedMissiles.Add(this); missile.OnClose += missile_OnClose; if (myAmmo.IsCluster && !isSlave) myCluster = new Cluster(myAmmo.MagazineDefinition.Capacity - 1); accelerationPerUpdate = (myDescr.Acceleration + myAmmo.MissileDefinition.MissileAcceleration) / 60f; addSpeedPerUpdate = myDescr.Acceleration / 60f; Options = opt; Options.TargetingRange = ammo.Description.TargetRange; myTargetSeen = initialTarget; myLogger.debugLog("Options: " + Options, "GuidedMissile()"); //myLogger.debugLog("AmmoDescription: \n" + MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeToXML<Ammo.AmmoDescription>(myDescr), "GuidedMissile()"); }
public CraterInfo(Cluster c) { this.x1 = c.MinX; this.y1 = c.MinY; this.x2 = c.MaxX; this.y2 = c.MaxY; }
public void Test_GetClusterDisplayLabel() { FlagClusteringStrategy strategy = new FlagClusteringStrategy(typeof(TestFlagEnum)); ICluster cluster = new Cluster(TestFlagEnum.FlagValue2); cluster.Count = 2; string result = strategy.GetClusterDisplayLabel(cluster); Assert.AreEqual("FlagValue2 (2 items)", result); }
protected override void PreStart() { _cluster = Cluster.Get(Context.System); _cancelStatusUpdates = Context.System.Scheduler.ScheduleTellRepeatedlyCancelable(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), Self, new SendState(), Self); base.PreStart(); }
public async void Test_Creating_A_Cluster() { var config = new ClientConfiguration { Servers = new List<Uri> { new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri("") } }; var cluster = new Cluster(config); var provisioner = new ClusterProvisioner(cluster, "Administrator", "password"); /* var results = await provisioner.ProvisionEntryPointAsync(); foreach (var res in results.Results) { Console.WriteLine(res.Message); } Assert.IsTrue(results.Success); var result = await provisioner.ProvisionSampleBucketAsync("beer-sample"); Assert.IsTrue(result.Success); result = await provisioner.ProvisionSampleBucketAsync("travel-sample"); Assert.IsTrue(result.Success); result = await provisioner.ProvisionBucketAsync(new BucketSettings { Name = "authenticated", SaslPassword = "******", AuthType = AuthType.Sasl, BucketType = BucketTypeEnum.Couchbase }); Assert.IsTrue(result.Success); result = await provisioner.ProvisionBucketAsync(new BucketSettings { Name = "memcached", SaslPassword = "", AuthType = AuthType.Sasl, BucketType = BucketTypeEnum.Memcached }); Assert.IsTrue(result.Success);*/ /*var results = await provisioner.ProvisionNodesAsync(CouchbaseService.Index, CouchbaseService.KV, CouchbaseService.N1QL); foreach (var res in results.Results) { Console.WriteLine(res.Message); }*/ var result = await provisioner.RebalanceClusterAsync(); Console.WriteLine(result.Message); }
public ClusterRemoteWatcher( IFailureDetectorRegistry<Address> failureDetector, TimeSpan heartbeatInterval, TimeSpan unreachableReaperInterval, TimeSpan heartbeatExpectedResponseAfter) :base(failureDetector, heartbeatInterval, unreachableReaperInterval, heartbeatExpectedResponseAfter) { _cluster = Cluster.Get(Context.System); }
private static Point CalculatePosition(Cluster cluster) { // Since the box can be rotated, find the minimal Y value of all 4 corners var rotatedBox = cluster.Box.Rotate(0); // todo: Add rotation '-viewport.Rotation' var minY = rotatedBox.Vertices.Select(v => v.Y).Min(); var position = new Point(cluster.Box.GetCentroid().X, minY); return position; }
public BeerSample(Cluster cluster) : base(cluster, "beer-sample") { //Two ways of applying a filter are included in this example. //This is by implementing IDocumentFilter and then adding explicitly. //adding it to the DocumentFilterManager DocumentFilterManager.SetFilter(new BreweryFilter()); }
/// <summary> /// Construct a cluster from another. /// </summary> /// <param name="cluster">The other cluster.</param> public BasicCluster(Cluster<BasicMLDataPair> cluster) { Centroid = (BasicMLDataPairCentroid) cluster.Centroid(); foreach (IMLDataPair pair in cluster.Contents) { _data.Add(pair.Input); } }
public MessageEdited(LastMessageCacheService lastMessageCache, ProxyService proxy, IDatabase db, IMetrics metrics, ModelRepository repo, Cluster client, IDiscordCache cache, Bot bot) { _lastMessageCache = lastMessageCache; _proxy = proxy; _db = db; _metrics = metrics; _repo = repo; _client = client; _cache = cache; _bot = bot; }
public void LoggingRetryPolicy_DowngradingConsistency() { Builder builder = Cluster.Builder().WithRetryPolicy(new LoggingRetryPolicy(DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy.Instance)); DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicyTest(builder); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { Parser.Default.ParseArguments <Options>(args).WithParsed(RunOptions); var config = TransactionConfigBuilder.Create(); config.DurabilityLevel(ParseDurability(_options.Durability)); // Initialize the Couchbase cluster var cluster = await Cluster.ConnectAsync(_options.Cluster, _options.UserName, _options.Password).ConfigureAwait(false); var bucket = await cluster.BucketAsync(_options.Bucket).ConfigureAwait(false); var collection = bucket.DefaultCollection(); // Initialize transactions. Must only be one Transactions object per app as it creates background resources. var transactions = Transactions.Create(cluster, config); //Logging dependencies var services = new ServiceCollection(); services.AddLogging(builder => { builder.AddFile(AppContext.BaseDirectory); builder.AddConsole(); }); await using var provider = services.BuildServiceProvider(); var loggerFactory = provider.GetService <ILoggerFactory>(); var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <Program>(); var gameServer = new GameServer(transactions, collection, logger); // Initialise some sample data - a player and a monster. This is based on the Game Simulation sample bucket // provided with Couchbase, though that does not have to be installed. var playerId = "player_jane"; var player = new { experiance = 14248, hitpoints = 23832, jsonType = "player", level = 141, loggedIn = true, name = "Jane", uuid = Guid.NewGuid() }; var monsterId = "a_grue"; var monster = new { experienceWhenKilled = 91, hitpoints = 4000, itemProbability = 0.19239324085462631, name = "grue", uuid = Guid.NewGuid() }; await collection.UpsertAsync(playerId, player).ConfigureAwait(false); logger.LogInformation($"Upserted sample player document {playerId}"); await collection.UpsertAsync(monsterId, monster).ConfigureAwait(false); logger.LogInformation($"Upserted sample monster document {monsterId}"); // Now perform the transaction // The player is hitting the monster for a certain amount of damage await gameServer.PlayerHitsMonster( // This UUID identifies this action from the player's client Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), // This has a 50% chance of killing the monster, which has 4000 hitpoints new Random().Next(0, 8000), playerId, monsterId).ConfigureAwait(false); // Shutdown resources cleanly transactions.Dispose(); await cluster.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); Console.Read(); }
public void RoutingWithThreeGroups() { var graph = LoadGraph("abstract.msagl.geom"); var root = graph.RootCluster; var a = new Cluster { UserData = "a" }; foreach (string id in new[] { "17", "39", "13", "19", "28", "12" }) { a.AddChild(graph.FindNodeByUserData(id)); } var b = new Cluster { UserData = "b" }; b.AddChild(a); b.AddChild(graph.FindNodeByUserData("18")); root.AddChild(b); var c = new Cluster { UserData = "c" }; foreach (string id in new[] { "30", "5", "6", "7", "8" }) { c.AddChild(graph.FindNodeByUserData(id)); } root.AddChild(c); var clusterNodes = new Set <Node>(root.AllClustersDepthFirst().SelectMany(cl => cl.Nodes)); foreach (var node in graph.Nodes.Where(n => clusterNodes.Contains(n) == false)) { root.AddChild(node); } FixClusterBoundariesWithNoRectBoundaries(root, 5); var defaultSettings = new FastIncrementalLayoutSettings(); var rootSettings = new FastIncrementalLayoutSettings() { AvoidOverlaps = true }; var initialLayout = new InitialLayoutByCluster(graph, new[] { graph.RootCluster }, cl => cl == root ? rootSettings : defaultSettings); initialLayout.Run(); const double Padding = 5; SplineRouter splineRouter = new SplineRouter(graph, Padding / 3, Padding, Math.PI / 6); splineRouter.Run(); #if TEST_MSAGL if (!DontShowTheDebugViewer()) { graph.UpdateBoundingBox(); DisplayGeometryGraph.ShowGraph(graph); } #endif }
public void Cluster_seed_nodes__must_be_able_to_restart_first_seed_node_and_join_other_seed_nodes() { Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(40), () => { RunOn(() => { Sys.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new Listener()) .WithDeploy(Deploy.Local), "address-receiver"); EnterBarrier("seed1-address-receiver-ready"); }, _config.Seed2, _config.Seed3); RunOn(() => { EnterBarrier("seed1-address-receiver-ready"); _seedNode1Address = Cluster.Get(seed1System.Value).SelfAddress; foreach (var r in new List <RoleName> { _config.Seed2, _config.Seed3 }) { Sys.ActorSelection(new RootActorPath(GetAddress(r)) / "user" / "address-receiver").Tell(_seedNode1Address); ExpectMsg("ok", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } }, _config.Seed1); EnterBarrier("seed1-address-transfered"); // now we can join seed1System, seed2, seed3 together RunOn(() => { var seeds = GetSeedNodes(); seeds.Count.Should().Be(4); // validate that we have complete seed node list var cluster = Cluster.Get(seed1System.Value); cluster.JoinSeedNodes(seeds); AwaitAssert(() => { cluster.State.Members.Count.Should().Be(3); }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)); AwaitAssert(() => { cluster .State.Members.All(c => c.Status == MemberStatus.Up) .Should().BeTrue(); }); }, _config.Seed1); RunOn(() => { var seeds = GetSeedNodes(); seeds.Count.Should().Be(4); // validate that we have complete seed node list Cluster.JoinSeedNodes(seeds); AwaitMembersUp(3); }, _config.Seed2, _config.Seed3); EnterBarrier("started"); // shutdown seed1System RunOn(() => { Shutdown(seed1System.Value, RemainingOrDefault); }, _config.Seed1); EnterBarrier("seed1-shutdown"); RunOn(() => { Cluster.Get(restartedSeed1System.Value).JoinSeedNodes(GetSeedNodes()); Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20), () => { AwaitAssert(() => { Cluster.Get(restartedSeed1System.Value) .State.Members.Count .Should() .Be(3); }); AwaitAssert(() => { Cluster.Get(restartedSeed1System.Value) .State.Members.All(c => c.Status == MemberStatus.Up) .Should() .BeTrue(); }); }); }, _config.Seed1); RunOn(() => { AwaitMembersUp(3); }, _config.Seed2, _config.Seed3); EnterBarrier("seed1-restarted"); }); }
private static void GenerateHierarchicalVertices(BidirectionalGraph <HierarchicalGraphVertex, HierarchicalGraphEdge> graph, HierarchicalGraphVertex vertex, IBidirectionalGraph <Cluster <Variety>, ClusterEdge <Variety> > tree, Cluster <Variety> cluster) { foreach (ClusterEdge <Variety> edge in tree.OutEdges(cluster)) { double depth = vertex.Depth + edge.Length; var newVertex = edge.Target.DataObjects.Count == 1 ? new HierarchicalGraphVertex(edge.Target.DataObjects.First(), depth) : new HierarchicalGraphVertex(depth); graph.AddVertex(newVertex); graph.AddEdge(new HierarchicalGraphEdge(vertex, newVertex, edge.Length)); GenerateHierarchicalVertices(graph, newVertex, tree, edge.Target); } }
public Grains(Cluster cluster) => Cluster = cluster;
private static PredictionOutput GetPrediction(PredictionInput input, bool ft, bool checkCollision) { PredictionOutput result = null; if (!input.Unit.IsValidTarget(float.MaxValue, false)) { return(new PredictionOutput()); } if (ft) { input.Delay += Game.Ping / 2000f + 0.06f; if (input.AoE) { return(Cluster.GetAoEPrediction(input)); } } if (Math.Abs(input.Range - float.MaxValue) > float.Epsilon && input.Unit.DistanceSquared(input.RangeCheckFrom) > Math.Pow(input.Range * 1.5, 2)) { return(new PredictionOutput { Input = input }); } if (input.Unit.IsDashing()) { result = GetDashingPrediction(input); } else { var remainingImmobileT = UnitIsImmobileUntil(input.Unit); if (remainingImmobileT >= 0d) { result = GetImmobilePrediction(input, remainingImmobileT); } } if (result == null) { result = GetStandardPrediction(input); } if (Math.Abs(input.Range - float.MaxValue) > float.Epsilon) { if (result.Hitchance >= HitChance.High && input.RangeCheckFrom.DistanceSquared(input.Unit.Position) > Math.Pow(input.Range + input.RealRadius * 3 / 4, 2)) { result.Hitchance = HitChance.Medium; } if (input.RangeCheckFrom.DistanceSquared(result.UnitPosition) > Math.Pow(input.Range + (input.Type == SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle ? input.RealRadius : 0), 2)) { result.Hitchance = HitChance.OutOfRange; } if (input.RangeCheckFrom.DistanceSquared(result.CastPosition) > Math.Pow(input.Range, 2)) { if (result.Hitchance != HitChance.OutOfRange) { result.CastPosition = input.RangeCheckFrom + input.Range * (result.UnitPosition - input.RangeCheckFrom).Normalized().SetZ(); } else { result.Hitchance = HitChance.OutOfRange; } } } if (result.Hitchance > HitChance.Medium) { WayPointAnalysis(result, input); } if (checkCollision && input.Collision) { var positions = new List <Vector3> { result.UnitPosition, result.CastPosition, input.Unit.Position }; var originalUnit = input.Unit; result.CollisionObjects = Collisions.GetCollision(positions, input); result.CollisionObjects.RemoveAll(i => i.NetworkId == originalUnit.NetworkId); result.Hitchance = result.CollisionObjects.Count > 0 ? HitChance.Collision : result.Hitchance; } return(result); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public HttpTransformer Build(ProxyRoute route, Cluster cluster) { return(BuildInternal(route, cluster)); }
public bool Equals(SQLNode other) { return(other != null && Cluster.Equals(other.Cluster) && string.Equals(Name, other.Name)); }
public async Task Test_BootStrap_Error_Propagates_To_Collection_Operations() { const string id = "key;"; var value = new { x = "y" }; var settings = ClusterFixture.GetSettings(); var cluster = await Cluster.ConnectAsync(settings.ConnectionString, "Administrator", "password"); var bucket = await cluster.BucketAsync("doesnotexist"); var defaultCollection = bucket.DefaultCollection(); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AuthenticationFailureException>(async() => { await ThrowAuthenticationException(() => defaultCollection.GetAsync(id)); }); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AuthenticationFailureException>(async() => { await ThrowAuthenticationException(() => defaultCollection.ExistsAsync(id)); }); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AuthenticationFailureException>(async() => { await ThrowAuthenticationException(() => defaultCollection.GetAndLockAsync(id, TimeSpan.MaxValue)); }); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AuthenticationFailureException>(async() => { await ThrowAuthenticationException(() => defaultCollection.GetAndTouchAsync(id, TimeSpan.MaxValue)); }); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AuthenticationFailureException>(async() => { await ThrowAuthenticationException(() => defaultCollection.GetAnyReplicaAsync(id)); }); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AuthenticationFailureException>(async() => { await ThrowAuthenticationException(() => defaultCollection.LookupInAsync(id, null)); }); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AuthenticationFailureException>(async() => { await ThrowAuthenticationException(() => defaultCollection.MutateInAsync(id, null)); }); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AuthenticationFailureException>(async() => { await ThrowAuthenticationException(() => defaultCollection.RemoveAsync(id)); }); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AuthenticationFailureException>(async() => { await ThrowAuthenticationException(() => defaultCollection.TouchAsync(id, TimeSpan.Zero)); }); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AuthenticationFailureException>(async() => { await ThrowAuthenticationException(() => defaultCollection.InsertAsync(id, value)); }); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AuthenticationFailureException>(async() => { await ThrowAuthenticationException(() => defaultCollection.ReplaceAsync(id, value)); }); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AuthenticationFailureException>(async() => { await ThrowAuthenticationException(() => defaultCollection.UnlockAsync <dynamic>(id, 0)); }); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AuthenticationFailureException>(async() => { await ThrowAuthenticationException(() => defaultCollection.UpsertAsync(id, value)); }); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AuthenticationFailureException>(async() => { await ThrowAuthenticationException(() => defaultCollection.GetAllReplicasAsync(id).First()); }); }
public HTxQueue(string name, DistributedObjectFactory factory, Cluster cluster, MemberConnection transactionClientConnection, Guid transactionId, ISerializationService serializationService, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) : base(HQueue.ServiceName, name, factory, cluster, transactionClientConnection, transactionId, serializationService, loggerFactory) { }
private static void GenerateHierarchicalVertices(BidirectionalGraph <HierarchicalGraphVertex, HierarchicalGraphEdge> graph, HierarchicalGraphVertex vertex, IUndirectedGraph <Cluster <Variety>, ClusterEdge <Variety> > tree, Cluster <Variety> parent, Cluster <Variety> cluster) { foreach (ClusterEdge <Variety> edge in tree.AdjacentEdges(cluster).Where(e => e.GetOtherVertex(cluster) != parent)) { Cluster <Variety> target = edge.GetOtherVertex(cluster); double depth = vertex.Depth + edge.Length; var newVertex = target.DataObjects.Count == 1 ? new HierarchicalGraphVertex(target.DataObjects.First(), depth) : new HierarchicalGraphVertex(depth); graph.AddVertex(newVertex); graph.AddEdge(new HierarchicalGraphEdge(vertex, newVertex, edge.Length)); GenerateHierarchicalVertices(graph, newVertex, tree, cluster, target); } }
public FooActor() { Cluster cluster = Cluster.Get(Context.System); _log.Info($">>> Foo Address : {cluster.SelfAddress}, {Self.Path.ToStringWithAddress()}"); }
// This is separate from Build for testing purposes. internal StructuredTransformer BuildInternal(ProxyRoute route, Cluster cluster) { var rawTransforms = route.Transforms; var context = new TransformBuilderContext { Services = _services, Route = route, Cluster = cluster, }; if (rawTransforms?.Count > 0) { foreach (var rawTransform in rawTransforms) { var handled = false; foreach (var factory in _factories) { if (factory.Build(context, rawTransform)) { handled = true; break; } } if (!handled) { throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown transform: {string.Join(';', rawTransform.Keys)}"); } } } // Let the app add any more transforms it wants. foreach (var transformProvider in _providers) { transformProvider.Apply(context); } // RequestHeaderOriginalHostKey defaults to false, and CopyRequestHeaders defaults to true. // If RequestHeaderOriginalHostKey was not specified then we need to make sure the transform gets // added anyways to remove the original host. If CopyRequestHeaders is false then we can omit the // transform. if (context.CopyRequestHeaders.GetValueOrDefault(true) && !context.RequestTransforms.Any(item => item is RequestHeaderOriginalHostTransform)) { context.AddOriginalHost(false); } // Add default forwarders only if they haven't already been added or disabled. if (context.UseDefaultForwarders.GetValueOrDefault(true)) { context.AddXForwarded(); } return(new StructuredTransformer( context.CopyRequestHeaders, context.CopyResponseHeaders, context.CopyResponseTrailers, context.RequestTransforms, context.ResponseTransforms, context.ResponseTrailersTransforms)); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NearCache"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of the cache.</param> /// <param name="cluster">The cluster.</param> /// <param name="serializationService">The localization service.</param> /// <param name="loggerFactory">A logger factory.</param> /// <param name="nearCacheNamedOptions">NearCache options.</param> /// <param name="maxToleratedMissCount"></param> public NearCache(string name, Cluster cluster, ISerializationService serializationService, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, NearCacheNamedOptions nearCacheNamedOptions, int maxToleratedMissCount) : base(name, cluster, serializationService, loggerFactory, nearCacheNamedOptions) { _maxToleratedMissCount = maxToleratedMissCount; }
public void A_3_node_cluster_should_avoid_a_split_brain_when_two_unreachable_but_can_talk_via_third() { var cluster = Cluster.Get(Sys); RunOn(() => { cluster.Join(cluster.SelfAddress); }, _config.Node1); EnterBarrier("node1 joined"); RunOn(() => { cluster.Join(Node(_config.Node1).Address); }, _config.Node2, _config.Node3); Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () => { AwaitAssert(() => { cluster.State.Members.Count.Should().Be(3); foreach (var m in cluster.State.Members) { m.Status.Should().Be(MemberStatus.Up); } }); }); EnterBarrier("Cluster formed"); RunOn(() => { TestConductor.Blackhole(_config.Node2, _config.Node3, ThrottleTransportAdapter.Direction.Both).Wait(); }, _config.Node1); EnterBarrier("Blackholed"); Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () => { AwaitAssert(() => { RunOn(() => { cluster.State.Unreachable.Select(i => i.Address).Should().BeEquivalentTo(Node(_config.Node2).Address); }, _config.Node3); RunOn(() => { cluster.State.Unreachable.Select(i => i.Address).Should().BeEquivalentTo(Node(_config.Node3).Address); }, _config.Node2); RunOn(() => { cluster.State.Unreachable.Select(i => i.Address).Should().BeEquivalentTo(new[] { _config.Node3, _config.Node2 }.Select(i => Node(i).Address)); }, _config.Node1); }); }); EnterBarrier("unreachable"); RunOn(() => { Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15), () => { AwaitAssert(() => { cluster.State.Members.Select(i => i.Address).Should().BeEquivalentTo(Node(_config.Node1).Address); foreach (var m in cluster.State.Members) { m.Status.Should().Be(MemberStatus.Up); } }); }); }, _config.Node1); RunOn(() => { // downed AwaitCondition(() => cluster.IsTerminated, max: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15)); }, _config.Node2, _config.Node3); EnterBarrier("done"); }
protected internal override Node GetNode(Cluster cluster) { return(partition.GetNodeWrite(cluster)); }
static IEnumerable <Point> ClusterPoints(Cluster cluster) { return(cluster.BoundaryCurve as Polyline); }
public DeleteCommand(Cluster cluster, WritePolicy policy, Key key) { this.policy = policy; this.key = key; this.partition = Partition.Write(cluster, policy, key); }
public static Algorithm ParseJson(String jsonString, List <MinMaxValue> minMaxValues) { dynamic jsonModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonString); Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm() { AlgorithmName = jsonModel.algorithm, Models = new List <Model>() }; Model model = new Model() { Clusters = new List <Cluster>(), DataSet = jsonModel.dataSet, Date = DateTime.Now, NumberOfSolvents = 0, NumberOfFeatures = 0, ModelPath = jsonModel.modelPath, AlgorithmName = jsonModel.algorithm }; foreach (var cluster in jsonModel.clusters) { Cluster clusterTemp = new Cluster() { DistanceToClusters = new List <ClusterDistanceCenter>(), Number = cluster.clusterNumber, Solvents = new List <Solvent>(), VectorData = new List <VectorData>(), }; foreach (var vector in cluster.vectorData) { VectorData vectorData = new VectorData() { Value = vector.value, FeatureName = }; clusterTemp.VectorData.Add(vectorData); } foreach (var distance in cluster.distanceToCluster) { ClusterDistanceCenter clusterDistanceCenter = new ClusterDistanceCenter() { ToClusterId = distance.clusterId, Distance = distance.distance }; clusterTemp.DistanceToClusters.Add(clusterDistanceCenter); } foreach (var solvent in cluster.solvents) { Solvent solventTemp = new Solvent() { CasNumber = solvent.casNumber, Name =, DistanceToClusterCenter = solvent.distanceToCluster, Features = new List <Feature>(), MetaData = new SolventMetaData() { Label = solvent.predictLabel, IdCasNr = solvent.iD_CAS_Nr_1, IdEgNr = solvent.iD_EG_Nr, IdEgAnnexNr = solvent.iD_EG_Annex_Nr, Input = solvent.input, IdName1 = solvent.iD_Name_1 } }; solventTemp.CasNumber = solventTemp.CasNumber.Replace("\"", ""); solventTemp.Name = solventTemp.Name.Replace("\"", ""); foreach (var feature in solvent.features) { FeatureName featureName; Enum.TryParse <FeatureName>(, out featureName); var value = minMaxValues.FirstOrDefault(a => a.FeatureName == featureName); Feature featureTemp = new Feature() { FeatureName =, Value = feature.value }; featureTemp.MinMaxValue = value; solventTemp.Features.Add(featureTemp); } clusterTemp.Solvents.Add(solventTemp); model.NumberOfFeatures = solventTemp.Features.Count; } model.NumberOfSolvents += clusterTemp.Solvents.Count; model.Clusters.Add(clusterTemp); } algorithm.Models.Add(model); return(algorithm); }
public HelloGrainClient(Cluster cluster, string id) { _id = id; _cluster = cluster; }
public static void waitForDecommission(string node, Cluster cluster, int maxTry) { WaitFor(node, cluster, maxTry, true, true); }
/// <summary> /// 构造函数 /// </summary> public ManagerPlay(Member member) { _member = member; _cluster = _member.Cluster; _executeAmountLimit = Environment.ProcessorCount; }
private static void WaitForMeta(string nodeHost, Cluster cluster, int maxTry, bool waitForUp) { string expectedFinalNodeState = "UP"; if (!waitForUp) { expectedFinalNodeState = "DOWN"; } for (int i = 0; i < maxTry; ++i) { try { // Are all nodes in the cluster accounted for? bool disconnected = !cluster.RefreshSchema(); if (disconnected) { string warnStr = "While waiting for host " + nodeHost + " to be " + expectedFinalNodeState + ", the cluster is now totally down, returning now ... "; Trace.TraceWarning(warnStr); return; } Metadata metadata = cluster.Metadata; foreach (Host host in metadata.AllHosts()) { bool hostFound = false; if (host.Address.ToString() == nodeHost) { hostFound = true; if (host.IsUp && waitForUp) { Trace.TraceInformation("Verified according to cluster meta that host " + nodeHost + " is " + expectedFinalNodeState + ", returning now ... "); return; } Trace.TraceWarning("We're waiting for host " + nodeHost + " to be " + expectedFinalNodeState); } // Is the host even in the meta list? if (!hostFound) { if (!waitForUp) { Trace.TraceInformation("Verified according to cluster meta that host " + host.Address + " is not available in the MetaData hosts list, returning now ... "); return; } else { Trace.TraceWarning("We're waiting for host " + nodeHost + " to be " + expectedFinalNodeState + ", but this host was not found in the MetaData hosts list!"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { if (e.Message.Contains("None of the hosts tried for query are available") && !waitForUp) { Trace.TraceInformation("Verified according to cluster meta that host " + nodeHost + " is not available in the MetaData hosts list, returning now ... "); return; } Trace.TraceInformation("Exception caught while waiting for meta data: " + e.Message); } Trace.TraceWarning("Waiting for node host: " + nodeHost + " to be " + expectedFinalNodeState); Thread.Sleep(DefaultSleepIterationMs); } string errStr = "Node host should have been " + expectedFinalNodeState + " but was not after " + maxTry + " tries!"; Trace.TraceError(errStr); }
private static void WaitFor(string node, Cluster cluster, int maxTry, bool waitForDead, bool waitForOut) { WaitForMeta(node, cluster, maxTry, !waitForDead); }
public BoltV4IT(ITestOutputHelper output, CausalClusterIntegrationTestFixture fixture) : base(output, fixture) { _driver = GraphDatabase.Driver(Cluster.AnyCore().BoltRoutingUri, Cluster.AuthToken, o => o.WithLogger(TestLogger.Create(output))); }
public static void WaitForDown(string node, Cluster cluster, int maxTry) { WaitFor(node, cluster, maxTry, true, false); }
public void ReplicationFactorOne_DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy() { ITestCluster testCluster = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(3); testCluster.Builder = Cluster.Builder() .WithLoadBalancingPolicy(new TokenAwarePolicy(new RoundRobinPolicy())) .WithRetryPolicy(DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy.Instance); testCluster.InitClient(); _policyTestTools.CreateSchema(testCluster.Session, 1); _policyTestTools.InitPreparedStatement(testCluster, 12, ConsistencyLevel.One); _policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12, ConsistencyLevel.One); string coordinatorHostQueried = _policyTestTools.Coordinators.First().Key.Split(':').First(); int awareCoord = int.Parse(coordinatorHostQueried.Split('.').Last()); _policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + awareCoord + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 12); _policyTestTools.ResetCoordinators(); testCluster.StopForce(awareCoord); TestUtils.WaitForDownWithWait(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + awareCoord, testCluster.Cluster, 30); var acceptedList = new List <ConsistencyLevel> { ConsistencyLevel.Any }; var failList = new List <ConsistencyLevel> { ConsistencyLevel.One, ConsistencyLevel.Two, ConsistencyLevel.Three, ConsistencyLevel.Quorum, ConsistencyLevel.All }; // Test successful writes foreach (ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel in acceptedList) { try { _policyTestTools.InitPreparedStatement(testCluster, 12, consistencyLevel); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail(String.Format("Test failed at CL.{0} with message: {1}", consistencyLevel, e.Message)); } } // Test successful reads foreach (ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel in acceptedList) { try { _policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12, consistencyLevel); } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { var acceptableErrorMessages = new List <string> { "ANY ConsistencyLevel is only supported for writes" }; Assert.True(acceptableErrorMessages.Contains(e.Message)); } } // Test writes which should fail foreach (ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel in failList) { try { _policyTestTools.InitPreparedStatement(testCluster, 12, consistencyLevel); Assert.Fail(String.Format("Test passed at CL.{0}.", consistencyLevel)); } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { var acceptableErrorMessages = new List <string> { "consistency level LOCAL_QUORUM not compatible with replication strategy (org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy)", "consistency level EACH_QUORUM not compatible with replication strategy (org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy)" }; Assert.True(acceptableErrorMessages.Contains(e.Message), String.Format("Received: {0}", e.Message)); } catch (UnavailableException) { // expected to fail when the client has already marked the // node as DOWN } catch (WriteTimeoutException) { // expected to fail when the client hasn't marked the' // node as DOWN yet } } // Test reads which should fail foreach (ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel in failList) { try { _policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12, consistencyLevel); Assert.Fail(String.Format("Test passed at CL.{0}.", consistencyLevel)); } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { var acceptableErrorMessages = new List <string> { "consistency level LOCAL_QUORUM not compatible with replication strategy (org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy)", "EACH_QUORUM ConsistencyLevel is only supported for writes" }; Assert.True(acceptableErrorMessages.Contains(e.Message), String.Format("Received: {0}", e.Message)); } catch (ReadTimeoutException) { // expected to fail when the client hasn't marked the' // node as DOWN yet } catch (UnavailableException) { // expected to fail when the client has already marked the // node as DOWN } } }
public void FailoverThenReconnect() { var parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions { TaskScheduler = new ThreadPerTaskScheduler(), MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 100 }; var policy = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(500); var nonShareableTestCluster = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(4, 1, true, false); using (var cluster = Cluster.Builder().AddContactPoint(nonShareableTestCluster.InitialContactPoint).WithReconnectionPolicy(policy).Build()) { var session = cluster.Connect(); // Check query to host distribution before killing nodes var queriedHosts = new List <string>(); DateTime futureDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(120); while ((from singleHost in queriedHosts select singleHost).Distinct().Count() < 4 && DateTime.Now < futureDateTime) { var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.local"); queriedHosts.Add(rs.Info.QueriedHost.ToString()); Thread.Sleep(50); } Assert.AreEqual(4, (from singleHost in queriedHosts select singleHost).Distinct().Count(), "All hosts should have been queried!"); // Create list of actions Action selectAction = () => { var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.local"); Assert.Greater(rs.Count(), 0); }; var actions = new List <Action>(); for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { actions.Add(selectAction); //Check that the control connection is using first host StringAssert.StartsWith(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster.Metadata.ControlConnection.Address.ToString()); //Kill some nodes //Including the one used by the control connection actions.Insert(20, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Stop(1)); actions.Insert(20, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Stop(2)); actions.Insert(80, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Stop(3)); //Execute in parallel more than 100 actions Parallel.Invoke(parallelOptions, actions.ToArray()); //Wait for the nodes to be killed TestUtils.WaitForDown(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster, 20); TestUtils.WaitForDown(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster, 20); TestUtils.WaitForDown(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "3", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster, 20); actions = new List <Action>(); for (var j = 0; j < 100; j++) { actions.Add(selectAction); } //Check that the control connection is using first host //bring back some nodes actions.Insert(3, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Start(3)); actions.Insert(50, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Start(2)); actions.Insert(50, () => nonShareableTestCluster.Start(1)); //Execute in parallel more than 100 actions Trace.TraceInformation("Start invoking with restart nodes"); Parallel.Invoke(parallelOptions, actions.ToArray()); //Wait for the nodes to be restarted TestUtils.WaitForUp(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1", DefaultCassandraPort, 30); TestUtils.WaitForUp(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2", DefaultCassandraPort, 30); TestUtils.WaitForUp(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "3", DefaultCassandraPort, 30); queriedHosts.Clear(); // keep querying hosts until they are all queried, or time runs out futureDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(120); while ((from singleHost in queriedHosts select singleHost).Distinct().Count() < 4 && DateTime.Now < futureDateTime) { var rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system.local"); queriedHosts.Add(rs.Info.QueriedHost.ToString()); Thread.Sleep(50); } //Check that one of the restarted nodes were queried Assert.Contains(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, queriedHosts); Assert.Contains(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2:" + DefaultCassandraPort, queriedHosts); Assert.Contains(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "3:" + DefaultCassandraPort, queriedHosts); Assert.Contains(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "4:" + DefaultCassandraPort, queriedHosts); //Check that the control connection is still using last host StringAssert.StartsWith(nonShareableTestCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "4", nonShareableTestCluster.Cluster.Metadata.ControlConnection.Address.ToString()); } } }