protected void btnlogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ClsConnection obj=new ClsConnection();
        SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand();
        DataSet ds=new DataSet();

        if (drpdwnrole.SelectedItem.Text == "Student")
            cmd =
                new SqlCommand("SELECT S_ID, Name FROM Student_Table WHERE S_ID='" + txtuserid.Text + "' and Password='******'");
            Session["Role"] = "Student";
        else if (drpdwnrole.SelectedItem.Text == "Staff")
            cmd =
                new SqlCommand("SELECT SF_ID, Name FROM Staff_Table WHERE SF_ID='" + txtuserid.Text + "' and Password='******'");
            Session["Role"] = "Staff";
            cmd =
                new SqlCommand("SELECT A_ID, Name FROM Admin_Table WHERE A_ID='" + txtuserid.Text + "' and Password='******'");
            Session["Role"] = "Admin";

        ds = obj.retdata(cmd);
        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            Session["ID"] = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
            Session["Name"] = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][1]);
            lblmsg.Visible = false;
            pnlmsg.Visible = false;
            imgalert.Visible = false;
            lblmsg.Visible = true;
            pnlmsg.Visible = true;
            imgalert.Visible = true;
            pnlmsg.CssClass = "error";
            imgalert.ImageUrl = "~/Images/alert red.png";
            lblmsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            lblmsg.Text = "Invalid Credentials, Try Again";
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ClsConnection obj=new ClsConnection();
        if (Convert.ToString(Session["ID"]) != "")
            imgloggedin.Visible = true;
            lblloginname.Text = Convert.ToString(Session["Name"]);
            lblloggedin.Visible = true;
            lnkbtnlogout.Visible = true;
            btnvisit.Visible = true;
            if (Convert.ToString(Session["Role"]) == "Student")
                btnvisit.Text = "Visit Student Section";
                btnvisit.PostBackUrl = "~/student.aspx";
            else if (Convert.ToString(Session["Role"]) == "Staff")
                btnvisit.Text = "Visit Staff Section";
                btnvisit.PostBackUrl = "~/staff.aspx";
                btnvisit.Text = "Visit Admin Section";
                btnvisit.PostBackUrl = "~/admin.aspx";
            imgloggedin.Visible = false;
            lblloggedin.Visible = false;
            lblloginname.Visible = false;
            lnkbtnlogout.Visible = false;
            btnvisit.Text = "";
            btnvisit.PostBackUrl = "";
            btnvisit.Visible = false;

        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT visitors FROM Visitors_Table WHERE V_ID=100");
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        ds = obj.retdata(cmd);
        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            lblvis.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["visitors"].ToString();
    protected void btncheckname4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            pnlmsg1.CssClass = "error";
            imgalert1.ImageUrl = "~/Images/alert red.png";
            lblmsg1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            lblmsg1.Text = "Please enter ID first";
            txtname4.Text = "";
            ClsConnection obj=new ClsConnection();
            SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand();
            DataSet ds=new DataSet();

            if (drpdwnlstrole4.SelectedItem.Text == "Student")
                cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT Name FROM Student_Table WHERE S_ID='" + txtid4.Text + "'");
            else if (drpdwnlstrole4.SelectedItem.Text == "Staff")
                cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT Name FROM Staff_Table WHERE SF_ID='" + txtid4.Text + "'");
                cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT Name FROM Admin_Table WHERE A_ID='" + txtid4.Text + "'");

            ds = obj.retdata(cmd);
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                txtname4.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString();
                pnlmsg1.CssClass = "error";
                imgalert1.ImageUrl = "~/Images/alert red.png";
                lblmsg1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                lblmsg1.Text = "Invalid ID, Try Again";
                txtname4.Text = "";