/// <summary>
        ///     Synchronization: Cloud -> Iso
        /// </summary>
        private async Task CloudToIsoSync(bool downloadAll = false)
            var groupNames        = (await CloudService.GetDirectoryNames(CloudRootPath)).ToList();
            var groupsCount       = groupNames.Count();
            var progressIncrement = HalfOfProgress / (groupsCount == 0 ? 1 : groupsCount);

            foreach (var groupName in groupNames)
                Trace.Info(_traceCategory, String.Format("synchronize group {0}", groupName));

                var group = DataService.GetOrCreateGroupByName(groupName);
                var localFileNamesMapped = group.Tabs.Select(GetCloudName);
                var cloudFileNames       = await CloudService.GetFileNames(String.Format("{0}/{1}", CloudRootPath, groupName));

                //run group images search
                var groupImagesSearch = MediaSearchFactory.Create();
                groupImagesSearch.MediaSearchCompleted += groupImagesSearch_MediaSearchCompleted;
                groupImagesSearch.RunMediaSearch(groupName, string.Empty);

                // get tabs which aren't present in iso
                var newTabs = cloudFileNames.Except(localFileNamesMapped).ToList();

                // these tabs was synchronized, but deleted then.
                // NOTE it's possible that user reinstalled application, but had already synchronized files
                // just handle this situation using special option
                var deletedTabs = newTabs.Where(t => !downloadAll & IsMappedPath(t)).ToList();

                //if (!DownloadSyncFiles)
                newTabs = newTabs.Except(deletedTabs).ToList();

                // filter cloud synchronized files without _sync_
                newTabs = newTabs.Where(name => !IsCloudName(name, group)).ToList();

                // all these tabs should be downloaded from skydrive to iso
                foreach (var newTab in newTabs)
                    Trace.Info(_traceCategory, String.Format("synchronize tab {0}", newTab));
                    var localName = TabFileStorage.CreateTabFilePath();
                    OnProgressMessage(new DownloadProgressMessage(groupName, newTab));
                                              string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", CloudRootPath, groupName, newTab));

                    DataService.InsertTab(GetTab(newTab, localName, group));

                ProgressValue += progressIncrement;