public void TestAddTheSameDriver() { UserLogInResponse res = new UserLogInResponse { api_ret_message = "success", api_ret_code = 0, session_token = "token2", status = 200, timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, groups = new List <UserGroup> { new UserGroup { creator_id = "creator1", description = "gdesc1", group_id = "group_id1", name = "group1" } }, user = new UserInfo { user_id = "uid1" } }; using (FakeCloud cloud = new FakeCloud(res)) { CloudServer.request <CloudResponse>(new WebClient(), REST_COMMAND_ADD, new Dictionary <object, object> { { "email", "*****@*****.**" }, { "password", "12345" } }); } Driver driver = Wammer.Model.DriverCollection.Instance.FindOne(Query.EQ("email", "*****@*****.**")); Assert.IsNotNull(driver); }
public static void RemoveOwner(string userId) { try { Model.Driver driver = Model.DriverCollection.Instance.FindOne(Query.EQ("_id", userId)); if (driver == null) { throw new UserDoesNotExistException("driver " + userId + " does not exist"); } CloudServer.request <CloudResponse>( new WebClient(), StationMgmtURL + "station/drivers/remove", new Dictionary <object, object> { { CloudServer.PARAM_API_KEY, CloudServer.APIKey }, { CloudServer.PARAM_SESSION_TOKEN, driver.session_token }, { CloudServer.PARAM_USER_ID, userId }, } ); } catch (WammerCloudException e) { ExtractApiRetMsg(e); throw; } }
public void TestRemoveDriver_RemoveWhenSingleItem() { mongodb.GetDatabase("wammer").GetCollection <Driver>("drivers").RemoveAll(); mongodb.GetDatabase("wammer").GetCollection("station").RemoveAll(); mongodb.GetDatabase("wammer").GetCollection <Driver>("drivers").Insert( new Driver { user_id = "exist_uid1", email = "*****@*****.**", folder = "resource\\user_exist_uid1", groups = new List <UserGroup> { new UserGroup { group_id = "123" } } }); mongodb.GetDatabase("wammer").GetCollection("station").Insert( new StationInfo() { Id = "1234" }); using (FakeCloud cloud = new FakeCloud(new CloudResponse())) { CloudServer.request <CloudResponse>(new WebClient(), "http://localhost:8080/v2/station/drivers/remove", new Dictionary <object, object> { { "session_token", "token123" }, { "user_ID", "exist_uid1" } }); Assert.IsNull(Wammer.Model.StationCollection.Instance.FindOne()); } }
/// <summary> /// Update Dropbox quota for Waveface /// </summary> /// <param name="quota"></param> /// <exception cref="Wammer.Station.Management.DropboxNotConnectedException"> /// Waveface has not connected to Dropbox /// </exception> /// <exception cref="Wammer.Station.Management.DropboxNotInstalledException"> /// Dropbox is not installed /// </exception> public static void UpdateDropbox(long quota) { try { if (!DropboxHelper.IsInstalled()) { throw new DropboxNotInstalledException("Dropbox is not installed"); } CloudResponse res = CloudServer.request <CloudResponse>( new WebClient(), StationMgmtURL + "cloudstorage/dropbox/update", new Dictionary <object, object> { { "quota", quota } }, true ); } catch (Cloud.WammerCloudException e) { ExtractApiRetMsg(e); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Connect Waveface to Dropbox /// </summary> /// <param name="quota"></param> /// <exception cref="Wammer.Station.Management.DropboxNoSyncFolderException"> /// Dropbox sync folder does not exist /// </exception> /// <exception cref="Wammer.Station.Management.WrongAccountException"> /// Link to inconsistent Dropbox account /// </exception> /// <exception cref="Wammer.Station.Management.DropboxNotInstalledException"> /// Dropbox is not installed /// </exception> public static void ConnectDropbox(long quota) { try { if (!DropboxHelper.IsInstalled()) { throw new DropboxNotInstalledException("Dropbox is not installed"); } string folder = DropboxHelper.GetSyncFolder(); CloudResponse res = CloudServer.request <CloudResponse>( new WebClient(), StationMgmtURL + "cloudstorage/dropbox/connect", new Dictionary <object, object> { { "quota", quota }, { "folder", folder } }, true ); } catch (Cloud.WammerCloudException e) { ExtractApiRetMsg(e); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Add a user to a station /// </summary> /// <param name="email"></param> /// <param name="password"></param> /// <returns>station's session token</returns> /// <exception cref="Wammer.Station.Management.AuthenticationException"> /// Invalid user name or password /// </exception> /// <exception cref="Wammer.Station.Management.StationAlreadyHasDriverException"> /// The station already has an driver /// </exception> /// <exception cref="Wammer.Station.Management.UserAlreadyHasStationException"> /// The user already has a station. The station's info, such as id/location/sync time, can /// be retrieved from the exception /// </exception> /// <exception cref="Wammer.Station.Management.StationServiceDownException"> /// Unable to connect to station service, service down? /// </exception> /// <exception cref="Wammer.Station.Management.ConnectToCloudException"> /// Unable to connect to waveface cloud, network down? /// </exception> public static AddUserResult AddUser(string email, string password) { try { AddUserResponse res = CloudServer.request <AddUserResponse>( new WebClient(), StationMgmtURL + "station/drivers/add", new Dictionary <object, object> { { "email", email }, { "password", password } }); return(new AddUserResult() { UserId = res.UserId, IsPrimaryStation = res.IsPrimaryStation }); } catch (Cloud.WammerCloudException e) { if (e.HttpError == WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure) { throw new StationServiceDownException("Station service down?"); } switch (e.WammerError) { case (int)StationApiError.ConnectToCloudError: throw new ConnectToCloudException(e.Message); case (int)StationApiError.AuthFailed: throw new AuthenticationException(e.Message); case (int)StationApiError.DriverExist: throw new StationAlreadyHasDriverException(e.Message); case (int)StationApiError.AlreadyHasStaion: StationSignUpResponse resp = fastJSON.JSON.Instance. ToObject <Cloud.StationSignUpResponse>(e.response); throw new UserAlreadyHasStationException { Id = resp.station.station_id, Location = resp.station.location, LastSyncTime = resp.station.LastSeen, ComputerName = resp.station.computer_name }; case 0x4000 + 4: // user not exist throw new AuthenticationException(e.Message); default: throw; } } }
/// <summary> /// Disconnect Waveface from Dropbox /// </summary> public static void DisconnectDropbox() { try { CloudResponse res = CloudServer.request <CloudResponse>( new WebClient(), StationMgmtURL + "cloudstorage/dropbox/disconnect", new Dictionary <object, object>(), true ); } catch (Cloud.WammerCloudException e) { ExtractApiRetMsg(e); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Get Dropbox OAuth URL /// </summary> /// <exception cref="Wammer.Station.Management.GetDropboxOAuthException"> /// Unable to get Dropbox OAuth information /// </exception> public static string GetDropboxOAuthUrl() { try { GetDropboxOAuthResponse res = CloudServer.request <GetDropboxOAuthResponse>( new WebClient(), StationMgmtURL + "cloudstorage/dropbox/oauth", new Dictionary <object, object>(), true ); return(res.oauth_url); } catch (Cloud.WammerCloudException e) { ExtractApiRetMsg(e); throw; } }
public static void StationOffline() { try { CloudServer.request <CloudResponse>( new WebClient(), StationMgmtURL + "station/offline", new Dictionary <object, object> { { CloudServer.PARAM_API_KEY, CloudServer.APIKey }, } ); } catch (WammerCloudException e) { ExtractApiRetMsg(e); throw; } }
public static ListDriverResponse ListUser() { try { ListDriverResponse res = CloudServer.request <ListDriverResponse>( new WebClient(), StationMgmtURL + "station/drivers/list", new Dictionary <object, object> { { CloudServer.PARAM_API_KEY, CloudServer.APIKey }, } ); return(res); } catch (WammerCloudException e) { ExtractApiRetMsg(e); throw; } }
public static GetStatusResponse GetStationStatus() { try { GetStatusResponse res = CloudServer.request <GetStatusResponse>( new WebClient(), StationMgmtURL + "station/status/get", new Dictionary <object, object> { { CloudServer.PARAM_API_KEY, CloudServer.APIKey }, } ); return(res); } catch (WammerCloudException e) { ExtractApiRetMsg(e); throw; } }
public static void StationOnline(string email, string password) { try { CloudServer.request <CloudResponse>( new WebClient(), StationMgmtURL + "station/online", new Dictionary <object, object> { { CloudServer.PARAM_API_KEY, CloudServer.APIKey }, { "email", email }, { "password", password } } ); } catch (WammerCloudException e) { ExtractApiRetMsg(e); throw; } }
public void TestAddADriver_incorrectUserNamePwd() { UserLogInResponse res1 = new UserLogInResponse { api_ret_message = "station res msg", api_ret_code = 4097, // cloud retuns 4097 for invalid user name or password session_token = "token1", status = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, groups = new List <UserGroup>(), user = new UserInfo { user_id = "uid1" } }; using (FakeCloud cloud = new FakeCloud(res1, res1.status)) { try { CloudServer.request <CloudResponse>( new WebClient(), "http://*****:*****" }, { "password", "12345" } }); } catch (WammerCloudException e) { Assert.AreEqual((int)StationApiError.AuthFailed, e.WammerError); return; } Assert.Fail("Expected exception is not thrown"); } }
public void TestAddADriver() { StationSignUpResponse res1 = new StationSignUpResponse { api_ret_code = 0, api_ret_message = "success", session_token = "token1", status = 200, timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow }; UserLogInResponse res2 = new UserLogInResponse { api_ret_message = "success", api_ret_code = 0, session_token = "token2", status = 200, timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, groups = new List <UserGroup> { new UserGroup { creator_id = "creator1", description = "gdesc1", group_id = "group_id1", name = "group1" } }, user = new UserInfo { user_id = "uid1" }, stations = new List <UserStation>() { new UserStation() { station_id = "stationId", type = "primary" } } }; StationLogOnResponse res3 = new StationLogOnResponse(200, DateTime.UtcNow, "token3"); res3.api_ret_code = 0; using (FakeCloud cloud = new FakeCloud(res1)) { cloud.addJsonResponse(res3); cloud.addJsonResponse(res2); CloudServer.request <CloudResponse>(new WebClient(), "http://*****:*****" }, { "password", "12345" } }); // verify db Driver driver = mongodb.GetDatabase("wammer"). GetCollection <Driver>("drivers").FindOne( Query.EQ("email", "*****@*****.**")); Assert.AreEqual("*****@*****.**",; Assert.AreEqual(@"resource\user_uid1", driver.folder); Assert.AreEqual(res2.user.user_id, driver.user_id); Assert.IsTrue(driver.isPrimaryStation); Assert.AreEqual(1, driver.groups.Count); Assert.AreEqual(res2.session_token, driver.session_token); Assert.AreEqual(res2.groups[0].group_id, driver.groups[0].group_id); Assert.AreEqual(res2.groups[0].name, driver.groups[0].name); Assert.AreEqual(res2.groups[0].description, driver.groups[0].description); //verify station Wammer.Model.StationInfo s = Wammer.Model.StationCollection.Instance.FindOne(); Assert.IsNotNull(s); Assert.AreEqual("token3", s.SessionToken); } }