async Task CloudBoxVisibilityChanged() { if (CloudBox.Visible == false) { if (CloudBox.Margin.Left.CurrentValue == 150) { CloudBox.Visible = true; await Task.Delay(1000); await CloudBox.Animate(new Animation { Duration = 1.Seconds(), Change = () => CloudBox.Animate(10.Seconds(), x => x.Margin(left: 50)) }); CloudBox.Visible = false; } else if (CloudBox.Margin.Left.CurrentValue == 50) { CloudBox.Visible = true; await Task.Delay(1000); await CloudBox.Animate(new Animation { Duration = 1.Seconds(), Change = () => CloudBox.Animate(10.Seconds(), x => x.Margin(left: 150)) }); CloudBox.Visible = false; } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { isMoving = (Random.value <= chanceToMove); actualSpeed = Random.Range(speed.x, speed.y); cb = transform.parent.GetComponent <CloudBox>(); }
public override async Task OnInitializing() { await base.OnInitializing(); ForegroundStack.Y.Set(10); await CloudBox.Animate(new Animation { Change = () => CloudBox.Animate(2.Seconds(), x => x.Margin(left: 70), x => x.Visible = false), Repeats = 100 }); }
public override async Task OnInitializing() { await base.OnInitializing(); ForegroundStack.Y.Set(10); await SunBox.Animate(new Animation { Duration = 100000.Milliseconds(), Change = () => SunBox.Rotation(360), Repeats = 600 }); await CloudBox.Animate(new Animation { Change = () => CloudBox.Animate(2.Seconds(), x => x.Margin(left: 150), x => x.Visible = false), Repeats = 100 }); }
private GameObject CreateCloudPoint(List <float[]> collumnDataList, string file_path = null, bool isJSON = false, string json_path = null, int SMAPcolorcolumn = 100, bool isSMAP = false) { GameObject container = Instantiate(_cloudPointPrefab) as GameObject; /// GameObject that is the parent of the CloudPoint (used for CloudParent offset) GameObject root = container.transform.Find("CloudPoint").gameObject; /// GameObject where the mesh will be displayed // Init Cloud Status and references CloudData rootdata = root.GetComponent <CloudData>(); rootdata.columnData = collumnDataList; if (isJSON && json_path != null) { LoadJSON(json_path, rootdata); } else { int[] intarray = new int[9] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < collumnDataList.Count; i++) { if (i < intarray.Length) { intarray[i] = i; } } rootdata.globalMetaData.displayCollumnsConfiguration = intarray; /** * Vincent Casamayou 13/05/2020 - SMAP COMMUNICATION * - Affect Color Coding to the specified Column in SMAP * - Add a display/hide bool to the data table for each point **/ if (SMAPcolorcolumn != 100) { rootdata.globalMetaData.displayCollumnsConfiguration[3] = SMAPcolorcolumn; } rootdata.globalMetaData.displayCollumnsConfiguration[8] = 5; } for (int i = 0; i < collumnDataList[0].Length; i++) { rootdata.CreatePointData(i,,, 0f, 0f, 0f,, 0f); rootdata.CreatePointMetaData(i, 0); } LoadCloudData(rootdata, file_path, isJSON, isSMAP); = "CloudPoint"; root.transform.position = container.transform.position; root.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); CloudBox box = root.AddComponent <CloudBox>(); box.Activate(); container.GetComponent <CloudObjectRefference>().cloud = root; return(root); }
private GameObject CreateCloudPoint(List <float[]> columnDataList, string file_path = null, bool isJSON = false, string json_path = null) { GameObject container = Instantiate(_cloudPointPrefab) as GameObject; /// GameObject that is the parent of the CloudPoint (used for CloudParent offset) GameObject root = container.transform.Find("CloudPoint").gameObject; /// GameObject where the mesh will be displayed // Init Cloud Status and references CloudData rootdata = root.GetComponent <CloudData>(); rootdata.columnData = columnDataList; if (isJSON && json_path != null) { LoadJSON(json_path, rootdata); } else { int[] intarray = new int[9] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < columnDataList.Count; i++) { if (i < intarray.Length) { intarray[i] = i; } } rootdata.globalMetaData.displayCollumnsConfiguration = intarray; } for (int j = 0; j < columnDataList.Count; j++) { ColumnMetadata metadata = new ColumnMetadata(); metadata.ColumnID = j; metadata.MinValue = Mathf.Infinity; metadata.MaxValue = Mathf.NegativeInfinity; metadata.Range = 0; metadata.MinThreshold = 0; metadata.MaxThreshold = 0; rootdata.globalMetaData.columnMetaDataList.Add(metadata); } for (int i = 0; i < columnDataList[0].Length; i++) { rootdata.CreatePointData(i,,, 0f, 0f, 0f,, 0f); rootdata.CreatePointMetaData(i, 0); for (int j = 0; j < columnDataList.Count; j++) { float nbr = columnDataList[j][i]; if (nbr < rootdata.globalMetaData.columnMetaDataList[j].MinValue) { rootdata.globalMetaData.columnMetaDataList[j].MinValue = nbr; } if (nbr > rootdata.globalMetaData.columnMetaDataList[j].MaxValue) { rootdata.globalMetaData.columnMetaDataList[j].MaxValue = nbr; } } foreach (ColumnMetadata md in rootdata.globalMetaData.columnMetaDataList) { md.MaxThreshold = md.MaxValue; md.MinThreshold = md.MinValue; md.Range = md.MaxValue - md.MinValue; } } LoadCloudData(rootdata, file_path, isJSON); = "CloudPoint"; root.transform.position = container.transform.position; root.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); CloudBox box = root.AddComponent <CloudBox>(); box.Activate(); container.GetComponent <CloudObjectRefference>().cloud = root; return(root); }