        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the CloudBackupService classes. The content of a storage account
        /// is listed. A file is uploaded, downloaded, and finally deleted.
        /// </summary>
        public void test_CloudBackupService()
            Console.WriteLine("About to start a test using CloudBackupService."
                              + " Press any key to continue, or ESC to skip.\n");
            if (hit_esc_key())

            var backup_services = create_cloud_backup_services_from_xml(cloud_backup_services_xml);

            // Choose one of the "backup_services" for use in testing.
            CloudBackupService backup_service = backup_services[1];
            string             bucket_name    = "xxxxxxxx"; // Choose bucket name

            Console.WriteLine("Testing using " + backup_service.Name + "\\" + bucket_name);

            Console.WriteLine("Listing objects:");
            foreach (var obj in backup_service.list_objects(bucket_name, null))
                Console.WriteLine(new String(' ', 4) + obj);

            Console.WriteLine("Manually confirm that this is correct.");

            // generate files for testing
            string longer_file_path   = @"E:\temp\temp2\temp.bin";
            string shorter_file_path  = @"E:\temp\temp2\temp_shorter.bin";
            string download_file_path = @"E:\temp\temp2\temp_downloaded.bin";
            string key_name           = Path.GetFileName(longer_file_path);

            // generate shorter file
            var random = new Random();

            byte[] buffer = new byte[1 * 1024];

            using (FileStream fs_short = new FileStream(shorter_file_path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                fs_short.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

            // generate longer file
            using (FileStream fs_long = new FileStream(longer_file_path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                fs_long.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    fs_long.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

            // upload file
            Console.WriteLine("Uploading file.");
            using (FileStream fs_long = new FileStream(longer_file_path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                backup_service.upload(fs_long, bucket_name, key_name);

            // download partial and compare file
            Console.WriteLine("Downloading the start of the file and checking.");
            using (FileStream fs_downloaded = new FileStream(download_file_path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                backup_service.download(bucket_name, key_name, fs_downloaded, 0, 1 * 1024);
            Debug.Assert(compare_files(shorter_file_path, download_file_path));

            // download full file and compare file
            Console.WriteLine("Downloading the full file and checking.");
            using (FileStream fs_downloaded = new FileStream(download_file_path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                backup_service.download(bucket_name, key_name, fs_downloaded);
            Debug.Assert(compare_files(longer_file_path, download_file_path));

            // Test to see if downloading too many bytes cause errors?
            using (FileStream fs_downloaded = new FileStream(download_file_path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                backup_service.download(bucket_name, key_name, fs_downloaded, 0, 1024 * 1024);
            Debug.Assert(compare_files(longer_file_path, download_file_path));

            // delete file
            Console.WriteLine("Deleting the file and checking.");
            backup_service.delete(bucket_name, key_name);

            bool found = false;

            foreach (var obj in backup_service.list_objects(bucket_name, null))
                if (obj.Equals(key_name))
                    found = true;
            Debug.Assert(found == false);
            Console.WriteLine("CloudBackupService test completed.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests EncryptStream and DecryptStream using cloud storage. A single
        /// file is uploaded in encrypted form and then downloaded.
        /// </summary>
        public void test_Encrypt_and_Decrypt_streams_on_cloud()
            Console.WriteLine("About to upload a file to the cloud and download it back, "
                              + "using EncryptStream and DecryptStream. Press any key to continue, or ESC to skip.\n");
            if (hit_esc_key())

            var backup_services = create_cloud_backup_services_from_xml(cloud_backup_services_xml);

            // Choose one of the "backup_services" for use in testing.
            CloudBackupService backup_service = backup_services[2];
            string             bucket_name    = "xxxxxxxx";

            string original_file = @"E:\temp\temp\temp.bin";
            string base_path     = @"E:\temp\temp";
            string relative_path = original_file.Substring(base_path.Length + 1);

            string decrypted_file = @"E:\temp\temp2\temp.bin";

            var encrypt_stream = new EncryptStream();
            var decrypt_stream = new DecryptStream();

            Random random = new Random();

            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];

            // create random file
            using (var fs = new FileStream(original_file, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                for (int j = 0; j < 640; j++)
                    fs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

            // encrypted upload
            Console.WriteLine("Encrypting and uploading file to the cloud.");
            encrypt_stream.reset(original_file, relative_path, key);
            backup_service.upload(encrypt_stream, bucket_name, "temp.bin");

            Console.WriteLine("The file has been encrypted and uploaded to the cloud.");

            // download and decrypt
            decrypt_stream.reset(key, full_path_request_handler);

            // be sure the download can be done in pieces
            backup_service.download(bucket_name, "temp.bin", decrypt_stream, 0, 1024);
            Console.WriteLine("The first 1kB header says the pre-encrypt file size is "
                              + file_pre_encrypt_size + " bytes.");

            backup_service.download(bucket_name, "temp.bin", decrypt_stream, 1024, file_pre_encrypt_size);

            backup_service.delete(bucket_name, "temp.bin");

            Debug.Assert(compare_files(original_file, decrypted_file));

            Console.WriteLine("EncryptStream and DecryptStream has been tested using cloud storage.\n");
        /// <summary>
        /// Goes over every file in this directory / bucket and download its first 1kB
        /// to get information. Accumulate data in the restore_info object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="restore_info">The "file_names" field can be null, which causes
        /// file names to not get recorded. This will save memory.</param>
        public void get_info(RestoreInfo restore_info)
            // Get a list of alt_file_names. These look like "a1000.bin"
            string[] alt_file_names = get_alt_file_names();

            // To get information, it's only necessary to read the early part of the file.
            const int bytes_to_read = 1024;

            byte[] buffer = new byte[bytes_to_read];

            int files_processed = 0; // report progress to the GUI

            // For each alt_file_name, extract info
            foreach (var alt_file_name in alt_file_names)
                // Check alt_file_name format. Work only on files that has the right format.
                string prefix = null;
                UInt32 id;
                break_down_alt_file_name(alt_file_name, ref prefix, out id);

                if (prefix != null)
                    // Set up before getting the first bytes.
                    decrypt_stream.reset(null, get_info_handler);
                    handler_called = false;

                    // Read the early bytes.
                    if (cloud_backup == null)
                        using (var fs = new FileStream(alt_file_name, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                            int bytes_read = fs.Read(buffer, 0, bytes_to_read);
                            decrypt_stream.Write(buffer, 0, bytes_read);
                        cloud_backup.download(backup_destination_base, alt_file_name,
                                              decrypt_stream, 0, bytes_to_read);

                    // At this point "handler_called" should have happened.
                    if (handler_called == false)
                        throw new Exception("Restore file error. While examining the file at \""
                                            + backup_destination_name + "\\" + backup_destination_base + "\\" + alt_file_name
                                            + "\", failed to determine the true file name after reading the first "
                                            + bytes_to_read + " bytes.");

                    // At this point, the get_info_handler(...) handler has updated
                    // relative_path and file_pre_encrypt_size.
                    restore_info.total_file_size += total_file_length;

                    // Extract embedded_prefix from relative_path.
                    int index = relative_path.IndexOf('\\');

                    // If index == -1, this file has no prefix. This should be an error.
                    // But throwing exception aborts the restore. So continue for now.
                    // Just ignore this file.

                    if (index > 0)
                        string embedded_prefix = relative_path.Substring(0, index);

                        // The file_names is optional, so test for null.
                        if (restore_info.file_names != null)
                            if (restore_info.file_names.ContainsKey(embedded_prefix) == false)
                                restore_info.file_names.Add(embedded_prefix, new List <string>());

                            restore_info.file_names[embedded_prefix].Add(relative_path.Substring(index + 1));

                        // report progress to the user
                        if (report_event != null)
                            if (files_processed == 10)
                                report_event(AppEventType.FILES_PROCESSED, files_processed);
                                files_processed = 0;
            } // end of: foreach (var alt_file_name in alt_file_names)

            if (report_event != null)
                report_event(AppEventType.FILES_PROCESSED, files_processed);
                files_processed = 0;