async void Refresh() { if (EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode) { return; } try { updating = true; ErrorMessage = ""; Simulator.Web.Config.ParseConfigFile(); DatabaseManager.Init(); var csservice = new Simulator.Database.Services.ClientSettingsService(); ClientSettings cls = csservice.GetOrMake(); Config.SimID = cls.simid; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.CloudUrl)) { ErrorMessage = "Cloud URL not set"; return; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.SimID)) { ErrorMessage = "Simulator not linked"; return; } if (API != null) { API.Disconnect(); } API = new CloudAPI(new Uri(Config.CloudUrl), Config.SimID); var simInfo = CloudAPI.GetInfo(); var reader = await API.Connect(simInfo); await API.EnsureConnectSuccess(); var ret = await API.GetLibrary <VehicleDetailData>(); CloudVehicles = ret.ToList(); string[] guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Prefab", new[] { "Assets/External/Vehicles" }); LocalVehicles = guids.Select(g => AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(g)).ToList(); string idOrPath = null; if (DeveloperSimulation.Vehicles != null) // get previously selected thing { // we abuse VehicleData.Id to store the prefab path idOrPath = DeveloperSimulation.Vehicles[0].Id; } if (idOrPath != null) { // find index of previously selected thing in new dataset var vehicleChoices = VehicleChoices; var selected = vehicleChoices.FindIndex(v => v.idOrPath == idOrPath); SetVehicleFromSelectionIndex(vehicleChoices, selected); await UpdateCloudVehicleDetails(); } DeveloperSimulation.NPCs = Config.NPCVehicles.Values.ToArray(); // TODO get from cloud and refresh config.cs LoadExternalAssets() } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); ErrorMessage = ex.Message; if (ex.InnerException != null) { ErrorMessage += "\n" + ex.InnerException.Message; } API.Disconnect(); } finally { updating = false; Repaint(); } }
async void Refresh() { if (EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode) { return; } try { updating = true; ErrorMessage = ""; Simulator.Web.Config.ParseConfigFile(); await UpdateVersions(); try { // FIXME also list and find bundles and cloud bridges? var bridgesAssembly = Assembly.Load("Simulator.Bridges"); Bridges = bridgesAssembly.GetTypes() .Where(ty => typeof(IBridgeFactory).IsAssignableFrom(ty) && !ty.IsAbstract) .Select(ty => BridgePlugins.GetNameFromFactory(ty)).ToArray(); } catch { } if (DeveloperSimulation.Cluster == null) { DeveloperSimulation.Cluster = new ClusterData() { Name = "DeveloperSettingsDummy", Instances = new[] { new InstanceData { HostName = "dummy.developer.settings", Ip = new [] { "" }, MacAddress = "00:00:00:00:00:00" } } }; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.CloudProxy)) { API = new CloudAPI(new Uri(Config.CloudUrl), Config.SimID); } else { API = new CloudAPI(new Uri(Config.CloudUrl), Config.SimID, new Uri(Config.CloudProxy)); } DatabaseManager.Init(); var csservice = new Simulator.Database.Services.ClientSettingsService(); ClientSettings cls = csservice.GetOrMake(); Config.SimID = cls.simid; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.CloudUrl)) { ErrorMessage = "Cloud URL not set"; return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.SimID)) { linked = false; ErrorMessage = "Simulator not linked"; return; } var ret = await API.GetLibrary <VehicleDetailData>(); CloudVehicles = ret.ToList(); string[] guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Prefab", new[] { "Assets/External/Vehicles" }); LocalVehicles = guids.Select(g => AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(g)).ToList(); string idOrPath = null; if (DeveloperSimulation.Vehicles != null) // get previously selected thing { // we abuse VehicleData.Id to store the prefab path idOrPath = EgoVehicle.Id; } if (idOrPath != null) { // find index of previously selected thing in new dataset var foundIndex = VehicleChoices.FindIndex(v => v.cloudIdOrPrefabPath == idOrPath && (v.IsLocal || v.configId == Settings.VehicleConfigId)); SetVehicleFromSelectionIndex(foundIndex); updateVehicleDetails = true; await UpdateCloudVehicleDetails(); } DeveloperSimulation.NPCs = Config.NPCVehicles.Values.ToArray(); // TODO get from cloud and refresh config.cs LoadExternalAssets() } catch (CloudAPI.NoSuccessException ex) { if (ex.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { ErrorMessage = "This instance requires linking to a cluster on " + Config.CloudUrl; linked = false; } else { Debug.LogException(ex); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); ErrorMessage = ex.Message; if (ex.InnerException != null) { ErrorMessage += "\n" + ex.InnerException.Message; } } finally { updating = false; Repaint(); } }
async void Refresh() { if (EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode) { return; } try { updating = true; ErrorMessage = ""; Simulator.Web.Config.ParseConfigFile(); if (DeveloperSimulation.Cluster == null) { DeveloperSimulation.Cluster = new ClusterData() { Name = "DeveloperSettingsDummy", Instances = new[] { new InstanceData { HostName = "dummy.developer.settings", Ip = new [] { "" }, MacAddress = "00:00:00:00:00:00" } } }; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.CloudProxy)) { API = new CloudAPI(new Uri(Config.CloudUrl), cookieContainer); } else { API = new CloudAPI(new Uri(Config.CloudUrl), cookieContainer, new Uri(Config.CloudProxy)); } DatabaseManager.Init(); var csservice = new Simulator.Database.Services.ClientSettingsService(); ClientSettings cls = csservice.GetOrMake(); Config.SimID = cls.simid; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.CloudUrl)) { ErrorMessage = "Cloud URL not set"; return; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.SimID)) { ErrorMessage = "Simulator not linked"; return; } if (cookieContainer.GetCookies(new Uri(Config.CloudUrl)).Count == 0) { authenticated = false; } if (authenticated) { var ret = await API.GetLibrary <VehicleDetailData>(); CloudVehicles = ret.ToList(); } else { CloudVehicles = new List <VehicleDetailData>(); } string[] guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Prefab", new[] { "Assets/External/Vehicles" }); LocalVehicles = guids.Select(g => AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(g)).ToList(); string idOrPath = null; if (DeveloperSimulation.Vehicles != null) // get previously selected thing { // we abuse VehicleData.Id to store the prefab path idOrPath = DeveloperSimulation.Vehicles[0].Id; } if (idOrPath != null) { // find index of previously selected thing in new dataset var foundIndex = VehicleChoices.FindIndex(v => v.cloudIdOrPrefabPath == idOrPath && (v.IsLocal || v.configId == Settings.VehicleConfigId)); SetVehicleFromSelectionIndex(foundIndex); await UpdateCloudVehicleDetails(); } DeveloperSimulation.NPCs = Config.NPCVehicles.Values.ToArray(); // TODO get from cloud and refresh config.cs LoadExternalAssets() } catch (CloudAPI.NoSuccessException ex) { if (ex.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) { authenticated = false; ClearCookie(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); ErrorMessage = ex.Message; if (ex.InnerException != null) { ErrorMessage += "\n" + ex.InnerException.Message; } } finally { updating = false; Repaint(); } }