/// <summary>
        /// Add the query result from the supplied line to the closest to
        /// line query object. The accumulated result is returned, or can
        /// be retrieved as the List property of the query object.
        /// </summary>
        public List <IndexDist <double> > GetClosest(
            ClosestToLineQuery q, TPoint p0, TPoint p1)
            var delta = new double[m_dim];

            for (int d = 0; d < m_dim; d++)
                delta[d] = m_vget(p1, d) - m_vget(p0, d);
            q.Init(p0, p1, delta);
            GetClosestToLine(q, 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a closest to line query object for a sequence of line
        /// queries that contribute to a single result. The parameters
        /// max distance and max count work the same way as in the
        /// </summary>
        public ClosestToLineQuery CreateClosestToLineQuery(
            double maxDistance, int maxCount)
            var maxDistPlusEps = maxDistance < double.MaxValue
                    ? maxDistance + m_eps : maxDistance;
            var q = new ClosestToLineQuery(
                maxDistance, maxDistPlusEps, maxCount,
                IndexSet = new DictSet <long>()
