internal void RegisterNewWebSocketClient(string clientHashCode) { this.LoggingService.LogMessage($"User Connected : ${clientHashCode}"); Client newClient = new Client(clientHashCode); if (!Clients.ContainsKey(clientHashCode)) { Clients.Add(clientHashCode, new Client(clientHashCode)); } else { throw new ClientAlreadyAddedException(); } OnNewClientRegistred?.Invoke(this, newClient); }
protected override void ListenOnNewClients() { Listener.Start(); while (true) { TcpClient connectedClient = Listener.AcceptTcpClient(); var sslStream = ProcessClient(connectedClient); var client = HandleNewConnectedClient(connectedClient, sslStream); Clients.Add(client); OnClientConnected(new ClientConnectedEventArgs(client)); Log.Info("New Client connected (IP: " + connectedClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint + ")"); } }
public void GetSurname(string sn) { Clients.Clear(); if (sn == "") { GetAllPerson(); } else { Client[] cl = AllClients.Where(i => i.Surname == sn).ToArray <Client>(); foreach (Client c in cl) { Clients.Add(c); } } }
private void InitializeDefaultUsers() { //--Credentials //[email protected] P@ssw0rd_admin //[email protected] P@ssw0rd_accountant //[email protected] P@ssw0rd_deputy const string sql = "INSERT INTO AspNetUsers(Id, FirstName, LastName, UserName, NormalizedUserName, Email, NormalizedEmail, EmailConfirmed, PasswordHash, SecurityStamp, ConcurrencyStamp, PhoneNumber, PhoneNumberConfirmed, TwoFactorEnabled, LockoutEnd, LockoutEnabled, AccessFailedCount) VALUES " + "('80c3b9e5-48f0-43dc-9226-dc05f13cd471','Griffin','Stewie','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**',0,'AQAAAAEAACcQAAAAEIpy4VbmDRxJOayhY6V2VSnGY+TtihLeiAxuHHcfpw++bIz5Qh1Zt/J3fQIU7MmojA==','7W3OKJNGBY43TZIF4B2U5QY5GRDG2WAX','03e08ee0-4d03-42d0-81a7-9f80d4f5151a',NULL,0,0,NULL,1,0), " + "('bce59a46-2f93-4ab2-9e71-a023f7a851db','Griffin','Peter','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**',0,'AQAAAAEAACcQAAAAEJmfjCDspGDCNMU0UKXmZ4aOqJ/kZr37HrVv1MWBDlHjSSfPBEqYBFrFTJYMFcUf2w==','O7GGVB4T3E2N4QRC6C2PC6GOML6WQ4VT','b320746f-de84-4ca9-ad12-be70aa943a20',NULL,0,0,NULL,1,0), " + "('a2fd029e-f6d0-49aa-b3ca-c49d645bf41f','Griffin','Lois','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**',0,'AQAAAAEAACcQAAAAEEHFo6yQWrGPFQwPUOFDtZ0V7C+F/oajrxJHWeeiWFZUVeP6AQKZ03+D66p0/wtQqQ==','N7SFWMK4W2XGIK4DFK3XAQMCW6FOQCXL','68f3773b-d59a-45fa-8763-519f60816d3d',NULL,0,0,NULL,1,0); " + "INSERT INTO AspNetRoles(Id, Name, NormalizedName, ConcurrencyStamp) VALUES " + "('c2c50d82-63d5-4764-a1b0-2919a826a4e6','Admin','ADMIN','7f5ebe86-e5d5-4c70-9f4e-467ff3c4d2d3'), " + "('0c277213-cf17-4be6-966f-316233db2dc5','Accountant','ACCOUNTANT','f61ce026-bd54-4882-85c8-fe6ec3cc8227'), " + "('121b555e-1037-4d80-90cc-1b5101d1af6d','Deputy','DEPUTY','80e5d186-5075-4cc4-ab95-5b70dbef7f2e'); " + "INSERT INTO AspNetUserRoles(UserId, RoleId) VALUES " + "('80c3b9e5-48f0-43dc-9226-dc05f13cd471','c2c50d82-63d5-4764-a1b0-2919a826a4e6'), " + "('bce59a46-2f93-4ab2-9e71-a023f7a851db','0c277213-cf17-4be6-966f-316233db2dc5'), " + "('a2fd029e-f6d0-49aa-b3ca-c49d645bf41f','121b555e-1037-4d80-90cc-1b5101d1af6d');"; using (var dr = Database.ExecuteSqlQuery(sql)) { dr.Close(); } Clients.Add(new Client { ClientId = "WEB-APPLICATION", RefreshTokenLifeTime = 86400 //60 days }); Clients.Add(new Client { ClientId = "DESKTOP-APPLICATION", RefreshTokenLifeTime = 86400 //60 days }); Clients.Add(new Client { ClientId = "MOBILE-APPLICATION", RefreshTokenLifeTime = 86400 //60 days }); SaveChanges(); }
private void Process(object target) { Socket client = (Socket)target; Clients.Add(((IPEndPoint)client.RemoteEndPoint).Port, client); byte[] receive = new byte[client.ReceiveBufferSize]; try { int rec; while (client.Connected) { // sleep 250ms to avoid race condition Thread.Sleep(250); receive = new byte[client.ReceiveBufferSize]; rec = client.Receive(receive); if (rec == 0) { break; } Array.Resize <byte>(ref receive, rec); OnPacketReceived(new PacketEventArgs(client, receive, Encoding)); } } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { } catch (SocketException soex) { if (soex.ErrorCode != 10004) { if ((soex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionReset) || (soex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionAborted) || (soex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.NotConnected) || (soex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.Shutdown) || (soex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.Disconnecting)) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ResourceMessages.CONNETION_CLOSED, soex.SocketErrorCode); } } } finally { Clients.Remove(((IPEndPoint)client.RemoteEndPoint).Port); OnDisconnected(new SocketEventArgs(client)); client.Close(); client.Dispose(); } }
private void InitializeDefaultUsers() { //--Credentials //[email protected] P@ssw0rd_admin //[email protected] P@ssw0rd_accountant //[email protected] P@ssw0rd_deputy const string sql = "INSERT INTO \"AspNetUsers\"(\"Id\", \"FirstName\", \"LastName\", \"UserName\", \"NormalizedUserName\", \"Email\", \"NormalizedEmail\", \"EmailConfirmed\", \"PasswordHash\", \"SecurityStamp\", \"ConcurrencyStamp\", \"PhoneNumber\", \"PhoneNumberConfirmed\", \"TwoFactorEnabled\", \"LockoutEnd\", \"LockoutEnabled\", \"AccessFailedCount\") VALUES\r\n " + "(\'80c3b9e5-48f0-43dc-9226-dc05f13cd471\',\'Griffin\',\'Stewie\',\'[email protected]\',\'[email protected]\',\'[email protected]\',\'[email protected]\',FALSE,\'AQAAAAEAACcQAAAAEIpy4VbmDRxJOayhY6V2VSnGY+TtihLeiAxuHHcfpw++bIz5Qh1Zt/J3fQIU7MmojA==\',\'7W3OKJNGBY43TZIF4B2U5QY5GRDG2WAX\',\'03e08ee0-4d03-42d0-81a7-9f80d4f5151a\',NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL,TRUE,0),\r\n " + "(\'bce59a46-2f93-4ab2-9e71-a023f7a851db\',\'Griffin\',\'Peter\',\'[email protected]\',\'[email protected]\',\'[email protected]\',\'[email protected]\',FALSE,\'AQAAAAEAACcQAAAAEJmfjCDspGDCNMU0UKXmZ4aOqJ/kZr37HrVv1MWBDlHjSSfPBEqYBFrFTJYMFcUf2w==\',\'O7GGVB4T3E2N4QRC6C2PC6GOML6WQ4VT\',\'b320746f-de84-4ca9-ad12-be70aa943a20\',NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL,TRUE,0),\r\n " + "(\'a2fd029e-f6d0-49aa-b3ca-c49d645bf41f\',\'Griffin\',\'Lois\',\'[email protected]\',\'[email protected]\',\'[email protected]\',\'[email protected]\',FALSE,\'AQAAAAEAACcQAAAAEEHFo6yQWrGPFQwPUOFDtZ0V7C+F/oajrxJHWeeiWFZUVeP6AQKZ03+D66p0/wtQqQ==\',\'N7SFWMK4W2XGIK4DFK3XAQMCW6FOQCXL\',\'68f3773b-d59a-45fa-8763-519f60816d3d\',NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL,TRUE,0); " + "INSERT INTO \"AspNetRoles\"(\"Id\", \"Name\", \"NormalizedName\", \"ConcurrencyStamp\") VALUES\r\n " + "(\'c2c50d82-63d5-4764-a1b0-2919a826a4e6\',\'Admin\',\'ADMIN\',\'7f5ebe86-e5d5-4c70-9f4e-467ff3c4d2d3\'),\r\n " + "(\'0c277213-cf17-4be6-966f-316233db2dc5\',\'Accountant\',\'ACCOUNTANT\',\'f61ce026-bd54-4882-85c8-fe6ec3cc8227\'),\r\n " + "(\'121b555e-1037-4d80-90cc-1b5101d1af6d\',\'Deputy\',\'DEPUTY\',\'80e5d186-5075-4cc4-ab95-5b70dbef7f2e\'); " + "INSERT INTO \"AspNetUserRoles\"(\"UserId\", \"RoleId\") VALUES\r\n " + "(\'80c3b9e5-48f0-43dc-9226-dc05f13cd471\',\'c2c50d82-63d5-4764-a1b0-2919a826a4e6\'),\r\n " + "(\'bce59a46-2f93-4ab2-9e71-a023f7a851db\',\'0c277213-cf17-4be6-966f-316233db2dc5\'),\r\n " + "(\'a2fd029e-f6d0-49aa-b3ca-c49d645bf41f\',\'121b555e-1037-4d80-90cc-1b5101d1af6d\');"; using (var dr = Database.ExecuteSqlQuery(sql)) { dr.DbDataReader.Close(); } Clients.Add(new Client { Id = "WEB-APPLICATION", RefreshTokenLifeTime = 86400 //60 days }); Clients.Add(new Client { Id = "DESKTOP-APPLICATION", RefreshTokenLifeTime = 86400 //60 days }); Clients.Add(new Client { Id = "MOBILE-APPLICATION", RefreshTokenLifeTime = 86400 //60 days }); SaveChanges(); }
private void SaveClient(int id) { if (!WinApiMessageBox.ConfirmAction("Сохранить изменения?")) { return; } if (id == 0) { Clients.Add(SelectedClient); _context.Clients.Add(SelectedClient.Client); } _context.SaveChanges(); OnPropertyChanged("Clients"); SelectedClientVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }
public void AddClientData(Message message) { ClientData cd = new ClientData(message); foreach (var c in Clients) { if (c.ID == cd.ID) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Updating client {0} (ID: {1})", c.Name, c.ID)); c.ParseMessage(message); return; } } System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Adding client {0} (ID: {1})", cd.Name, cd.ID)); Clients.Add(cd); }
public void AcceptCallBack(IAsyncResult result) { try { WorldClient _newClient = new WorldClient(_world.EndAccept(result), this); Out.Debug($"New socket [{_newClient.socket.RemoteEndPoint}]"); Clients.Add(_newClient); } catch (Exception e) { if (Clients != null) { Out.Error(e.Message); } } _world.BeginAccept(AcceptCallBack, null); }
public MemoryUoW() { for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { var num = i.ToString("D3"); Clients.Add(new Client { INN = "1000000" + num, Name = "Клиент " + num }); } Users.Add(new User { Login = "******", Name = "Администратор", Password = "******" }); Users.Add(new User { Login = "******", Name = "Менеджер", Password = "******" }); }
/// <summary> /// Handles new TCP client /// </summary> /// <param name="tcpClient">TCP client</param> private void HandleNewClient(TcpClient tcpClient) { var stream = tcpClient?.GetStream(); if (stream == null) { return; } var client = new Client(tcpClient); Clients.Add(client); client.OnNewMessage += m => OnNewMessage(m); client.StartListening(); OnNewClient(client); }
private void GetAllClientsNames() { try { rs = new Model.RentalShopEntities(); foreach (var item in rs.Clients) { Clients.Add(item.First_Name + " " + item.Second_Name + "(id" + item.Client_Id + ")"); } OnPropertyChanged("Clients"); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } }
private void _onConnect(IAsyncResult result) { try { Socket s = BaseListener.EndAcceptSocket(result); // Get the client socket object when it's ready OnConnected?.Invoke(this, new ConnectedEventArgs(s)); // Trigger the OnConnected event var client = new PrimnetClient(s, this) { RecieveBufferSize = DefaultRecieveBufferSize }; // Initialize a client object from the accepted socket client.StartProcessing(); // Start waiting for data from the client client.OnDataAvaliable += (s_, e) => OnDataFromClient?.Invoke(s_, e); Clients.Add(client); // Add the client object of the connection to the client list StartListening(); // Start waiting for a new connection after this one has been established } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
private async void Process(System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient client) { var clientId = _nextClientId++; var wsClient = new WebSocketClient(client) { Id = clientId, ServerClient = true }; Clients.Add(wsClient); OnClientConnected(wsClient); try { //check if it's a websocket connection while (client.Connected) { if (await ProcessWebsocketUpgrade(wsClient).ConfigureAwait(false)) { wsClient.UpgradedConnection = true; break; } else { await Task.Delay(50).ConfigureAwait(false); } } while (client.IsConnected()) { var messages = await wsClient.GetMessages().ConfigureAwait(false); ProcessMessage(wsClient, messages); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex); } client?.Dispose(); Clients.Remove(wsClient); }
public override void activate() { Clients.Clear(); SqlConnector sql = SqlConnector.Instance(); if (sql.IsConnected) { DataTable dt; sql.Select("* FROM client", out dt); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Client client = new Client(dr); client.UpdateView += activate; Clients.Add(client); } } }
// ########################################################################################## /// <summary> Funkcja aktualizująca wewnętrzną strukturę listy podłączonych klientów. </summary> /// <param name="message"> Lista podłączonych klientów. </param> private void UpdateClients(string message) { if (Clients == null) { Clients = new List <string[]>(); } Clients.Clear(); Clients.Add(new string[] { 0.ToString(), srvName, ServerIP }); foreach (string client in Tools.ReadLines(message)) { string[] args = client.Split(' '); Clients.Add(new string[] { args[0], Tools.ConcatLines(args, 1, args.Length - 1, " "), args[args.Length - 1] }); } UpdateList(); }
private async Task ListeningLoop(CancellationToken ct) { while (!_cts.IsCancellationRequested) { while (!_listener.Pending()) { await Task.Delay(1000); } var newClient = await _listener.AcceptTcpClientAsync(); var client = new TcpClient(newClient, this.Protocol, this.Client_OnPacketReceived); OnClientConnected?.Invoke(client); Clients.Add(client); } }
private void llCreateCustomer_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { var window = new FrmCreateClient(); if (window.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { var client = window.CurrentClient; Clients.Add(client); FillClients(); cmbCustomer.SelectedItem = client; window.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Listens for incoming connections and creates <see cref="ServerClient"/> objects for new connections /// </summary> private void Process() { try { _Listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(IpAddress)) { _Listener.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, Port)); } else { _Listener.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(IpAddress), Port)); } _Listener.Listen(10); Socket socket = null; while (Enabled) { socket = _Listener.Accept(); ServerClient client = new ServerClient(socket, this); Clients.Add(client); client.Start(); Thread.Sleep(10); } } catch (SocketException ex) { // 0x2714 WSACancelBlock ignore this error if (ex.NativeErrorCode != 0x2714) { OnSystemError(ex); } } catch (Exception ex) { OnSystemError(ex); } finally { Stop(); } }
bool RegisterNewUsers(Update[] result) { bool registered = false; foreach (Update upd in result) { if (upd.Message == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(upd.Message.Text)) { continue; } if (upd.Message.Text.Trim() == "/regme " + RegistrationCode) { registered = true; long chatId = upd.Message.Chat.Id; if (Clients.Values.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ChatId.Identifier == chatId) != null) { ClientRegistered.Invoke(this, new TelegramClientInfoEventArgs() { Client = Clients.Values.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ChatId.Identifier == chatId) }); continue; } TelegramClientInfo clientInfo = new TelegramClientInfo(); clientInfo.ChatId = new ChatId(chatId); clientInfo.ClientId = RegistrationId; clientInfo.RegistrationCode = RegistrationCode; clientInfo.Enabled = true; Clients.Add(chatId, clientInfo); if (ClientRegistered != null) { ClientRegistered.Invoke(this, new TelegramClientInfoEventArgs() { Client = clientInfo }); } } } if (!registered) { Telemetry.Default.TrackEvent("Telegram bot not recv /regme command"); Telemetry.Default.Flush(); } return(true); }
private async Task ListenAsync(CancellationToken token) { while (!token.IsCancellationRequested) { try { var client = new Client(await Server.AcceptTcpClientAsync()); Clients.Add(client); ReadAsync(client, token); } catch (Exception ex) when(ex is ObjectDisposedException || ex is SocketException) { // This happens when the server is stopped Console.WriteLine("Server stopped."); } } }
public override void Update() { if (Listener?.Pending() == true) { PlayersJoining.Add(new SCONClient(Listener.AcceptSocket(), this)); } #region Player Filtration for (var i = 0; i < PlayersToAdd.Count; i++) { var playerToAdd = PlayersToAdd[i]; Clients.Add(playerToAdd); PlayersToAdd.Remove(playerToAdd); } for (var i = 0; i < PlayersToRemove.Count; i++) { var playerToRemove = PlayersToRemove[i]; Clients.Remove(playerToRemove); PlayersJoining.Remove(playerToRemove); PlayersToRemove.Remove(playerToRemove); playerToRemove.Dispose(); } #endregion Player Filtration #region Player Updating // Update actual players for (var i = Clients.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Clients[i]?.Update(); } // Update joining players for (var i = PlayersJoining.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { PlayersJoining[i]?.Update(); } #endregion Player Updating }
public IRestClient GetClient(string baseUrl) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseUrl)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(baseUrl)); } lock (Clients) { if (!Clients.Any(c => c.BaseUrl.Equals(baseUrl))) { Clients.Add(new RestSharpClient(baseUrl)); } } return(Clients.Where(c => c.BaseUrl.Equals(baseUrl)).Single()); }
private void Listening() { IsListening = true; while (IsListening && Listener != null) { bool pending = false; try { pending = Listener.Pending(); } catch { pending = false; } if (pending) { TcpClient client = null; try { client = Listener.AcceptTcpClient(); } catch { break; } if (client != null) { ConnectedClient newClient = new ConnectedClient(client); Clients.Add(newClient); newClient.StartListening(); newClient.OnNewResponseFromClient += newClient_OnNewResponseFromClient; } } // detecter les déco : List <ConnectedClient> clients2BeRemoved = new List <ConnectedClient>(Clients.Where(x => !x.TcpClient.Connected).ToList()); foreach (ConnectedClient client in clients2BeRemoved) { Clients.Remove(client); } } }
public static Dictionary <string, Beer> Cache() { if (!Clients.Contains(DuffBreweryClientId)) { Clients.Add(DuffBreweryClientId); } foreach (var client in Clients) { Add(client, 1, 100, "Duff", "Lager"); Add(client, 2, 50, "Duff Light", "Lager"); Add(client, 3, 10, "Duff Dry", "Lager"); Add(client, 4, 30, "Duff Stout", "Stout"); Add(client, 5, 30, "Raseberry Duff", "IPA"); Add(client, 6, 30, "Pawtucket Patriot Ale", "Pale Ale"); } return(_inventoryData as Dictionary <string, Beer>); }
public async Task <int> AddClient(string name, string email) { var found = await Clients.Where(c => c.Email == email).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (found == null) { Client c = new Client() { Name = name, Email = email }; Clients.Add(c); await SaveChangesAsync(); return(c.ClientId); } return(found.ClientId); }
public void GetID(string id) { //ObservableCollection<Jewelry> jewelries = new ObservableCollection<Jewelry>(); //foreach() Clients.Clear(); try { Client[] cl = AllClients.Where(i => i.ID == long.Parse(id)).ToArray <Client>(); foreach (Client c in cl) { Clients.Add(c); } } catch (FormatException e) { GetAllPerson(); } }
private void OnClientConnect(CCC_Player player) { PlayerData p = ConvertPlayerData(player); // This code is required because it is not possible to edit // an ObservableCollection outside the UI thread. if (Application.Current != null) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (Action) delegate() { Clients.Add(p); }); } else { Clients.Add(p); } PlayerConnected(p); }
protected void AcceptConnectionAsync(IAsyncResult result) { try { if (Listener == null || result == null) { return; // This happens sometimes on shut down, it's weird } var tcpClient = Listener.EndAcceptTcpClient(result); var client = new MinecraftClient(tcpClient, this); lock (NetworkLock) { Clients.Add(client); } Listener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(AcceptConnectionAsync, null); } catch { } // TODO: Investigate this more deeply }
private async Task Run() { Listener.Start(); while (!Token.IsCancellationRequested) { try { var client = await Listener.AcceptTcpClientAsync().WaitAsync(Token); Clients.Add(client); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { return; } } }