 public async Task <Client.Types.Contact> Get(string email)
     Client.Types.Contact result = null;
         result = await _contact.GetByEmail(email);
     catch (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException ex)
         _logger.LogError("HTTP request failed: {0}", ex.ToString());
         _logger.LogError("Exception Type: ");
         _logger.LogError("Exception: " + ex.Message);
         if (ex.InnerException != null)
             _logger.LogError("Inner exception is: {0}", ex.InnerException.GetType().ToString());
     catch (Exception ex)
         _logger.LogError("Non-HTTP exception captured.");
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnGet(Guid id)
            Console.WriteLine($"You requested {id}");
            Stream response = await _crmClient.GetStreamAsync($"contacts({id})");

            if (response == null)
                return(NotFound("Contact does not exist."));
            Contact = CRMClient.DeserializeObject <Client.Types.Contact>(response);
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(Client.Types.Contact content)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                _logger.LogDebug($"To update Contact: {content.ID}");
                Console.WriteLine($"your new department is: {content.Department}");

                // Server side validation: how to tell what data are wrong?
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content.Department))
                    // just update what we need, do not send everything back
                    // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt607664.aspx
                    // Cannot use DataContract because selected properties to be updated. Really?
                    JsonObject toUpdate = (JsonObject)JsonValue.Parse("{}");
                    toUpdate["department"] = content.Department;
                    await contact.Update(content.ID, toUpdate);

                    _logger.LogDebug($"Updated the Department to {content.Department} for {content.ID}");
            return(await Edit(new Guid(content.ID)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Check AD user from a list if they exist in CRM as Contact, then try to create if they don't or update username if it is incorrect.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newUsers"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <(List <string>, List <string>, List <Dictionary <string, string> >)> CheckUserInCRM(List <User> newUsers)
            Client.Entities.Account account = new Client.Entities.Account(_crmClient);
            Client.Entities.Contact contact = new Client.Entities.Contact(_crmClient);

            AccountIDManager manager = await account.GetAccountIDManager();

            List <string> createdUsers = new List <string>();
            List <string> unabledUsers = new List <string>();
            List <Dictionary <string, string> > exceptionUsers = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();

            JsonObject ConvertADUserToJson(User user, string attachToAccountID)
                return(Client.Types.ContactBase.Create(user.FirstName, user.LastName, user.Email, user.AccountName, user.Department, attachToAccountID));

            // Check the existence of a user by email address
            async Task CheckAndPrint(User user)
                PrintUser(user);  // FIXME: this may not work well in parallel by just print user details
                Client.Types.Contact result = await contact.GetByEmail(user.Email);

                if (result != null)
                    // Contact exists
                    Console.WriteLine($"Found and the contact id = {result.ID}");
                    Log.Information($"{user.DistinguishedName}: found in CRM and the contact id = {result.ID}");
                    string contactID = result.ID;
                    result = await contact.Get(new Guid(contactID));

                    // No username, need to set
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Username))
                        Log.Debug($"User name needed to be updated for contact {contactID}");
                        await contact.UpdateUsername(contactID, user.AccountName);

                        Log.Information($"The username of Contact with id={contactID} has been set successfully.");
                        // found wrong username
                        if (result.Username == user.AccountName)
                            Log.Debug($"contact {contactID} has username of {result.Username}");
                            Log.Debug($"Contact {contactID} has username of {result.Username} which is different to samAccountName {user.AccountName}");
                            await contact.UpdateUsername(contactID, user.AccountName);

                            Log.Information($"The username of Contact with id={contactID} has been updated successfully.");
                    // Contact does not exist
                    Log.Debug($"{user.DistinguishedName} was not found in CRM");
                    string accountID = manager.GetAccountID(user.Company, user.Department);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountID))
                        Log.Warning($"Cannot create new Contact because cannot find accountID to attach for {user.DistinguishedName} could because of wrong department.");
                        unabledUsers.Add(string.Format("{0} ({1})", user.DistinguishedName, user.Email));
                        Log.Debug($"New contact will be created for {user.DistinguishedName}");
                        await contact.Create <JsonObject>(ConvertADUserToJson(user, accountID));

                        Log.Information($"New contact has been created for {user.DistinguishedName}");

            Task[] taskArray = new Task[newUsers.Count];
            int    i         = 0;

            foreach (var user in newUsers)
                Log.Information("task {0}", i + 1);
                    taskArray[i++] = await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => CheckAndPrint(user));
                } catch (Exception ex)
                    exceptionUsers.Add(new Dictionary <string, string>
                        { "DistinguishedName", user.DistinguishedName },
                        { "Exception", ex.ToString() }
                    Log.Error(ex, $"Failed attempt when processing {user.DistinguishedName}.");

            return(createdUsers, unabledUsers, exceptionUsers);