        /// <summary> Listen to the receive queue and check for a specific acknowledge command. </summary>
        /// <param name="ackCmdId">        acknowledgement command ID. </param>
        /// <param name="clearQueueState"> Property to optionally clear the send and receive queues. </param>
        /// <returns> The first received command that matches the command ID. </returns>
        private ReceivedCommand CheckForAcknowledge(int ackCmdId, ClearQueue clearQueueState)
            // Read single command from received queue
            CurrentReceivedCommand = _receiveCommandQueue.DequeueCommand();
            if (CurrentReceivedCommand != null)
                // Check if received command is valid
                if (!CurrentReceivedCommand.Ok)

                // If valid, check if is same as command we are waiting for
                if (CurrentReceivedCommand.CmdId == ackCmdId)
                    // This is command we are waiting for, so return

                // This is not command we are waiting for
                if (clearQueueState == ClearQueue.KeepQueue || clearQueueState == ClearQueue.ClearSendQueue)
                    // Add to queue for later processing
            // Return not Ok received command
            return(new ReceivedCommand());
        /// <summary> Sends a command.
        ///           If no command acknowledge is requested, the command will be send asynchronously: it will be put on the top of the send queue
        ///           If a  command acknowledge is requested, the command will be send synchronously:  the program will block until the acknowledge command
        ///           has been received or the timeout has expired.
        ///           Based on ClearQueueState, the send- and receive-queues are left intact or are cleared</summary>
        /// <param name="sendCommand"> The command to sent. </param>
        /// <param name="clearQueueState"> Property to optionally clear the send and receive queues</param>
        /// <returns> A received command. The received command will only be valid if the ReqAc of the command is true. </returns>
        public ReceivedCommand SendCommand(SendCommand sendCommand, ClearQueue clearQueueState)
            //_sendCommandLogger.LogLine(CommandToString(sendCommand) + _commandSeparator);

            if (clearQueueState == ClearQueue.ClearReceivedQueue ||
                clearQueueState == ClearQueue.ClearSendAndReceivedQueue)
                // Clear receive queue

            if (clearQueueState == ClearQueue.ClearSendQueue ||
                clearQueueState == ClearQueue.ClearSendAndReceivedQueue)
                // Clear send queue

            if (sendCommand.ReqAc)
                // Directly call execute command
                return(ExecuteSendCommand(sendCommand, clearQueueState));

            // Put command at top of command queue
            return(new ReceivedCommand());
        /// <summary> Blocks until acknowlegdement reply has been received. </summary>
        /// <param name="ackCmdId"> acknowledgement command ID </param>
        /// <param name="timeout">  Timeout on acknowlegde command. </param>
        /// <param name="clearQueueState"></param>
        /// <returns> . </returns>
        private ReceivedCommand BlockedTillReply(int ackCmdId, int timeout, ClearQueue clearQueueState)
            // Disable invoking command callbacks
            _receiveCommandQueue.ThreadRunState = CommandQueue.ThreadRunStates.Stop;

            var start = TimeUtils.Millis;
            var time  = start;
            var acknowledgeCommand = new ReceivedCommand();

            while ((time - start < timeout) && !acknowledgeCommand.Ok)
                time = TimeUtils.Millis;
                acknowledgeCommand = CheckForAcknowledge(ackCmdId, clearQueueState);

            // Re-enable invoking command callbacks
            _receiveCommandQueue.ThreadRunState = CommandQueue.ThreadRunStates.Start;
        /// <summary> Directly executes the send command operation. </summary>
        /// <param name="sendCommand">     The command to sent. </param>
        /// <param name="clearQueueState"> Property to optionally clear the send and receive queues. </param>
        /// <returns> A received command. The received command will only be valid if the ReqAc of the command is true. </returns>
        public ReceivedCommand ExecuteSendCommand(SendCommand sendCommand, ClearQueue clearQueueState)
            // Disable listening, all callbacks are disabled until after command was sent

            lock (_sendCommandDataLock)
                CurrentSentLine = CommandToString(sendCommand);

                if (PrintLfCr)
                    _communicationManager.WriteLine(CurrentSentLine + _commandSeparator);
                    _communicationManager.Write(CurrentSentLine + _commandSeparator);
                var ackCommand = sendCommand.ReqAc ? BlockedTillReply(sendCommand.AckCmdId, sendCommand.Timeout, clearQueueState) : new ReceivedCommand();
        /// <summary> Listen to the receive queue and check for a specific acknowledge command. </summary>
        /// <param name="ackCmdId">        acknowledgement command ID. </param>
        /// <param name="clearQueueState"> Property to optionally clear the send and receive queues. </param>
        /// <returns> The first received command that matches the command ID. </returns>
        private ReceivedCommand CheckForAcknowledge(int ackCmdId, ClearQueue clearQueueState)
            // Read single command from received queue
            CurrentReceivedCommand = _receiveCommandQueue.DequeueCommand();
            if (CurrentReceivedCommand != null)
                // Check if received command is valid
                if (!CurrentReceivedCommand.Ok) return CurrentReceivedCommand;

                // If valid, check if is same as command we are waiting for
                if (CurrentReceivedCommand.CmdId == ackCmdId)
                    // This is command we are waiting for, so return
                    return CurrentReceivedCommand;

                // This is not command we are waiting for
                if (clearQueueState == ClearQueue.KeepQueue || clearQueueState == ClearQueue.ClearSendQueue)
                    // Add to queue for later processing
            // Return not Ok received command
            return new ReceivedCommand();
        /// <summary> Blocks until acknowlegdement reply has been received. </summary>
        /// <param name="ackCmdId"> acknowledgement command ID </param>
        /// <param name="timeout">  Timeout on acknowlegde command. </param>
        /// <param name="clearQueueState"></param>
        /// <returns> . </returns>
        private ReceivedCommand BlockedTillReply(int ackCmdId, int timeout, ClearQueue clearQueueState)
            // Disable invoking command callbacks
            _receiveCommandQueue.ThreadRunState = CommandQueue.ThreadRunStates.Stop;

            var start = TimeUtils.Millis;
            var time = start;
            var acknowledgeCommand = new ReceivedCommand();
            while ((time - start < timeout) && !acknowledgeCommand.Ok)
                time = TimeUtils.Millis;
                acknowledgeCommand = CheckForAcknowledge(ackCmdId, clearQueueState);

            // Re-enable invoking command callbacks
            _receiveCommandQueue.ThreadRunState = CommandQueue.ThreadRunStates.Start;
            return acknowledgeCommand;
        /// <summary> Sends a command. 
        /// 		  If no command acknowledge is requested, the command will be send asynchronously: it will be put on the top of the send queue
        ///  		  If a  command acknowledge is requested, the command will be send synchronously:  the program will block until the acknowledge command 
        ///  		  has been received or the timeout has expired.
        ///  		  Based on ClearQueueState, the send- and receive-queues are left intact or are cleared</summary>
        /// <param name="sendCommand"> The command to sent. </param>
        /// <param name="clearQueueState"> Property to optionally clear the send and receive queues</param>
        /// <returns> A received command. The received command will only be valid if the ReqAc of the command is true. </returns>
        public ReceivedCommand SendCommand(SendCommand sendCommand, ClearQueue clearQueueState)
            //_sendCommandLogger.LogLine(CommandToString(sendCommand) + _commandSeparator);

            if (clearQueueState == ClearQueue.ClearReceivedQueue ||
                clearQueueState == ClearQueue.ClearSendAndReceivedQueue)
                // Clear receive queue

            if (clearQueueState == ClearQueue.ClearSendQueue ||
                clearQueueState == ClearQueue.ClearSendAndReceivedQueue)
                // Clear send queue

            if (sendCommand.ReqAc)
                // Directly call execute command
                return ExecuteSendCommand(sendCommand, clearQueueState);

            // Put command at top of command queue
            return new ReceivedCommand();
        /// <summary> Directly executes the send command operation. </summary>
        /// <param name="sendCommand">     The command to sent. </param>
        /// <param name="clearQueueState"> Property to optionally clear the send and receive queues. </param>
        /// <returns> A received command. The received command will only be valid if the ReqAc of the command is true. </returns>
        public ReceivedCommand ExecuteSendCommand(SendCommand sendCommand, ClearQueue clearQueueState)
            // Disable listening, all callbacks are disabled until after command was sent

            lock (_sendCommandDataLock)

                CurrentSentLine = CommandToString(sendCommand);

                if (PrintLfCr)
                    _communicationManager.WriteLine(CurrentSentLine + _commandSeparator);
                    _communicationManager.Write(CurrentSentLine + _commandSeparator);
                var ackCommand = sendCommand.ReqAc ? BlockedTillReply(sendCommand.AckCmdId, sendCommand.Timeout, clearQueueState) : new ReceivedCommand();
                return ackCommand;