private void CleaningTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { LISLogBox.Clear(); MacLogBox.Clear(); LogPrint("定时清理程序垃圾缓存开始", 2); ClearMemoryInfo.FlushMemory(); LogPrint("定时清理程序垃圾缓存完成", 2); }
private void DM_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Properties.Settings.Default.StartTime = DateTime.Now; label7.Text = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); this.MaximizeBox = false; this.MinimumSize = new Size(280, 563); this.Size = new Size(280, 563); this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; splitContainer1.Panel1Collapsed = true; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "/Config.mdb")) { FrmTips.ShowTipsInfo(this, "检测不到中继数据库,正在生成,请稍候"); //MessageBox.Show("检测不到数据库,自动生成,请重启程序后使用", "数据传输中继"); byte[] config = Properties.Resources.Config; System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(Application.StartupPath + "/Config.mdb", config); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); System.Environment.Exit(0); } try { string path = Application.ExecutablePath; RegistryKey rk = Registry.LocalMachine; RegistryKey rk2 = rk.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"); string[] rest = rk2.GetValueNames(); foreach (string line in rest) { if (line == "JcShutdown") { 设为开机启动ToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { FrmTips.ShowTipsWarning(this, "请使用管理员模式运行"); //MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "请使用管理员模式运行本程序"); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.LogsReserve != "0") { LogsCleaningTimer.Start(); } CleaningTimer.Start(); LogPathTimer.Start(); TransModuleRefresh.Start(); LogPathTimer_Tick(null, null); try { fsw = new FileStream(logpath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite); } catch (Exception ex) { FrmDialog.ShowDialog(this, "写日志线程异常:" + ex.Message); } LogPrint("*************************************", 2); LogPrint("正在启动LIS系统网口仪器中继程序", 2); LogPrint("*************************************", 2); try { MachineName.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.MachineName; MenuMachineName.Text = "仪器:" + Properties.Settings.Default.MachineName; this.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.ProgramName; this.NotifyIcon.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.ProgramName; this.NotifyIcon.BalloonTipText = Properties.Settings.Default.ProgramName; desktopenter = Properties.Settings.Default.ShortcutName; CleaningTimer.Interval = int.Parse(Properties.Settings.Default.CleaningTimer); TransModuleRefresh.Interval = int.Parse(Properties.Settings.Default.ApplyTimer); lisport = Properties.Settings.Default.LISport.ToString(); ConnectWay = byte.Parse(Properties.Settings.Default.ConnectWay); serialportno = Properties.Settings.Default.SerialPortNo.ToString(); serialbaudrate = Properties.Settings.Default.SerialBaudRate; serialparitycheck = Properties.Settings.Default.SerialParityCheck; serialdatabit = Properties.Settings.Default.SerialDataBit; serialstopbit = Properties.Settings.Default.SerialStopBit; filenameextension = Properties.Settings.Default.FileNameExtension; filepath = Properties.Settings.Default.FilePath; filewritepath = Properties.Settings.Default.FileWritePath; filewriteextension = Properties.Settings.Default.FileWriteExtension; clientport = Properties.Settings.Default.ClientPort.ToString(); serverport = Properties.Settings.Default.ServerPort.ToString(); timesleep = int.Parse(Properties.Settings.Default.ClientTimer); FileTimer.Interval = int.Parse(Properties.Settings.Default.FileTimer); clientip = IPAddress.Parse(Properties.Settings.Default.ClientIP.Replace(" ", "")); } catch (Exception ex) { FrmTips.ShowTipsError(this, "服务启动错误:" + ex.Message); } LogPrint("LIS连接IP:" + ip.ToString(), 0); LogPrint("LIS连接端口:" + lisport, 0); ConfigConsole terminal = new ConfigConsole(fsw); threadlis = new Thread(WaitLIS); threadlis.Start(); terminal.start(); ClearMemoryInfo.FlushMemory(); switch (ConnectWay) { case 0: LogPrint("仪器连接方式:客户端连接", 1); LogPrint("仪器连接IP端口:" + ip + ":" + serverport, 1); threadmac = new Thread(WaitMac); threadmac.Start(); LogPrint("*************************************", 2); break; case 1: LogPrint("仪器连接方式:服务端监听", 1); LogPrint("仪器监听IP端口:" + clientip + ":" + clientport, 1); threadmac = new Thread(ConnMac); threadmac.Start(); LogPrint("*************************************", 2); break; case 2: LogPrint("仪器连接方式:串口连接", 1); LogPrint("仪器连接串口号:" + serialportno, 1); LogPrint("波特率:" + serialbaudrate, 1); LogPrint("校验:" + serialparitycheck, 1); LogPrint("数据位:" + serialdatabit, 1); LogPrint("停止位:" + serialstopbit, 1); LogPrint("RTS/CTS:" + Properties.Settings.Default.SerialRTSEnable, 1); threadmac = new Thread(SerialPort); threadmac.Start(); LogPrint("*************************************", 2); break; case 3: LogPrint("仪器连接方式:读文件", 1); LogPrint("仪器数据目录:" + filepath + "\\*." + filenameextension, 1); LogPrint("写入数据目录:" + filewritepath + "\\*." + filewriteextension, 1); FileTimer.Start(); ucWave1.WaveColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 155, 144); if (Properties.Settings.Default.FileConnectLIS) { LogPrint("链接Cache模式", 1); MACIP.Text = "读文件(链接Cache)模式"; Properties.Settings.Default.MacStatus = "读文件(链接Cache)模式"; string ret = operat.Login(Properties.Settings.Default.CacheHost, int.Parse(Properties.Settings.Default.CachePort), Properties.Settings.Default.CacheNamespace, Properties.Settings.Default.CacheUserID, Properties.Settings.Default.CachePassword); if (ret == "Login Cache OK") { LogPrint("登录LIS数据库成功", 1); } else { LogPrint("登录LIS数据库失败:" + ret.Split(':')[1], 1); FileTimer.Stop(); ucWave1.WaveColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 77, 59); } } else { LogPrint("转网络传输模式", 1); MACIP.Text = "读文件(转网络)模式"; Properties.Settings.Default.MacStatus = "读文件(转网络)模式"; } LogPrint("*************************************", 2); break; } }
public void newClient(object obj) { Socket conn = (Socket)obj; send(conn, "\r\n\r\n-------------------------------------\r\n| DataTrans Remote Terminal Service |\r\n-------------------------------------\r\n\r\n---Server Time---\r\n---" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "---\r\n\r\n---Login---\r\n-Enter Password-"); if (Properties.Settings.Default.TerminalPassword == "" || Properties.Settings.Default.TerminalPassword.Length == 0) { send(conn, "\r\n---Unsafe Terminal Password Setting---\r\n---Connection Lost---\r\n"); conn.Close(); return; } string password = rec(conn); if (password == Properties.Settings.Default.TerminalPassword) { send(conn, "\r\n---Login Success---"); while (true) { send(conn, "\r\n---Type Command(\"h\" \"help\" to help)---"); string recstr = rec(conn); if (recstr != "" || recstr.Length > 0) { string cmd = recstr; if (cmd == "restart") { send(conn, "\r\n---Restart Request---\r\n-Enter Password-"); if (rec(conn) == Properties.Settings.Default.TerminalPassword) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); Environment.Exit(0); } else { send(conn, "\r\n---Incorrect key---"); continue; } } if (cmd == "quit") { send(conn, "\n---Log out---\r\n---Bye---"); conn.Close(); break; } if (cmd.Contains("remote log on")) { if (cmd.Split(' ').Length == 4) { Properties.Settings.Default.RemoteLogPort = cmd.Split(' ')[3]; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } if (!server.running) { server.start(IPAddress.Parse(""), int.Parse(Properties.Settings.Default.RemoteLogPort), 5, Environment.CurrentDirectory); } Properties.Settings.Default.RemoteLog = true; send(conn, "\r\n-Remote Log is now on Port:" + Properties.Settings.Default.RemoteLogPort + "-\r\n"); } if (cmd == "remote log off") { if (server.running) { server.stop(); } Properties.Settings.Default.RemoteLog = false; send(conn, "\r\n-Remote Log is now off-\r\n"); } if (cmd == "help" || cmd == "h" || cmd == "H") { send(conn, "\r\n---Command List---\t" + "\t\r\n---\"*\" must be filled---" + "\t\r\n\"shutdown service\" \t\t -shutdown the service" + "\t\r\n\"quit\" \t\t\t\t -log out the remote terminal" + "\t\r\n\"clean cache\" \t\t\t -clean memory cache" + "\t\r\n\"remote log on [port]\" \t\t -turn on the remote log view on port" + "\t\r\n\"remote log off\" \t\t -turn off the remote log view" + "\t\r\n\"restart\" \t\t\t -remote restart service" + "\t\r\n\"version\" \t\t\t -check version" + "\t\r\n\"status\" \t\t\t -view service status" + "\t\r\n\"display all\" \t\t\t -display all settings" + "\t\r\n\"display [*key],[key]\" \t\t -display picked setting(s)" + "\t\r\n\"set [*key]=[*value]\" \t\t -remote set key's value" + "\t\r\n\"reset all\" \t\t\t -reset all settings" + "\t\r\n\"reset [*key],[key]\" \t\t -reset key(s)" + "\t\r\n\"startup\" \t\t\t -switch windows startup" + "\t\r\n\"trans list\" \t\t\t -show trans mission list" + "\t\r\n\"trans active [*id],[id]\" \t -active trans mission(s)" + "\t\r\n\"trans cancel [*id],[id]\" \t -cancel trans mission(s)" + "\t\r\n\"trans remove [*id],[id]\" \t -remove trans mission(s)" + "\t\r\n\"trans add [*oldstring] [*direction] [*newstring] [*info]\"\r\n\t\t\t\t -add trans mission (direction=\"LTM\"\"MTL\"\"==\")"); } if (cmd == "version") { send(conn, "\r\n-MachineName:" + Properties.Settings.Default.MachineName + "\r\n-Version:" + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString() + "\r\n"); } if (cmd == "status") { string mac = Properties.Settings.Default.MacStatus; string lis = Properties.Settings.Default.LISStatus; string msg = "\r\n---Connect Status View---\r\n-Machine Status:"; if (mac == "") { msg += "false\r\n"; } else { msg += "true\r\n"; msg += "-Machine Client:" + mac + "\r\n"; } msg += "-LIS Status:"; if (lis == "") { msg += "false\r\n"; } else { msg += "true"; msg += "-LIS Client:" + lis + "\r\n"; } msg += "\r\n---Start Time---\r\n" + Properties.Settings.Default.StartTime.ToString() + "\r\n"; ps = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); pf1 = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "Working Set - Private", ps.ProcessName); msg += "\r\n---Physic Memory Used---\r\n" + (pf1.NextValue() / (1024 * 1024)) + "MB"; ps.Close(); pf1.Close(); pf1.Dispose(); ps.Dispose(); send(conn, msg); } if (cmd.Contains("display")) { if (cmd == "display all") { string msg = "\r\n---Settings List---\r\n"; System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection values = Properties.Settings.Default.PropertyValues; foreach (object set in values) { if (!(((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).Name.Contains("Password") || ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).Name.Contains("Status"))) { msg += ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).Name + ":" + ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).PropertyValue + "\r\n"; } } msg += "---List Load Done---"; send(conn, msg); } else { if (cmd.Split(' ').Count() > 1) { string list = "," + cmd.Split(' ')[1] + ","; string msg = "\r\n---Settings List---\r\n"; System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection values = Properties.Settings.Default.PropertyValues; foreach (object set in values) { if (!(((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).Name.Contains("Password") || ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).Name.Contains("Status"))) { if (list.Contains("," + ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).Name + ",")) { msg += ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).Name + ":" + ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).PropertyValue + "\r\n"; } } } msg += "---List Load Done---"; send(conn, msg); } } } if (cmd.Contains("set") && cmd.Split('=').Length == 2) { System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection values = Properties.Settings.Default.PropertyValues; foreach (object set in values) { if (!(((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).Name.Contains("Password") || ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).Name.Contains("Status"))) { if (((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).Name == cmd.Split('=')[0].Split(' ')[1]) { bool result = false; if (Boolean.TryParse(cmd.Split('=')[1], out result)) { ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).PropertyValue = result; } else { ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).PropertyValue = cmd.Split('=')[1]; } Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); send(conn, "\r\n---Remote Set Up---\r\n-" + ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).Name + "=" + ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).PropertyValue + "\r\n"); } } } } if (cmd.Contains("reset")) { if (cmd.Contains(" all")) { System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection values = Properties.Settings.Default.PropertyValues; foreach (object set in values) { bool result = false; if (Boolean.TryParse(((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).Property.DefaultValue.ToString(), out result)) { ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).PropertyValue = result; } else { ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).PropertyValue = ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).Property.DefaultValue; } } Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } else { if (cmd.Split(' ').Count() > 1) { string rest = "," + cmd.Split(' ')[1] + ","; System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection values = Properties.Settings.Default.PropertyValues; foreach (object set in values) { if (rest.Contains("," + ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).Name + ",")) { bool result = false; if (Boolean.TryParse(((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).Property.DefaultValue.ToString(), out result)) { ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).PropertyValue = result; } else { ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).PropertyValue = ((System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue)set).Property.DefaultValue; } } } Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } } send(conn, "\r\n---Reset Settings Complete---\r\n"); } if (cmd == "startup") { try { if (Properties.Settings.Default.Startup == false) //设置开机自启动 { string path = Application.ExecutablePath; RegistryKey rk = Registry.LocalMachine; RegistryKey rk2 = rk.CreateSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"); rk2.SetValue("JcShutdown", path); rk2.Close(); rk.Close(); Properties.Settings.Default.Startup = true; send(conn, "\r\n---Startup setup---\r\n"); } else //取消开机自启动 { string path = Application.ExecutablePath; RegistryKey rk = Registry.LocalMachine; RegistryKey rk2 = rk.CreateSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"); rk2.DeleteValue("JcShutdown", false); rk2.Close(); rk.Close(); Properties.Settings.Default.Startup = false; send(conn, "\r\n---Startup cancel---\r\n"); } } catch (Exception ex) { send(conn, "\r\n---Startup setup failed---\r\n"); } } if (cmd == "trans list") { DataSet ds = AcceseDatabase.GetAll(); string direc = ""; string status = ""; string msg = "\r\n---数据转换任务列表---\r\n序号\t旧字符串\t方向\t\t\t新字符串\t说明\t\t激活状态\r\n"; for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables["TransData"].Rows.Count; i++)//遍历BookInfo中所有行 { if (ds.Tables["TransData"].Rows[i]["IOROW"].ToString() == "LTM") { direc = "LIS>>仪器"; } if (ds.Tables["TransData"].Rows[i]["IOROW"].ToString() == "MTL") { direc = "仪器>>LIS"; } if (ds.Tables["TransData"].Rows[i]["IOROW"].ToString() == "==") { direc = "LIS==仪器"; } if (ds.Tables["TransData"].Rows[i]["ActiveStatus"].ToString() == "active") { status = "激活"; } if (ds.Tables["TransData"].Rows[i]["ActiveStatus"].ToString() == "cancel") { status = "未激活"; } ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(); lvi.SubItems[0].Text = ds.Tables["TransData"].Rows[i]["ID"].ToString(); lvi.SubItems.AddRange (new string[] { ds.Tables["TransData"].Rows[i]["MacString"].ToString(), direc, ds.Tables["TransData"].Rows[i]["LISString"].ToString(), ds.Tables["TransData"].Rows[i]["Note"].ToString(), status, }); msg += ds.Tables["TransData"].Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "\t" + ds.Tables["TransData"].Rows[i]["MacString"].ToString() + "\t\t" + direc + "\t\t" + ds.Tables["TransData"].Rows[i]["LISString"].ToString() + "\t\t" + ds.Tables["TransData"].Rows[i]["Note"].ToString() + "\t\t" + status + "\r\n"; } msg += "---list load done---\r\n"; send(conn, msg); } if (cmd.Contains("trans active")) { if (cmd.Split(' ').Count() != 3) { send(conn, "\r\n---Invalid Options---"); } else { string list = cmd.Split(' ')[2]; foreach (string a in list.Split(',')) { AcceseDatabase.ToggleActive(a, "active"); send(conn, "\r\n-Active Trans Mission " + a); } send(conn, "\r\n---Active Done---"); } } if (cmd.Contains("trans cancel")) { if (cmd.Split(' ').Count() != 3) { send(conn, "\r\n---Invalid Options---"); } else { string list = cmd.Split(' ')[2]; foreach (string a in list.Split(',')) { AcceseDatabase.ToggleActive(a, "cancel"); send(conn, "\r\n-Cancel Trans Mission " + a); } send(conn, "\r\n---Cancel Done---"); } } if (cmd.Contains("trans add")) { if (cmd.Split(' ').Length == 6) { AcceseDatabase.InsertItem(cmd.Split(' ')[2], cmd.Split(' ')[3], cmd.Split(' ')[4], cmd.Split(' ')[5]); send(conn, "\r\n---Insert New Mission Done---"); } else { send(conn, "\r\n---Invalid Options---"); } } if (cmd.Contains("trans remove")) { if (cmd.Split(' ').Count() != 3) { send(conn, "\r\n---Invalid Options---"); } else { string list = cmd.Split(' ')[2]; foreach (string a in list.Split(',')) { AcceseDatabase.RemoveItem(a); send(conn, "\r\n-Remove Trans Mission " + a); } send(conn, "\r\n---Remove Done---"); } } if (cmd == "shutdown service") { send(conn, "\r\n!!! Warning: You are Request to Shut the Service Down!!!\r\n!! Enter Password !!"); if (rec(conn) == Properties.Settings.Default.TerminalPassword) { send(conn, "\r\n---Service Shutdown Now---"); Environment.Exit(0); } else { send(conn, "\r\n---Incorrect key---"); continue; } } if (cmd == "clean cache") { ClearMemoryInfo.FlushMemory(); send(conn, "\r\n---Clean Cache Done---"); } } else { break; } } } else { send(conn, "\r\nIncorrect key\r\nLog out\r\nBye"); conn.Close(); return; } }