private int ProcessPayments(string PaymentId, string OrderId, string totalCost, string CurrentAmountPaid, string AccountId, float AmountRemaining, string RemainingAmount, string DatePaid, string Type) { if (Page.IsValid) { Classes.CBankOfAccount cba = new Classes.CBankOfAccount(); Classes.CAccountTransaction cat = new Classes.CAccountTransaction(); Classes.CPayment cp = new Classes.CPayment(); Classes.CPaymentLine cpl = new Classes.CPaymentLine(); Classes.CSaleTransations cs = new Classes.CSaleTransations(); Models.MAccountTransaction mat = new Models.MAccountTransaction(); Models.MPayments mp = new Models.MPayments(); Models.PaymentLine mpl = new Models.PaymentLine(); #region Payments mp.Paid = (Convert.ToSingle(totalCost) - AmountRemaining).ToString(); if (cp.UpdateAmountPaid(Convert.ToInt32(PaymentId), mp.Paid) < 0) { return(-1); } #endregion #region PaymentLine mpl.PaymentId = Convert.ToInt32(PaymentId); mpl.BankId = Convert.ToInt32(AccountId); mpl.Date = DatePaid; mpl.PaidAmount = CurrentAmountPaid; mpl.RemainingAmount = RemainingAmount; mpl.CumulativeAmount = (Convert.ToSingle(cpl.LastPaidAmount(mpl.PaymentId)) + Convert.ToSingle(CurrentAmountPaid)).ToString(); if (cpl.Save(mpl) < 0) { return(-2); } #endregion #region Account Transactions float AccountTotal = cba.ReturnTotalOfAccountById(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId)); mat.AccountId = AccountId; if (Type.Contains("Vendor")) { mat.Description = "Payment Of Order Id[" + OrderId + "] Paid, Amount [" + CurrentAmountPaid + "]"; mat.Debit = CurrentAmountPaid; mat.Credit = "0"; mat.Total = (AccountTotal - Convert.ToSingle(CurrentAmountPaid)).ToString(); mat.CurrentTransaction = cs.GetIdByOrderId(Convert.ToInt32(OrderId)).ToString(); mat.Transactiontype = "Debit"; mat.FiscalYearId = Session["FiscalYear"].ToString(); mat.eDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DatePaid); } else if (Type.Contains("Client")) { mat.Description = "Payment Of Order Id[" + OrderId + "] Recieved, Amount [" + CurrentAmountPaid + "]"; mat.Debit = "0"; mat.Credit = CurrentAmountPaid; mat.CurrentTransaction = cs.GetIdByOrderId(Convert.ToInt32(OrderId)).ToString(); mat.Total = (AccountTotal + Convert.ToSingle(CurrentAmountPaid)).ToString(); mat.Transactiontype = "Credit"; mat.FiscalYearId = Session["FiscalYear"].ToString(); mat.eDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DatePaid); } else { return(-3); } if (cat.Save(mat) < 0) { return(-4); } if (cba.SetNewAccountTotal(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId), Convert.ToSingle(mat.Total)) < 0) { return(-5); } #endregion #region Accounts if (Convert.ToSingle(mp.Paid) > 0) { if (Type == "Vendor") { Classes.CJournal cj = new Classes.CJournal(); Models.MJournal mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.MerchandiseInventory).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Debit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.AccountsPayable).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Credit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); } else if (Type == "Client") { Classes.CJournal cj = new Classes.CJournal(); Models.MJournal mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.CostOfGoodsSold).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Debit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.MerchandiseInventory).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Credit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); cj = new Classes.CJournal(); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.AccountsRecievalbes).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Debit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.Sales).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Credit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); } } #endregion } return(1); }
private int Save() { Classes.CBankOfAccount cb = new Classes.CBankOfAccount(); Classes.CAccountTransaction cat = new Classes.CAccountTransaction(); Classes.CDefaultAccount cd = new Classes.CDefaultAccount(); Models.MAccountTransaction mat = new Models.MAccountTransaction(); int AccountId = 0; string Amount = string.Empty; string Description = string.Empty; string Debit = string.Empty; string Credit = string.Empty; string Total = string.Empty; string CurrentTransaction = string.Empty; string FiscalYearId = string.Empty; DateTime eDate; if (cbDefault.Checked) { AccountId = cd.ReturnPurchaseDefaultAccount(Convert.ToInt32(Session["WareHouse"])); } else { AccountId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlSaleAccount.SelectedValue); } Amount = txtamount.Text; Description = "Msc Expense: " + txtDescription.Text; Debit = txtamount.Text; Credit = "0"; Total = txtamount.Text; CurrentTransaction = "-21"; FiscalYearId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["FiscalYear"]).ToString(); eDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtdate.Text); mat.AccountId = Convert.ToInt32(AccountId).ToString(); mat.Credit = Credit; mat.Debit = Debit; mat.Description = Description; mat.FiscalYearId = FiscalYearId; mat.Total = Total; mat.Transactiontype = "Expense"; if (cb.SetNewAccountTotal(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId), Convert.ToSingle(Total)) > 0) { if (cat.Save(mat) > 0) { Classes.CJournal cj = new Classes.CJournal(); Models.MJournal mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.GeneralExpense).ToString(); mj.amount = Total; mj.des = "Msc Expense "; mj.e_date = (eDate).ToShortDateString(); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Debit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.Cash).ToString(); mj.amount = Total; mj.des = "Msc Expense "; mj.e_date = (eDate).ToShortDateString(); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Credit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); return(1); } else { return(-1); } } else { return(-1); } }
private int SaveOrders() { try { Classes.CDefaultCashAccount cda = new Classes.CDefaultCashAccount(); Classes.CDefaultAccount cba = new Classes.CDefaultAccount(); int OrderId = 0; string OrderNo = txtOrderNo.Text; string OrderName = txtOrderName.Text; string OrderDescription = txtOrderDescription.Text; string OrderDate = txtOrderDate.Text; string OrderDeliveryDate = txtDeliveryOfOrderDate.Text; string TotalCost = ReturnTotalOrderCost().ToString(); string OrderType = ddlOrderType.SelectedValue; string VendorId = ddlVendor.SelectedValue; string ClientId = ddlCustomer.SelectedValue; string WareHouseId = Session["WareHouse"].ToString(); string ModeOfPayment = ddlModeOfPayment.SelectedItem.Text; string Installments = txtInstallments.Text; string InstallmentDueDate = txtIntallmentDueDate.Text; if (OrderType == "1") { OrderType = "Order To Client"; } else if (OrderType == "2") { OrderType = "Order To Vendor"; } else { return(-2); } if (ModeOfPayment == "Please Select") { return(-8); } Models.MOrders mr = new Models.MOrders(); mr.OrdersNo = OrderNo; mr.OrderName = OrderName; mr.OrderDescription = OrderDescription; mr.Orderdate = OrderDate; mr.deliverydate = OrderDeliveryDate; mr.TotalCost = TotalCost; mr.OrderType = OrderType; mr.eDate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); mr.FiscalYearld = Session["FiscalYear"].ToString(); mr.WareHouseId = WareHouseId; mr.ModeOfPayment = ModeOfPayment; mr.Installments = Installments; mr.InstallmentDueDate = InstallmentDueDate; if (OrderType.EndsWith("Vendor")) { mr.venorld = VendorId; mr.ClientId = "-1"; if (Convert.ToInt32(VendorId) < 0) { return(-5); } } else { if (cbGrantor.Checked) { string GrantorName = txtGrantorInfo.Text; mr.GrantorName = GrantorName; } mr.ClientId = ClientId; mr.venorld = "-1"; if (Convert.ToInt32(ClientId) < 0) { return(-6); } } Classes.COrders co = new Classes.COrders(); if (Convert.ToInt32(WareHouseId) < 0) { return(-7); } //Saving Order if (co.Save(mr) < 0) { return(-1); } OrderId = co.GetLastOrderID(); if (OrderId < 0) { return(-3); } //Saving Order Products #region objects Models.MOrdersLine mor = new Models.MOrdersLine(); Models.MSaleTransactions ms = new Models.MSaleTransactions(); Classes.CSaleTransations ct = new Classes.CSaleTransations(); Classes.COrderOnline cor = new Classes.COrderOnline(); Models.MInventory mi = new Models.MInventory(); Classes.CInventory ci = new Classes.CInventory(); float OrderTotalCost = 0; #endregion for (int i = 0; i < grdProducts.Rows.Count; i++) { #region objects initializing mor = new Models.MOrdersLine(); ms = new Models.MSaleTransactions(); ct = new Classes.CSaleTransations(); cor = new Classes.COrderOnline(); mi = new Models.MInventory(); ci = new Classes.CInventory(); DropDownList ddlProduct = (DropDownList)grdProducts.Rows[i].FindControl("ddlProducts"); TextBox txtCp = (TextBox)grdProducts.Rows[i].FindControl("txtCp"); TextBox txtSp = (TextBox)grdProducts.Rows[i].FindControl("txtSp"); TextBox txtUnits = (TextBox)grdProducts.Rows[i].FindControl("txtUnits"); TextBox txtTotal = (TextBox)grdProducts.Rows[i].FindControl("txtTotal"); string ProductId = ddlProduct.SelectedValue; string CostPrice = txtCp.Text; string SalePrice = txtSp.Text; string TotalUnits = txtUnits.Text; string totalCost = (Convert.ToInt32(TotalUnits) * Convert.ToInt32(SalePrice)).ToString(); OrderTotalCost += Convert.ToSingle(totalCost); #endregion //OrderLine #region OrderLine mor.OrderId = OrderId.ToString(); mor.ProductId = ProductId; if (OrderType.EndsWith("Vendor")) { mor.SalePrice = CostPrice; } else { mor.SalePrice = SalePrice; } mor.unit = TotalUnits; mor.totalProductCost = totalCost; mor.eDate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); if (cor.Save(mor) < 0) { return(-3); } #endregion //Sale transaction #region Sale Transaction ms.ProductID = ProductId; ms.clientID = ClientId; ms.CostPrice = CostPrice; ms.SalePrice = SalePrice; ms.units = TotalUnits; ms.clientID = ClientId; ms.VendorID = VendorId; = Convert.ToDateTime(txtOrderDate.Text); ms.WareHouseId = WareHouseId; ms.OrderId = OrderId.ToString(); if (OrderType.EndsWith("Vendor")) { ms.transactionType = Common.Constants.SaleTransactions.Addition.ToString(); } else { ms.transactionType = Common.Constants.SaleTransactions.Deduction.ToString(); } //sale transaction if (ct.Save(ms) < 0) { return(-1); } #endregion //Inventory #region Inventory mi.ProductId = ProductId; mi.WareHouseld = WareHouseId; mi.Quantity = TotalUnits; mi.FiscalYearld = Session["FiscalYear"].ToString(); mi.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(OrderDate); mi.Cost = CostPrice; if (OrderType.EndsWith("Vendor")) { // mi.Cost = CostPrice; if (ci.Save(mi, Common.Constants.SaleTransactions.Addition) < 0) { return(-4); } } else { // mi.Cost = SalePrice; if (ci.Save(mi, Common.Constants.SaleTransactions.Deduction) < 0) { return(-4); } } #endregion //Accounts #region Accounts if (OrderType.Contains("Vendor")) { Classes.CJournal cj = new Classes.CJournal(); Models.MJournal mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.MerchandiseInventory).ToString(); mj.amount = totalCost; mj.des = "Order Of Inventory for Vendor of Product Id [" + ProductId + "] units [" + TotalUnits + "] "; mj.e_date = (OrderDate); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Debit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.AccountsPayable).ToString(); mj.amount = totalCost; mj.des = "Order Of Inventory for Vendor of Product Id [" + ProductId + "] units [" + TotalUnits + "] "; mj.e_date = (OrderDate); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Credit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); } else if (OrderType.Contains("Client")) { Classes.CJournal cj = new Classes.CJournal(); Models.MJournal mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.AccountsRecievalbes).ToString(); mj.amount = totalCost; mj.des = "Order Of Inventory for Client of Product Id [" + ProductId + "] units [" + TotalUnits + "] "; mj.e_date = (OrderDate); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Debit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); cj = new Classes.CJournal(); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.Sales).ToString(); mj.amount = totalCost; mj.des = "Order Of Inventory for Client of Product Id [" + ProductId + "] units [" + TotalUnits + "] "; mj.e_date = (OrderDate); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Credit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); cj = new Classes.CJournal(); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.CostOfGoodsSold).ToString(); mj.amount = totalCost; mj.des = "Order Of Inventory for Client of Product Id [" + ProductId + "] units [" + TotalUnits + "] "; mj.e_date = (OrderDate); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Debit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); cj = new Classes.CJournal(); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.MerchandiseInventory).ToString(); mj.amount = totalCost; mj.des = "Order Of Inventory for Client of Product Id [" + ProductId + "] units [" + TotalUnits + "] "; mj.e_date = (OrderDate); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Credit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); } #endregion } //Payments #region Payments Classes.CPayment cap = new Classes.CPayment(); Models.MPayments map = new Models.MPayments(); string TransactionId = ct.GetLastTransactionId().ToString(); if (ddlOrderType.SelectedItem.Text.Contains("Vendor")) { map.ClientId = -1; map.VendorId = Convert.ToInt32(VendorId); } else if (ddlOrderType.SelectedItem.Text.Contains("Client")) { map.ClientId = Convert.ToInt32(ClientId); map.VendorId = -1; } map.TransactionId = Convert.ToInt32(TransactionId); map.Paid = "0"; map.TotalCost = OrderTotalCost.ToString(); map.OrderId = OrderId; map.PaymentType = Common.Constants.PaymentTypes.Partial.ToString(); map.Paymentstate = Common.Constants.PaymentState.NotPaid.ToString(); if (cap.Save(map) < 0) { return(-4); } #endregion return(1); } catch { return(-1); } }
private int ProcessPayments(string PaymentId, string OrderId, string totalCost, string CurrentAmountPaid, string AccountId, float AmountRemaining, string RemainingAmount, string DatePaid, string Type, string Cheque) { if (Page.IsValid) { Classes.CBankOfAccount cba = new Classes.CBankOfAccount(); Classes.CAccountTransaction cat = new Classes.CAccountTransaction(); Classes.CCashAccount cha = new Classes.CCashAccount(); Classes.CCashTransaction cht = new Classes.CCashTransaction(); Classes.CPayment cp = new Classes.CPayment(); Classes.CPaymentLine cpl = new Classes.CPaymentLine(); Classes.CSaleTransations cs = new Classes.CSaleTransations(); Models.MAccountTransaction mat = new Models.MAccountTransaction(); Models.MPayments mp = new Models.MPayments(); Models.PaymentLine mpl = new Models.PaymentLine(); Models.MCashTransactions mht = new Models.MCashTransactions(); Models.MCashAccount mha = new Models.MCashAccount(); #region Payments mp.Paid = (Convert.ToSingle(totalCost) - AmountRemaining).ToString(); if (cp.UpdateAmountPaid(Convert.ToInt32(PaymentId), mp.Paid) < 0) { return(-1); } #endregion #region PaymentLine mpl.PaymentId = Convert.ToInt32(PaymentId); mpl.BankId = Convert.ToInt32(AccountId); mpl.Date = DatePaid; mpl.PaidAmount = CurrentAmountPaid; mpl.RemainingAmount = RemainingAmount; mpl.CumulativeAmount = (Convert.ToSingle(cpl.LastPaidAmount(mpl.PaymentId)) + Convert.ToSingle(CurrentAmountPaid)).ToString(); int OptionValue = Convert.ToInt32(ddlOption.SelectedValue); mpl.Cheque = Cheque; switch (OptionValue) { case -1: { return(-1); } case 1: { #region Account Transactions mpl.ModeOfPayment = Common.Constants.ModeOfPayment.Cheque.ToString(); float AccountTotal = cba.ReturnTotalOfAccountById(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId)); mat.AccountId = AccountId; if (Type.Contains("Vendor")) { mat.Description = "Payment Of Order Id[" + OrderId + "] Paid, Amount [" + CurrentAmountPaid + "]"; mat.Debit = CurrentAmountPaid; mat.Credit = "0"; mat.Total = (AccountTotal - Convert.ToSingle(CurrentAmountPaid)).ToString(); mat.CurrentTransaction = cs.GetIdByOrderId(Convert.ToInt32(OrderId)).ToString(); mat.Transactiontype = "Debit"; mat.FiscalYearId = Session["FiscalYear"].ToString(); mat.eDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DatePaid); } else if (Type.Contains("Client")) { mat.Description = "Payment Of Order Id[" + OrderId + "] Recieved, Amount [" + CurrentAmountPaid + "]"; mat.Debit = "0"; mat.Credit = CurrentAmountPaid; mat.CurrentTransaction = cs.GetIdByOrderId(Convert.ToInt32(OrderId)).ToString(); mat.Total = (AccountTotal + Convert.ToSingle(CurrentAmountPaid)).ToString(); mat.Transactiontype = "Credit"; mat.FiscalYearId = Session["FiscalYear"].ToString(); mat.eDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DatePaid); } else { return(-3); } if (cat.Save(mat) < 0) { return(-4); } if (cba.SetNewAccountTotal(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId), Convert.ToSingle(mat.Total)) < 0) { return(-5); } #endregion break; } case 2: { #region Cash Transaction mpl.ModeOfPayment = Common.Constants.ModeOfPayment.Cash.ToString(); mpl.Cheque = "-"; float AccountTotal = cha.ReturnTotalOfCashAccount(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId)); mht.CashAccountId = Convert.ToInt32(AccountId); if (Type.Contains("Vendor")) { mht.Credit = "0"; mht.Debit = CurrentAmountPaid; mht.Description = "Payment Of Order Id[" + OrderId + "] Paid, Amount [" + CurrentAmountPaid + "]"; mht.eDate = (DatePaid); mht.FiscalYearId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["FiscalYear"].ToString()); mht.OrderId = Convert.ToInt32(OrderId); mht.Total = totalCost; mht.TransactionId = -1; mht.TransactionType = "Debit"; mht.UserId = Session["User"].ToString(); mht.WareHouseId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["WareHouse"].ToString()); } else if (Type.Contains("Client")) { mht.Credit = CurrentAmountPaid; mht.Debit = "0"; mht.Description = "Payment Of Order Id[" + OrderId + "] Recieved, Amount [" + CurrentAmountPaid + "]"; mht.eDate = (DatePaid); mht.FiscalYearId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["FiscalYear"].ToString()); mht.OrderId = Convert.ToInt32(OrderId); mht.Total = totalCost; mht.TransactionId = -1; mht.TransactionType = "Debit"; mht.UserId = Session["User"].ToString(); mht.WareHouseId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["WareHouse"].ToString()); } else { return(-3); } if (cht.Save(mht) < 0) { return(-4); } if (cha.SetNewAccountTotal(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId), Convert.ToSingle(mat.Total)) < 0) { return(-5); } #endregion break; } default: return(-1); } if (cpl.Save(mpl) < 0) { return(-2); } #endregion #region Accounts if (Convert.ToSingle(mp.Paid) > 0) { if (Type == "Vendor") { Classes.CJournal cj = new Classes.CJournal(); Models.MJournal mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.MerchandiseInventory).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Debit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.AccountsPayable).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Credit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); } else if (Type == "Client") { Classes.CJournal cj = new Classes.CJournal(); Models.MJournal mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.CostOfGoodsSold).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Debit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.MerchandiseInventory).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Credit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); cj = new Classes.CJournal(); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.AccountsRecievalbes).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Debit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.Sales).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Credit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); } } #endregion } lblSalesAmountRemaining.Text = AmountRemaining.ToString(); lblSalesAmountPaid.Text = (Convert.ToSingle(totalCost) - AmountRemaining).ToString(); return(1); }
private int SavePaymentOfEmployee() { int AccountId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlAccount.SelectedValue); int CashAccountId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCashAccount.SelectedValue); string EmployeeId = ddlEmployee.SelectedValue; string MonthPaid = txtMonth.Text; string SalaryId = Session["WareHouse"].ToString(); string Paid = txtPaidAmount.Text; string DatePaid = txtDateOfPayment.Text; Classes.CPaidSalary cp = new Classes.CPaidSalary(); Models.MPaidSalary mp = new Models.MPaidSalary(); mp.EmployeeId = EmployeeId; mp.MonthPaid = MonthPaid; mp.Paid = Paid; mp.SalaryId = SalaryId; mp.DatePaid = DatePaid; int option = Convert.ToInt32(ddlOption.SelectedValue); if (option < 1) { return(-4); } if (cp.Save(mp) > 0) { switch (option) { case 1: { Classes.CBankOfAccount cab = new Classes.CBankOfAccount(); Classes.CAccountTransaction cat = new Classes.CAccountTransaction(); Models.MAccountTransaction mat = new Models.MAccountTransaction(); float AccountTotal = cab.ReturnTotalOfAccountById(AccountId); AccountTotal = AccountTotal - Convert.ToSingle(Paid); if (cab.SetNewAccountTotal(AccountId, AccountTotal) > 0) { // float PreviousAccountTotal = cab.ReturnTotalOfAccountById(AccountId); mat.AccountId = AccountId.ToString(); mat.Credit = "0"; mat.CurrentTransaction = "-1"; mat.Debit = Paid; mat.Description = "Paid Salary for the month of [" + MonthPaid + "] to " + "Employee[" + ddlEmployee.SelectedItem.Text + "] Amount [" + Paid + "]"; mat.eDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DatePaid); mat.FiscalYearId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["FiscalYear"]).ToString(); // PreviousAccountTotal = PreviousAccountTotal - Convert.ToSingle(Paid); mat.Total = AccountTotal.ToString(); if (cat.Save(mat) > 0) { Classes.CJournal cj = new Classes.CJournal(); Models.MJournal mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.SalaryExpense).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment of Employee [" + ddlEmployee.SelectedItem.Text + "] "; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Debit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.Cash).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment of Employee [" + ddlEmployee.SelectedItem.Text + "] "; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Credit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); return(1); } else { return(-3); } } else { return(-2); } } case 2: { Classes.CCashAccount cab = new Classes.CCashAccount(); Classes.CCashTransaction cat = new Classes.CCashTransaction(); Models.MCashTransactions mat = new Models.MCashTransactions(); float AccountTotal = cab.ReturnTotalOfCashAccount(CashAccountId); AccountTotal = AccountTotal - Convert.ToSingle(Paid); if (cab.SetNewAccountTotal(CashAccountId, AccountTotal) > 0) { // float PreviousAccountTotal = cab.ReturnTotalOfAccountById(AccountId); mat.CashAccountId = CashAccountId; mat.Credit = "0"; mat.Debit = Paid; mat.Description = "Paid Salary for the month of [" + MonthPaid + "] to " + "Employee[" + ddlEmployee.SelectedItem.Text + "] Amount [" + Paid + "]"; if (cat.Save(mat) > 0) { Classes.CJournal cj = new Classes.CJournal(); Models.MJournal mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.SalaryExpense).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment of Employee [" + ddlEmployee.SelectedItem.Text + "] "; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Debit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.Cash).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment of Employee [" + ddlEmployee.SelectedItem.Text + "] "; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Credit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); return(1); } else { return(-3); } } else { return(-2); } } default: return(-5); } } else { return(-1); } }