public ActionResult Edit(int id) { var cl = repo.GetById(id); if (cl == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } try { var cls = CompleteClass(); cls.Title = cl.Title; cls.Description = cl.Description; cls.Price = cl.Price; cls.PosterSrc = cl.PosterSrc; cls.CategoryId = cl.CategoryId; cls.LevelId = cl.LevelId; cls.Requirements = cl.Requirements; cls.TargetStudents = cl.TargetStudents; cls.TypeId = cl.TypeId; cls.ClassId = cl.ClassId; cls.DateCreated = cl.DateCreated; return(View(cls)); } catch { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } }
public IHttpActionResult Get(int id) { var result = classRepo.GetById(id); if (result == null) { return(Content(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Item does not exist")); } return(Ok(result)); }
public void UpdateClass() { ClassRepository repo = new ClassRepository(new ClassSQLContext()); Class c = repo.GetById(2); c.PhysDamage += 20; int damage = c.PhysDamage; repo.Update(c); c = repo.GetById(2); Assert.AreEqual(c.PhysDamage, damage, "Class wasn't updated."); c.PhysDamage -= 20; repo.Update(c); }
public ActionResult Edit(Guid id) { var classRepository = new ClassRepository(_context); var klass = classRepository.GetById(id); var userRole = GetUserRole(_loggedUser); if ((Role.Teacher != userRole || klass.Teacher.Id != _loggedUser.Id && klass.Course.TeacherInCharge.Id != _loggedUser.Id) && userRole != Role.Admin) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } var courseRepository = new CourseRepository(_context); var activeCourses = courseRepository.ListActiveCourses(); ViewBag.Courses = new SelectList(activeCourses, "Id", "Name"); var userRepository = new UserRepository(_context); var activeTeachers = userRepository.ListActiveTeachers(); ViewBag.Teachers = new SelectList(activeTeachers, "Id", "Name"); const ContentType contentType = ContentType.Vimeo; ViewBag.ContentTypes = new SelectList(contentType.ToDataSource <ContentType>(), "Key", "Value"); return(View(ClassViewModel.FromEntity(klass, 0, new DefaultDateTimeHumanizeStrategy()))); }
public ActionResult SaveSupportMaterial(string id) { using (var tx = new TransactionScope()) { var uploader = new SupportMaterialUploader(id); var uploadResult = uploader.Upload(Request.Files[0]); var classRepository = new ClassRepository(_context); var klass = classRepository.GetById(new Guid(id)); klass.Files.Add(new File { PhysicalPath = uploadResult.Message, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, Active = true, Name = Request.Files[0]?.FileName, Class = klass }); _context.Save(_loggedUser); tx.Complete(); return(Json(uploadResult)); } }
public void ClassSelect() { ClassRepository repo = new ClassRepository(new ClassSQLContext()); Class c = repo.GetById(1); Assert.IsNotNull(c, "Class wasn't correctly retrieved"); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { // Get the existing class. var @class = _classRepository.GetById(id); if (@class == null) { // Class does not exists, show the overview page. return(RedirectToAction("List")); } // Map the class to a view model. var model = Mapper.Map <ClassModel>(@class); PrepareClassModel(model); return(View(model)); }
public void Handles(StudentEnrollCommand command) { var student = _studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId); var @class = _classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId); try { student.TryEnrollIn(@class); @class.TryEnroll(student); student.Enroll(@class); @class.Enroll(student); } catch (Exception e) { // log } }
public ActionResult AppointmentByStudent(AppointmentByStudentModel model) { // A student wishes to make an appointment with their counseler. if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Get the logged in student and counseler of the class the student is in. var student = Student; var @class = _classRepository.GetById(student.ClassId); var counseler = CounselerRepository.GetById(@class.CounselerId); if (counseler != null && student != null) { // Create the appointment for the student and couseler. var appointment = new Appointment { CounselerId = counseler.Id, StudentId = student.Id, DateTime = model.DateTime, Location = model.Location }; int id = _appointmentRepository.Add(appointment); // Send the appointment request mail. var mail = new AppointmentMail { Counseler = counseler, Student = student, DateTime = appointment.DateTime, Location = appointment.Location, AcceptUrl = FullUrl("AppointmentResponse", new { id }), FromCounseler = false }; _mailHelper.SendAppointmentMail(mail); return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Appointment", new { id })); } } PrepareStudentCounselingRequestModel(model); return(View(model)); }
public void Unroll(StudentRepository studentRepository, ClassRepository classRepository, StudentArchiveRepository studentArchiveRepository, StudentUnrollCommand command) { var student = studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId); var @class = classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId); var studentArchive = studentArchiveRepository.GetById(command.StudentId); student.Unroll(@class); @class.Unroll(student); studentArchive.AddToPassedEnrollements(student.LastUnrolled, command.Reason); }
public void Enroll(StudentRepository studentRepository, ClassRepository classRepository, StudentEnrollCommand command) { var student = studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId); var @class = classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId); student.TryEnrollIn(@class); @class.TryEnroll(student); student.Enroll(@class); @class.Enroll(student); }
public void Handles(StudentEnrollCommand command) { var student = _studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId); var @class = _classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId); try { _unitOfWork.BeginTransaction(); student.TryEnrollIn(@class); @class.TryEnroll(student); student.Enroll(@class); @class.Enroll(student); _notificationService.Notify(student); _unitOfWork.Commit(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e); } }
public void Get_class_by_id_test() { var repo = new ClassRepository(context); var model = new ClassEntity("GR2"); var model2 = new ClassEntity("GR1"); repo.AddNew(model); repo.AddNew(model2); var result = repo.GetById(model2.Id); Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.AreEqual(result.Id, model2.Id); }
public ActionResult ListSupportMaterial(string classId) { var classRepository = new ClassRepository(_context); var klass = classRepository.GetById(new Guid(classId)); var files = new List <dynamic>(); var uploader = new SupportMaterialUploader(classId); foreach (var item in klass.Files) { files.Add(new { item.Name, Size = uploader.GetFileInfo(item.PhysicalPath).Length }); } return(Json(new { Files = files })); }
public ActionResult DeleteSupportMaterial(string id, string fileName) { using (var tx = new TransactionScope()) { var classRepository = new ClassRepository(_context); var klass = classRepository.GetById(new Guid(id)); var file = klass.Files.Single(x => x.PhysicalPath == fileName); klass.Files.Remove(file); classRepository.UpdateWithFiles(klass); _context.Save(_loggedUser); var uploader = new SupportMaterialUploader(id); uploader.DeleteFile(fileName); tx.Complete(); } return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK)); }
public ActionResult Delete(string id) { var classRepository = new ClassRepository(_context); var uploader = new SupportMaterialUploader(id); var klass = classRepository.GetById(new Guid(id)); using (var tx = new TransactionScope()) { foreach (var file in klass.Files) { uploader.DeleteFile(file.PhysicalPath); } classRepository.Delete(klass.Id); _context.Save(_loggedUser); tx.Complete(); } return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK)); }