static void Main(string[] args) { var isBatch = args[0] == "-batch"; if (!(args.Length == 1 && File.Exists(args[0]) || args.Length == 3 && args[1] == "-out" && File.Exists(args[0]) || args.Length == 2 && isBatch && File.Exists(args[1]))) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: RhinoMocksToMoqConsole <filepath> [-out file]"); Console.WriteLine("Usage: RhinoMocksToMoqConsole -batch filepath-containing-list-of-files]"); Environment.Exit(1); } var outFilename = !isBatch ? args [2] : null; var writeToConsole = args.Length == 1; var paths = args[0] == "-batch" ? File.ReadAllLines(args[1]).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x) && x [0] != '#').ToList() : new List <string> { args[0] }; paths.ForEach(filename => { var sourceCode = File.ReadAllText(filename); var newSourceCode = ClassConverter.Convert(sourceCode); if (writeToConsole) { Console.WriteLine(newSourceCode); } else { Console.WriteLine(filename); var resultFilename = outFilename ?? filename; File.WriteAllText(resultFilename, newSourceCode); } }); }
public ActionResult <CarWashVisitDataModel> GetDetails() { CarWashVisitDatabase carWashVisitDatabase = new CarWashVisitDatabase(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "CarWashVisit_DatabaseNew.db3")); CarWashVisitDataModel carWashVisitDataModel = new CarWashVisitDataModel(); carWashVisitDataModel.Code = 200; carWashVisitDataModel.Message = "successfully exicuted"; carWashVisitDataModel.Success = true; carWashVisitDataModel.CarwashVisitDetails = new ObservableCollection <CarwashVisitDetails>(); ObservableCollection <Models.CarwashVisitDetails> ListOfCarwashVisitDetails = carWashVisitDatabase.GetCarwashVisitDetailsAsync(); foreach (var item in ListOfCarwashVisitDetails) { CarwashVisitDetails carwashVisitDetails = ClassConverter.CastCarwashVisitDetails <CarwashVisitDetails>(item); //carwashVisitDetails.Tasks = new ObservableCollection<TaskDetails>(); ObservableCollection <Models.TaskDetails> ListOfCarwashTaskDetails = carWashVisitDatabase.GetTaskDetailsAsync(); foreach (var taskDetails in ListOfCarwashTaskDetails) { TaskDetails carwashTaskDetails = ClassConverter.CastTaskDetails <TaskDetails>(taskDetails); if (item.VisitId.ToString() == taskDetails.VisitTaskId) { carwashVisitDetails.Tasks.Add(carwashTaskDetails); } } carWashVisitDataModel.CarwashVisitDetails.Add(carwashVisitDetails); } return(carWashVisitDataModel); }
public DecompteurN(int N, int nbr) : base(1, nbr, 0, "M 0,0 L 30,0 L 30,30 L 0,30 z", "frequencyDivider") { _nbroutputs = nbr; outputs_tab = ClassConverter.ConvertToBinary(N, _nbroutputs); _val = N; oldClockValue = false; }
public void ConvertAbstractClass() { var result = new ClassConverter().ConvertType(typeof(AbstractClass), new LocalContext(new ConvertConfiguration(), null, typeof(AbstractClass))); result.Should().BeLike(@" export abstract class AbstractClass { constructor() { } }"); }
public static List <T2> MapColletion <T1, T2>(this List <T1> inList, ClassConverter <T1, T2> classConverter) { List <T2> convertedList = new List <T2>(); foreach (var element in inList) { var convertedElement = classConverter(element); convertedList.Add(convertedElement); } return(convertedList); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the specified object to an object of another class. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the target to convert to.</typeparam> /// <param name="target">The target object to convert to.</param> /// <param name="source">The object to convert.</param> public static T Pack <T>(T target, object source) where T : new() { // allow null if (source == null) { return(target); } return(ClassConverter.SetClass(target, source)); }
public void ConvertSimpleClass_Arguments() { var result = new ClassConverter().ConvertType(typeof(SimpleClass), new LocalContext(new ConvertConfiguration(), null, typeof(SimpleClass))); result.Should().BeLike(@" export class SimpleClass { constructor( public propertyArray?: Array<string>, public stringProperty?: string) { } }"); }
public void ConvertGenericClass() { var result = new ClassConverter().ConvertType(typeof(GenericClass <,>), new LocalContext(new ConvertConfiguration(), null, typeof(GenericClass <,>))); result.Should().BeLike(@" export class GenericClass<T1, T2> { constructor( public prop1?: T1, public prop2?: T2) { } }"); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the specified object to an object of another class. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the target to convert to.</typeparam> /// <param name="source">The object to convert.</param> public static T Pack <T>(object source) where T : new() { // allow null if (source == null) { return(default(T)); } var target = new T(); ClassConverter.SetClass(target, source); return(target); }
public void InheritanceTest() { var ctx = new ConvertContext(); var result = new ClassConverter().ConvertType(typeof(InheritanceSample), new LocalContext(ctx.Configuration, ctx, typeof(InheritanceSample))); result.Should().BeLike(@" export class InheritanceSample extends SimpleClass { constructor( propertyArray?: Array<string>, stringProperty?: string, public isAwesome?: boolean) { super(propertyArray, stringProperty); } }"); ctx.GeneratedResults.Should().HaveCount(1); }
public override void Run() { update_input(); bool newClockValue = (bool)inputs_tab[0]; if (newClockValue == true && oldClockValue == false) { int number = ClassConverter.ConvertToInt(outputs_tab); number++; if (number == (_val)) { number = 0; } outputs_tab = ClassConverter.ConvertToBinary(number, _nbroutputs); } oldClockValue = newClockValue; update_output(); }
/// <summary> /// Copy data from the source object into the row. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the row.</typeparam> /// <param name="target">The target row object.</param> /// <param name="source">The source object.</param> public static T Pack <T>(this T target, object source) where T : DbRow { if (target == null) { throw new QueryTalkException("extensions.Pack<T>", QueryTalkExceptionType.ArgumentNull, "target = null", Text.Method.Pack); } if (source == null) { throw new QueryTalkException("extensions.Pack<T>", QueryTalkExceptionType.ArgumentNull, "source = null", Text.Method.Pack); } if (source != null) { return(ClassConverter.SetClass <T>(target, source)); } return(target); }
public void InheritanceDiscriminatorTest() { var ctx = new ConvertContext(); ctx.Configuration.ClassConfiguration.InheritanceConfig .Add <BaseClassWithDiscriminator>(x => x.Discriminator, typeof(InheritanceDiscriminatorSample)); var result = new ClassConverter().ConvertType(typeof(InheritanceDiscriminatorSample), new LocalContext(ctx.Configuration, ctx, typeof(InheritanceSample))); result.Should().BeLike(@" export class InheritanceDiscriminatorSample extends BaseClassWithDiscriminator { constructor() { super(); } public discriminator: string = 'inherit'; }"); ctx.GeneratedResults.Should().HaveCount(2); }
public static async Task <dynamic> MakeEntityApiCall( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequestMessage req, ILogger log) { /* Create the function execution's context through the request */ var context = await FunctionContext <dynamic> .Create(req); var args = context.FunctionArgument; var entityProfile = context.CallerEntityProfile; var setObjectRequest = new SetObjectsRequest { Entity = ClassConverter <ProfilesModels.EntityKey, DataModels.EntityKey> .Convert(entityProfile.Entity), Objects = new List <SetObject> { new SetObject { ObjectName = "obj1", DataObject = new { foo = "some server computed value", prop1 = args["prop1"] } } } }; /* Use the ApiSettings and AuthenticationContext provided to the function as context for making API calls. */ var dataApi = new PlayFabDataInstanceAPI(context.ApiSettings, context.AuthenticationContext); /* Execute the entity API request */ var setObjectsResponse = await dataApi.SetObjectsAsync(setObjectRequest); var setObjectsResult = setObjectsResponse.Result.SetResults[0].SetResult; return(new { profile = entityProfile, setResult = setObjectsResult }); }
public void ConvertSimpleClass_Initializer() { var result = new ClassConverter().ConvertType(typeof(SimpleClass), new LocalContext(new ConvertConfiguration { ClassConfiguration = { GenerateConstructorType = GenerateConstructorType.ObjectInitializer } }, null, typeof(SimpleClass))); result.Should().BeLike(@" export class SimpleClass { constructor(init?: { propertyArray?: Array<string>, stringProperty?: string }) { if (init) { this.propertyArray = init.propertyArray; this.stringProperty = init.stringProperty; } } public propertyArray: Array<string>; public stringProperty: string; }"); }
public void PopulateMenuAsync() { ColorController.ColoreSfondi = hexToColor(menuSS.ColorTheme); ColorController.ColoreRiquadri = hexToColor(menuSS.ColorFrame); NomeLocaleLong = menuSS.Denominazione; if (menuSS.LogoBase64Img.Length > 10) { string b64_string = menuSS.LogoBase64Img; b64_string = Regex.Replace(b64_string, @"^data:image\/[a-zA-Z]+;base64,", string.Empty); byte[] b64_bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(b64_string); var tex = new Texture2D(1, 1); tex.LoadImage(b64_bytes); if (tex != null) { var rec = new Rect(0, 0, tex.width, tex.height); cellImage.sprite = Sprite.Create(tex, rec, new Vector2(0, 1), 100); cellImage.preserveAspect = true; } } DataService ds = new DataService("DatiCliente.db"); fidelity = ds.GetFidelity(Restaurant); if (fidelity == null) { fidelity = ""; } if (fidelity.Length > 12) { fidelity.Remove(fidelity.Length - 1); QREncodeTest.QR.Encode(fidelity); } Locale locale = ClassConverter.localifromSS(menuSS); welcome.text = locale.s_Landing; if (locale.s_Landing.Length < 3 || locale.s_Landing == null) { WelcomePanel.gameObject.SetActive(false); } Key = locale.s_CID; if (locale.s_pinPag.Length > 3) { PinPagOn = true; } secret = locale.s_SKE; //Key = "AaK1Dsz3z2xqhYs2JaHOXQpxUxxdO3ZYihg0IuebKVxUwU2xh4vS0BThdSz4rG4uSi-QU6gMXFy_QsNE";// locale.s_CID; //secret = "EBjXni131N_Ci2795OXE2qc11ndEncytbujnbHTK2Ez4o9HszD0ra2Rw8F_O03pluGxYWiZ46jwwsYiY"; // locale.s_SKE; consInt = locale.s_consegnaInterna; pagaConsegnaAbilitata = locale.s_EnablePagaCons; Tky = locale.s_TakeAway; Dlv = locale.s_Delivery; Base = locale.s_Base; limitePezzi = locale.s_LimitPZ; limiteValore = locale.s_LimitVAL; minimoValore = locale.s_LimitMinVAL; PinPag = locale.s_pinPag; registrazioneObbligatoria = locale.s_RichiediDatiAccesso; bool MD = locale.s_EnableMD; SelectionBtnRoot.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(MD); SelectionBtnRoot.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.SetActive(Base); //Base SelectionBtnRoot.transform.GetChild(2).gameObject.SetActive(Tky); SelectionBtnRoot.transform.GetChild(3).gameObject.SetActive(Dlv); SelectionBtnRoot.transform.GetChild(4).gameObject.SetActive(consInt); SelectionBtnRoot.transform.GetChild(5).gameObject.SetActive(fidelity.Length >= 12); if (locale.s_RichiediDatiAccesso) { if (!ClienteRegMin || !ClienteRegistrato || fidelity.Length <= 11) { registrazioneObbligatoria = (true); PannelloRegistrazione.SetActive(true); } } SelectionPanel.SetActive(true); string menuSs = ClassConverter.menufromSS(menuSS); menu = Menu_Ristorante.LoadMenu(menuSs, Db); ColorController.CController.CambiaColori(); Loader.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (!loadFromCache) { AggiungiLocale(); } }
/// <summary> /// Converts the specified objects to objects of another class. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the target to convert to.</typeparam> /// <param name="source">The source objects to convert.</param> public static IEnumerable <T> PackRows <T>(IEnumerable source) where T : new() { return(ClassConverter.PackRows <T>(source)); }
public ClassBusiness(IClassRepository classRepository) { _classRepository = classRepository; _classConverter = new ClassConverter(); }