        private ClassBreakConfigControl createNewClassBreakConfigControl(ClassBreakInfo classBreak)
            ClassBreakConfigControl classBreakConfigControl = new ClassBreakConfigControl()
                ClassBreak           = classBreak,
                SymbolConfigProvider = SymbolConfigProvider,
                GeometryType         = GeometryType,

            classBreakConfigControl.ClassBreakModified += new EventHandler <ClassBreakModificationEventArgs>(classBreakConfigControl_ClassBreakChanged);
        void symbolsConfigControl_CurrentClassBreakChanged(object sender, CurrentClassBreakChangedEventArgs e)
            _classBreakInfo = e.ClassBreak;

            if (e.ClassBreak == null)

            if (SymbolConfigControl != null)
                SymbolConfigControl.Symbol = e.ClassBreak.Symbol;
        void AddRangeButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (ClassBreaksRenderer == null)

            ClassBreakConfigControl classBreakConfigControl = null;

            if (ClassBreaksRenderer.Classes.Count < 1) // Empty class break set
                // Assign a first class break and symbolize it using the first class break
                ClassBreakInfo newClassBreak = new ClassBreakInfo()
                    MinimumValue = 0,
                    MaximumValue = 0,
                    Symbol       = ClassBreaksRenderer.DefaultSymbol != null?ClassBreaksRenderer.DefaultSymbol.CloneSymbol() : SymbolUtils.CreateDefaultSymbol(GeometryType),
                classBreakConfigControl = createNewClassBreakConfigControl(newClassBreak);
                ClassBreakInfo lastClassBreak = ClassBreaksRenderer.Classes[ClassBreaksRenderer.Classes.Count - 1];
                double         currentMaxVal  = lastClassBreak.MaximumValue;
                lastClassBreak.MaximumValue -= Math.Floor((currentMaxVal - lastClassBreak.MinimumValue) / 2); // split class break into two
                ClassBreakInfo newClassBreak = new ClassBreakInfo()
                    MinimumValue = lastClassBreak.MaximumValue + 1,
                    MaximumValue = currentMaxVal,
                    Symbol       = lastClassBreak.Symbol != null?lastClassBreak.Symbol.CloneSymbol() : SymbolUtils.CreateDefaultSymbol(GeometryType),
                classBreakConfigControl = createNewClassBreakConfigControl(newClassBreak);

            if (ClassBreakConfigItems != null)
                ClassBreakConfigItems.SelectedItem = classBreakConfigControl;
        object IValueConverter.Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            if (value is SimpleLineSymbol)

            ConfigurableFeatureLayer featureLayer = value as ConfigurableFeatureLayer;

            if (featureLayer != null)
                return(featureLayer.GeometryType == GeometryType.PolyLine ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed);

            ClassBreakInfo classBreak = value as ClassBreakInfo;

            if (classBreak != null)
                return(classBreak.Symbol is SimpleLineSymbol ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed);

        void queryTaskPolygon_ExecuteCompleted(object sender, QueryEventArgs args)
            FeatureSet featureSet = args.FeatureSet;

            if (featureSet == null || featureSet.Features.Count < 1)
                MessageBox.Show("No features returned from query");

            GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = MyMap.Layers["MyPolygonGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer;

            Random random = new Random();

            // Random switch between class breaks and unique value renderers
            if (random.Next(0, 2) == 0)
                ClassBreaksRenderer classBreakRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer();
                classBreakRenderer.Field = "POP2000";
                int classCount = 6;

                List <double> valueList = new List <double>();
                foreach (Graphic graphic in args.FeatureSet.Features)

                // LINQ
                IEnumerable <double> valueEnumerator =
                    from aValue in valueList
                    orderby aValue
                    select aValue;

                int increment = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(args.FeatureSet.Features.Count / classCount));
                int rgbFactor = 255 / classCount;
                int j         = 255;

                for (int i = increment; i < valueList.Count; i += increment)
                    ClassBreakInfo classBreakInfo = new ClassBreakInfo();

                    if (i == increment)
                        classBreakInfo.MinimumValue = 0;
                        classBreakInfo.MinimumValue = valueEnumerator.ElementAt(i - increment);

                    classBreakInfo.MaximumValue = valueEnumerator.ElementAt(i);

                    SimpleFillSymbol symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol()
                        Fill            = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(192, (byte)j, (byte)j, (byte)j)),
                        BorderBrush     = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent),
                        BorderThickness = 1

                    classBreakInfo.Symbol = symbol;

                    j = j - rgbFactor;

                // Set maximum value for largest class break
                classBreakRenderer.Classes[classBreakRenderer.Classes.Count - 1].MaximumValue = valueEnumerator.ElementAt(valueList.Count - 1) + 1;

                graphicsLayer.Renderer = classBreakRenderer;
                UniqueValueRenderer uniqueValueRenderer = new UniqueValueRenderer();
                uniqueValueRenderer.DefaultSymbol = LayoutRoot.Resources["RedFillSymbol"] as Symbol;
                uniqueValueRenderer.Field         = "STATE_NAME";

                foreach (Graphic graphic in args.FeatureSet.Features)
                    UniqueValueInfo uniqueValueInfo = new UniqueValueInfo();

                    SimpleFillSymbol symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol()
                        Fill            = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(192, (byte)random.Next(0, 255), (byte)random.Next(0, 255), (byte)random.Next(0, 255))),
                        BorderBrush     = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent),
                        BorderThickness = 1

                    uniqueValueInfo.Symbol = symbol;
                    uniqueValueInfo.Value  = graphic.Attributes["STATE_NAME"];

                graphicsLayer.Renderer = uniqueValueRenderer;
        void symbolsConfigControl_CurrentClassBreakChanged(object sender, CurrentClassBreakChangedEventArgs e)
            _classBreakInfo = e.ClassBreak;

            if (e.ClassBreak == null)

            if (SymbolConfigControl != null)
                SymbolConfigControl.Symbol = e.ClassBreak.Symbol;
        public void SetShapeRangeValues(DashboardHelper dashboardHelper, string shapeKey, string dataKey, string valueField, List <SolidColorBrush> brushList, int classCount, string missingText, string legendText, bool?showPolyLabels = false)
                _classCount      = classCount;
                _dashboardHelper = dashboardHelper;
                _shapeKey        = shapeKey;
                _dataKey         = dataKey;
                _valueField      = valueField;
                _missingText     = missingText;
                _legendText      = legendText;
                _showPolyLabels  = (bool)showPolyLabels;

                if (brushList != null)
                    _colors = brushList;

                DataTable loadedData = GetLoadedData(dashboardHelper, dataKey, ref valueField);

                if (_valueField == "{Record Count}")
                    _valueField = "freq";

                GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = GetGraphicsLayer() as GraphicsLayer;

                _thematicItem = GetThematicItem(classCount, loadedData, graphicsLayer);

                if (this.UseQuantiles == false && RangeStarts_FromControls != null && RangeStarts_FromControls.Count > 0)
                    _thematicItem.RangeStarts = RangeStarts_FromControls;

                GraphicCollection textGraphics = new GraphicCollection();

                if (graphicsLayer.Graphics != null && graphicsLayer.Graphics.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = graphicsLayer.Graphics.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
                        if (graphicsLayer.Graphics[i].Symbol is TextSymbol)

                bool usePoleOfInaccessibility = true;

                if (graphicsLayer.Graphics != null && graphicsLayer.Graphics.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < graphicsLayer.Graphics.Count; i++)
                        Graphic graphicFeature = graphicsLayer.Graphics[i];

                        if (graphicFeature.Symbol is TextSymbol)
                        if (graphicFeature.Attributes.Count == 0)

                        string filterExpression = "";

                        if (dataKey.Contains(" ") || dataKey.Contains("$") || dataKey.Contains("#"))
                            filterExpression += "[";

                        filterExpression += dataKey;

                        if (dataKey.Contains(" ") || dataKey.Contains("$") || dataKey.Contains("#"))
                            filterExpression += "]";

                        filterExpression += " = '" + GetShapeValue(graphicFeature, shapeKey) + "'";

                        double graphicValue = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                            DataRow[] postFilterExpression = loadedData.Select(filterExpression);

                            if (postFilterExpression.Length > 0)
                                graphicValue = Convert.ToDouble(postFilterExpression[0][_valueField]);
                        catch (Exception)
                            graphicValue = Double.PositiveInfinity;

                        int brushIndex = GetRangeIndex(graphicValue, _thematicItem.RangeStarts);

                        if (brushList != null)
                            Color color = ((SolidColorBrush)brushList[brushIndex]).Color;
                            Brush fill  = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(Opacity, color.R, color.G, color.B));

                            if (graphicValue == Double.PositiveInfinity)
                                color = ((SolidColorBrush)brushList[brushList.Count - 1]).Color;
                                fill  = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(Opacity, color.R, color.G, color.B));

                            SimpleFillSymbol symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol();

                            symbol.Fill            = fill;
                            symbol.BorderBrush     = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
                            symbol.BorderThickness = 1;

                            graphicFeature.Symbol = symbol;

                        if (ShowPolyLabels)
                            TextSymbol textSymbol = new TextSymbol();
                            textSymbol.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
                            textSymbol.FontSize   = 11;

                            if (graphicFeature.Attributes[shapeKey] != null)
                                string sShapekey     = graphicFeature.Attributes[shapeKey].ToString().Trim();
                                int    indexShapeKey = sShapekey.LastIndexOfAny(new char[] { ' ', '-' });
                                int    iShapeKeyLen  = sShapekey.Length;

                                //  Break up label if possible and put on new line.  Adjust offsets as needed.
                                if (indexShapeKey != -1) //& iShapeKeyLen > 10)
                                    textSymbol.Text    = sShapekey.Substring(0, indexShapeKey) + "\r\n    " + sShapekey.Substring(indexShapeKey + 1, (iShapeKeyLen - (indexShapeKey + 1)));
                                    textSymbol.OffsetX = iShapeKeyLen / 0.8;
                                    textSymbol.OffsetY = 6;
                                    textSymbol.Text    = sShapekey;
                                    textSymbol.OffsetX = iShapeKeyLen / 0.4;
                                    textSymbol.OffsetY = 3;
                                //textSymbol.OffsetX = textSymbol.Text.Length / 0.4;
                                textSymbol.OffsetY = textSymbol.FontSize / 2.0;

                                Envelope extentEnvelope = graphicFeature.Geometry.Extent;
                                MapPoint pole           = extentEnvelope.GetCenter();

                                ObservableCollection <ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection> rings = new ObservableCollection <ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection>();

                                //if (graphicFeature.Attributes[shapeKey].ToString().Trim() == "Richmond Hill") usePoleOfInaccessibility = true;

                                if (usePoleOfInaccessibility)
                                    if (graphicFeature.Geometry is ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polygon)
                                        rings = ((ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polygon)graphicFeature.Geometry).Rings;
                                        Tuple <double, double> coords;

                                        bool showDebugCells = true;

                                        if (showDebugCells)
                                            double precision = 0.1;
                                            double denom     = 64.0;

                                            precision = extentEnvelope.Width / denom < precision? extentEnvelope.Width / denom : precision;
                                            precision = extentEnvelope.Height / denom < precision ? extentEnvelope.Height / denom : precision;

                                            coords = PolyLabel.PoleOfInaccessibility(rings, precision, graphicsLayer: graphicsLayer);

                                            //Envelope extent = graphicFeature.Geometry.Extent;
                                            //Cell extentCell = new Cell(extent.XMin, extent.YMin, extent.Width / 2, rings);
                                            //PolyLabel.AddDebugGraphic(extentCell, graphicsLayer);
                                            coords = PolyLabel.PoleOfInaccessibility(rings);

                                        pole.X = coords.Item1;
                                        pole.Y = coords.Item2;

                                    //usePoleOfInaccessibility = false;

                                Graphic textGraphic = new Graphic();

                                textGraphic.Symbol   = textSymbol;
                                textGraphic.Geometry = pole;


                        TextBlock t = new TextBlock();
                        t.Background = Brushes.White;

                        if (graphicValue == Double.PositiveInfinity)
                            t.Text = GetShapeValue(graphicFeature, shapeKey) + " " + DashboardSharedStrings.DASHBOARD_MAP_NO_DATA;
                            t.Text = GetShapeValue(graphicFeature, shapeKey) + " : " + graphicValue.ToString();

                        t.FontSize = 14;

                        Border border = new Border();
                        border.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
                        Panel panel = new StackPanel();
                        border.Child = panel;

                        graphicFeature.MapTip = border;

                        if (graphicFeature.Attributes.Keys.Contains("EpiInfoValCol"))
                            graphicFeature.Attributes["EpiInfoValCol"] = graphicValue;
                            graphicFeature.Attributes.Add("EpiInfoValCol", graphicValue);


                    if (graphicsLayer is FeatureLayer)
                        ClassBreaksRenderer renderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer();
                        renderer.Field = "EpiInfoValCol";

                        Color color = ((SolidColorBrush)brushList[brushList.Count - 1]).Color;
                        Brush fill  = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(Opacity, color.R, color.G, color.B));

                        renderer.DefaultSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol()
                            Fill            = fill,
                            BorderBrush     = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black),
                            BorderThickness = 1

                        for (int i = 0; i < _thematicItem.RangeStarts.Count; i++)
                            ClassBreakInfo classBreakInfo = new ClassBreakInfo();
                            classBreakInfo.MinimumValue = double.Parse(RangeValues[i, 0]);
                            classBreakInfo.MaximumValue = double.Parse(RangeValues[i, 1]);

                            color = ((SolidColorBrush)brushList[i]).Color;
                            fill  = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(Opacity, color.R, color.G, color.B));

                            classBreakInfo.Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol()
                                Fill            = fill,
                                BorderBrush     = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black),
                                BorderThickness = 1


                        graphicsLayer.Renderer = renderer;

                SetLegendSection(brushList, classCount, missingText, _thematicItem);
        public Traffic()
                traffic        = GlobalLayers.TrafficLayer;
                traffic_lights = GlobalLayers.LightsLayer;

                traffic.OutFields = new OutFields {
                traffic_lights.OutFields = new OutFields {
            catch (Exception)

            // 设定道路的流量渲染模型
            ClassBreaksRenderer rTrafficRoad = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); // 流量

            rTrafficRoad.Field = "SHAPE_Length";                          // 指定渲染道路属性字段
            // 设定红绿灯的3状态渲染
            ClassBreakInfo _Normal = new ClassBreakInfo();

            _Normal.MinimumValue = 0;
            _Normal.MaximumValue = 100;
            _Normal.Symbol       = App.Current.Resources["NORMAL"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol;
            ClassBreakInfo _Middle = new ClassBreakInfo();

            _Middle.MinimumValue = 101;
            _Middle.MaximumValue = 200;
            _Middle.Symbol       = App.Current.Resources["MIDDLE"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol;
            ClassBreakInfo _High = new ClassBreakInfo();

            _High.MinimumValue = 201;
            _High.MaximumValue = 1000;
            _High.Symbol       = App.Current.Resources["BUSY"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol;
            traffic.Renderer = rTrafficRoad;

            foreach (Graphic e in traffic as GraphicsLayer)
                e.Attributes["SHAPE_Length"] = 0;

            traffic.Visible = true;

            ClassBreaksRenderer rTrafficLights = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); // 红绿灯

            rTrafficLights.Field = "status";                                // 指定渲染的红绿灯属性字段
            // 设定红绿灯的3状态渲染
            ClassBreakInfo r = new ClassBreakInfo();

            r.MinimumValue = 0;
            r.MaximumValue = 0;
            r.Symbol       = App.Current.Resources["REDFLAG"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol;
            ClassBreakInfo y = new ClassBreakInfo();

            y.MinimumValue = 1;
            y.MaximumValue = 1;
            y.Symbol       = App.Current.Resources["YELLOWFLAG"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol;
            ClassBreakInfo g = new ClassBreakInfo();

            g.MinimumValue = 2;
            g.MaximumValue = 2;
            g.Symbol       = App.Current.Resources["GREENFLAG"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol;
            traffic_lights.Renderer = rTrafficLights;

            //         GlobalLayers._MainMap.Layers.Add(traffic_lights);
            foreach (Graphic e in traffic_lights as GraphicsLayer)
                e.Attributes["status"] = 1;

            traffic_lights.Visible = true;

             * road_traffic_stat.Symbol = App.Current.Resources["TRAFFIC_NORMAL"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol;
             * traffic.Renderer = road_traffic_stat;

 *          ArcGISLocalFeatureLayer FLAG = new ArcGISLocalFeatureLayer("dhnew\\traffic.mpk", "FLAG"); // 道路中心线_Clip/ FLAG
 *          SimpleRenderer traffic_stat = new SimpleRenderer();
 *          traffic_stat.Symbol = App.Current.Resources["REDFLAG"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol;
 *          FLAG.Renderer = traffic_stat;
 *          GlobalLayers._MainMap.Layers.Add(FLAG);

                IConnectionFactory factory;

                factory = new ConnectionFactory(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MQ"].ToString());   // 连接MQ数据发布服务器
                IConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection();
                ISession session = connection.CreateSession();
                // 连接红绿灯 主题
                IMessageConsumer consumerLights = session.CreateDurableConsumer(new Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.Commands.ActiveMQTopic(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Topic_Traffic_lights"].ToString()), "GQY_L", null, false);
                consumerLights.Listener += new MessageListener(ProcessLights);
                IMessageConsumer consumerTraffic = session.CreateDurableConsumer(new Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.Commands.ActiveMQTopic(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Topic_Traffic"].ToString()), "GQY_T", null, false);
                consumerTraffic.Listener += new MessageListener(ProcessTraffic);
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("订阅交通信号失败" + e.ToString());
 private ClassBreakConfigControl createNewClassBreakConfigControl(ClassBreakInfo classBreak)
     ClassBreakConfigControl classBreakConfigControl = new ClassBreakConfigControl()
         ClassBreak = classBreak,
         SymbolConfigProvider = SymbolConfigProvider,
         GeometryType = GeometryType,
     classBreakConfigControl.ClassBreakModified += new EventHandler<ClassBreakModificationEventArgs>(classBreakConfigControl_ClassBreakChanged);
     return classBreakConfigControl;
        void AddRangeButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (ClassBreaksRenderer == null)

            ClassBreakConfigControl classBreakConfigControl = null;
            if (ClassBreaksRenderer.Classes.Count < 1) // Empty class break set
                // Assign a first class break and symbolize it using the first class break
                ClassBreakInfo newClassBreak = new ClassBreakInfo() { 
                     MinimumValue = 0,
                     MaximumValue = 0,
                     Symbol = ClassBreaksRenderer.DefaultSymbol != null ? ClassBreaksRenderer.DefaultSymbol.CloneSymbol() : SymbolUtils.CreateDefaultSymbol(GeometryType),
                classBreakConfigControl = createNewClassBreakConfigControl(newClassBreak);
                ClassBreakInfo lastClassBreak = ClassBreaksRenderer.Classes[ClassBreaksRenderer.Classes.Count - 1];
                double currentMaxVal = lastClassBreak.MaximumValue;
                lastClassBreak.MaximumValue -= Math.Floor((currentMaxVal - lastClassBreak.MinimumValue) / 2); // split class break into two
                ClassBreakInfo newClassBreak = new ClassBreakInfo()
                    MinimumValue = lastClassBreak.MaximumValue + 1,
                    MaximumValue = currentMaxVal,
                    Symbol = lastClassBreak.Symbol != null ? lastClassBreak.Symbol.CloneSymbol() : SymbolUtils.CreateDefaultSymbol(GeometryType),
                classBreakConfigControl = createNewClassBreakConfigControl(newClassBreak);

            if (ClassBreakConfigItems != null)
                ClassBreakConfigItems.SelectedItem = classBreakConfigControl;
        private static IRenderer createNewDefaultClassBreaksRenderer(GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer, FieldInfo attributeField, double min, double max, int numOfClassBreaks, LinearGradientBrush defaultColorRampGradientBrush, IEnumerable <Symbol> existingSymbolSet)
            Symbol defaultSymbol         = graphicsLayer.GetDefaultSymbolClone();
            ClassBreaksRenderer renderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer()
                Field         = attributeField != null ? attributeField.Name : null,
                DefaultSymbol = defaultSymbol,
            List <Symbol> symbols = new List <Symbol>();

            if (numOfClassBreaks < 2) // classbreaks renderer must have atleast 2 classbreaks
                numOfClassBreaks = 2;
            double rangeSize           = Math.Round((max - min) / numOfClassBreaks, 2);
            double rangeDelta          = 1.0; // delta between 2 class ranges // we choose an integral size
            double lastRangeDeltaIncr  = 1.0; // SL core api requires the last classbreak to be greater than max value of dataset
            bool   fractionalIncrement = false;

            if (Math.Round(max, 0) != max)// we are dealing with a non-integeral values, so our delta's are in fractional increments
                fractionalIncrement = true;
                rangeDelta          = 0.01;
                lastRangeDeltaIncr  = 0.01;

            double startValue = min;

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfClassBreaks; i++)
                Symbol symbol = null;
                if (existingSymbolSet != null)
                    symbol = existingSymbolSet.ElementAtOrDefault(i);
                if (symbol == null)
                    symbol = graphicsLayer.GetDefaultSymbolClone();
                double         endValue   = (startValue + rangeSize) - rangeDelta;
                ClassBreakInfo classBreak = new ClassBreakInfo()
                    MinimumValue = fractionalIncrement ? startValue : Math.Floor(startValue),
                    MaximumValue = fractionalIncrement ? endValue : Math.Floor(endValue),
                    Symbol       = symbol,
                if (i == numOfClassBreaks - 1) // last class break
                    classBreak.MaximumValue = max + lastRangeDeltaIncr;
                    if (max > 1000000)                  // SL has a limitation on values greater than a million http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb412393.aspx
                        classBreak.MaximumValue += 2.0; // the +2 is to workaround Silverlights limitation of single precision values
                startValue += rangeSize;
            if (defaultColorRampGradientBrush != null)
                if (existingSymbolSet == null) // apply the gradient brush, only if symbols have not been pre-defined
                    applyLinearGradientBrushToSymbolSet(symbols, defaultColorRampGradientBrush, defaultSymbol);
        void queryTaskPolygon_ExecuteCompleted(object sender, QueryEventArgs args)
            FeatureSet featureSet = args.FeatureSet;

            if (featureSet == null || featureSet.Features.Count < 1)
                MessageBox.Show("No features returned from query");

            GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = MyMap.Layers["MyPolygonGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer;

            Random random = new Random();

            // Random switch between class breaks and unique value renderers
            if (random.Next(0, 2) == 0)
                ClassBreaksRenderer classBreakRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer();
                classBreakRenderer.Field = "POP2000";
                int classCount = 6;

                List<double> valueList = new List<double>();
                foreach (Graphic graphic in args.FeatureSet.Features)

                // LINQ
                IEnumerable<double> valueEnumerator =
                   from aValue in valueList
                   orderby aValue
                   select aValue;

                int increment = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(args.FeatureSet.Features.Count / classCount));
                int rgbFactor = 255 / classCount;
                int j = 255;

                for (int i = increment; i < valueList.Count; i += increment)
                    ClassBreakInfo classBreakInfo = new ClassBreakInfo();

                    if (i == increment)
                        classBreakInfo.MinimumValue = 0;
                        classBreakInfo.MinimumValue = valueEnumerator.ElementAt(i - increment);

                    classBreakInfo.MaximumValue = valueEnumerator.ElementAt(i);

                    SimpleFillSymbol symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol()
                        Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(192, (byte)j, (byte)j, (byte)j)),
                        BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent),
                        BorderThickness = 1

                    classBreakInfo.Symbol = symbol;

                    j = j - rgbFactor;

                // Set maximum value for largest class break
                classBreakRenderer.Classes[classBreakRenderer.Classes.Count - 1].MaximumValue = valueEnumerator.ElementAt(valueList.Count - 1) + 1;

                graphicsLayer.Renderer = classBreakRenderer;

                UniqueValueRenderer uniqueValueRenderer = new UniqueValueRenderer();
                uniqueValueRenderer.DefaultSymbol = LayoutRoot.Resources["RedFillSymbol"] as Symbol;
                uniqueValueRenderer.Field = "STATE_NAME";

                foreach (Graphic graphic in args.FeatureSet.Features)
                    UniqueValueInfo uniqueValueInfo = new UniqueValueInfo();

                    SimpleFillSymbol symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol()
                        Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(192, (byte)random.Next(0, 255), (byte)random.Next(0, 255), (byte)random.Next(0, 255))),
                        BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent),
                        BorderThickness = 1

                    uniqueValueInfo.Symbol = symbol;
                    uniqueValueInfo.Value = graphic.Attributes["STATE_NAME"];

                graphicsLayer.Renderer = uniqueValueRenderer;
        void classBreakConfigControl_ClassBreakChanged(object sender, ClassBreakModificationEventArgs e)
            // Auto adjust adjacent class breaks
            if (e.ClassBreakModificationType == ClassBreakModificationType.MinValueChanged)
                ClassBreakConfigControl control = sender as ClassBreakConfigControl;
                if (control != null)
                    int            indexOfClassBreak = -1;
                    ClassBreakInfo classBreak        = control.ClassBreak;
                    indexOfClassBreak = ClassBreaksRenderer.Classes.IndexOf(classBreak);
                    if (indexOfClassBreak > 0)
                        // Update the previous class break in the collection
                        if (ClassBreakConfigItems != null && ClassBreakConfigItems.Items != null)
                            int indexOfControl = ClassBreakConfigItems.Items.IndexOf(control);
                            if (indexOfControl > 0)// array bounds check
                                ClassBreakConfigControl prevControl = ClassBreakConfigItems.Items[indexOfControl - 1] as ClassBreakConfigControl;
                                if (prevControl != null)
                                    ClassBreakInfo prevClassBreak = prevControl.ClassBreak;
                                    double         incr           = 1.0;
                                    double         delta          = 2 * incr;
                                    double         diff           = prevClassBreak.MaximumValue - prevClassBreak.MinimumValue;
                                    if (Math.Round(diff, 0) != Math.Round(diff, 4)) // dealing with precision of less than 1 integer
                                        incr  = 0.01;
                                        delta = 2 * incr;

                                    double newValue = classBreak.MinimumValue - incr;
                                    if (classBreak.MinimumValue <= prevClassBreak.MinimumValue + delta)
                                        // don't allow min value to drop below previous class break value
                                        // Auto audjust the class breaks
                                        newValue = prevClassBreak.MinimumValue + delta;

                                        prevControl.UpdateMaxValue(newValue - incr);
            else if (e.ClassBreakModificationType == ClassBreakModificationType.MaxValueChanged)
                ClassBreakConfigControl control = sender as ClassBreakConfigControl;
                if (control != null)
                    int            indexOfClassBreak = -1;
                    ClassBreakInfo classBreak        = control.ClassBreak;
                    indexOfClassBreak = ClassBreaksRenderer.Classes.IndexOf(classBreak);
                    if (indexOfClassBreak > -1 && indexOfClassBreak < ClassBreaksRenderer.Classes.Count - 1)
                        // Update following class break
                        if (ClassBreakConfigItems != null && ClassBreakConfigItems.Items != null)
                            int indexOfControl = ClassBreakConfigItems.Items.IndexOf(control);
                            if (indexOfControl > -1 && indexOfControl < ClassBreakConfigItems.Items.Count - 1)// array bounds check
                                ClassBreakConfigControl nextControl = ClassBreakConfigItems.Items[indexOfControl + 1] as ClassBreakConfigControl;
                                if (nextControl != null)
                                    ClassBreakInfo nextClassBreak = nextControl.ClassBreak;
                                    double         incr           = 1.0;
                                    double         delta          = 2 * incr;
                                    double         diff           = nextClassBreak.MaximumValue - nextClassBreak.MinimumValue;
                                    if (Math.Round(diff, 0) != Math.Round(diff, 4)) // dealing with precision of less than 1 integer
                                        incr  = 0.01;
                                        delta = 2 * incr;

                                    double newValue = classBreak.MaximumValue + incr;
                                    // check if the max value is greater than max of next classbreak (minus the minimum spacing)
                                    if (classBreak.MaximumValue >= (nextClassBreak.MaximumValue - delta))
                                        // don't allow max value to go above next class break value
                                        // Auto audjust the class breaks
                                        newValue = nextClassBreak.MaximumValue - delta;

                                        nextControl.UpdateMinValue(newValue + incr);
            SelectedClassBreakModificationEventArgs args = new SelectedClassBreakModificationEventArgs()
                ClassBreakModificationType = e.ClassBreakModificationType,
                IsSelectedItem             = ClassBreakConfigItems.SelectedItem == sender,

        private static IRenderer createNewDefaultClassBreaksRenderer(GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer, FieldInfo attributeField, double min, double max, int numOfClassBreaks, LinearGradientBrush defaultColorRampGradientBrush, IEnumerable<Symbol> existingSymbolSet)
            Symbol defaultSymbol = graphicsLayer.GetDefaultSymbolClone();
            ClassBreaksRenderer renderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer()
                Field = attributeField != null ? attributeField.Name : null,
                DefaultSymbol = defaultSymbol,
            List<Symbol> symbols = new List<Symbol>();
            if (numOfClassBreaks < 2) // classbreaks renderer must have atleast 2 classbreaks
                numOfClassBreaks = 2;
            double rangeSize = Math.Round((max - min) / numOfClassBreaks, 2);
            double rangeDelta = 1.0; // delta between 2 class ranges // we choose an integral size
            double lastRangeDeltaIncr = 1.0; // SL core api requires the last classbreak to be greater than max value of dataset
            bool fractionalIncrement = false;
            if (Math.Round(max, 0) != max)// we are dealing with a non-integeral values, so our delta's are in fractional increments
                fractionalIncrement = true;
                rangeDelta = 0.01;
                lastRangeDeltaIncr = 0.01;

            double startValue = min;
            for (int i = 0; i < numOfClassBreaks; i++)
                Symbol symbol = null;
                if (existingSymbolSet != null)
                    symbol = existingSymbolSet.ElementAtOrDefault(i);
                if (symbol == null)
                    symbol = graphicsLayer.GetDefaultSymbolClone();
                double endValue = (startValue + rangeSize) - rangeDelta;
                ClassBreakInfo classBreak = new ClassBreakInfo()
                    MinimumValue = fractionalIncrement ? startValue : Math.Floor(startValue),
                    MaximumValue = fractionalIncrement ? endValue : Math.Floor(endValue),
                    Symbol = symbol,
                if (i == numOfClassBreaks - 1) // last class break
                    classBreak.MaximumValue = max + lastRangeDeltaIncr;
                    if (max > 1000000) // SL has a limitation on values greater than a million http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb412393.aspx
                        classBreak.MaximumValue += 2.0;// the +2 is to workaround Silverlights limitation of single precision values
                startValue += rangeSize;
            if (defaultColorRampGradientBrush != null)
                if (existingSymbolSet == null) // apply the gradient brush, only if symbols have not been pre-defined
                    applyLinearGradientBrushToSymbolSet(symbols, defaultColorRampGradientBrush, defaultSymbol);
            return renderer;
        private FeatureLayer flRoad;         //道路
        public Traffic()
                flTrafficLight = MapLayers.GetFeatureLayerByID(PublicParams.fLayerTrafficLight);
                flRoad         = MapLayers.GetFeatureLayerByID(PublicParams.fLayerRoad);
                if (flTrafficLight == null || flRoad == null)
            catch (Exception)

            flTrafficLight.OutFields = new OutFields {
            flRoad.OutFields = new OutFields {

            ClassBreaksRenderer cbrTrafficLight = new ClassBreaksRenderer();//红绿灯

            cbrTrafficLight.Field = "DLD_STATUS";
            ClassBreakInfo cbiRed = new ClassBreakInfo()
                MinimumValue = 0, MaximumValue = 0, Symbol = PublicParams.symbolRedLight
            ClassBreakInfo cbiYellow = new ClassBreakInfo()
                MinimumValue = 1, MaximumValue = 1, Symbol = PublicParams.symbolYellowLight
            ClassBreakInfo cbiGreen = new ClassBreakInfo()
                MinimumValue = 2, MaximumValue = 2, Symbol = PublicParams.symbolGreenLight

            cbrTrafficLight.Classes.Add(cbiRed); cbrTrafficLight.Classes.Add(cbiYellow); cbrTrafficLight.Classes.Add(cbiGreen);
            flTrafficLight.Renderer = cbrTrafficLight;

            ClassBreaksRenderer cbrRoad = new ClassBreaksRenderer();//道路

            cbrRoad.Field = "DL_COUNT";
            ClassBreakInfo cbiFree = new ClassBreakInfo()
                MinimumValue = 0, MaximumValue = 100, Symbol = PublicParams.roadFreeSymbol
            ClassBreakInfo cbiNormal = new ClassBreakInfo()
                MinimumValue = 101, MaximumValue = 200, Symbol = PublicParams.roadNormalSymbol
            ClassBreakInfo cbiBusy = new ClassBreakInfo()
                MinimumValue = 201, MaximumValue = 1000, Symbol = PublicParams.roadBusySymbol

            cbrRoad.Classes.Add(cbiFree); cbrRoad.Classes.Add(cbiNormal); cbrRoad.Classes.Add(cbiBusy);
            flRoad.Renderer = cbrRoad;

            Task taskInitTrafficLight = new Task(InitTrafficLight);


            Task taskInitRoad = new Task(InitRoad);

 private void setLayerInfoColor()
     if (ColorRampListBox == null)
     if (ColorRampListBox.Items.Count > 0)
         GraphicsLayer layerInfo = DataContext as GraphicsLayer;
         if (layerInfo != null)
             ClassBreaksRenderer classBreaksRenderer = layerInfo.Renderer as ClassBreaksRenderer;
             if (classBreaksRenderer != null)
                 // TODO:- evaluate whether this condition is valid and apply
                 // && !layerInfo.ClassBreaks.IsUsingCustomFillSymbolColors
                 if (classBreaksRenderer.Classes.Count > 1)
                     // Compare the color of the boundary classbreaks
                     // with the start and end color gradients
                     // and set the selected item
                     ClassBreakInfo first = classBreaksRenderer.Classes[0];
                     ClassBreakInfo last  = classBreaksRenderer.Classes[classBreaksRenderer.Classes.Count - 1];
                     if (first.Symbol is SimpleFillSymbol && last.Symbol is SimpleFillSymbol)
                         SimpleFillSymbol firstSymbol = first.Symbol as SimpleFillSymbol;
                         SimpleFillSymbol lastSymbol  = last.Symbol as SimpleFillSymbol;
                         Color            firstColor  = (firstSymbol.Fill as SolidColorBrush).Color;
                         Color            lastColor   = (lastSymbol.Fill as SolidColorBrush).Color;
                         setSelectedColorInRamp(firstColor, lastColor);
                     else if (first.Symbol is SimpleLineSymbol && last.Symbol is SimpleLineSymbol)
                         SimpleLineSymbol firstSymbol = first.Symbol as SimpleLineSymbol;
                         SimpleLineSymbol lastSymbol  = last.Symbol as SimpleLineSymbol;
                         Color            firstColor  = (firstSymbol.Color as SolidColorBrush).Color;
                         Color            lastColor   = (lastSymbol.Color as SolidColorBrush).Color;
                         setSelectedColorInRamp(firstColor, lastColor);
                     // default to the first one
                     ListBoxItem item = ColorRampListBox.Items[0] as ListBoxItem;
                     if (_selectedRectangle != null)
                         // un-select the previous one
                         _selectedRectangle.StrokeThickness = 1;
                     Rectangle rect = item.Content as Rectangle;
                     if (rect != null)
                         // select the current one
                         _selectedRectangle = rect;
                         _selectedRectangle.StrokeThickness = 2;
                     ColorRampListBox.SelectedIndex = 0;