public object GetQiShiDate() { DateTime time = new DateTime(); this.ilog_0.Debug("进入 GetQiShiDate"); Class66.smethod_0(this.method_0()); this.ilog_0.Debug("SQLiteHelper open succ"); string str = "select min(KPRQ) from xxfp where sign != ''"; DataTable table = Class66.smethod_12(str); time = this.method_12(table.Rows[0][0]); Class66.smethod_14(); if (time.Year == 1) { return(null); } return(time); }
public List <FPDetail> GetFPDetailListByFPZL_(int int_0, string string_1, string string_2) { List <FPDetail> list = new List <FPDetail>(); Class66.smethod_0(this.method_0()); string str = string.Concat(new object[] { "SELECT FPZL,FPDM,FPHM,KPRQ,GFSH,GFMC,GFDZDH,GFYHZH,XFSH,XFMC,XFDZDH,XFYHZH,HJJE,SLV,HJSE,HXM,ZFBZ,KPR,BZ,YYSBZ,QDBZ,CM,TYDH,SCCJMC,XFDZ,KHYHMC,QYD,ZHD,XHD,JQBH,YYZZH,MW,YSHWXX,HYBM,SKR,FHR,XSBM,XFDH,KHYHZH,MDD,JYM,SIGN,ZFRQ,WSPZHM,HZTZDH,LZDMHM,XSDJBH,BMBBBH,ZYSPMC,SPSM,SPSM_BM FROM XXFP WHERE XFSH ='", string_1, "' And SSYF='", int_0, "' And FPZL='", string_2, "' AND SIGN != '' AND YYSBZ != ''" }); TaxCard card = TaxCardFactory.CreateTaxCard(); if ((card.OldTaxCode != null) && (card.OldTaxCode != "")) { str = str + " AND XFSH='" + card.TaxCode + "'"; } DataTable table = Class66.smethod_12(str); list = this.method_3(table); Class66.smethod_14(); return(list); }
public List <GoodsInfo> GetGoodsQDList_(string string_1, string string_2, long long_0) { List <GoodsInfo> list = new List <GoodsInfo>(); try { Class66.smethod_0(this.method_0()); DataTable table = Class66.smethod_12(string.Concat(new object[] { "SELECT XXFP_XHQD.SPMC,XXFP_XHQD.GGXH,XXFP_XHQD.JLDW,XXFP_XHQD.SL,XXFP_XHQD.DJ,XXFP_XHQD.JE,XXFP_XHQD.SE,XXFP_XHQD.SLV,XXFP_XHQD.HSJBZ, XXFP_XHQD.FPMXXH,XXFP_XHQD.FLBM,XXFP_XHQD.XSYH,XXFP_XHQD.YHSM,XXFP_XHQD.LSLVBS,XXFP_XHQD.SPBH,XXFP.YYSBZ,XXFP.SLv as XXFPSLv FROM XXFP_XHQD LEFT JOIN XXFP ON XXFP_XHQD.FPDM=XXFP.FPDM AND XXFP_XHQD.FPHM=XXFP.FPHM WHERE XXFP_XHQD.FPZL ='", string_1, "' And XXFP_XHQD.FPDM='", string_2, "' And XXFP_XHQD.FPHM='", long_0, "'" })); list = this.method_6(table, string_1); Class66.smethod_14(); } catch (BaseException exception) { ExceptionHandler.HandleError(exception); } catch (Exception) { } return(list); }