/// <summary> /// Returns an appropriately formatted link with clan name and icon leading to the clan page /// </summary> /// <param name="colorize">If true, write the text in <see cref="Faction"/> color</param> /// <returns></returns> public static MvcHtmlString PrintClan(this HtmlHelper helper, Clan clan, bool colorize = true, bool big = false) { var url = Global.UrlHelper(); if (clan == null) { return(new MvcHtmlString(string.Format("<a href='{0}'>No Clan</a>", url.Action("Index", "Clans")))); } { string color = Clan.ClanColor(clan, Global.ClanID); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(color)) { color = "#B0D0C0"; } if (big) { return (new MvcHtmlString(string.Format("<a href='{1}' nicetitle='$clan${2}'><img width='64' src='{0}'/></a>", clan.GetImageUrl(), url.Action("Detail", "Clans", new { id = clan.ClanID }), clan.ClanID))); } else { return(new MvcHtmlString( string.Format("<a href='{0}' nicetitle='$clan${4}'><img src='{1}' width='16'><span style='color:{2}'>{3}</span></a>", url.Action("Detail", "Clans", new { id = clan.ClanID }), clan.GetImageUrl(), colorize ? color : "", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(clan.Shortcut), clan.ClanID))); } } }
public ActionResult SubmitCreate(Clan clan, HttpPostedFileBase image, HttpPostedFileBase bgimage, bool noFaction = false) { //using (var scope = new TransactionScope()) //{ ZkDataContext db = new ZkDataContext(); bool created = clan.ClanID == 0; // existing clan vs creation //return Content(noFaction ? "true":"false"); if (noFaction) { clan.FactionID = null; } var new_faction = db.Factions.SingleOrDefault(x => x.FactionID == clan.FactionID); if ((new_faction != null) && new_faction.IsDeleted) { return(Content("Cannot create clans in deleted factions")); } Clan orgClan = null; if (!created) { if (!Global.Account.HasClanRight(x => x.RightEditTexts) || clan.ClanID != Global.Account.ClanID) { return(Content("Unauthorized")); } orgClan = db.Clans.Single(x => x.ClanID == clan.ClanID); orgClan.ClanName = clan.ClanName; orgClan.Shortcut = clan.Shortcut; orgClan.Description = clan.Description; orgClan.SecretTopic = clan.SecretTopic; orgClan.Password = clan.Password; } else { if (Global.Clan != null) { return(Content("You already have a clan")); } // should just change their faction for them? if (Global.FactionID != 0 && Global.FactionID != clan.FactionID) { return(Content("Clan must belong to same faction you are in")); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clan.ClanName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(clan.Shortcut)) { return(Content("Name and shortcut cannot be empty!")); } if (!ZkData.Clan.IsShortcutValid(clan.Shortcut)) { return(Content("Shortcut must have at least 1 characters and contain only numbers and letters")); } // check if our name or shortcut conflicts with existing clans // if so, allow us to create a new clan over it if it's a deleted clan, else block action var existingClans = db.Clans.Where(x => ((SqlFunctions.PatIndex(clan.Shortcut, x.Shortcut) > 0 || SqlFunctions.PatIndex(clan.ClanName, x.ClanName) > 0) && x.ClanID != clan.ClanID)); if (existingClans.Count() > 0) { if (existingClans.Any(x => !x.IsDeleted)) { return(Content("Clan with this shortcut or name already exists")); } if (created) { Clan deadClan = existingClans.First(); clan = deadClan; if (noFaction) { clan.FactionID = null; } } } else if (created) { db.Clans.InsertOnSubmit(clan); } if (created && (image == null || image.ContentLength == 0)) { return(Content("A clan image is required")); } if (image != null && image.ContentLength > 0) { var im = Image.FromStream(image.InputStream); if (im.Width != 64 || im.Height != 64) { im = im.GetResized(64, 64, InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic); } db.SubmitChanges(); // needed to get clan id for image url - stupid way really im.Save(Server.MapPath(clan.GetImageUrl())); } if (bgimage != null && bgimage.ContentLength > 0) { var im = Image.FromStream(bgimage.InputStream); db.SubmitChanges(); // needed to get clan id for image url - stupid way really // DW - Actually its not stupid, its required to enforce locking. // It would be possbile to enforce a pre-save id im.Save(Server.MapPath(clan.GetBGImageUrl())); } db.SubmitChanges(); if (created) // we created a new clan, set self as founder and rights { var acc = db.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == Global.AccountID); acc.ClanID = clan.ClanID; var leader = db.RoleTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RightKickPeople && x.IsClanOnly); if (leader != null) { db.AccountRoles.InsertOnSubmit(new AccountRole() { AccountID = acc.AccountID, Clan = clan, RoleType = leader, Inauguration = DateTime.UtcNow }); } db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("New clan {0} formed by {1}", clan, acc)); } else { if (clan.FactionID != orgClan.FactionID) // set factions of members { var originalID = orgClan.FactionID; orgClan.FactionID = clan.FactionID; // <- not possible to change faction // now it is! if (orgClan.Faction != null && orgClan.Faction.IsDeleted) { orgClan.FactionID = originalID; throw new ApplicationException("You cannot join deleted faction"); } db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("Clan {0} moved to faction {1}", clan, orgClan.Faction)); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); foreach (Account member in orgClan.Accounts) { if (member.FactionID != clan.FactionID && member.FactionID != null) { FactionsController.PerformLeaveFaction(member.AccountID, true, db); } member.Faction = orgClan.Faction; } } } db.SubmitChanges(); //scope.Complete(); Global.Nightwatch.Tas.AdminSetTopic(clan.GetClanChannel(), clan.SecretTopic); Global.Nightwatch.Tas.AdminSetChannelPassword(clan.GetClanChannel(), clan.Password); //} return(RedirectToAction("Detail", new { id = clan.ClanID })); }
public ActionResult SubmitCreate(Clan clan, HttpPostedFileBase image, HttpPostedFileBase bgimage, bool noFaction = false) { //using (var scope = new TransactionScope()) //{ ZkDataContext db = new ZkDataContext(); bool created = clan.ClanID == 0; // existing clan vs creation var acc = db.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == Global.AccountID); //return Content(noFaction ? "true":"false"); if (noFaction) { clan.FactionID = null; } Faction new_faction = db.Factions.SingleOrDefault(x => x.FactionID == clan.FactionID); if ((new_faction != null) && new_faction.IsDeleted) { return(Content("Cannot create clans in deleted factions")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clan.ClanName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(clan.Shortcut)) { return(Content("Name and shortcut cannot be empty!")); } if (!ZkData.Clan.IsShortcutValid(clan.Shortcut)) { return(Content("Shortcut must have at least 1 characters and contain only numbers and letters")); } if (created && (image == null || image.ContentLength == 0)) { return(Content("A clan image is required")); } Clan orgClan = null; if (!created) { if (!Global.IsModerator && (!Global.Account.HasClanRight(x => x.RightEditTexts) || clan.ClanID != Global.Account.ClanID)) { return(Content("Unauthorized")); } // check if our name or shortcut conflicts with existing clans var existingClans = db.Clans.Where(x => ((SqlFunctions.PatIndex(clan.Shortcut, x.Shortcut) > 0 || SqlFunctions.PatIndex(clan.ClanName, x.ClanName) > 0) && x.ClanID != clan.ClanID)); if (existingClans.Count() > 0) { if (existingClans.Any(x => !x.IsDeleted)) { return(Content("Clan with this shortcut or name already exists")); } } orgClan = db.Clans.Single(x => x.ClanID == clan.ClanID); string orgImageUrl = Server.MapPath(orgClan.GetImageUrl()); string orgBGImageUrl = Server.MapPath(orgClan.GetBGImageUrl()); string orgShortcut = orgClan.Shortcut; string newImageUrl = Server.MapPath(clan.GetImageUrl()); string newBGImageUrl = Server.MapPath(clan.GetBGImageUrl()); if (Global.IsModerator && (!Global.Account.HasClanRight(x => x.RightEditTexts) || clan.ClanID != Global.Account.ClanID)) { Global.Server.GhostChanSay(GlobalConst.ModeratorChannel, string.Format("{0} edited clan {1} {2}", Global.Account.Name, orgClan.ClanName, Url.Action("Detail", "Clans", new { id = clan.ClanID }, "http"))); if (orgClan.ClanName != clan.ClanName) { Global.Server.GhostChanSay(GlobalConst.ModeratorChannel, string.Format("{0} => {1}", orgClan.ClanName, clan.ClanName)); } } orgClan.ClanName = clan.ClanName; orgClan.Shortcut = clan.Shortcut; orgClan.Description = clan.Description; orgClan.SecretTopic = clan.SecretTopic; orgClan.Password = clan.Password; bool shortcutChanged = orgShortcut != clan.Shortcut; if (image != null && image.ContentLength > 0) { var im = Image.FromStream(image.InputStream); if (im.Width != 64 || im.Height != 64) { im = im.GetResized(64, 64, InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic); } im.Save(newImageUrl); } else if (shortcutChanged) { //if (System.IO.File.Exists(newImageUrl)) System.IO.File.Delete(newImageUrl); //System.IO.File.Move(orgImageUrl, newImageUrl); try { //var im = Image.FromFile(orgImageUrl); //im.Save(newImageUrl); System.IO.File.Copy(orgImageUrl, newImageUrl, true); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException fnfex) // shouldn't happen but hey { return(Content("A clan image is required")); } } if (bgimage != null && bgimage.ContentLength > 0) { var im = Image.FromStream(bgimage.InputStream); im.Save(newBGImageUrl); } else if (shortcutChanged) { //if (System.IO.File.Exists(newBGImageUrl)) System.IO.File.Delete(newBGImageUrl); //System.IO.File.Move(orgBGImageUrl, newBGImageUrl); try { //var im = Image.FromFile(orgBGImageUrl); //im.Save(newBGImageUrl); System.IO.File.Copy(orgBGImageUrl, newBGImageUrl, true); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException fnfex) { // there wasn't an original background image, do nothing } } if (clan.FactionID != orgClan.FactionID) { // set factions of members Faction oldFaction = orgClan.Faction; orgClan.FactionID = clan.FactionID; foreach (Account member in orgClan.Accounts) { if (member.FactionID != clan.FactionID && member.FactionID != null) { FactionsController.PerformLeaveFaction(member.AccountID, true, db); } member.FactionID = clan.FactionID; } db.SaveChanges(); if (clan.FactionID != null) { db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(PlanetwarsEventCreator.CreateEvent("Clan {0} moved to faction {1}", orgClan, orgClan.Faction)); } else { db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(PlanetwarsEventCreator.CreateEvent("Clan {0} left faction {1}", orgClan, oldFaction)); } } db.SaveChanges(); } else { if (Global.Clan != null) { return(Content("You already have a clan")); } // should just change their faction for them? if (Global.FactionID != 0 && Global.FactionID != clan.FactionID) { return(Content("Clan must belong to same faction you are in")); } // check if our name or shortcut conflicts with existing clans // if so, allow us to create a new clan over it if it's a deleted clan, else block action var existingClans = db.Clans.Where(x => ((SqlFunctions.PatIndex(clan.Shortcut, x.Shortcut) > 0 || SqlFunctions.PatIndex(clan.ClanName, x.ClanName) > 0) && x.ClanID != clan.ClanID)); if (existingClans.Count() > 0) { if (existingClans.Any(x => !x.IsDeleted)) { return(Content("Clan with this shortcut or name already exists")); } Clan deadClan = existingClans.First(); Clan inputClan = clan; clan = deadClan; if (noFaction) { clan.FactionID = null; } clan.IsDeleted = false; clan.ClanName = inputClan.ClanName; clan.Password = inputClan.Password; clan.Description = inputClan.Description; clan.SecretTopic = inputClan.SecretTopic; } else { db.Clans.InsertOnSubmit(clan); } db.SaveChanges(); acc.ClanID = clan.ClanID; // we created a new clan, set self as founder and rights AddClanLeader(acc.AccountID, clan.ClanID, db); db.SaveChanges(); if (image != null && image.ContentLength > 0) { var im = Image.FromStream(image.InputStream); if (im.Width != 64 || im.Height != 64) { im = im.GetResized(64, 64, InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic); } im.Save(Server.MapPath(clan.GetImageUrl())); } if (bgimage != null && bgimage.ContentLength > 0) { var im = Image.FromStream(bgimage.InputStream); im.Save(Server.MapPath(clan.GetBGImageUrl())); } db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(PlanetwarsEventCreator.CreateEvent("New clan {0} formed by {1}", clan, acc)); db.SaveChanges(); } Global.Server.PublishAccountUpdate(acc); //scope.Complete(); Global.Server.ChannelManager.AddClanChannel(clan);; Global.Server.SetTopic(clan.GetClanChannel(), clan.SecretTopic, Global.Account.Name); //} return(RedirectToAction("Detail", new { id = clan.ClanID })); }