public UpdateFactionStandingEvent(Dictionary <byte, object> parameters) : base(parameters)
            ConsoleManager.WriteLineForNetworkHandler(GetType().Name, parameters);

                if (parameters.ContainsKey(0))
                    CityFaction = FactionWarfareController.GetCityFactionFlagType(parameters[0].ObjectToByte());

                if (parameters.ContainsKey(1))
                    GainedFactionFlagPoints = FixPoint.FromInternalValue(parameters[1].ObjectToLong() ?? 0);

                if (parameters.ContainsKey(2))
                    BonusPremiumGainedFractionFlagPoints = FixPoint.FromInternalValue(parameters[2].ObjectToLong() ?? 0);

                if (parameters.ContainsKey(3))
                    TotalPlayerFactionFlagPoints = FixPoint.FromInternalValue(parameters[3].ObjectToLong() ?? 0);
            catch (Exception e)
                ConsoleManager.WriteLineForError(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType, e);
        public void Add(double value, ValueType type, CityFaction cityFaction = CityFaction.Unknown)
            switch (type)
            case ValueType.Fame:
                Fame += value;

            case ValueType.ReSpec:
                var internalReSpecValue = Utilities.AddValue(value, _lastReSpecValue, out _lastReSpecValue);
                if (internalReSpecValue <= 0)

                ReSpec += internalReSpecValue;

            case ValueType.Silver:
                Silver += value;

            case ValueType.FactionFame:
                FactionFlags += value;

            case ValueType.FactionPoints:
                FactionCoins += value;
                if (cityFaction != CityFaction.Unknown)
                    CityFaction = cityFaction;
 private TrackingNotification SetFactionPointsNotification(CityFaction cityFaction, double GainedFractionPoints, double BonusPremiumGainedFractionPoints)
     return(new TrackingNotification(DateTime.Now, new List <LineFragment>
         new FactionPointsNotificationFragment(LanguageController.Translation("YOU_HAVE"), AttributeStatOperator.Plus, cityFaction, GainedFractionPoints,
                                               BonusPremiumGainedFractionPoints, LanguageController.Translation("FACTION_POINTS"), LanguageController.Translation("GAINED")),
     }, NotificationType.Faction));
 public FactionPointsNotificationFragment(string startText, AttributeStatOperator statOperator, CityFaction cityFaction, double gainedFractionPoints, double bonusPremiumGainedFractionPoints, string valueText, string endText)
     StartText                        = startText;
     Operator                         = statOperator;
     CityFaction                      = cityFaction;
     GainedFractionPoints             = gainedFractionPoints;
     BonusPremiumGainedFractionPoints = bonusPremiumGainedFractionPoints;
     ValueText                        = valueText;
     EndText = endText;
        public void Add(ValueType valueType, double value, CityFaction cityFaction = CityFaction.Unknown)
            switch (valueType)
            case ValueType.Fame:
                _famePerHourValue += value;
                _famePerHourList.Add(new ValuePerHour {
                    DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow, Value = value
                _totalGainedFameInSession += value;

                RemoveValueFromValuePerHour(_famePerHourList, _famePerHourValue);

            case ValueType.ReSpec:
                var internalReSpecValue = Utilities.AddValue(value, _lastReSpecValue, out _lastReSpecValue);
                if (internalReSpecValue <= 0)

                _reSpecPerHourValue += internalReSpecValue;
                _reSpecPerHourList.Add(new ValuePerHour {
                    DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow, Value = value
                _totalGainedReSpecInSession += internalReSpecValue;

                RemoveValueFromValuePerHour(_reSpecPerHourList, _reSpecPerHourValue);

            case ValueType.Silver:
                _silverPerHourValue += value;
                _silverPerHourList.Add(new ValuePerHour {
                    DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow, Value = value
                _totalGainedSilverInSession += value;

                RemoveValueFromValuePerHour(_silverPerHourList, _silverPerHourValue);

            case ValueType.FactionPoints:
                _factionPointsPerHourValue += value;
                _factionPointsPerHourList.Add(new ValuePerHour()
                    DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow, CityFaction = cityFaction, Value = value
                _currentCityFaction = cityFaction;
                _totalGainedFactionPointsInSession += value;

                RemoveValueFromValuePerHour(_factionPointsPerHourList, _factionPointsPerHourValue);
        public void AddValueToDungeon(double value, ValueType valueType, CityFaction cityFaction = CityFaction.Unknown)
            if (_currentGuid == null)

                var dun = _dungeons?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GuidList.Contains((Guid)_currentGuid) && x.Status == DungeonStatus.Active);
                dun?.Add(value, valueType, cityFaction);

                // ignored
        public UpdateCurrencyEvent(Dictionary <byte, object> parameters) : base(parameters)
            ConsoleManager.WriteLineForNetworkHandler(GetType().Name, parameters);

                if (parameters.ContainsKey(2))
                    CityFaction = FactionWarfareController.GetCityFactionType(parameters[2].ObjectToByte());

                if (parameters.ContainsKey(3))
                    GainedFactionCoins = FixPoint.FromInternalValue(parameters[3].ObjectToLong() ?? 0);

                if (parameters.ContainsKey(4))
                    FactionRankPoints = FixPoint.FromInternalValue(parameters[4].ObjectToLong() ?? 0);

                if (parameters.ContainsKey(6))
                    FactionRankPointsPopulationBonus = FixPoint.FromInternalValue(parameters[6].ObjectToLong() ?? 0);

                if (parameters.ContainsKey(8))
                    FactionRankPointsPremiumBonus = FixPoint.FromInternalValue(parameters[8].ObjectToLong() ?? 0);

                if (parameters.ContainsKey(9))
                    TotalPlayerFactionPoints = FixPoint.FromInternalValue(parameters[9].ObjectToLong() ?? 0);
            catch (Exception e)
                ConsoleManager.WriteLineForError(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType, e);
    public float charInformation;     // this determines how much you have spied of them, unlocking more knowledge and info about them. It increases with relationship or spies. 0 to 100

    public NPCData(int charid, int charportrait, string charname, string charnickname, string charsurname, CharSex charsex, int corruptionstage, int slavestage, CharGender chargender, CharAge charage, CityFaction cityfaction,

                   bool isrecruited, bool isenemy, bool ismonster, bool isneutral, bool isprisoner, bool isslave, bool isbroken, float chargold, float charvalue, bool isfurry, bool isfuta, float attphysical, float attmental, float attsocial,
                   float attmagicpower, float attbeauty, float atttemperament, float attwillpower, float attnature, float attopenness, float attdignity, float attobedience, float atthappiness, float attlibido, float attmorality,
                   float attpiety, float attstyle, CharRank charrank, CharPersonality charpersonality, CharFetish charfetish, CharClass charclass, Jobs cityposition, float coremartial, float coresecurity,
                   float corelabor, float coretactics, float coregovernance, float corestewardship, float corepersuasion, float coreintrigue, float corediplomacy, float utilitycraft, float utilityhouse,
                   float utilityfarm, float utilitymedicine, float utilityalchemy, float utilitylearning, float utilityperformance, float utilityetiquette, float utilitystreetwise, float sexmasseuse,
                   float sexstripping, float sexbondage, float sexpetplay, float sexpetting, float sexgroupsex, float sexdemonstration, float sexwhoring, float sexescorting, BgAdulthood bgadult, BgChildhood bgchild,
                   string[] bgstory, BgUpgring bgupbring, float charloy, float charlove, float charcorruption, float charrelation, float[] charaddictions, int charcd, CharRace charrace, HeadType headtype, CharFurColor charfurcolor, CharFeatherColor charfeathercolor,
                   CharSkinColor charskincolor, CharSkinType charskintype, DickType dicktype, LowerBack lowerback, ShoulderBlades shoulderblades, ArmsType armstype, LegsType legstype, BeardStyle beardstyle, BeardLength beardlength, HeadAccesory1 headacc1, HeadAccesory2 headacc2,
                   HairColor haircolor, HairStyle hairstyle, HairType hairtype, float hairlenghtcm, HairLength hairlength, EyesType eyestype, EyesColor eyescolor, bool hasfur, bool hasfeathers, bool hasscales, bool hastentacles, bool isflying,
                   GenderBehavior genderbehavior, float genderbehstat, FacialFeatures facialfeatures, float facialfeatstat, BodyFeatures bodyfeatures, float bodyfeatstat, float heigthchar, HeightName heigthname, BodyPhysique bodyphys,
                   float bodyphystat, BodyBuild bodybuild, float bodybuildstat, bool hasknot, bool hasvagina, bool isvirgin, bool isfertile, bool ispregnant, int pregcd, string pregtext, bool islactating, float charfertility, CharRace childrace,
                   float lactationml, int dicknum, DickSize dicksize, float dicksizecm, TesticleSize testiclesize, float testiclesizecm, float clitorissize, int breastrow, float breast1size, float breast2size, BreastName breast1name,
                   BreastName breast2name, BreastCup breast1cup, BreastCup breast2cup, float areola1size, float areola2size, VagLoose vagloose, float vaglooseness, AssName assname, float asssize, HipsName hipsname, float hipssize, WaistName waistname,
                   float waistsize, float maxhealth, float currenthealth, float maxarousal, float currentarousal, float maxmp, float currentmp,
                   /*int[] charequip,*/ float charreputation, float politicalpower, float charinfo

        isMarried   = new List <NPCFamily> ();
        isParent    = new List <NPCFamily> ();
        isProgeny   = new List <NPCFamily>();      // list of its two parents
        charTraits  = new List <CharTraits>();
        charAttacks = new List <CharAttacks> ();
        charTitles  = new List <Titles> ();
        charID      = charid;

        charPortraitLayer0 = charportrait;
        charName           = charname;
        charNickname       = charnickname;
        charSurname        = charsurname;
        charSex            = charsex;
        corruptionStage    = corruptionstage;
        slaveStage         = slavestage;
        charGender         = chargender;
        charAge            = charage;
        cityFaction        = cityfaction;
        isRecruited        = isrecruited;
        isEnemy            = isenemy;
        isMonster          = ismonster;
        isNeutral          = isneutral;
        isPrisoner         = isprisoner;
        isSlave            = isslave;
        isBroken           = isbroken;
        charGold           = chargold;
        charValue          = charvalue;
        isFurry            = isfurry;
        isFuta             = isfuta;

        attPhysical     = attphysical;
        attMental       = attmental;
        attSocial       = attsocial;
        attMagicPower   = attmagicpower;
        attBeauty       = attbeauty;
        attTemperament  = atttemperament;
        attWillpower    = attwillpower;
        attNature       = attnature;
        attOpenness     = attopenness;
        attDignity      = attdignity;
        attObedience    = attobedience;
        attHappiness    = atthappiness;
        attLibido       = attlibido;
        attMorality     = attmorality;
        attPiety        = attpiety;
        attStyle        = attstyle;
        charRank        = charrank;
        charPersonality = charpersonality;
        charFetish      = charfetish;
        charClass       = charclass;
        cityJobs        = cityposition;

        coreSkillMartial     = coremartial;     //0
        coreSkillSecurity    = coresecurity;
        coreSkillLabor       = corelabor;
        coreSkillTactics     = coretactics;
        coreSkillGovernance  = coregovernance;
        coreSkillStewardship = corestewardship;
        coreSkillPersuasion  = corepersuasion;
        coreSkillIntrigue    = coreintrigue;
        coreSkillDiplomacy   = corediplomacy;       //8

        utilitySkillCrafting     = utilitycraft;
        utilitySkillHouseKeeping = utilityhouse;
        utilitySkillFarmHand     = utilityfarm;
        utilitySkillMedicine     = utilitymedicine;
        utilitySkillAlchemy      = utilityalchemy;
        utilitySkillLearning     = utilitylearning;
        utilitySkillPerformance  = utilityperformance;
        utilitySkillEtiquette    = utilityetiquette;
        utilitySkillStreetwise   = utilitystreetwise;

        sexSkillMasseuse    = sexmasseuse;
        sexSkillStripping   = sexstripping;
        sexSkillBondage     = sexbondage;
        sexSkillPetplay     = sexpetplay;
        sexSkillPetting     = sexpetting;
        sexSkillGroupSex    = sexgroupsex;
        sexSkillPenetration = sexdemonstration;
        sexSkillWhoring     = sexwhoring;
        sexSkillEscorting   = sexescorting;

        bgAdulthood = bgadult;
        bgChildhood = bgchild;
        bgStory     = bgstory;       // childhood, young adulthood, current
        bgUpbring   = bgupbring;

        charLoyalty      = charloy;
        charLove         = charlove; // how much it loves the MC
        charCorruption   = charcorruption;
        charRelationship = charrelation;

        charAddictions = charaddictions;         // alcohol, tobacco, opium, coke, shrooms, hero, s***n

        charCD = charcd;

        charRace = charrace;
        headType = headtype;
        //tailType = tailtype;
        charFurColor     = charfurcolor;
        charFeatherColor = charfeathercolor;
        charSkinColor    = charskincolor;
        charSkinType     = charskintype;

        dickType       = dicktype;
        lowerBack      = lowerback;
        shoulderBlades = shoulderblades;
        armsType       = armstype;
        legsType       = legstype;
        beardStyle     = beardstyle;
        beardLength    = beardlength;
        headAccesory1  = headacc1;
        headAccesory2  = headacc2;

        hairColor    = haircolor;
        hairStyle    = hairstyle;
        hairType     = hairtype;
        hairLengthCM = hairlenghtcm;
        hairLength   = hairlength;
        eyesType     = eyestype;
        eyesColor    = eyescolor;

        hasFur       = hasfur;
        hasFeathers  = hasfeathers;
        hasScales    = hasscales;
        hasTentacles = hastentacles;
        isFlying     = isflying;

        genderBehavior     = genderbehavior;
        genderBehaviorStat = genderbehstat;         // this is what sets the above, this can make a char more feminine or masculine after certain point

        facialFeatures     = facialfeatures;
        facialFeaturesStat = facialfeatstat;

        bodyFeatures     = bodyfeatures;
        bodyFeaturesStat = bodyfeatstat;

        heightChar = heigthchar;         // in cm
        heightName = heigthname;

        bodyPhysique = bodyphys;
        bodyPhysStat = bodyphystat;         // to change it

        bodyBuild     = bodybuild;
        bodyBuildStat = bodybuildstat;         // to change it

        hasKnot       = hasknot;
        hasVagina     = hasvagina;
        isVirgin      = isvirgin;
        isFertile     = isfertile;
        isPregnant    = ispregnant;
        pregnantCD    = pregcd;      // turns until giving birth
        pregnantText  = pregtext;    //
        charFertility = charfertility;
        isLactating   = islactating;
        lactationML   = lactationml;       // how much it lactates in ml
        childRace     = childrace;

        dickNum    = dicknum;          //how many dicks it has
        dickSize   = dicksize;
        dickSizeCM = dicksizecm;       // in cm

        testiclesSize  = testiclesize; // in cm, used to determine if you have or not
        testicleSizeCM = testiclesizecm;

        clitorisSize = clitorissize;       // in cm

        areola1Size = areola1size;         // aerola size of the first row, 1 change, in cm
        areola2Size = areola2size;         // aerola size of the first row, 1 change, in cm

        breastRow   = breastrow;
        breast1Size = breast1size;
        breast2Size = breast2size;

        breast1Name = breast1name;
        breast2Name = breast2name;

        breast1Cup = breast1cup;
        breast2Cup = breast2cup;

        vagLooseness = vaglooseness;         // 0 virgin, 1-5 etc

        assName = assname;
        assSize = asssize;

        hipsName = hipsname;
        hipsSize = hipssize;

        waistName = waistname;
        waistSize = waistsize;

        maxHealth     = maxhealth;
        currentHealth = currenthealth;

        maxArousal     = maxarousal;
        currentArousal = currentarousal;

        maxMP     = maxmp;
        currentMP = currentmp;

        charReputation = charreputation;
        politicalPower = politicalpower;

        charInformation = charinfo;

        vagloose = vagLoose;