public async Task Authorization_Custom_Authorization_On_Query()
            CityDomainService        cities             = new CityDomainService();
            DomainServiceDescription serviceDescription = DomainServiceDescription.GetDescription(typeof(CityDomainService));
            DomainOperationEntry     getZipsIfUser      = serviceDescription.GetQueryMethod("GetZipsIfUser");

            // The attribute permits only a user named mathew to access the query
            MockUser        user        = new MockUser("NotZipGuy");
            MockDataService dataService = new MockDataService(user);

            cities.Initialize(new WcfDomainServiceContext(dataService, DomainOperationType.Query));

            // not authenticated should be denied cleanly because there is no user name
            Exception expectedException = null;

            System.Collections.IEnumerable result;
                user.IsAuthenticated = false;
                result = (await cities.QueryAsync <Zip>(new QueryDescription(getZipsIfUser), CancellationToken.None)).Result;
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                expectedException = e;
            Assert.AreEqual("Only one user is authorized for this query, and it isn't you.", expectedException.Message, "Expected this custom authorization deny message for non-authenticated user.");

            // Authenticated, but still not the right user name -- should be denied
            cities            = new CityDomainService();
            expectedException = null;
            user = new MockUser("NotZipGuy", new string[] { "clerk" });
            user.IsAuthenticated = true;
            dataService          = new MockDataService(user);
            cities.Initialize(new WcfDomainServiceContext(dataService, DomainOperationType.Query));
                result = (await cities.QueryAsync <Zip>(new QueryDescription(getZipsIfUser), CancellationToken.None))
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                expectedException = e;
            Assert.AreEqual("Only one user is authorized for this query, and it isn't you.", expectedException.Message, "Expected this custom authorization deny message for authenticated user with wrong name.");

            // authenticated and in with the right name -- should be allowed
            cities = new CityDomainService();
            user   = new MockUser("ZipGuy");
            user.IsAuthenticated = true;
            dataService          = new MockDataService(user);
            cities.Initialize(new WcfDomainServiceContext(dataService, DomainOperationType.Query));
            var queryResult = await cities.QueryAsync <Zip>(new QueryDescription(getZipsIfUser), CancellationToken.None);

            Assert.IsTrue(queryResult.Result.OfType <Zip>().Any(), "Expected non-zero number of zip codes returned");
        public async Task TestDirectChangeset_Cities()
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                CityDomainService    ds  = new CityDomainService();
                DomainServiceContext dsc = new DomainServiceContext(new MockDataService(new MockUser("mathew")), DomainOperationType.Submit);

                List <ChangeSetEntry> entries = new List <ChangeSetEntry>();
                for (int j = 0; j < 500; j++)
                    City newCity = new City()
                        Name = "Toledo", CountyName = "Lucas", StateName = "OH"
                    entries.Add(new ChangeSetEntry(j, newCity, null, DomainOperation.Insert));

                await ChangeSetProcessor.ProcessAsync(ds, entries);

                Assert.IsFalse(entries.Any(p => p.HasError));
        public async Task Authorization_Custom_Authorization_On_Invoke()
            // Specifically, the City data is marked so that no one can delete a Zip code
            // from WA unless their user name is WAGuy
            MockUser notWaGuy = new MockUser("notWAGuy");

            notWaGuy.IsAuthenticated = true;

            DomainServiceDescription serviceDescription = DomainServiceDescription.GetDescription(typeof(CityDomainService));
            DomainOperationEntry     invokeOperation    = serviceDescription.GetInvokeOperation("GetStateIfUser");

            Assert.IsNotNull(invokeOperation, "Could not locate GetStateIfUser Invoke operation");
            DomainOperationEntry getCitiesQuery = serviceDescription.GetQueryMethod("GetCities");

            City city = null;

            // Execute a query to get a City from WA
            using (CityDomainService cities = new CityDomainService())
                // Now prepare for a query to find a Zip in WA
                DomainServiceContext ctxt = new WcfDomainServiceContext(new MockDataService(notWaGuy), DomainOperationType.Query);

                IEnumerable result = (await cities.QueryAsync <City>(new QueryDescription(getCitiesQuery), CancellationToken.None)).Result;

                city = result.OfType <City>().FirstOrDefault(z => z.StateName == "WA");
                Assert.IsNotNull(city, "Could not find a city in WA");

            // Perform an invoke against a method that has a custom auth attribute requiring WaGuy
            // where the user is something else -- should be denied
            using (CityDomainService cities = new CityDomainService())
                // Prepare an invoke to call a method that has a custom auth attribute
                DomainServiceContext ctxt = new WcfDomainServiceContext(new MockDataService(notWaGuy), DomainOperationType.Invoke);

                // verify that even top level exceptions go through
                // the OnError handler
                UnauthorizedAccessException expectedException = null;
                    // cause a domain service not initialized exception
                    await cities.InvokeAsync(new InvokeDescription(invokeOperation, new object[] { city }), CancellationToken.None);
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                    expectedException = e;

                Assert.IsNotNull(expectedException, "Expected Invoke to be denied");
                Assert.AreEqual("Access to operation 'GetStateIfUser' was denied.", expectedException.Message);

            // Perform an invoke against a method that has a custom auth attribute requiring WaGuy
            // where the user is correct -- should be allowed
            using (CityDomainService cities = new CityDomainService())
                MockUser waGuy = new MockUser("WAGuy");
                waGuy.IsAuthenticated = true;

                // Prepare an invoke to call a method that has a custom auth attribute
                DomainServiceContext ctxt = new WcfDomainServiceContext(new MockDataService(waGuy), DomainOperationType.Invoke);

                // verify that even top level exceptions go through
                // the OnError handler
                UnauthorizedAccessException expectedException = null;
                    // cause a domain service not initialized exception
                    await cities.InvokeAsync(new InvokeDescription(invokeOperation, new object[] { city }), CancellationToken.None);
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                    expectedException = e;

                Assert.IsNull(expectedException, "Expected Invoke to be allowed");
        public async Task Authorization_MockUser()
            CityDomainService        cities                 = new CityDomainService();
            DomainServiceDescription serviceDescription     = DomainServiceDescription.GetDescription(typeof(CityDomainService));
            DomainOperationEntry     getZipsIfAuthenticated = serviceDescription.GetQueryMethod("GetZipsIfAuthenticated");
            DomainOperationEntry     getZipsIfInRole        = serviceDescription.GetQueryMethod("GetZipsIfInRole");

            // Validate a null principal is denied
            MockUser        user        = null;
            MockDataService dataService = new MockDataService(user);

            cities.Initialize(new WcfDomainServiceContext(dataService, DomainOperationType.Query));
            Exception expectedException = null;
            ServiceQueryResult <Zip> result;

                result = await cities.QueryAsync <Zip>(new QueryDescription(getZipsIfAuthenticated), CancellationToken.None);
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                expectedException = e;

            Assert.AreEqual("Access to operation 'GetZipsIfAuthenticated' was denied.", expectedException.Message, "Expected standard deny message for null principal");

            // Validate a non-authenticated user is denied
            user        = new MockUser("mathew");
            dataService = new MockDataService(user);
            cities      = new CityDomainService();
            cities.Initialize(new WcfDomainServiceContext(dataService, DomainOperationType.Query));

            expectedException = null;
                user.IsAuthenticated = false;
                result = await cities.QueryAsync <Zip>(new QueryDescription(getZipsIfAuthenticated), CancellationToken.None);
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                expectedException = e;

            // we're authenticated, so this should succeed
            expectedException    = null;
            user.IsAuthenticated = true;
            result = await cities.QueryAsync <Zip>(new QueryDescription(getZipsIfAuthenticated), CancellationToken.None);


            // authenticated, but not in role, so we should fail
            cities            = new CityDomainService();
            expectedException = null;
            user = new MockUser("mathew", new string[] { "clerk" });
            user.IsAuthenticated = true;
            dataService          = new MockDataService(user);
            cities.Initialize(new WcfDomainServiceContext(dataService, DomainOperationType.Query));
                result = await cities.QueryAsync <Zip>(new QueryDescription(getZipsIfInRole), CancellationToken.None);
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                expectedException = e;

            // authenticated and in role, so we should succeed
            cities = new CityDomainService();
            user   = new MockUser("mathew", new string[] { "manager" });
            user.IsAuthenticated = true;
            dataService          = new MockDataService(user);
            cities.Initialize(new WcfDomainServiceContext(dataService, DomainOperationType.Query));
            result = await cities.QueryAsync <Zip>(new QueryDescription(getZipsIfInRole), CancellationToken.None);

        public async Task Authorization_Custom_Authorization_On_Custom_Update()
            // Specifically, the City data is marked so that no one can delete a Zip code
            // from WA unless their user name is WAGuy
            MockUser notWaGuy = new MockUser("notWAGuy");

            notWaGuy.IsAuthenticated = true;

            DomainServiceDescription serviceDescription = DomainServiceDescription.GetDescription(typeof(CityDomainService));
            City city = null;

            // Execute a query to get a City from WA
            using (CityDomainService cities = new CityDomainService())
                DomainOperationEntry getCitiesQuery = serviceDescription.GetQueryMethod("GetCities");

                // Now prepare for a query to find a Zip in WA
                DomainServiceContext ctxt = new WcfDomainServiceContext(new MockDataService(notWaGuy), DomainOperationType.Query);

                IEnumerable result = (await cities.QueryAsync <City>(new QueryDescription(getCitiesQuery), CancellationToken.None)).Result;

                city = result.OfType <City>().FirstOrDefault(z => z.StateName == "WA");
                Assert.IsNotNull(city, "Could not find a city in WA");

            using (CityDomainService cities = new CityDomainService())
                // Now prepare for a submit to invoke AssignCityZoneIfAuthorized as a named update method
                DomainServiceContext ctxt = new WcfDomainServiceContext(new MockDataService(notWaGuy), DomainOperationType.Submit);

                // Prepare an attempt to delete this with a user whose name is not WAGuy
                // This should fail due to a custom auth attribute
                List <ChangeSetEntry> entries = new List <ChangeSetEntry>();

                ChangeSetEntry entry = new ChangeSetEntry();
                entry.DomainOperationEntry = serviceDescription.GetCustomMethod(typeof(City), "AssignCityZoneIfAuthorized");
                entry.EntityActions        = new EntityActionCollection {
                    { "AssignCityZoneIfAuthorized", new object[] { "SomeZone" } }
                entry.Operation = DomainOperation.Update;
                entry.Entity    = city;

                UnauthorizedAccessException exception = null;
                    await ChangeSetProcessor.ProcessAsync(cities, entries);
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
                    exception = ex;
                Assert.IsNotNull(exception, "Expected failure attempting to perform custom method on WA with inappropriate user name");
                Assert.AreEqual("Only one user is authorized to execute operation 'AssignCityZoneIfAuthorized', and it isn't you.", exception.Message);

            // Now do that again but with a user who is WAGuy -- it should succeed
            using (CityDomainService cities = new CityDomainService())
                MockUser waGuy = new MockUser("WAGuy");
                waGuy.IsAuthenticated = true;

                // Now prepare for a submit to invoke AssignCityZoneIfAuthorized as a named update method
                DomainServiceContext ctxt = new WcfDomainServiceContext(new MockDataService(waGuy), DomainOperationType.Submit);

                // Prepare an attempt to delete this with a user whose name is not WAGuy
                // This should fail due to a custom auth attribute

                // Prepare a submit to call the AssignCityZoneIfAuthorized with an unauthorized user
                List <ChangeSetEntry> entries = new List <ChangeSetEntry>();

                ChangeSetEntry entry = new ChangeSetEntry();
                entry.DomainOperationEntry = serviceDescription.GetCustomMethod(typeof(City), "AssignCityZoneIfAuthorized");
                entry.EntityActions        = new EntityActionCollection {
                    { "AssignCityZoneIfAuthorized", new object[] { "SomeZone" } }
                entry.Operation = DomainOperation.Update;
                entry.Entity    = city;

                Exception exception = null;
                    await ChangeSetProcessor.ProcessAsync(cities, entries);
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
                    exception = ex;
                Assert.IsNull(exception, "Expected success attempting to delete a zip from WA with inappropriate user name");
        public async Task Authorization_Custom_Authorization_On_CUD()
            // Specifically, the City data is marked so that no one can delete a Zip code
            // from WA unless their user name is WAGuy
            MockUser notWaGuy = new MockUser("notWAGuy");

            notWaGuy.IsAuthenticated = true;

            DomainServiceDescription serviceDescription = DomainServiceDescription.GetDescription(typeof(CityDomainService));
            Zip zip = null;

            // First execute a query to get some zips
            DomainOperationEntry getZipsQuery = serviceDescription.GetQueryMethod("GetZips");
            DomainServiceContext ctxt;

            using (CityDomainService cities = new CityDomainService())
                // Now prepare for a query to find a Zip in WA
                ctxt = new WcfDomainServiceContext(new MockDataService(notWaGuy), DomainOperationType.Query);
                IEnumerable result = (await cities.QueryAsync <Zip>(new QueryDescription(getZipsQuery), CancellationToken.None)).Result;

                zip = result.OfType <Zip>().FirstOrDefault(z => z.StateName == "WA");
                Assert.IsNotNull(zip, "Could not find a zip code in WA");

            // Prepare a submit to delete this zip from a user who is not authorized
            using (CityDomainService cities = new CityDomainService())
                // Now prepare for a query to find a Zip in WA
                ctxt = new WcfDomainServiceContext(new MockDataService(notWaGuy), DomainOperationType.Submit);

                // Prepare an attempt to delete this with a user whose name is not WAGuy
                // This should fail due to a custom auth attribute
                List <ChangeSetEntry> entries = new List <ChangeSetEntry>();

                ChangeSetEntry entry = new ChangeSetEntry(1, zip, zip, DomainOperation.Delete);
                UnauthorizedAccessException exception = null;
                    await ChangeSetProcessor.ProcessAsync(cities, entries);
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
                    exception = ex;
                Assert.IsNotNull(exception, "Expected failure attempting to delete a zip from WA with inappropriate user name");
                Assert.AreEqual("Only one user can delete zip codes from that state, and it isn't you.", exception.Message);

            // Now do that again but with a user who is WAGuy -- it should succeed
            using (CityDomainService cities = new CityDomainService())
                MockUser waGuy = new MockUser("WAGuy");
                waGuy.IsAuthenticated = true;

                // Now try a submit where the user *is* Mathew to validate we succeed
                ctxt = new WcfDomainServiceContext(new MockDataService(waGuy), DomainOperationType.Submit);
                List <ChangeSetEntry> entries = new List <ChangeSetEntry>();

                ChangeSetEntry entry = new ChangeSetEntry(1, zip, zip, DomainOperation.Delete);
                Exception exception = null;
                    await ChangeSetProcessor.ProcessAsync(cities, entries);
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
                    exception = ex;
                Assert.IsNull(exception, "Expected success attempting to delete a zip from WA with inappropriate user name");
        public void Authorization_MockUser()
            int count;
            CityDomainService        cities                 = new CityDomainService();
            DomainServiceDescription serviceDescription     = DomainServiceDescription.GetDescription(typeof(CityDomainService));
            DomainOperationEntry     getZipsIfAuthenticated = serviceDescription.GetQueryMethod("GetZipsIfAuthenticated");
            DomainOperationEntry     getZipsIfInRole        = serviceDescription.GetQueryMethod("GetZipsIfInRole");

            // Validate a null principal is denied
            MockUser        user        = null;
            MockDataService dataService = new MockDataService(user);

            cities.Initialize(new DomainServiceContext(dataService, DomainOperationType.Query));
            Exception expectedException = null;

            System.Collections.IEnumerable result;
            IEnumerable <ValidationResult> validationErrors = null;

                result = cities.Query(new QueryDescription(getZipsIfAuthenticated), out validationErrors, out count);
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                expectedException = e;
            Assert.AreEqual("Access to operation 'GetZipsIfAuthenticated' was denied.", expectedException.Message, "Expected standard deny message for null principal");

            // Validate a non-authenticated user is denied
            user        = new MockUser("mathew");
            dataService = new MockDataService(user);
            cities      = new CityDomainService();
            cities.Initialize(new DomainServiceContext(dataService, DomainOperationType.Query));

            expectedException = null;
            validationErrors  = null;
                user.IsAuthenticated = false;
                result = cities.Query(new QueryDescription(getZipsIfAuthenticated), out validationErrors, out count);
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                expectedException = e;

            // we're authenticated, so this should succeed
            expectedException    = null;
            user.IsAuthenticated = true;
            result = cities.Query(new QueryDescription(getZipsIfAuthenticated), out validationErrors, out count);

            // authenticated, but not in role, so we should fail
            cities            = new CityDomainService();
            expectedException = null;
            user = new MockUser("mathew", new string[] { "clerk" });
            user.IsAuthenticated = true;
            dataService          = new MockDataService(user);
            cities.Initialize(new DomainServiceContext(dataService, DomainOperationType.Query));
                result = cities.Query(new QueryDescription(getZipsIfInRole), out validationErrors, out count);
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                expectedException = e;

            // authenticated and in role, so we should succeed
            cities            = new CityDomainService();
            expectedException = null;
            user = new MockUser("mathew", new string[] { "manager" });
            user.IsAuthenticated = true;
            dataService          = new MockDataService(user);
            cities.Initialize(new DomainServiceContext(dataService, DomainOperationType.Query));
            result = cities.Query(new QueryDescription(getZipsIfInRole), out validationErrors, out count);