private DirectoryType InitCiscoDirectory() { DirectoryType dir = new DirectoryType(); = tbDirectoryName.Text; CiscoDatasourceType cdt = new CiscoDatasourceType(); cdt.server = tbCiscoServer.Text; cdt.axluser = tbAXLUser.Text; cdt.axluserpwd = tbAXLUserPassword.Text; dir.Item = cdt; return(dir); }
public static DataSet Search(DirectoryType dir) { DataSet results = new DataSet(); DataTable dt = results.Tables.Add(); CiscoDatasourceType ldt = (CiscoDatasourceType)dir.Item; try { Init(ldt.server, ldt.axluser, ldt.axluserpwd); ExecuteSQLQueryReq query = new ExecuteSQLQueryReq(); query.sql = "select firstname, lastname, telephonenumber, department from enduser"; ExecuteSQLQueryRes response = _axl.executeSQLQuery(query); dt.Columns.Add("firstname"); dt.Columns.Add("lastname"); dt.Columns.Add("telephonenumber"); dt.Columns.Add("department"); if (response != null && response.@return != null && [email protected] > 0) { foreach (object o in response.@return) { List <object> values = new List <object>(); values.Add(((XmlNode[])o)[0].InnerText); values.Add(((XmlNode[])o)[1].InnerText); values.Add(((XmlNode[])o)[2].InnerText); values.Add(((XmlNode[])o)[3].InnerText); dt.Rows.Add(values.ToArray()); } } else { log.Error("No result retreive from AXL Server"); } return(results); } catch (Exception e) { log.Error(e.Message); return(results); } }
private DirectoryType InitCiscoDirectory() { DirectoryType dir = new DirectoryType(); = tbDirectoryName.Text; CiscoDatasourceType cdt = new CiscoDatasourceType(); cdt.server = tbCiscoServer.Text; cdt.axluser = tbAXLUser.Text; cdt.axluserpwd = tbAXLUserPassword.Text; dir.Item = cdt; return dir; }
private void InitDirectory(DirectoryType dir) { tbDirectoryName.Text =; if (dir.Item is SqlDatasourceType) { rblDirectoryType.Items.FindByValue("SQL").Selected = true; SqlDatasourceType sdt = (SqlDatasourceType)dir.Item; tbSqlDsn.Text = sdt.dsn; tbSqlUid.Text = sdt.uid; tbSqlPwd.Text = sdt.pwd; tbSqlCommand.Text = sdt.command; tbSqlFilter.Text = sdt.sqlFilter; foreach (FieldFormatter ffs in sdt.fieldFormatters) { lbSQLFieldFormatters.Items.Add(new ListItem(ffs.fieldName, ffs.value + "#" + ffs.fieldType.ToString())); } if (sdt.ipphonefilter != null) { tbSQLFirstNameFilterMap.Text = sdt.ipphonefilter.firstnamemap; tbSQLLastNameFilterMap.Text = sdt.ipphonefilter.lastnamemap; tbSQLTelephoneNumberFilterMap.Text = sdt.ipphonefilter.telephonenumbermap; } ShowSQL(); } else if (dir.Item is LdapDatasourceType) { rblDirectoryType.Items.FindByValue("LDAP").Selected = true; LdapDatasourceType ldt = (LdapDatasourceType)dir.Item; tbLdapServer.Text = ldt.server; ddlLdapAuthentication.Items.FindByText(ldt.authenticationType).Selected = true; tbLdapUser.Text = ldt.user; tbLdapUserPassword.Text = ldt.userPassword; tbLdapTargetOu.Text = ldt.targetOU; tbLdapFilter.Text = ldt.ldapFilter; tbLdapPageSize.Text = ldt.pageSize.ToString(); tbLdapNbPages.Text = ldt.nbPages.ToString(); foreach (string attribut in ldt.ldapAttributes) { lbLdapAttribute.Items.Add(new ListItem(attribut, attribut)); } foreach (FieldFormatter ffl in ldt.fieldFormatters) { lbLdapFieldFormatters.Items.Add(new ListItem(ffl.fieldName, ffl.value + "#" + ffl.fieldType.ToString())); } if (ldt.ipphonefilter != null) { tbLdapFirstNameFilterMap.Text = ldt.ipphonefilter.firstnamemap; tbLdapLastNameFilterMap.Text = ldt.ipphonefilter.lastnamemap; tbLdapTelephoneNumberFilterMap.Text = ldt.ipphonefilter.telephonenumbermap; } ShowLdap(); } else if (dir.Item is CiscoDatasourceType) { rblDirectoryType.Items.FindByValue("CISCO").Selected = true; CiscoDatasourceType ldt = (CiscoDatasourceType)dir.Item; tbCiscoServer.Text = ldt.server; tbAXLUser.Text = ldt.axluser; tbAXLUserPassword.Text = ldt.axluserpwd; foreach (FieldFormatter ffc in ldt.fieldFormatters) { lbCiscoFieldFormatters.Items.Add(new ListItem(ffc.fieldName, ffc.value + "#" + ffc.fieldType.ToString())); } if (ldt.ipphonefilter != null) { tbFirstNameFilterMap.Text = ldt.ipphonefilter.firstnamemap; tbLastNameFilterMap.Text = ldt.ipphonefilter.lastnamemap; tbTelephoneNumberFilterMap.Text = ldt.ipphonefilter.telephonenumbermap; } ShowCisco(); } else { log.Error("Datasource type unknown...cannot load " +; } }
public void GetResultsForCiscoIPPhone(string directory, string givenName, string sn, string telephonenumber, string pos) { string gn = "givenName"; string name = "sn"; string tel = "telephonenumber"; string filter = ""; CiscoIPPhoneDirectoryType dir = new CiscoIPPhoneDirectoryType(); List <CiscoIPPhoneDirectoryEntryType> entry = new List <CiscoIPPhoneDirectoryEntryType>(); try { dir.Title = "Recherche répertoire"; foreach (DirectoryType dt in Global.directoryConfiguration) { if ( == directory) { if (dt.Item is SqlDatasourceType) { SqlDatasourceType sdt = dt.Item as SqlDatasourceType; if (sdt.ipphonefilter != null) { gn = sdt.ipphonefilter.firstnamemap; name = sdt.ipphonefilter.lastnamemap; tel = sdt.ipphonefilter.telephonenumbermap; } } else if (dt.Item is LdapDatasourceType) { LdapDatasourceType ldt = dt.Item as LdapDatasourceType; if (ldt.ipphonefilter != null) { gn = ldt.ipphonefilter.firstnamemap; name = ldt.ipphonefilter.lastnamemap; tel = ldt.ipphonefilter.telephonenumbermap; } } else if (dt.Item is CiscoDatasourceType) { CiscoDatasourceType cdt = dt.Item as CiscoDatasourceType; if (cdt.ipphonefilter != null) { gn = cdt.ipphonefilter.firstnamemap; name = cdt.ipphonefilter.lastnamemap; tel = cdt.ipphonefilter.telephonenumbermap; } } filter = gn + " LIKE '" + givenName.Trim() + "*' AND " + name + " LIKE '" + sn.Trim() + "*' AND " + tel + " LIKE '" + telephonenumber.Trim() + "*'"; } } DataTable results = null; int identityCol = 0; int telephoneCol = 0; foreach (DirectoryType dt in Global.directoryConfiguration) { if ( == directory) { FieldFormatter[] ffs = null; if (dt.Item is SqlDatasourceType) { ffs = ((SqlDatasourceType)dt.Item).fieldFormatters; } else if (dt.Item is LdapDatasourceType) { ffs = ((LdapDatasourceType)dt.Item).fieldFormatters; } else if (dt.Item is CiscoDatasourceType) { ffs = ((CiscoDatasourceType)dt.Item).fieldFormatters; } int cpt = 0; foreach (FieldFormatter ff in ffs) { if (ff.fieldType == FieldType.Identity) { identityCol = cpt; } if (ff.fieldType == FieldType.Telephone) { telephoneCol = cpt; } cpt++; } break; } } if (HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(directory + "_" + filter) != null) { results = (DataTable)HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(directory + "_" + filter); } else { if (HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(directory) != null) { DataSet fromCache = (DataSet)HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(directory); DataView dv = null; try { if (fromCache != null) { dv = fromCache.Tables[0].AsDataView(); dv.RowFilter = filter; DataTable calcTable = dv.ToTable("CalcTable"); foreach (DirectoryType dt in Global.directoryConfiguration) { if ( == directory) { FieldFormatter[] ffs = null; List <string> cols = new List <string>(); if (dt.Item is SqlDatasourceType) { ffs = ((SqlDatasourceType)dt.Item).fieldFormatters; } else if (dt.Item is LdapDatasourceType) { ffs = ((LdapDatasourceType)dt.Item).fieldFormatters; } else if (dt.Item is CiscoDatasourceType) { ffs = ((CiscoDatasourceType)dt.Item).fieldFormatters; } foreach (FieldFormatter ff in ffs) { cols.Add(ff.fieldName); if (!calcTable.Columns.Contains(ff.fieldName)) { DataColumn dc = new DataColumn(); dc.DataType = typeof(string); dc.ColumnName = ff.fieldName; dc.Expression = ff.value; calcTable.Columns.Add(dc); } } DataView sortedView = calcTable.AsDataView(); if (cols.Count > 0) { sortedView.Sort = cols[identityCol]; } results = sortedView.ToTable("Results", false, cols.ToArray()); dv = results.AsDataView(); dv.RowFilter = results.Columns[telephoneCol].ColumnName + " <> ''"; results = dv.ToTable(); HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(directory + "_" + filter, results, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(Double.Parse(System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("DMDRefreshTimer"))), System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.Normal, null); break; } } } else { log.Debug("Cache is null, no data to retreive..."); } } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("Error while searching: " + e.Message); } } } if (results.Rows.Count > 0) { if ((Int32.Parse(pos) + 32) >= results.Rows.Count) { dir.Prompt = "Enreg. " + (Int32.Parse(pos) + 1).ToString() + " à " + results.Rows.Count.ToString() + " sur " + results.Rows.Count.ToString(); dir.SoftKey = new CiscoIPPhoneSoftKeyType[4]; dir.SoftKey[0] = new CiscoIPPhoneSoftKeyType(); dir.SoftKey[0].Name = "Compos."; dir.SoftKey[0].URL = "SoftKey:Dial"; dir.SoftKey[0].URLDown = ""; dir.SoftKey[0].Postion = 1; dir.SoftKey[0].PostionSpecified = true; dir.SoftKey[1] = new CiscoIPPhoneSoftKeyType(); dir.SoftKey[1].Name = "EditNum."; dir.SoftKey[1].URL = "SoftKey:EditDial"; dir.SoftKey[1].URLDown = ""; dir.SoftKey[1].Postion = 2; dir.SoftKey[1].PostionSpecified = true; dir.SoftKey[2] = new CiscoIPPhoneSoftKeyType(); dir.SoftKey[2].Name = "Quitter"; dir.SoftKey[2].URL = "SoftKey:Exit"; dir.SoftKey[2].URLDown = ""; dir.SoftKey[2].Postion = 3; dir.SoftKey[2].PostionSpecified = true; dir.SoftKey[3] = new CiscoIPPhoneSoftKeyType(); dir.SoftKey[3].Name = "Recher."; dir.SoftKey[3].URL = this.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Substring(0, this.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.LastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "SearchForCiscoIPPhone?directory=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(directory); dir.SoftKey[3].URLDown = ""; dir.SoftKey[3].Postion = 4; dir.SoftKey[3].PostionSpecified = true; } else { dir.Prompt = "Enreg. " + (Int32.Parse(pos) + 1).ToString() + " à " + (Int32.Parse(pos) + 32).ToString() + " sur " + results.Rows.Count.ToString(); this.Context.Response.AddHeader("Refresh", ";url=" + this.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Substring(0, this.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.LastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "GetResultsForCiscoIPPhone?directory=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(directory) + "&givenName=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(givenName) + "&sn=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(sn) + "&telephonenumber=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(telephonenumber) + "&pos=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode((Int32.Parse(pos) + 32).ToString())); dir.SoftKey = new CiscoIPPhoneSoftKeyType[5]; dir.SoftKey[0] = new CiscoIPPhoneSoftKeyType(); dir.SoftKey[0].Name = "Compos."; dir.SoftKey[0].URL = "SoftKey:Dial"; dir.SoftKey[0].URLDown = ""; dir.SoftKey[0].Postion = 1; dir.SoftKey[0].PostionSpecified = true; dir.SoftKey[1] = new CiscoIPPhoneSoftKeyType(); dir.SoftKey[1].Name = "EditNum."; dir.SoftKey[1].URL = "SoftKey:EditDial"; dir.SoftKey[1].URLDown = ""; dir.SoftKey[1].Postion = 2; dir.SoftKey[1].PostionSpecified = true; dir.SoftKey[2] = new CiscoIPPhoneSoftKeyType(); dir.SoftKey[2].Name = "Quitter"; dir.SoftKey[2].URL = "SoftKey:Exit"; dir.SoftKey[2].URLDown = ""; dir.SoftKey[2].Postion = 3; dir.SoftKey[2].PostionSpecified = true; dir.SoftKey[3] = new CiscoIPPhoneSoftKeyType(); dir.SoftKey[3].Name = "Suivant"; dir.SoftKey[3].URL = "SoftKey:Update"; dir.SoftKey[3].URLDown = ""; dir.SoftKey[3].Postion = 4; dir.SoftKey[3].PostionSpecified = true; dir.SoftKey[4] = new CiscoIPPhoneSoftKeyType(); dir.SoftKey[4].Name = "Recher."; dir.SoftKey[4].URL = this.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Substring(0, this.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.LastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "SearchForCiscoIPPhone?directory=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(directory); dir.SoftKey[4].URLDown = ""; dir.SoftKey[4].Postion = 5; dir.SoftKey[4].PostionSpecified = true; } for (int cptRow = Int32.Parse(pos); cptRow <= Int32.Parse(pos) + 31; cptRow++) { if (cptRow < results.Rows.Count) { CiscoIPPhoneDirectoryEntryType dirEntry = new CiscoIPPhoneDirectoryEntryType(); dirEntry.Name = (string)results.Rows[cptRow][identityCol]; dirEntry.Telephone = (string)results.Rows[cptRow][telephoneCol]; entry.Add(dirEntry); } else { break; } } } else { dir.Prompt = "Pas d'enregistrement trouvé"; dir.SoftKey = new CiscoIPPhoneSoftKeyType[2]; dir.SoftKey[0] = new CiscoIPPhoneSoftKeyType(); dir.SoftKey[0].Name = "Quitter"; dir.SoftKey[0].URL = "SoftKey:Exit"; dir.SoftKey[0].URLDown = ""; dir.SoftKey[0].Postion = 3; dir.SoftKey[0].PostionSpecified = true; dir.SoftKey[1] = new CiscoIPPhoneSoftKeyType(); dir.SoftKey[1].Name = "Recher."; dir.SoftKey[1].URL = this.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Substring(0, this.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.LastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "SearchForCiscoIPPhone?directory=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(directory); dir.SoftKey[1].URLDown = ""; dir.SoftKey[1].Postion = 1; dir.SoftKey[1].PostionSpecified = true; } dir.DirectoryEntry = entry.ToArray(); //return dir; CiscoIPPhoneDirectoryTypeSerializer xml = new CiscoIPPhoneDirectoryTypeSerializer(); System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings settings = new System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings();; settings.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); System.Xml.XmlWriter xw = System.Xml.XmlWriter.Create(ms, settings); System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces xmlnsEmpty = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces(); xmlnsEmpty.Add("", ""); xml.Serialize(xw, dir, xmlnsEmpty); ms.Position = 0; this.Context.Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; this.Context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; this.Context.Response.Write(GetStringFromStream(ms)); } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("Unable to build Cisco Ipphone Directory Type: " + e.Message); this.Context.Response.Redirect(this.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Substring(0, this.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.LastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "Error?error=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(e.Message), false); //return dir; } }
public void GetDirectoriesForCiscoIPPhone() { CiscoIPPhoneMenuType menu = new CiscoIPPhoneMenuType(); menu.Prompt = "Sélectionner un répertoire"; menu.Title = "Répertoires"; try { List <CiscoIPPhoneMenuItemType> menus = new List <CiscoIPPhoneMenuItemType>(); foreach (DirectoryType dt in Global.directoryConfiguration) { CiscoIPPhoneMenuItemType menuitem = null; bool isIPPhoneCompliant = false; if (dt.Item is SqlDatasourceType) { SqlDatasourceType sdt = dt.Item as SqlDatasourceType; if (sdt.ipphonefilter != null) { isIPPhoneCompliant = true; } } else if (dt.Item is LdapDatasourceType) { LdapDatasourceType ldt = dt.Item as LdapDatasourceType; if (ldt.ipphonefilter != null) { isIPPhoneCompliant = true; } } else if (dt.Item is CiscoDatasourceType) { CiscoDatasourceType cdt = dt.Item as CiscoDatasourceType; if (cdt.ipphonefilter != null) { isIPPhoneCompliant = true; } } if (isIPPhoneCompliant) { menuitem = new CiscoIPPhoneMenuItemType(); menuitem.Name =; menuitem.URL = this.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Substring(0, this.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.LastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "SearchForCiscoIPPhone?directory=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(; menus.Add(menuitem); } } if (menus.Count > 0) { menu.MenuItem = menus.ToArray(); } else { this.Context.Response.Redirect(this.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Substring(0, this.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.LastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "Error?error=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode("No ipphone directories finded"), false); //return menu; } //return menu; CiscoIPPhoneMenuTypeSerializer xml = new CiscoIPPhoneMenuTypeSerializer(); System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings settings = new System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings();; settings.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); System.Xml.XmlWriter xw = System.Xml.XmlWriter.Create(ms, settings); System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces xmlnsEmpty = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces(); xmlnsEmpty.Add("", ""); xml.Serialize(xw, menu, xmlnsEmpty); ms.Position = 0; this.Context.Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; this.Context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; this.Context.Response.Write(GetStringFromStream(ms)); //xw.Flush(); //xw.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("Unable get directories: " + e.Message); this.Context.Response.Redirect(this.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Substring(0, this.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.LastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "Error?error=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(e.Message), false); //return menu; } }