public SolutionView(GlobalClass global) { if (global.Solution == null) { throw new BasicBlankException("No solution to even show"); } if (global.Solution.Count != 4) { throw new BasicBlankException("Must have 4 for the solution"); } StackPanel stack = new StackPanel() { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal }; //this can be larger because nothing else is showing now at this point. global.Solution.ForEach(bead => { CirclePieceWPF <EnumColorPossibilities> thisControl = new CirclePieceWPF <EnumColorPossibilities>(); thisControl.SetBinding(CirclePieceWPF <EnumColorPossibilities> .MainColorProperty, new Binding(nameof(Bead.UIColor))); thisControl.DataContext = bead; thisControl.Height = 250; thisControl.Width = 250; //can experiment this time. thisControl.NeedsWhiteBorders = true; //thisControl.CommandParameter = bead; thisControl.Init(); stack.Children.Add(thisControl); }); Content = stack; }
public void Init(Guess thisGuess) { _thisStack = new StackPanel(); _thisStack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; // at first, act like its nothing. int x; for (x = 1; x <= 4; x++) { CirclePieceWPF <EnumColorPossibilities> thisCon = new CirclePieceWPF <EnumColorPossibilities>(); thisCon.NeedsWhiteBorders = true; thisCon.Height = GuessWidthHeight; thisCon.Width = GuessWidthHeight; thisCon.Init(); _thisStack.Children.Add(thisCon); } Content = _thisStack; SetBinding(HowManyCompletelyCorrectProperty, new Binding(nameof(Guess.HowManyBlacks))); SetBinding(HowManySemiCorrectProperty, new Binding(nameof(Guess.HowManyAquas))); DataContext = thisGuess; }
public void PopulateControls(Guess guess) { _thisStack.Children.Clear(); if (guess.YourBeads.Count == 0) { return; //maybe you don't need it at that moment (?) //throw new BasicBlankException("You need the 4. Otherwise don't know anymore"); } if (guess.YourBeads.Count != 4) { throw new BasicBlankException("Only 4 are supported"); } guess.YourBeads.ForEach(bead => { //we may have to manually add to the special list (?) CirclePieceWPF <EnumColorPossibilities> thisControl = new CirclePieceWPF <EnumColorPossibilities>(); thisControl.SetBinding(CirclePieceWPF <EnumColorPossibilities> .MainColorProperty, new Binding(nameof(Bead.UIColor))); thisControl.DataContext = bead; thisControl.Height = GuessWidthHeight; thisControl.Width = GuessWidthHeight; thisControl.NeedsWhiteBorders = true; thisControl.CommandParameter = bead; thisControl.Init(); //try to manually hook up this time //thisControl.Command = thisControl.Name = nameof(GameBoardViewModel.ChangeMind); GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Add(thisControl); //try this way. //Binding newBind = new Binding(nameof(HintChooserViewModel.ChangeMindCommand)); //newBind.Source = _thisMod!.Guess1; //thisControl.SetBinding(CirclePieceWPF<EnumColorPossibilities>.CommandProperty, newBind); _thisStack.Children.Add(thisControl); }); }