    public static void FormOnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col, GameObject sparkObj, GameObject coinSpark, string cubeTag, string starTag, string diamondTag,
                                            string timeDropTag, string unifiedDropTag, string rainDropTag,
                                            char c1, char c2, GameObject c1Zero, GameObject c2Zero,
                                            GameObject dropSliderTime, GameObject dropSliderRain, GameObject dropSliderUnified) // c1 -> first letter of one of the complementary colour , c2 -> first letter of the other ...
    // the c1 colour comes pachet with the c1Zero colour ( c1, c2 can be o only 'g' , 'r' , 'b')

        GameObject spark = null;
        GameObject coinSparkReference = null;
        bool       caught             = true; // var to play audioclip only when a form its caught, caught = false if the form it's incorrect

        // increment score or do logic for every dropped object

        if (col.tag == cubeTag)
            spark = cubeCought(sparkObj, col);
        else if (col.tag == starTag)
            spark = starCought(sparkObj, col);
        else if (col.tag == diamondTag)
            spark = diamondCought(sparkObj, col);
        else if (col.tag == FormsSpawner.coinTag)
            coinSparkReference = Object.Instantiate <GameObject> (coinSpark, col.gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
        else if (col.tag == timeDropTag)
            if (FormsSpawner.instance.IsTimeDropActivated)             // same like at rain drop and unified drop -> so the first cycle won't stop the second cycle when it resets the data from the first cycle

            CircleController.addTimeFromTimeDrop();            // add time
            FormsSpawner.instance.TimeDropLowerGravityScale(); // lower rate
            callTimeDropSlider(dropSliderTime);                // show the slider
        else if (col.tag == rainDropTag)
            if (FormsSpawner.instance.IsRainDropActivated)             // if we already have a rain drop cycle activated we have to stop it and only after start the new one
            // otherwise the old cycle will set the isRainDropActivated variable to false and the second cycle will finish faster

            callRainDropSlider(dropSliderRain);              // show the slider
        else if (col.tag == unifiedDropTag)
            if (stillUnified)             // if we cought a unifiedDrop and after cought another one without finishing the first one we need to reset the on going coroutine
            // otherwise the first coroutine will put the stillUnified variable on false and will finish the second timing too

            stillUnified = true;
            callUnifiedDropSlider(dropSliderUnified); // show slider
        else                                          // it means we cought a different colour form

            if (stillUnified)               // it mean's that we have a unified drop cycle active and we don't loose points

                GameObject sparkUnified = null;

                var cubes = new HashSet <string> {
                    FormsSpawner.redTagTypes [0],
                    FormsSpawner.blueTagTypes [0],
                    FormsSpawner.greenTagTypes [0]
                cubes.Remove(cubeTag);                  // we don't need the current cube Tag

                if (cubes.Contains(col.tag))
                    sparkUnified = cubeCought(sparkObj, col);

                var stars = new HashSet <string> {
                    FormsSpawner.redTagTypes [1],
                    FormsSpawner.blueTagTypes [1],
                    FormsSpawner.greenTagTypes [1]
                stars.Remove(starTag);                  // we don't need the current star Tag
                if (stars.Contains(col.tag))
                    sparkUnified = starCought(sparkObj, col);

                var diamonds = new HashSet <string> {
                    FormsSpawner.redTagTypes [2],
                    FormsSpawner.blueTagTypes [2],
                    FormsSpawner.greenTagTypes [2]
                diamonds.Remove(diamondTag);                  // we don't need the current diamond Tag
                if (diamonds.Contains(col.tag))
                    sparkUnified = diamondCought(sparkObj, col);

                if (sparkUnified != null)
                    Object.Destroy(sparkUnified, 1f);
            else                 // we have 0 points -> different colour caught
                                 // activate lose animation/code
                caught = false;

                char       colour = col.tag [0];
                GameObject zero   = null;
                if (colour == c1)
                    zero = Object.Instantiate <GameObject> (c1Zero, col.gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
                else if (colour == c2)
                    zero = Object.Instantiate <GameObject> (c2Zero, col.gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
                if (zero != null)
                    Object.Destroy(zero, 1f);

        // play audio when catch a form
        if (caught)
            AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(MusicController.instance.catchFormClip, Vector3.zero, MusicController.instance.VolumeAudioClips);

        if (spark != null)
            Object.Destroy(spark, 1f);

        if (coinSparkReference != null)
            Object.Destroy(coinSparkReference, 1f);
        Object.Destroy(col.gameObject, FormsSpawner.getDestroyTime());