public FrmSendMailAndReadSound(int _timesGetNSInDay, int _getBTPInLineByType) { InitializeComponent(); timesGetNSInDay = _timesGetNSInDay; getBTPInLineByType = _getBTPInLineByType; this.cumDAO = new CumDAO(); this.chuyenDAO = new ChuyenDAO(); this.dtLoadData = new DataTable(); this.dtDataNSChuyenExportExcel = new DataTable(); this.dtDataNSCumExportExcel = new DataTable(); this.listSTTChuyen_SanPham = new List <string>(); this.listModelNangSuatCum = new List <ModelNangSuatCum>(); this.listNSCum = new List <NSCum>(); this.ChuyenSanPham = new ChuyenSanPham(); this.isSendMail = false; this.error = string.Empty; this.strType = string.Empty; this.strHost = string.Empty; this.intPort = 0; this.strFrom = string.Empty; this.strDisplayName = string.Empty; this.strPassword = string.Empty; this.strSubject = string.Empty; this.strBody = string.Empty; this.strTo = string.Empty; this.nangxuatDAO = new NangXuatDAO(); }
public Chuyen_SanPhamDAO() { chuyenDAO = new ChuyenDAO(); sanPhamDAO = new SanPhamDAO(); dtChuyenSanPham = new DataTable(); this.dt = new DataTable(); }
public FrmCluster() { InitializeComponent(); clusterDAO = new ClusterDAO(); floorDAO = new FloorDAO(); chuyenDAO = new ChuyenDAO(); }
// private ShiftDAO shiftDAO; public NangXuatDAO() { this.dt = new DataTable(); chuyen_sanphamDAO = new Chuyen_SanPhamDAO(); chuyenDAO = new ChuyenDAO(); // shiftDAO = new ShiftDAO(); }
public FrmReportCountErrorHours() { InitializeComponent(); this.chuyenDAO = new ChuyenDAO(); this.clusterDAO = new ClusterDAO(); // this.shiftDAO = new ShiftDAO(); // this.errorDAO = new ErrorDAO(); }
public FrmReportNSLinesByHours() { InitializeComponent(); this.chuyenDAO = new ChuyenDAO(); this.clusterDAO = new ClusterDAO(); // this.shiftDAO = new ShiftDAO(); this.isNSAllDay = false; }
public FrmThayDoiFileAmThanh(int _idChuyen, string _tenChuyen, string _fileAmThanh) { InitializeComponent(); chuyenDAO = new ChuyenDAO(); this.idChuyen = _idChuyen; this.tenChuyen = _tenChuyen; this.fileAmThanh = _fileAmThanh; lblTenChuyen.Text = tenChuyen; txtFileAmThanh.Text = fileAmThanh; }
public FrmTheoDoiBang() { InitializeComponent(); dtLoadData = new DataTable(); listChuyen = new List <DuAn03_HaiDang.KeyPad_Chuyen.pojo.Chuyen>(); chuyenDAO = new ChuyenDAO(); // AppConfigDAO = new AppConfigDAO(); int.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppId"].ToString(), out AppId); }
public FrmDayInfo(FrmMainNew _frmMainNew) { InitializeComponent(); chuyenDAO = new ChuyenDAO(); chuyen_sanphamDAO = new Chuyen_SanPhamDAO(); nangSuatDAO = new NangXuatDAO(); // dtSanPham = new DataTable(); btpDAO = new BTPDAO(); frmMainNew = _frmMainNew; }
public FrmThayDoiThuTuDocChuyen(int _idChuyen, string _tenChuyen, int _thuTuDoc) { InitializeComponent(); chuyenDAO = new ChuyenDAO(); this.idChuyen = _idChuyen; this.tenChuyen = _tenChuyen; this.thuTuDoc = _thuTuDoc; lblTenChuyen.Text = tenChuyen; txtThuTuDoc.Text = thuTuDoc.ToString(); }
public FrmCauHinhDocNSLoi() { InitializeComponent(); try { chuyenDAO = new ChuyenDAO(); soundTimeConfig = new SoundTimeConfigDAO(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Lỗi: " + ex.Message); } }
private void loadDSTyLe() { cboTentyle.DataSource = null; //cboTentyle.Items.Clear(); cboTentyle.Refresh(); dgTenTyLe.DataSource = null; chuyenDAO = new ChuyenDAO(); dtDStyle.Clear(); listDen.Clear(); listDen_PhanCong.Clear(); string sql = ""; if (idTable == "1") { sql = "select STT, Color from Den where IdCatalogTable =1 and STTParent Is NULL"; } else if (idTable == "2") { sql = "select STT, Color from Den where IdCatalogTable =2 and STTParent Is NULL"; } else { MessageBox.Show("Lỗi: bạn chưa gán hoặc gán sai id bảng trong file config. Cần kiểm tra lại thông tin.", "Lỗi cấu hình", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } dtDStyle = dbclass.TruyVan_TraVe_DataTable(sql); listDen_PhanCong.Add(new Den { STT = "0", Color = "Chọn tỷ lệ đèn" }); if (dtDStyle.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dtDStyle.Rows.Count; i++) { Den den = new Den { STT = dtDStyle.Rows[i][0].ToString(), Color = dtDStyle.Rows[i][1].ToString() }; listDen.Add(den); listDen_PhanCong.Add(den); } } cboTentyle.DataSource = listDen; cboTentyle.DisplayMember = "Color"; cboTentyle.ValueMember = "STT"; cboTentyle.Refresh(); dgTenTyLe.DataSource = listDen_PhanCong; dgTenTyLe.DisplayMember = "Color"; dgTenTyLe.ValueMember = "STT"; }
public CumDAO() { this.dt = new DataTable(); this.chuyenDAO = new ChuyenDAO(); }
public FrmReportTableNSLine() { InitializeComponent(); this.chuyenDAO = new ChuyenDAO(); }
public FrmLine() { InitializeComponent(); chuyenDAO = new ChuyenDAO(); floorDAO = new FloorDAO(); }