        public static void performAESGCM(string text)
            Chilkat.Crypt2 crypt = new Chilkat.Crypt2();

            bool success = crypt.UnlockComponent("Anything for 30-day trial");

            if (success != true)

            //  Set the encryption algorithm to "AES"
            crypt.CryptAlgorithm = "aes";

            //  Indicate that the Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) should be used:
            crypt.CipherMode = "gcm";

            //  KeyLength may be 128, 192, 256
            crypt.KeyLength = 128;

            //  This is the 128-bit AES secret key (in hex format)
            string K = "feffe9928665731c6d6a8f9467308308";

            //  This is the 16-byte initialization vector:
            string IV = "cafebabefacedbaddecaf888";

            //  This is the additional data to be used as input to the GCM AEAD algorithm,
            //  but is not included in the output.  It plays a role in the computation of the
            //  resulting authenticated tag.
            string AAD = "feedfacedeadbeeffeedfacedeadbeefabaddad2";

            //  The plain-text bytes (in hex format) to be encrypted.
            string PT = "d9313225f88406e5a55909c5aff5269a86a7a9531534f7da2e4c303d8a318a721c3c0c95956809532fcf0e2449a6b525b16aedf5aa0de657ba637b39";

            PT = text;

            //  The expected cipher text (in hex format)
            string CT = "42831ec2217774244b7221b784d0d49ce3aa212f2c02a4e035c17e2329aca12e21d514b25466931c7d8f6a5aac84aa051ba30b396a0aac973d58e091";

            //  The expected authenticated tag given the above inputs.
            string T = "5bc94fbc3221a5db94fae95ae7121a47";

            //  Note: The above data are the values for test vector #4 from
            //  the PDF document at: http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/toolkit/BCM/documents/proposedmodes/gcm/gcm-spec.pdf

            //  EncodingMode specifies the encoding of the output for
            //  encryption, and the input for decryption.
            //  It may be "hex", "url", "base64", or "quoted-printable".
            crypt.EncodingMode = "hex";

            //  Set the secret key and IV
            crypt.SetEncodedIV(IV, "hex");
            crypt.SetEncodedKey(K, "hex");

            //  Set the additional authenticated data (AAD)
            success = crypt.SetEncodedAad(AAD, "hex");

            //  For the purpose of duplicating the test vectors, we are using the EncryptEncoded method.
            //  This method decodes the input string according to the encoding specified by the EncodingMode
            //  property, which in this case is "hex".  The decoded bytes are encrypted using the mode specified
            //  by the CipherMode property.  The resulting
            //  encrypted bytes are encoded (again using the encoding mode specified by EncodingMode),
            //  and the result is returned.
            //  <b>Note:</b> The CipherMode property sets the block mode of operation (gcm, cfb, cbc, ofb, ecb, etc.)
            //  for any of the Chilkat encryption/decryption methods (such as EncryptBytes, EncryptString,
            //  CkEncryptFile, etc.)   Just because GCM mode is demonstrated with EncryptEncoded/DecryptEncoded,
            //  does not imply that GCM mode is specific to only these methods.
            string ctResult = crypt.EncryptEncoded(PT);

            if (crypt.LastMethodSuccess != true)
                //   Console.WriteLine(crypt.LastErrorText);

            //  Examine the result.  It should be the same (case insensitive) as our expected result:
            // Console.WriteLine("computed result: " + ctResult);
            // Console.WriteLine("expected result: " + CT);

            //  Examine the authenticated tag. It should be the same (case insensitive) as our expected authenticated tag:
            string tResult = crypt.GetEncodedAuthTag("hex");

            //Console.WriteLine("computed authTag: " + tResult);
            //Console.WriteLine("expected authTag: " + T);

            //  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Now let's GCM decrypt...
            //  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            //  Before GCM decrypting, we must set the authenticated tag to the value that is expected.
            //  The decryption will fail if the resulting authenticated tag is not equal (case insensitive) to
            //  the expected result.
            //  Note: The return value of SetEncodedAuthTag indicates whether the string passed was a valid
            //  representation of the encoding specified in the 2nd arg.
            success = crypt.SetEncodedAuthTag(T, "hex");

            //  All of our properties (IV, secret key, cipher mode, and AAD) are already set from the code above...

            //  So let's decrypt CT to and check to see if we get PT.
            string ptResult = crypt.DecryptEncoded(CT);

            if (crypt.LastMethodSuccess != true)
                //  Failed.  The resultant authenticated tag did not equal the expected authentication tag.
                // Console.WriteLine(crypt.LastErrorText);

            //  Examine the decrypted result.  It should be the same as our expected plaintext (case insensitive)
            //Console.WriteLine("plaintext decrypted: " + ptResult);
            //Console.WriteLine("plaintext expected:  " + PT);

            //  Let's intentionally set the expected authenticated tag to an incorrect value.
            //  The decrypt operation should fail:
            string tInvalid = "ffaabbbc3221a5db94fae95ae7121a47";

            success = crypt.SetEncodedAuthTag(tInvalid, "hex");

            ptResult = crypt.DecryptEncoded(CT);
            if (crypt.LastMethodSuccess != true)
                //  Failed.  The resultant authenticated tag did not equal the expected authentication tag.
                // Console.WriteLine(crypt.LastErrorText);