        /// <summary>
        /// Called after initialization has completed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="link"></param>
        private void Initialized(ChildToParentEntityLink link)
            if (link == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("link");

            // do we have a list?
            if (this.DataSource != null)

            // get the items...
            if (link.ParentEntityType == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("link.ParentEntityType is null.");
            IEntityPersistence persistence = link.ParentEntityType.Persistence;

            if (persistence == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("persistence is null.");

            // get...
            this.DataSource = persistence.GetAll();
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        internal SqlChildToParentLink(SqlSchema schema, ChildToParentEntityLink entityLink)
            : base(entityLink.NativeName.Name)
            // mbr - 04-10-2007 - force the schema...
            //			_schema = schema;

            _childToParentEntityLink = entityLink;
文件: DtoLink.cs 项目: radtek/BootFX
        internal DtoLink(string name, string jsonName, PropertyInfo dtoProp, ChildToParentEntityLink link)
            : base(name, jsonName, dtoProp)
            if (link == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("link");

            this.Link = link;
文件: SqlJoin.cs 项目: radtek/BootFX
        internal SqlJoin(string alias, JoinType type, ChildToParentEntityLink link)
            : this(alias, type)
            if (link == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("link");

            // set...
            _targetMember = link;

            // et...
            _targetEntityType = link.ParentEntityType;
            if (_targetEntityType == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("_targetEntityType is null.");

            // keys...
            _targetKeyFields = _targetEntityType.GetKeyFields();
            if (_targetKeyFields == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("'_targetKeyFields' is null.");
            if (_targetKeyFields.Length == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("'_targetKeyFields' is zero-length.");

            // get...
            _sourceFields = link.GetLinkFields();
            if (_sourceFields == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("_sourceFields is null.");
            if (_targetKeyFields.Length != _sourceFields.Length)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Length mismatch for '_targetKeyFields' and '_sourceFields': {0} cf {1}.", _targetKeyFields.Length, _sourceFields.Length));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="member"></param>
        private void Initializing(ChildToParentEntityLink link)
            if (link == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("link");

            // get the fields...
            EntityField[] fields = link.GetLinkFields();
            if (fields == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("fields is null.");
            this.AllowNullSelection = false;
            foreach (EntityField field in fields)
                if (field.IsNullable())
                    this.AllowNullSelection = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the next entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public object Read()
            // assert...
            if (Reader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Reader");
            if (SelectMap == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("SelectMap");

            // get...
            if (this.Reader.Read() == false)

            // mbr - 04-10-2007 - for c7 - provide a lookahead to create inherited types...
            object newEntity = this.SelectMap.EntityType.CreateInstance(this);

            if (newEntity == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("newEntity is null.");

            // get the storage service...
            IEntityStorage storage = this.SelectMap.EntityType.Storage;

            if (storage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("storage");

            // mbr - 10-10-2007 - case 875 - create a lookup that stores other entities in it...
            IDictionary joinedEntities = new HybridDictionary();

            // setup...
                // hydrate...
                foreach (SelectMapField mapField in this.SelectMap.MapFields)
                    if (mapField.Field == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("mapField.Field is null.");

                    // set...
                    object value = this.Reader.GetValue(mapField.ResultOrdinal);

                    //// encrypted?
                    //if (mapField.Field.IsEncrypted)
                    //    if (value == null)
                    //        value = new EncryptedValue(null, (byte[])null);
                    //    else if (value is DBNull)
                    //        value = new EncryptedValue(typeof(DBNull), (byte[])null);
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        // switch...
                    //        switch (mapField.Field.DBType)
                    //        {
                    //            case DbType.String:
                    //            case DbType.StringFixedLength:
                    //            case DbType.AnsiString:
                    //            case DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength:
                    //                value = new EncryptedValue(mapField.Field.Type, (string)value);
                    //                break;

                    //            default:
                    //                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Cannot handle '{0}' ({1}).", mapField.Field.DBType, mapField.Field.DBType.GetType()));
                    //        }
                    //    }

                    // mbr - 2016-02-25 - trim the end of any fixed length string...
                    if ((mapField.Field.DBType == DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength || mapField.Field.DBType == DbType.StringFixedLength) && value is string)
                        value = ((string)value).TrimEnd();

                    // mbr - 10-10-2007 - case 875 - are we from another entity?
                    object         toUse        = newEntity;
                    IEntityStorage storageToUse = storage;
                    if (mapField.EntityType != this.SelectMap.EntityType)
                        // entity...
                        toUse = joinedEntities[mapField.EntityType];
                        if (toUse == null)
                            // get...
                            toUse = mapField.EntityType.CreateInstance();
                            if (toUse == null)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("toUse is null.");

                            // initialize it...

                            // what's the join?
                            if (mapField.Join == null)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("mapField.Join is null.");

                            // check...
                            if (mapField.Join.ChildToParentEntityLink != null)
                                // find the link on the entity that has the right foreign name...
                                ChildToParentEntityLink toSet = mapField.Join.ChildToParentEntityLink;
//								foreach(ChildToParentEntityLink link in mapField.EntityType.Links)
//								{
//									if(string.Compare(link.NativeName.Name, mapField.Join.ChildToParentEntityLink.NativeName.Name, true,
//										Cultures.System) == 0)
//									{
//										toSet = link;
//										break;
//									}
//								}

                                // set...
                                if (toSet != null)
                                    storage.EntityType.Storage.SetParent(newEntity, toSet, toUse);
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("A link matching name '{0}' was not found.",

                            // add...
                            joinedEntities[mapField.EntityType] = toUse;

                        // storage...
                        storageToUse = EntityType.GetEntityType(toUse, OnNotFound.ThrowException).Storage;
                        if (storageToUse == null)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("storageToUse is null.");
                        toUse = newEntity;

                    // set...
                    storageToUse.SetValue(toUse, mapField.Field, value, SetValueReason.ReaderLoad);
                // mbr - 02-10-2007 - for c7 - flipped these around to make the AfterLoad event work (plus it

                // mbr - 10-10-2007 - case 875 - fixup joined entities...
                if (joinedEntities.Count > 0)
                    // walk...
                    foreach (object joinedEntity in joinedEntities.Values)
                        EntityType et = EntityType.GetEntityType(joinedEntity, OnNotFound.ThrowException);
                        if (et == null)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("et is null.");

                        // storage...

            // return the new entity...
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates constraints for the given link.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="linkName"></param>
        /// <param name="filterOperator"></param>
        /// <param name="relatedEntity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void AddConstraintsForLink(ChildToParentEntityLink link, SqlOperator filterOperator, IList relatedEntities)
            if (link == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("link");

            // check..
            if (filterOperator != SqlOperator.EqualTo && filterOperator != SqlOperator.NotEqualTo)
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(Cultures.System, "'{0}' is an invalid operator.  Only 'EqualTo' and 'NotEqualTo' are supported.", filterOperator));

            // check...
            if (link.ParentEntityType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("link.ParentEntityType");

            // create...
            IEntityStorage storage = link.ParentEntityType.Storage;

            if (storage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("storage");

            // get the key fields of the related type...
            EntityField[] foreignKeyFields = link.ParentEntityType.GetKeyFields();
            if (foreignKeyFields.Length == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(Cultures.Exceptions, "Key fields on '{0}' was zero-length.", link.ParentEntityType));

            // get teh fields in this...
            EntityField[] relatedFields = link.GetLinkFields();

            // compare...
            if (foreignKeyFields.Length != relatedFields.Length)
                throw ExceptionHelper.CreateLengthMismatchException("foreignKeyFields", "relatedFields", foreignKeyFields.Length, relatedFields.Length);

            // now loop...
            FilterConstraint lastTopConstraint = null;

            for (int entityIndex = 0; entityIndex < relatedEntities.Count; entityIndex++)
                // get and check...
                object relatedEntity = relatedEntities[entityIndex];

                // create a top level constraint...
                FilterConstraint topConstraint = new FilterConstraint(this.Creator);

                // set...
                if (lastTopConstraint != null)
                    lastTopConstraint.CombineWithNext = SqlCombine.Or;

                // new?
                if (storage.IsNew(relatedEntity) == false && storage.IsDeleted(relatedEntity, false) == false)
                    // loop...
                    for (int index = 0; index < foreignKeyFields.Length; index++)
                        // get...
                        object foreignValue = storage.GetValue(relatedEntity, foreignKeyFields[index]);

                        // add a constraint...
                        topConstraint.ChildConstraints.Add(new EntityFieldFilterConstraint(this.Creator, relatedFields[index], filterOperator, foreignValue));

                // next...
                lastTopConstraint = topConstraint;