private double GetChessPieceRating(ChessPieceType chessPiece) { switch (chessPiece) { case ChessPieceType.King: return(0); case ChessPieceType.Queen: return(9); case ChessPieceType.Rook: return(5); case ChessPieceType.Bishop: return(3); case ChessPieceType.Knight: return(3); case ChessPieceType.Pawn: return(1); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(chessPiece), chessPiece, null); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutChessPieceType([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] ChessPieceType chessPieceType) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != chessPieceType.ChessPieceTypeId) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(chessPieceType).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!ChessPieceTypeExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
private static string GetPgnMove(ChessPieceType pieceType) { string move = ""; if (pieceType == ChessPieceType.Bishop) { move += "B"; } else if (pieceType == ChessPieceType.King) { move += "K"; } else if (pieceType == ChessPieceType.Knight) { move += "N"; } else if (pieceType == ChessPieceType.Queen) { move += "Q"; } else if (pieceType == ChessPieceType.Rook) { move += "R"; } return(move); }
public ChessPiece(ChessPieceColor color, ChessPieceType type, Position position, IMovementStrategy movementStrategy) { Color = color; Type = type; Position = position; movement = movementStrategy; }
public ChessPiece(TeamID teamId, ChessPieceType chessPieceType, int x, int z) { this.teamId = teamId; this.chessPieceType = chessPieceType; this.x = x; this.z = z; }
public ChessMove(BoardPosition start, BoardPosition end, ChessPieceType promoteTo, ChessMoveType moveType = ChessMoveType.Normal) { StartPosition = start; EndPosition = end; MoveType = moveType; PromoteTo = promoteTo; }
private static void GenerateMoves(uint squareFrom, ulong targetBitboard, ChessPieceType pieceType, List <ChessMove> moveList) { if (pieceType == ChessPieceType.Pawn && ((targetBitboard & Precomputed.Rows[7]) != 0 || (targetBitboard & Precomputed.Rows[0]) != 0)) { while (targetBitboard != 0) { uint squareTo = Util.bitScanForward(targetBitboard); ChessMove knightMove = new ChessMove((ChessPositionIndex)squareFrom, (ChessPositionIndex)squareTo, ChessPieceType.Pawn); knightMove.PromotionPieceType = ChessPieceType.Knight; moveList.Add(knightMove); GenerateMove((ChessPositionIndex)squareFrom, (ChessPositionIndex)squareTo, ChessPieceType.Pawn, ChessPieceType.Knight, moveList); GenerateMove((ChessPositionIndex)squareFrom, (ChessPositionIndex)squareTo, ChessPieceType.Pawn, ChessPieceType.Bishop, moveList); GenerateMove((ChessPositionIndex)squareFrom, (ChessPositionIndex)squareTo, ChessPieceType.Pawn, ChessPieceType.Rook, moveList); GenerateMove((ChessPositionIndex)squareFrom, (ChessPositionIndex)squareTo, ChessPieceType.Pawn, ChessPieceType.Queen, moveList); targetBitboard ^= Precomputed.IndexToBitBoard[squareTo]; // Remove the possible square. } } else { while (targetBitboard != 0) { uint squareTo = Util.bitScanForward(targetBitboard); moveList.Add(new ChessMove((ChessPositionIndex)squareFrom, (ChessPositionIndex)squareTo, pieceType)); targetBitboard ^= Precomputed.IndexToBitBoard[squareTo]; // Remove the possible square. } } }
public static Piece InstantiateNew(ChessPieceType pieceType, PieceTeam team) { Piece newPiece = InstantiateNew(pieceType); newPiece.Team = team; return(newPiece); }
public static char GetPGNNameForPiece(ChessPieceType pieceType, bool useEmptyForPawn) { switch (pieceType) { case ChessPieceType.ChessPieceType_Pawn: if (useEmptyForPawn) { return(PGN_PIECE_PAWN); } else { return(PGN_PIECE_PAWN_EXPLICIT); } case ChessPieceType.ChessPieceType_Rook: return(PGN_PIECE_ROOK); case ChessPieceType.ChessPieceType_Knight: return(PGN_PIECE_KNIGHT); case ChessPieceType.ChessPieceType_Bishop: return(PGN_PIECE_BISHOP); case ChessPieceType.ChessPieceType_Queen: return(PGN_PIECE_QUEEN); case ChessPieceType.ChessPieceType_King: return(PGN_PIECE_KING); default: return(PGN_PIECE_UNKNOWN); } }
// ReSharper disable InvertIf private static bool PromotePawns(Board board, Piece piece, byte dstPosition, ChessPieceType promoteToPiece) { if (piece.PieceType == ChessPieceType.Pawn) { if (dstPosition < 8) { board.Squares[dstPosition].Piece.PieceType = promoteToPiece; board.Squares[dstPosition].Piece.PieceValue = Piece.CalculatePieceValue(promoteToPiece); board.Squares[dstPosition].Piece.PieceActionValue = Piece.CalculatePieceActionValue(promoteToPiece); return(true); } if (dstPosition > 55) { board.Squares[dstPosition].Piece.PieceType = promoteToPiece; board.Squares[dstPosition].Piece.PieceValue = Piece.CalculatePieceValue(promoteToPiece); board.Squares[dstPosition].Piece.PieceActionValue = Piece.CalculatePieceActionValue(promoteToPiece); return(true); } } return(false); }
protected ChessPiece(Tuple <int, int> position, Player player, ChessPieceType type) { _startingPosition = position; _position = position; _player = player; _type = type; }
private ChessPiece SpawnSinglePiece(ChessPieceType type, int team) { ChessPiece cp = Instantiate(prefabs[(int)type - 1], transform).GetComponent <ChessPiece>(); cp.type = type; = team; if (type == ChessPieceType.Pawn) { cp.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>()[1].material = teamMaterials[team]; return(cp); } if (type == ChessPieceType.Rook) { cp.setScale(0.022f); cp.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>()[0].material = teamMaterials[team]; return(cp); } if (type == ChessPieceType.Bishop) { cp.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>()[0].material = teamMaterials[team]; cp.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>()[1].material = teamMaterials[team]; cp.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>()[2].material = teamMaterials[team]; cp.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>()[3].material = teamMaterials[team]; return(cp); } cp.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = teamMaterials[team]; return(cp); }
//Nếu chơi với máy hì máy sẽ chon quân Hậu và không hieern thị form chọn //Nếu đóng Form thì mặc định sẽ chọn quân hậu public static bool Promotion(UcChessPiece UcPawn, ChessPieceType PromoteTo) { if ((UcPawn.PositionY == 8) || (UcPawn.PositionY == 1)) { Bitmap queen = clsImageProcess.GetChessPieceBitMap(UcPawn.Side, ChessPieceType.Queen, UcPawn.Style); Bitmap root = clsImageProcess.GetChessPieceBitMap(UcPawn.Side, ChessPieceType.Rook, UcPawn.Style); Bitmap knight = clsImageProcess.GetChessPieceBitMap(UcPawn.Side, ChessPieceType.Knight, UcPawn.Style); Bitmap bishop = clsImageProcess.GetChessPieceBitMap(UcPawn.Side, ChessPieceType.Bishop, UcPawn.Style); if (PromoteTo == ChessPieceType.Null) { Form f = new frmPromotion(queen, root, knight, bishop); f.ShowDialog(); UcPawn.Type = frmPromotion.Type; } else { UcPawn.Type = PromoteTo; } Bitmap image = clsImageProcess.GetChessPieceBitMap(UcPawn.Side, UcPawn.Type, UcPawn.Style); UcPawn.Image = image; return(true); } return(false); }
public ChessPieceData(string _playerId, int _id, ChessPieceType _type, Side _color) { PlayerId = _playerId; ChessPieceId = _id; Type = _type; Color = _color; }
public PieceTaken(ChessPieceType pieceType) { PieceColor = ChessPieceColor.White; PieceType = pieceType; Position = 0; Moved = false; }
public ChessMove(BoardPosition start, BoardPosition end, ChessPieceType piece) { StartPosition = start; EndPosition = end; PromotePiece = piece; MoveType = ChessMoveType.PawnPromote; }
public PieceTaken(ChessPieceColor pieceColor, ChessPieceType pieceType, bool moved, byte position) { this.PieceColor = pieceColor; this.PieceType = pieceType; this.Position = position; this.Moved = moved; }
public PieceTaken(ChessPieceType pieceType) { this.PieceColor = ChessPieceColor.White; this.PieceType = pieceType; this.Position = (byte)0; this.Moved = false; }
public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { ChessPieceType type = (ChessPieceType)values[0]; int player = (int)values[1]; String color = player == 1 ? "White" : "Black"; try { if (type == ChessPieceType.Queen) { return(new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Cecs475.BoardGames.Chess.View;component/Resources/" + color + "Queen.png", UriKind.Relative))); } else if (type == ChessPieceType.Knight) { return(new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Cecs475.BoardGames.Chess.View;component/Resources/" + color + "Knight.png", UriKind.Relative))); } else if (type == ChessPieceType.Bishop) { return(new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Cecs475.BoardGames.Chess.View;component/Resources/" + color + "Bishop.png", UriKind.Relative))); } else if (type == ChessPieceType.RookKing || type == ChessPieceType.RookQueen || type == ChessPieceType.RookPawn) { return(new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Cecs475.BoardGames.Chess.View;component/Resources/" + color + "Rook.png", UriKind.Relative))); } else { return(null); } } catch (Exception e) { return(null); } }
public ChessPiece(int x, int y, ChessPieceType p, ref BoardState[,] board) { xCoord = x; yCoord = y; piece = p; board[x, y] = BoardState.Filled; }
///// <summary> ///// Trả về độ di động của phe ta trừ phe địch ///// </summary> //static int Mobility(int[,] BoardState) //{ // int intSide = 0; // if (Myside == ChessSide.White) // { // intSide = 2; // } // else // { // intSide = 1; // } // int intMobility = 0; // for (int y = 1; y <= 8; y++) // for (int x = 1; x <= 8; x++) // if (BoardState[x, y] > 0) // { // int side = BoardState[x, y] % 10; // int intType = BoardState[x, y] / 10; // if (side == intSide) // { // intMobility += FindAllLegalMove(BoardState, new Point(x, y), (ChessPieceType)intType).Count; // } // else // { // intMobility -= FindAllLegalMove(BoardState, new Point(x, y), (ChessPieceType)intType).Count; // } // } // return intMobility; //} public static ArrayList FindAllLegalMove(int[,] arrState, Point CurPos, ChessPieceType eType) { ArrayList arrPossibleMove = FindAllPossibleMove(arrState, CurPos, eType); if (arrPossibleMove.Count == 0) { return(arrPossibleMove); } ArrayList arrLegalMove = new ArrayList(); //Những nước đi làm cho quân Vua phe mình bị chiếu được xem là không hợp lệ int[,] arrNewState = new int[10, 10]; Array.Copy(arrState, arrNewState, arrState.Length); ChessSide eSide = (ChessSide)(arrState[CurPos.X, CurPos.Y] % 10); foreach (Point p in arrPossibleMove) { int tmp = arrNewState[p.X, p.Y]; //Quân cờ tại vị trí mới arrNewState[p.X, p.Y] = (int)eType * 10 + (int)eSide; //Thay quân cờ tại vị trí mới arrNewState[CurPos.X, CurPos.Y] = 0; //Xóa quân cờ tại vị trí cũ if (clsKing.IsChecked(arrNewState, eSide) == false) { arrLegalMove.Add(p); } arrNewState[CurPos.X, CurPos.Y] = arrNewState[p.X, p.Y]; //Cho quân cờ quay lại vị trí cũ arrNewState[p.X, p.Y] = tmp; //Trả lại quân cờ nằm ở vị trí mới } return(arrLegalMove); }
public ChessMove(BoardPosition start, BoardPosition end, ChessPieceType promoType, ChessMoveType moveType = ChessMoveType.PawnPromote) { StartPosition = start; EndPosition = end; MoveType = moveType; PromoType = promoType; }
public static Piece InstantiateNew(ChessPieceType pieceType) { switch (pieceType) { case ChessPieceType.Pawn: return(new PiecePawn()); case ChessPieceType.Rook: return(new PieceRook()); case ChessPieceType.Bishop: return(new PieceBishop()); case ChessPieceType.Knight: return(new PieceKnight()); case ChessPieceType.Queen: return(new PieceQueen()); case ChessPieceType.King: return(new PieceKing()); case ChessPieceType.None: default: throw new System.ArgumentException($"Invalid piece to instantiate ({pieceType}).", nameof(pieceType)); } }
/// <summary> /// Applies a move for the current player at the given position. /// </summary> public async Task ApplyMove(BoardPosition start, BoardPosition end, ChessPieceType cpt) { foreach (var move in mBoard.GetPossibleMoves()) { if (move.StartPosition.Equals(start) & move.EndPosition.Equals(end)) { if(move.PromotionPiece != ChessPieceType.Empty & move.PromotionPiece == cpt | move.PromotionPiece == ChessPieceType.Empty) { mBoard.ApplyMove(move); break; } } } if (Players == NumberOfPlayers.One && !mBoard.IsFinished) { var bestMove = await Task.Run(() => mGameAi.FindBestMove(mBoard)); if (bestMove != null) { mBoard.ApplyMove(bestMove as ChessMove); } } RebindState(); if (mBoard.IsFinished) GameFinished?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs()); }
private IEnumerable <Tuple <int, int> > findPiecePossibilities(ChessPieceType type, int tox, int toy, bool takePiece) { switch (type) { case ChessPieceType.King: return(findKingPossibilities(tox, toy, takePiece)); case ChessPieceType.Queen: return(findQueenPossibilities(tox, toy, takePiece)); case ChessPieceType.Bishop: return(findBishopPossibilities(tox, toy, takePiece)); case ChessPieceType.Rook: return(findRookPossibilities(tox, toy, takePiece)); case ChessPieceType.Knight: return(findKnightPossibilities(tox, toy, takePiece)); case ChessPieceType.Pawn: return(findPawnPossibilities(tox, toy, takePiece)); default: throw new ArgumentException(nameof(type)); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a ChessMove that moves a piece from one position to another /// </summary> /// <param name="start">the starting position of the piece to move</param> /// <param name="end">the position where the piece will end up</param> /// <param name="moveType">the type of move represented</param> /// <param name="pieceType">the piece to replace pawn during promotion</param> public ChessMove(BoardPosition start, BoardPosition end, ChessMoveType moveType = ChessMoveType.Normal, ChessPieceType pieceType = ChessPieceType.Empty) { StartPosition = start; EndPosition = end; MoveType = moveType; PromotionPiece = pieceType; }
public string human_readble(ChessPieceType t) { if (t == ChessPieceType.King) { return("king"); } else if (t == ChessPieceType.Bishop) { return("bishop"); } else if (t == ChessPieceType.Knight) { return("knight"); } else if (t == ChessPieceType.Queen) { return("queen"); } else if (t == ChessPieceType.Pawn) { return("pawn"); } else if (t == ChessPieceType.RookKing || t == ChessPieceType.RookKing || t == ChessPieceType.RookQueen) { return("rook"); } else { return(null); } }
public static Piece ReplacePiece(Piece p, ChessPieceType newType) { var newPiece = Create(newType, p.Color); Object.Destroy(p.gameObject); return(newPiece); }
internal PieceTaken(ChessPieceType pieceType) { PieceColor = ChessPieceColor.White; PieceType = pieceType; Position = 0; Moved = false; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the value weight for a piece of the given type. /// </summary> /* * VALUES: * Pawn: 1 * Knight: 3 * Bishop: 3 * Rook: 5 * Queen: 9 * King: infinity (maximum integer value) */ public int GetPieceValue(ChessPieceType pieceType) { if (pieceType == ChessPieceType.Pawn) { return(1); } else if (pieceType == ChessPieceType.Knight || pieceType == ChessPieceType.Bishop) { return(3); } else if (pieceType == ChessPieceType.RookKing || pieceType == ChessPieceType.RookQueen || pieceType == ChessPieceType.RookPawn) { return(5); } else if (pieceType == ChessPieceType.Queen) { return(9); } else if (pieceType == ChessPieceType.King) { return(int.MaxValue); } else { return(0); } }
public static ChessPiece LuoZiMsgToChessPiece(string msg) { string[] tmp = msg.Split(new char[] { '|' }); int boardX = int.Parse(tmp[0].Trim()); int boardY = int.Parse(tmp[1].Trim()); ChessPieceType color = ChessPieceType.None; switch (msg) { case "White": color = ChessPieceType.White; break; case "Black": color = ChessPieceType.Black; break; default: color = ChessPieceType.None; break; } ChessPiece result = new ChessPiece(boardX, boardY, color); return(result); }
internal PieceTaken(ChessPieceColor pieceColor, ChessPieceType pieceType, bool moved, byte position) { PieceColor = pieceColor; PieceType = pieceType; Position = position; Moved = moved; }
public PieceMoving(PieceMoving pieceMoving) { PieceColor = pieceMoving.PieceColor; PieceType = pieceMoving.PieceType; SrcPosition = pieceMoving.SrcPosition; DstPosition = pieceMoving.DstPosition; Moved = pieceMoving.Moved; }
public PieceMoving(ChessPieceType pieceType) { PieceType = pieceType; PieceColor = ChessPieceColor.White; SrcPosition = 0; DstPosition = 0; Moved = false; }
public PieceMoving(ChessPieceColor pieceColor, ChessPieceType pieceType, bool moved, byte srcPosition, byte dstPosition) { PieceColor = pieceColor; PieceType = pieceType; SrcPosition = srcPosition; DstPosition = dstPosition; Moved = moved; }
internal Piece(Piece piece) { PieceColor = piece.PieceColor; PieceType = piece.PieceType; Moved = piece.Moved; PieceValue = piece.PieceValue; PieceActionValue = piece.PieceActionValue; if (piece.ValidMoves != null) LastValidMoveCount = piece.ValidMoves.Count; }
public ChessPiece(ChessPiece piece) { Identifier = piece.Identifier; PieceColor = piece.PieceColor; PieceValue = piece.PieceValue; PieceActionValue = piece.PieceActionValue; Moved = piece.Moved; if (piece.ValidMoves != null) LastValidMoveCount = piece.ValidMoves.Count; }
public ChessPiece(ChessPieceType id, byte number, bool isBlack) { this.Identifier = id; if (isBlack) this.PieceColor = ChessPieceColor.Black; else this.PieceColor = ChessPieceColor.White; this.Moved = false; this.LastValidMoveCount = 0; this.ValidMoves = new Stack<byte>(); PieceValue = CalculatePieceValue(id); PieceActionValue = CalculatePieceActionValue(id); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ChessPiece"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The chess piece type.</param> /// <param name="character">The chess piece character.</param> /// <param name="row">The row-position on the chessboard.</param> /// <param name="col">The col-position on the chessboard.</param> public ChessPiece(ChessPieceType type, char character, int row, int col) { if (char.IsWhiteSpace(character)) { throw new ArgumentException("character cannot be whitespace.", "character"); } this.Character = character; this.Type = type; this.Row = row; this.Col = col; }
internal Piece(ChessPieceType chessPiece, ChessPieceColor chessPieceColor) { PieceType = chessPiece; PieceColor = chessPieceColor; if (PieceType == ChessPieceType.Pawn || PieceType == ChessPieceType.Knight) { LastValidMoveCount = 2; } else { LastValidMoveCount = 0; } ValidMoves = new Stack<byte>(LastValidMoveCount); PieceValue = CalculatePieceValue(PieceType); PieceActionValue = CalculatePieceActionValue(PieceType); }
private static short CalculatePieceActionValue(ChessPieceType pieceType) { switch (pieceType) { case ChessPieceType.Pawn: { return 6; } case ChessPieceType.Knight: { return 3; } case ChessPieceType.Bishop: { return 3; } case ChessPieceType.Rook: { return 2; } case ChessPieceType.Queen: { return 1; } case ChessPieceType.King: { return 1; } default: { return 0; } } }
internal static string GetPieceTypeShort(ChessPieceType pieceType) { switch (pieceType) { case ChessPieceType.Pawn: { return "P"; } case ChessPieceType.Knight: { return "N"; } case ChessPieceType.Bishop: { return "B"; } case ChessPieceType.Rook: { return "R"; } case ChessPieceType.Queen: { return "Q"; } case ChessPieceType.King: { return "K"; } default: { return "P"; } } }
private static string GetPgnMove(ChessPieceType pieceType) { switch (pieceType) { case ChessPieceType.Bishop: return "B"; case ChessPieceType.King: return "K"; case ChessPieceType.Knight: return "N"; case ChessPieceType.Queen: return "Q"; case ChessPieceType.Rook: return "R"; default: return ""; } }
private static short CalculatePieceValue(ChessPieceType pieceType) { switch (pieceType) { case ChessPieceType.Pawn: { return 100; } case ChessPieceType.Knight: { return 320; } case ChessPieceType.Bishop: { return 325; } case ChessPieceType.Rook: { return 500; } case ChessPieceType.Queen: { return 975; } case ChessPieceType.King: { return 32767; } default: { return 0; } } }
public ChessPiece(ChessPieceColor color, ChessPieceType type) { this.color = color; this.type = type; }
public ChessMove(Coordinate from, Coordinate to, ChessPieceType pieceType, bool isCapture, bool isPromotionToQueen, bool drawOfferExtended, bool isCheck, bool isCheckMate, bool kingsideCastle, bool queensideCastle) { this.from = from; = to; this.pieceType = pieceType; this.isCapture = isCapture; this.isPromotionToQueen = isPromotionToQueen; this.drawOfferExtended = drawOfferExtended; this.isCheck = isCheck; this.isCheckMate = isCheckMate; this.kingsideCastle = kingsideCastle; this.queensideCastle = queensideCastle; }
internal static bool PromotePawns(ChessBoard board, ChessPiece piece, byte dstPosition, ChessPieceType promoteToPiece) { if (piece.Identifier == ChessPieceType.Pawn) { if (dstPosition < 8) { board.pieces[dstPosition].Identifier = promoteToPiece; return true; } if (dstPosition > 55) { board.pieces[dstPosition].Identifier = promoteToPiece; return true; } } return false; }
internal static MoveContent MovePiece(Board board, byte srcPosition, byte dstPosition, ChessPieceType promoteToPiece) { Piece piece = board.Squares[srcPosition].Piece; //Record my last move board.LastMove = new MoveContent(); //Add One to FiftyMoveCount to check for tie. board.FiftyMove++; if (piece.PieceColor == ChessPieceColor.Black) { board.MoveCount++; } //En Passant if (board.EnPassantPosition > 0) { board.LastMove.EnPassantOccured = SetEnpassantMove(board, dstPosition, piece.PieceColor); } if (!board.LastMove.EnPassantOccured) { Square sqr = board.Squares[dstPosition]; if (sqr.Piece != null) { board.LastMove.TakenPiece = new PieceTaken(sqr.Piece.PieceColor, sqr.Piece.PieceType, sqr.Piece.Moved, dstPosition); board.FiftyMove = 0; } else { board.LastMove.TakenPiece = new PieceTaken(ChessPieceColor.White, ChessPieceType.None, false, dstPosition); } } board.LastMove.MovingPiecePrimary = new PieceMoving(piece.PieceColor, piece.PieceType, piece.Moved, srcPosition, dstPosition); //Delete the piece in its source position board.Squares[srcPosition].Piece = null; //Add the piece to its new position piece.Moved = true; piece.Selected = false; board.Squares[dstPosition].Piece = piece; //Reset EnPassantPosition board.EnPassantPosition = 0; //Record En Passant if Pawn Moving if (piece.PieceType == ChessPieceType.Pawn) { board.FiftyMove = 0; RecordEnPassant(piece.PieceColor, piece.PieceType, board, srcPosition, dstPosition); } board.WhoseMove = board.WhoseMove == ChessPieceColor.White ? ChessPieceColor.Black : ChessPieceColor.White; KingCastle(board, piece, srcPosition, dstPosition); //Promote Pawns if (PromotePawns(board, piece, dstPosition, promoteToPiece)) { board.LastMove.PawnPromoted = true; } else { board.LastMove.PawnPromoted = false; } if ( board.FiftyMove >= 50) { board.StaleMate = true; } return board.LastMove; }
private static bool PromotePawns(Board board, Piece piece, byte dstPosition, ChessPieceType promoteToPiece) { if (piece.PieceType == ChessPieceType.Pawn) { if (dstPosition < 8) { board.Squares[dstPosition].Piece.PieceType = promoteToPiece; return true; } if (dstPosition > 55) { board.Squares[dstPosition].Piece.PieceType = promoteToPiece; return true; } } return false; }
private static void RecordEnPassant(ChessPieceColor pcColor, ChessPieceType pcType, Board board, byte srcPosition, byte dstPosition) { //Record En Passant if Pawn Moving if (pcType == ChessPieceType.Pawn) { //Reset FiftyMoveCount if pawn moved board.FiftyMove = 0; int difference = srcPosition - dstPosition; if (difference == 16 || difference == -16) { board.EnPassantPosition = (byte)(dstPosition + (difference / 2)); board.EnPassantColor = pcColor; } } }
private void SetChessPieceCount(ChessPieceColor color, ChessPieceType type, int count) { string canvasPropertyName = string.Format("{0}Player{1}", color, type); string textCountPropertyName = string.Format("{0}Player{1}Count", color, type); var canvasProperty = GetType().GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredProperty(canvasPropertyName); var textCountcanvasProperty = GetType().GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredProperty(textCountPropertyName); if (canvasProperty != null && textCountcanvasProperty != null) SetChessPieceCount((Canvas)canvasProperty.GetValue(this), (TextBlock)textCountcanvasProperty.GetValue(this), count); }
internal static MoveContent MoveContent(ChessBoard board, byte srcPosition, byte dstPosition, ChessPieceType promoteToPiece) { ChessPiece piece = board.pieces[srcPosition]; //Record my last move board.LastMove = new MoveContent(); //Add One to FiftyMoveCount to check for tie. ++board.FiftyMove; if (piece.PieceColor == ChessPieceColor.Black) { ++board.MoveCount; } //En Passant if (board.EnPassantPosition > 0) { board.LastMove.EnPassantOccured = ChessEngine.SetEnpassantMove(board, dstPosition, piece.PieceColor); } if (!board.LastMove.EnPassantOccured) { ChessPiece dstPiece = board.pieces[dstPosition]; if (dstPiece != null) { board.LastMove.TakenPiece = new PieceTaken(dstPiece.PieceColor, dstPiece.Identifier, dstPiece.Moved, dstPosition); board.FiftyMove = 0; } else { board.LastMove.TakenPiece = new PieceTaken(ChessPieceColor.White, ChessPieceType.None, false, dstPosition); } } board.LastMove.MovingPiecePrimary = new PieceMoving(piece.PieceColor, piece.Identifier, piece.Moved, srcPosition, dstPosition); //Delete the piece in its source position board.pieces[srcPosition] = null; //Add the piece to its new position piece.Moved = true; board.pieces[dstPosition] = piece; //Reset EnPassantPosition board.EnPassantPosition = 0; //Record En Passant if Pawn Moving if (piece.Identifier == ChessPieceType.Pawn) { board.FiftyMove = 0; ChessEngine.RecordEnPassant(board, piece.PieceColor, piece.Identifier, srcPosition, dstPosition); } board.WhoseMove = board.WhoseMove == ChessPieceColor.White ? ChessPieceColor.Black : ChessPieceColor.White; ChessEngine.KingCastle(board, piece, srcPosition, dstPosition); //Promote Pawns if (ChessEngine.PromotePawns(board, piece, dstPosition, promoteToPiece)) { board.LastMove.PawnPromoted = true; } else { board.LastMove.PawnPromoted = false; } if (board.FiftyMove >= 50) { board.staleMate = true; } return board.LastMove; }