        public void ChainHasOneCheckPointAndAssumeValid_TwoAlternativeChainsArePresented_BothChainsAreMarkedForDownload()
            // Chain header tree setup with disabled checkpoints.
            // Initial chain has 2 headers.
            // Example: h1=h2.
            const int         initialChainSize   = 2;
            const int         extensionChainSize = 2;
            TestContext       ctx             = new TestContextBuilder().WithInitialChain(initialChainSize).UseCheckpoints().Build();
            ChainedHeaderTree cht             = ctx.ChainedHeaderTree;
            ChainedHeader     initialChainTip = ctx.InitialChainTip;

            // Extend chain with 2 more headers.
            initialChainTip = ctx.ExtendAChain(extensionChainSize, initialChainTip); // i.e. h1=h2=h3=h4
            List <BlockHeader> listOfCurrentChainHeaders = ctx.ChainedHeaderToList(initialChainTip, initialChainSize + extensionChainSize);

            // Setup a known checkpoint at header 4.
            // Example: h1=h2=h3=(h4).
            const int checkpointHeight = 4;
            var       checkpoint       = new CheckpointFixture(checkpointHeight, listOfCurrentChainHeaders.Last());


            // Extend chain and add "Assume valid" at block 6.
            // Example: h1=h2=h3=(h4)=h5=[h6].
            const int     chainExtension   = 2;
            ChainedHeader extendedChainTip = ctx.ExtendAChain(chainExtension, initialChainTip);

            ctx.ConsensusSettings.BlockAssumedValid = extendedChainTip.HashBlock;

            // Setup two alternative chains A and B. Chain A covers the last checkpoint (4) and "assume valid" (6).
            // Chain B only covers the last checkpoint (4).
            const int          chainAExtensionSize      = 2;
            const int          chainBExtensionSize      = 6;
            ChainedHeader      chainATip                = ctx.ExtendAChain(chainAExtensionSize, extendedChainTip); // i.e. h1=h2=h3=(h4)=h5=[h6]=a7=a8
            ChainedHeader      chainBTip                = ctx.ExtendAChain(chainBExtensionSize, initialChainTip);  // i.e. h1=h2=h3=(h4)=b5=b6=b7=b8=b9=b10
            List <BlockHeader> listOfChainABlockHeaders = ctx.ChainedHeaderToList(chainATip, initialChainSize + extensionChainSize + chainExtension + chainAExtensionSize);
            List <BlockHeader> listOfChainBBlockHeaders = ctx.ChainedHeaderToList(chainBTip, initialChainSize + extensionChainSize + chainBExtensionSize);

            // Chain A is presented by peer 1.
            // DownloadFrom should be set to header 3.
            // DownloadTo should be set to header 8.
            ConnectNewHeadersResult result = cht.ConnectNewHeaders(1, listOfChainABlockHeaders);


            // Chain B is presented by peer 2.
            // DownloadFrom should be set to header 5.
            // DownloadTo should be set to header 10.
            result = cht.ConnectNewHeaders(2, listOfChainBBlockHeaders);
        public void ChainHasTwoCheckPoints_ChainCoveringOnlyFirstCheckPointIsPresented_ChainIsDiscardedUpUntilFirstCheckpoint()
            // Chain header tree setup.
            // Initial chain has 2 headers.
            // Example: h1=h2.
            const int         initialChainSize      = 2;
            const int         currentChainExtension = 6;
            TestContext       ctx             = new TestContextBuilder().WithInitialChain(initialChainSize).UseCheckpoints().Build();
            ChainedHeaderTree cht             = ctx.ChainedHeaderTree;
            ChainedHeader     initialChainTip = ctx.InitialChainTip;

            ChainedHeader      extendedChainTip          = ctx.ExtendAChain(currentChainExtension, initialChainTip); // i.e. h1=h2=h3=h4=h5=h6=h7=h8
            List <BlockHeader> listOfCurrentChainHeaders = ctx.ChainedHeaderToList(extendedChainTip, initialChainSize + currentChainExtension);

            // Setup two known checkpoints at header 4 and 7.
            // Example: h1=h2=h3=(h4)=h5=h6=(h7)=h8.
            const int firstCheckpointHeight  = 4;
            const int secondCheckpointHeight = 7;
            var       checkpoint1            = new CheckpointFixture(firstCheckpointHeight, listOfCurrentChainHeaders[firstCheckpointHeight - 1]);
            var       checkpoint2            = new CheckpointFixture(secondCheckpointHeight, listOfCurrentChainHeaders[secondCheckpointHeight - 1]);

            ctx.SetupCheckpoints(checkpoint1, checkpoint2);

            // Setup new chain that only covers first checkpoint but doesn't cover second checkpoint.
            // Example: h1=h2=h3=(h4)=h5=h6=x7=x8=x9=x10.
            const int newChainExtension = 4;

            extendedChainTip = extendedChainTip.GetAncestor(6); // walk back to block 6
            extendedChainTip = ctx.ExtendAChain(newChainExtension, extendedChainTip);
            List <BlockHeader> listOfNewChainHeaders = ctx.ChainedHeaderToList(extendedChainTip, extendedChainTip.Height);

            // First 5 blocks are presented by peer 1.
            // DownloadTo should be set to a checkpoint 1.
            ConnectNewHeadersResult result = cht.ConnectNewHeaders(1, listOfNewChainHeaders.Take(5).ToList());


            // Remaining 5 blocks are presented by peer 1 which do not cover checkpoint 2.
            // InvalidHeaderException should be thrown.
            List <BlockHeader> violatingHeaders = listOfNewChainHeaders.Skip(5).ToList();
            Action             connectAction    = () =>
                cht.ConnectNewHeaders(1, violatingHeaders);

            connectAction.Should().Throw <CheckpointMismatchException>();

            // Make sure headers for violating chain don't exist.
            foreach (BlockHeader header in violatingHeaders)
        public void ChainHasOneCheckPointAndAssumeValid_ChainsWithCheckpointButMissedAssumeValidIsPresented_BothChainsAreMarkedForDownload()
            // Chain header tree setup with disabled checkpoints.
            // Initial chain has 2 headers.
            // Example: h1=h2.
            const int         initialChainSize   = 2;
            const int         extensionChainSize = 2;
            TestContext       ctx             = new TestContextBuilder().WithInitialChain(initialChainSize).UseCheckpoints().Build();
            ChainedHeaderTree cht             = ctx.ChainedHeaderTree;
            ChainedHeader     initialChainTip = ctx.InitialChainTip;

            // Extend chain with 2 more headers.
            initialChainTip = ctx.ExtendAChain(extensionChainSize, initialChainTip); // i.e. h1=h2=h3=h4
            List <BlockHeader> listOfCurrentChainHeaders = ctx.ChainedHeaderToList(initialChainTip, initialChainSize + extensionChainSize);

            // Setup a known checkpoint at header 4.
            // Example: h1=h2=h3=(h4).
            const int checkpointHeight = 4;
            var       checkpoint       = new CheckpointFixture(checkpointHeight, listOfCurrentChainHeaders.Last());


            // Extend chain and add "Assume valid" at block 6.
            // Example: h1=h2=h3=(h4)=h5=[h6].
            const int     chainExtension   = 2;
            ChainedHeader extendedChainTip = ctx.ExtendAChain(chainExtension, initialChainTip);

            ctx.ConsensusSettings.BlockAssumedValid = extendedChainTip.HashBlock;

            // Setup new chain, which covers the last checkpoint (4), but misses "assumed valid".
            const int     newChainExtensionSize = 6;
            ChainedHeader newChainTip           = ctx.ExtendAChain(newChainExtensionSize, initialChainTip); // i.e. h1=h2=h3=(h4)=b5=b6=b7=b8=b9=b10

            listOfCurrentChainHeaders = ctx.ChainedHeaderToList(newChainTip, initialChainSize + extensionChainSize + newChainExtensionSize);

            // Chain is presented by peer 2.
            // DownloadFrom should be set to header 3.
            // DownloadTo should be set to header 10.
            ConnectNewHeadersResult result = cht.ConnectNewHeaders(2, listOfCurrentChainHeaders);

 public ContractDeployedTests(CheckpointFixture <ContractDeployedTests> fixture, ITestOutputHelper output)
     this.fixture = fixture;
     this.chain   = fixture.FindChain();
     this.output  = output;
 public SampleDomainRegisteredTests(CheckpointFixture <SampleDomainRegisteredTests> fixture, ITestOutputHelper output)
     this.fixture = fixture;
     this.chain   = fixture.FindChain();
     this.output  = output;
 public SampleDomainRegisteredTests(CheckpointFixture <SampleDomainRegisteredTests> fixture)
     this.fixture = fixture;
     this.chain   = fixture.FindChain();
 public SaleCreatedTests(CheckpointFixture <SaleCreatedTests> fixture)
     this.fixture = fixture;
     this.chain   = fixture.FindChain();
 public ContractDeployedTests(CheckpointFixture <ContractDeployedTests> fixture)
     this.fixture = fixture;
     this.chain   = fixture.FindChain();