        private void Received(OrderedCommitNotification msg)
            //if their previous matches our current, project
            //if their previous is less than our current, ignore
            //if their previous is > our current, catchup
            var comparer    = new CheckpointComparer();
            var comparision = comparer.Compare(Checkpoint, msg.PreviousCheckpoint);

            if (comparision == 0)
                Project(msg.Commit); //order matched, project
            else if (comparision > 0)
                //we are ahead of this commit so no-op, this is a bit odd, so log it
                Context.GetLogger().Debug("Received a commit notification  (checkpoint {0}) behind our checkpoint ({1})", msg.Commit.CheckpointToken, Checkpoint.Get());
                //we are behind the head, should catch up
                var fromPoint = Checkpoint.Map(x => x.ToString()).GetOrElse("beginning of time");
                Context.GetLogger().Info("Catchup started from checkpoint {0} after receiving out-of-sequence commit with checkpoint {1} and previous checkpoint {2}", fromPoint, msg.Commit.CheckpointToken, msg.PreviousCheckpoint);
                Context.GetLogger().Info("Catchup finished from {0} to checkpoint {1} after receiving commit with checkpoint {2}", fromPoint, Checkpoint.Map(x => x.ToString()).GetOrElse("beginning of time"), msg.Commit.CheckpointToken);
        /// <summary>
        /// Catches-up the projector if it has fallen behind the head
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void Catchup()
            var comparer = new CheckpointComparer();
            IEnumerable <ICommit> commits = _persistStreams.GetFrom(Checkpoint.GetOrElse(() => 0)); //load all commits after our current checkpoint from db

            foreach (var commit in commits)
                if (comparer.Compare(Checkpoint, commit.CheckpointToken.ToSome()) != 0)
                    //something went wrong, we couldn't project
                    Context.GetLogger().Warning("Stopped catchup! was unable to project the commit at checkpoint {0}", commit.CheckpointToken);