private void cSSBlockToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Control[] ctl = builder.Controls.Find("listBox1", true); Control[] ctl1 = builder.Controls.Find("checkedListBox2", true); ListBox listBox1 = (ListBox)ctl[0]; if (listBox1.SelectedItem != null) { sb.AppendLine(listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() + "\t" + "{"); } CheckedListBox clb = (CheckedListBox)ctl1[0]; foreach (var item in clb.CheckedItems) { string displayname = item.ToString(); int index = clb.FindStringExact(displayname); string name = "textBox" + (index + 1).ToString(); Control[] c = clb.Controls.Find(name, true); TextBox tb = (TextBox)c[0]; sb.AppendLine(displayname + ":" + tb.Text + ";"); } sb.AppendLine("}"); rtb1.AppendText(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "CSS For " + listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() + " added"; cSSBlockToolStripMenuItem1.Enabled = false; }
protected override void LoadScene() { if (model != null) { modelSceneNode = new ModelSceneNode(Scene, model); SetAvailableAnimations(modelSceneNode.GetSupportedAnimationNames()); Scene.Add(modelSceneNode, false); var meshGroups = modelSceneNode.GetMeshGroups(); if (meshGroups.Count() > 1) { meshGroupListBox = ViewerControl.AddMultiSelection("Mesh Group", selectedGroups => { modelSceneNode.SetActiveMeshGroups(selectedGroups); }); meshGroupListBox.Items.AddRange(modelSceneNode.GetMeshGroups().ToArray <object>()); foreach (var group in modelSceneNode.GetActiveMeshGroups()) { meshGroupListBox.SetItemChecked(meshGroupListBox.FindStringExact(group), true); } } } else { SetAvailableAnimations(Enumerable.Empty <string>()); } if (mesh != null) { meshSceneNode = new MeshSceneNode(Scene, mesh); Scene.Add(meshSceneNode, false); } }
// On MouseHover of a building image display a list of projects for the respective building. // and set the appropriate checkboxes if the building was already marked as finished in the save file. private static void BuildingPictureBox_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cData.Character == null || cData.PlayerData == null) { return; } var clickedElement = (PictureBox)sender; var padding = 15; var projectsPanel = new Panel { Name = clickedElement.Name, AutoScroll = true, Location = new Point(clickedElement.Location.X - (padding * 3), clickedElement.Location.Y - padding), BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle, BackColor = Color.FromArgb(29, 29, 29), ForeColor = Color.White, Size = new Size(81 + (padding * 6), 106 + (padding * 6)) }; charCityForm.Controls.Add(projectsPanel); List <string> buildingProjects = WolcenStaticData.CityBuildings[clickedElement.Name]; buildingProjects = buildingProjects.Select(x => WolcenStaticData.CityProjectLocalization[x]).ToList(); var buildingListView = new CheckedListBox(); buildingListView.Items.AddRange(buildingProjects.ToArray()); buildingListView.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(29, 29, 29); buildingListView.ForeColor = Color.White; buildingListView.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; //buildingListView.Font = new Font(Form1.DefaultFont.FontFamily, 8, FontStyle.Regular); buildingListView.Parent = projectsPanel; buildingListView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; buildingListView.CheckOnClick = true; buildingListView.MouseLeave += BuildingListView_MouseLeave; foreach (var project in buildingProjects) { var i = buildingListView.FindStringExact(project); foreach (var item in cData.PlayerData.SoftcoreSeason.CityBuilding.FinishedProjects) { if (project == WolcenStaticData.CityProjectLocalization[item.Name]) { buildingListView.SetItemChecked(i, true); } } } projectsPanel.Controls.Add(buildingListView); charCityForm.MouseLeave += (sender2, e2) => { charCityForm.Controls.Remove(projectsPanel); }; charCityForm.ControlAdded += (sender2, e2) => { charCityForm.Controls.Remove(projectsPanel); }; projectsPanel.BringToFront(); }
private void UncheckOtherItems(ItemCheckEventArgs e, CheckedListBox listbox, Dictionary <string, int> columnInfo) { foreach (var column in columnInfo.Where(c => listbox.CheckedItems.Contains(c.Key))) { var index = listbox.FindStringExact(column.Key); if (index != e.Index) { listbox.SetItemCheckState(index, CheckState.Unchecked); } } }
private void AddToList(IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, bool> > tagList, CheckedListBox listBox) { foreach (var item in tagList) { // Ensure we are not adding a placeholder the plug-in made if (control.Settings.Placeholders.All(ph => ph.Content != item.Key)) { if (listBox.FindStringExact(item.Key) == ListBox.NoMatches) { listBox.Items.Add(item.Key, item.Value); } } } }
protected override void LoadScene() { if (model != null) { modelSceneNode = new ModelSceneNode(Scene, model); SetAvailableAnimations(modelSceneNode.GetSupportedAnimationNames()); Scene.Add(modelSceneNode, false); var meshGroups = modelSceneNode.GetMeshGroups(); if (meshGroups.Count() > 1) { meshGroupListBox = ViewerControl.AddMultiSelection("Mesh Group", selectedGroups => { modelSceneNode.SetActiveMeshGroups(selectedGroups); }); meshGroupListBox.Items.AddRange(modelSceneNode.GetMeshGroups().ToArray <object>()); foreach (var group in modelSceneNode.GetActiveMeshGroups()) { meshGroupListBox.SetItemChecked(meshGroupListBox.FindStringExact(group), true); } } modelSceneNode.AnimationController.RegisterUpdateHandler((animation, frame) => { if (animationTrackBar.TrackBar.Value != frame) { animationTrackBar.UpdateValueSilently(frame); } var maximum = animation == null ? 1 : animation.FrameCount - 1; if (animationTrackBar.TrackBar.Maximum != maximum) { animationTrackBar.TrackBar.Maximum = maximum; } animationTrackBar.Enabled = animation != null; animationPlayPause.Enabled = animation != null; }); } else { SetAvailableAnimations(Enumerable.Empty <string>()); } if (mesh != null) { meshSceneNode = new MeshSceneNode(Scene, mesh); Scene.Add(meshSceneNode, false); } }
/// <summary> /// Настройка списка с CheckBox /// </summary> /// <param name="checkedListBox">Ссылка на элемент управления</param> /// <param name="selectedDevices">Массив выбранных устройств</param> private void SetUpCheckedListBox(CheckedListBox checkedListBox, string[] selectedDevices, List <string> allDevices) { foreach (var item in allDevices) { int itemNum = checkedListBox.FindStringExact(item.ToString()); if (selectedDevices.Contains(item.ToString())) { checkedListBox.SetItemChecked(itemNum, true); } else { checkedListBox.SetItemChecked(itemNum, false); } } }
private void UpdateCheckedListBox(CheckedListBox cb, List <string> stringList) { // Uncheck all items foreach (int i in cb.CheckedIndices) { cb.SetItemCheckState(i, CheckState.Unchecked); } string[] destination = new string[cb.Items.Count]; cb.Items.CopyTo(destination, 0); // Check items in stringList foreach (string s in stringList) { int index = cb.FindStringExact(s); if (index != ListBox.NoMatches) { cb.SetItemCheckState(index, CheckState.Checked); } } }
private void bindControls() { refreshCounter1.CountdownTimer.Value = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1).Add(Settings.Default.PlaylistRefreshInterval); selectedChannelColorPicker.Color = Settings.Default.SelectedChannelBackground; alternatingChannelColorPicker.Color = Settings.Default.AlternatingChannelBackground; channelColorPicker.Color = Settings.Default.ChannelBackground; // set selected values sortOrderValue.Text = Settings.Default.ChannelSortOrder; sortByValue.Text = Settings.Default.ChannelSortBy; transparencyTrackBar.Value = ((int)(Settings.Default.FormOpacityValue * 100)); calendarFormatValue.Text = Settings.Default.CalendarFormat; serviceLevelValues.ClearSelected(); serviceLevelValues.SetItemChecked(serviceLevelValues.FindStringExact(Settings.Default.SubscriptionType), true); UsernameTextbox.Text = Settings.Default.Username; PasswordTextbox.Text = Settings.Default.Password; ListenKeyTextbox.Text = Settings.Default.ListenKey; // set the Listen Key link here //LinkLabel.Link link = new LinkLabel.Link(); //link.LinkData = P.Resources.ListenKeyLinkData; ListenKeyLinkLabel.Links[0].LinkData = P.Resources.ListenKeyLinkData; // radio buttons if (!Settings.Default.RememberPreviousChannel) { rememberNoRadio.PerformClick(); } if (!Settings.Default.ShowUserToast) { toastNoRadio.PerformClick(); } togglePremiumTextboxes(serviceLevelValues.SelectedIndex); }
/// <summary> /// traversiert sämtliche Items und merkt sich jeden Typ genau einmal und gibt diesen aus /// </summary> public void loadCheckBoxes() { typeOutput.Items.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < lootLib.lootList.Count; i++) { string temp = lootLib.lootList[i].type; if (typeOutput.FindStringExact(temp) == -1) { typeOutput.Items.Add(temp, true); } if ((config.useAreaCheckBx) && (lootLib.lootList[i].areaTags.Count != 0)) { areaTags.Items.Clear(); for (int j = 0; j < lootLib.lootList[i].areaTags.Count; j++) { temp = lootLib.lootList[i].areaTags[j]; if ((areaTags.FindStringExact(temp) == -1) && (config.useAreaCheckBx)) { areaTags.Items.Add(temp, true); } } } if ((config.useQuestCheckBx) && (lootLib.lootList[i].questTags.Count != 0)) { questTags.Items.Clear(); for (int j = 0; j < lootLib.lootList[i].questTags.Count; j++) { temp = lootLib.lootList[i].questTags[j]; if ((questTags.FindStringExact(temp) == -1) && (config.useQuestCheckBx)) { questTags.Items.Add(temp, true); } } } } }
protected override void LoadScene() { if (world != null) { var loader = new WorldLoader(GuiContext, world); var result = loader.Load(Scene); if (result.Skybox != null) { SkyboxScene = new Scene(GuiContext); var skyboxLoader = new WorldLoader(GuiContext, result.Skybox); var skyboxResult = skyboxLoader.Load(SkyboxScene); SkyboxScale = skyboxResult.SkyboxScale; SkyboxOrigin = skyboxResult.SkyboxOrigin; ViewerControl.AddCheckBox("Show Skybox", ShowSkybox, (v) => ShowSkybox = v); } var worldLayers = Scene.AllNodes .Select(r => r.LayerName) .Distinct(); SetAvailableLayers(worldLayers); if (worldLayers.Any()) { // TODO: Since the layers are combined, has to be first in each world node? worldLayersComboBox.SetItemCheckState(0, CheckState.Checked); foreach (var worldLayer in result.DefaultEnabledLayers) { worldLayersComboBox.SetItemCheckState(worldLayersComboBox.FindStringExact(worldLayer), CheckState.Checked); } } if (result.CameraMatrices.Any()) { if (cameraComboBox == default) { cameraComboBox = ViewerControl.AddSelection("Camera", (cameraName, index) => { if (index > 0) { if (result.CameraMatrices.TryGetValue(cameraName, out var cameraMatrix)) { Scene.MainCamera.SetFromTransformMatrix(cameraMatrix); } cameraComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } }); cameraComboBox.Items.Add("Set view to camera..."); cameraComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } cameraComboBox.Items.AddRange(result.CameraMatrices.Keys.ToArray <object>()); } var physNodes = Scene.AllNodes.OfType <PhysSceneNode>().Distinct(); triggerNodes = physNodes.Where(n => n.IsTrigger); colliderNodes = physNodes.Where(n => !n.IsTrigger); } if (worldNode != null) { var loader = new WorldNodeLoader(GuiContext, worldNode); loader.Load(Scene); var worldLayers = Scene.AllNodes .Select(r => r.LayerName) .Distinct() .ToList(); SetAvailableLayers(worldLayers); for (var i = 0; i < worldLayersComboBox.Items.Count; i++) { worldLayersComboBox.SetItemChecked(i, true); } } ShowBaseGrid = false; ViewerControl.Invoke((Action)savedCameraPositionsControl.RefreshSavedPositions); }
protected override void LoadScene() { if (model != null) { modelSceneNode = new ModelSceneNode(Scene, model); SetAvailableAnimations(modelSceneNode.GetSupportedAnimationNames()); Scene.Add(modelSceneNode, false); phys = model.GetEmbeddedPhys(); if (phys == null) { var refPhysicsPaths = model.GetReferencedPhysNames(); if (refPhysicsPaths.Any()) { //TODO are there any models with more than one vphys? if (refPhysicsPaths.Count() != 1) { Console.WriteLine($"Model has more than 1 vphys ({refPhysicsPaths.Count()})." + " Please report this on and provide the file that caused this."); } var newResource = Scene.GuiContext.LoadFileByAnyMeansNecessary(refPhysicsPaths.First() + "_c"); if (newResource != null) { phys = (PhysAggregateData)newResource.DataBlock; } } } var meshGroups = modelSceneNode.GetMeshGroups(); if (meshGroups.Count() > 1) { meshGroupListBox = ViewerControl.AddMultiSelection("Mesh Group", selectedGroups => { modelSceneNode.SetActiveMeshGroups(selectedGroups); }); meshGroupListBox.Items.AddRange(modelSceneNode.GetMeshGroups().ToArray <object>()); foreach (var group in modelSceneNode.GetActiveMeshGroups()) { meshGroupListBox.SetItemChecked(meshGroupListBox.FindStringExact(group), true); } } var materialGroups = model.GetMaterialGroups(); if (materialGroups.Count() > 1) { materialGroupListBox = ViewerControl.AddSelection("Material Group", (selectedGroup, _) => { modelSceneNode?.SetSkin(selectedGroup); }); materialGroupListBox.Items.AddRange(materialGroups.ToArray <object>()); materialGroupListBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } modelSceneNode.AnimationController.RegisterUpdateHandler((animation, frame) => { if (animationTrackBar.TrackBar.Value != frame) { animationTrackBar.UpdateValueSilently(frame); } var maximum = animation == null ? 1 : animation.FrameCount - 1; if (animationTrackBar.TrackBar.Maximum != maximum) { animationTrackBar.TrackBar.Maximum = maximum; } animationTrackBar.Enabled = animation != null; animationPlayPause.Enabled = animation != null; }); } else { SetAvailableAnimations(Enumerable.Empty <string>()); } if (mesh != null) { meshSceneNode = new MeshSceneNode(Scene, mesh); Scene.Add(meshSceneNode, false); } if (phys != null) { physSceneNode = new PhysSceneNode(Scene, phys); Scene.Add(physSceneNode, false); //disabled by default. Enable if viewing only phys or model without meshes physSceneNode.Enabled = (modelSceneNode == null || !modelSceneNode.RenderableMeshes.Any()); ViewerControl.AddCheckBox("Show Physics", physSceneNode.Enabled, (v) => { physSceneNode.Enabled = v; }); } }
private void htmlElementToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HtmlNode nd = ctl.node; Control[] control = ctl.Controls.Find("checkedListBox1", true); document.Load(Application.StartupPath + "/tempHtml.txt"); CheckedListBox checkedListBox1 = (CheckedListBox)control[0]; lock (checkedListBox1.CheckedItems) { foreach (var item in checkedListBox1.CheckedItems) { string displayname = item.ToString(); int index = checkedListBox1.FindStringExact(displayname); string name = "textBox" + (index + 1).ToString(); Control[] c = checkedListBox1.Controls.Find(name, true); TextBox tb = (TextBox)c[0]; HtmlAttribute attr = document.CreateAttribute(displayname, tb.Text); nd.Attributes.Add(attr); } } Control[] ctl1 = ctl.Controls.Find("innerHtmlTextBox", true); TextBox tb1 = (TextBox)ctl1[0]; Control[] ctl2 = ctl.Controls.Find("pathTextBox", true); TextBox tb2 = (TextBox)ctl2[0]; nd.InnerHtml = tb1.Text; XPathNavigator nav = document.DocumentNode.CreateRootNavigator(); if (tb2.Text != string.Empty) { try { var ob = (XPathNodeIterator)nav.Evaluate(tb2.Text); if (ob.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("The path is not correct"); return; } } catch (XPathException) { MessageBox.Show("The Path is Not Correct"); return; } HtmlNode node = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(tb2.Text); node.AppendChild(nd); document.Save(Application.StartupPath + "/tempHtml.txt"); } else if (MessageBox.Show("Please Enter A Path") == DialogResult.OK) { tb2.Select(); } richTextBox1.LoadFile(Application.StartupPath + "/tempHtml.txt", RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText); toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Html Element <" + nd.Name + "> added"; string filePath = Application.StartupPath; using (Document d = Document.FromString(richTextBox1.Text)) { d.IndentBlockElements = AutoBool.Yes; d.IndentSpaces = 2; d.AddTidyMetaElement = false; d.CleanAndRepair(); d.Save(filePath + "/tempHtml.txt"); } document.LoadHtml(richTextBox1.Text); richTextBox1.Clear(); richTextBox1.LoadFile(filePath + "/tempHtml.txt", RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText); }