        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the name of the user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">Name of the user.</param>
        /// <param name="idValue">id value of the entity. It will be used in update mode to check duplicate</param>
        /// <param name="fnName">Business rule function if it is insert or update</param>
        /// <param name="errors">The errors.</param>
        /// <param name="throwIfErrors">Throw BRException if an error happened</param>
        public bool ValidateUserName(string value, long?idValue, BusinessRuleErrorList errors, RuleFunctionSEnum fnName, bool throwIfErrors)
            int errCount = errors.Count;

            if (CheckUtils.CheckStringShouldNotBeNullOrEmpty(vUser.ColumnNames.UserName, value, errors) == false)
                if (throwIfErrors && errors.Count > errCount)
                    throw new BRException(errors);

            string colName = vUser.ColumnNames.UserName;

            //Must consist at least two characters that are alpha characters a-zA-Z
            //Must consist only ONE underscore or dash allowed anywhere AFTER the first check,
            //the dash/underscore cannot be at the end as the same rule to apply as the first step
            //Must be alpha-numeric characters.

            //var colInfo = this.Entity.EntityColumns[User.ColumnNames.UserName];

            if (fnName == RuleFunctionSEnum.Delete)

            // DEVELOPER NOTE: Change this pattern with pattern specified in UI in FWHtml.cs file for editor
            // format check
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3588623/c-sharp-regex-for-a-username-with-a-few-restrictions
            string valuePattern = @"^(?=.{5,50}$)([A-Za-z0-9][._]?)*$";

            //(?=.{5,50}$)                   Must be 5-50 characters in the string
            //([A-Za-z0-9][._()\[\]-]?)*   The string is a sequence of alphanumerics,
            //                              each of which may be followed by a symbol
            if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(
                    value, valuePattern, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) == false)
                errors.Add(colName, BusinessErrorStrings.User.UserName_RegularExpressionCheck

            // duplicate check
            if (errors.Count == 0)       // Perfomance: We check database only if no error is there.
                value = value.ToLower(); // we store all user names in lower case
                CheckUtils.CheckDuplicateValueNotToBeExists(colName, value, idValue, errors, null, fnName == RuleFunctionSEnum.Insert, BusinessErrorStrings.User.UserName_DuplicateUserName);

            if (errors.Count > 0 && throwIfErrors)
                throw new BRException(errors);

            return(errors.Count == 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the phone number
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">Phone Number</param>
        /// <param name="idValue">id value of the entity. It will be used in update mode to check duplicate</param>
        /// <param name="fnName">Business rule function if it is insert or update</param>
        /// <param name="canBeNull">See if Phone number can be null or empty</param>
        /// <param name="errors">The errors.</param>
        /// <param name="throwIfErrors">Throw BRException if an error happened</param>
        public bool ValidatePhoneNumber(string value, long?idValue, bool canBeNull, BusinessRuleErrorList errors, RuleFunctionSEnum fnName, bool throwIfErrors)
            int errCount = errors.Count;

            // To simplify Signup, we removed Phone number as mandatory
            // in addition, RegisterAndLogin option doesn't need to have a phone number
            // However, if a phone number is provided, we need to check its format
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) && canBeNull)

            if (CheckUtils.CheckStringShouldNotBeNullOrEmpty(vUser.ColumnNames.PhoneNumber, value, errors) == false)
                if (throwIfErrors && errors.Count > errCount)
                    throw new BRException(errors);

            string colName = vUser.ColumnNames.PhoneNumber;

            if (fnName == RuleFunctionSEnum.Delete)

            if (IsValidPhoneNumberE164(value) == false)
                errors.Add(colName, BusinessErrorStrings.User.PhoneNumber_NotE164);

            // duplicate check
            if (errors.Count == 0)       // Perfomance: We check database only if no error is there.
                value = value.ToLower(); // we store all user names in lower case
                CheckUtils.CheckDuplicateValueNotToBeExists(colName, value, idValue, errors, null, fnName == RuleFunctionSEnum.Insert, BusinessErrorStrings.User.PhoneNumber_DuplicatePhoneNumber);

            if (errors.Count > 0 && throwIfErrors)
                throw new BRException(errors);

            return(errors.Count == 0);
        public bool ValidateEmail(string value, long?idValue, BusinessRuleErrorList errors, RuleFunctionSEnum fnName, bool throwIfErrors)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
            //if (CheckUtils.CheckStringShouldNotBeNullOrEmpty(vUser.ColumnNames.Email, value, errors) == false)
            //    if (throwIfErrors)
            //        throw new BRException(errors);
            //    else
            //        return false;

            if (fnName == RuleFunctionSEnum.Delete)

            string colName = vUser.ColumnNames.Email;

            // format check
            // we try to create a mail address. If format was incorrect then its an error
                System.Net.Mail.MailAddress m = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(value);
            catch (Exception)
                errors.Add(colName, BusinessErrorStrings.User.Email_InvalidEmailAddress);

            // check duplicate
            if (errors.Count == 0)       // Perfomance: We check database only if no error is there.
                value = value.ToLower(); // we store all emails in lower case
                CheckUtils.CheckDuplicateValueNotToBeExists(colName, value, idValue, errors, null, fnName == RuleFunctionSEnum.Insert, BusinessErrorStrings.User.Email_Duplicate);

            if (errors.Count > 0 && throwIfErrors)
                throw new BRException(errors);

            return(errors.Count == 0);
        public void UpdatePaykeyInDatabase(string payKey)
            BusinessRuleErrorList errors = new BusinessRuleErrorList();

            if (CheckUtils.CheckStringShouldNotBeNullOrEmpty(vPayment.ColumnNames.PayKey, payKey, errors) == false)
                throw new BRException(errors);

            // check if pay key is not duplicated in database
            FilterExpression filter = new FilterExpression();

            filter.AddFilter(new Filter(vPayment.ColumnNames.PaymentStatusID, (int)EntityEnums.PaymentStatusEnum.PendingWithPayKey));
            if (CheckUtils.CheckDuplicateValueNotToBeExists(vPayment.ColumnNames.PayKey, payKey, null, errors, null, true, null) == false)
                throw new BRException(errors[0].ErrorDescription);
        protected virtual void CheckAutomatedRules(object entitySet, RuleFunctionSEnum fnName, BusinessRuleErrorList errors)
            foreach (var colInfo in this.Entity.EntityColumns)
                ColumnInfo col = colInfo.Value;

                if (
                    (col.IsUpdatable && fnName == RuleFunctionSEnum.Update) ||
                    (col.IsInsertable && fnName == RuleFunctionSEnum.Insert)
                    object val = FWUtils.EntityUtils.GetObjectFieldValue(entitySet, col.Name);

                    // check allow blank for all types
                    if (col.ValidationIsNullable == false)
                        if (val == null)
                            errors.Add(col.Name, string.Format(StringMsgs.BusinessErrors.NotNull, col.Caption));
                        // TODO: fix foreign key integer value checking for int
                        //// for integer values if the column is id column, we check not to enter -1 value (that is the default for not having a value)
                        //if (col.Name.EndsWith("ID") && (val is Int16 || val is Int32 || val is Int64))
                        //    if (Convert.ToInt64(val) == -1)
                        //    {
                        //        errors.Add(col.Name, string.Format(StringMsgs.BusinessErrors.NotNull, col.Caption));
                        //        continue;
                        //    }

                    // checking string length
                    if (col.DataTypeDotNet == typeof(string))
                        if (col.ValidationIsNullable == false && ((string)val) == "")
                            errors.Add(col.Name, string.Format(StringMsgs.BusinessErrors.StringNotNullOrEmpty, col.Caption));

                        CheckUtils.CheckStringLenBetweenMinAndMax(col.Name, (string)val, errors, col.ValidationMinLength, col.ValidationMaxLength);

                    // checking minimum maximum value if existed
                    if (col.ValidationMaxValue != null || col.ValidationMinValue != null)
                        if (col.DataTypeDotNet == typeof(int))
                            CheckUtils.CheckIntBetweenMinMax(col.Name, (int)val, errors, (int?)col.ValidationMinValue, (int?)col.ValidationMaxValue);
                        else if (col.DataTypeDotNet == typeof(long))
                            CheckUtils.CheckLongBetweenMinMax(col.Name, (long)val, errors, (long?)col.ValidationMinValue, (long?)col.ValidationMaxValue);
                        else if (col.DataTypeDotNet == typeof(double))
                            CheckUtils.CheckDoubleBetweenMinMax(col.Name, (double)val, errors, (double?)col.ValidationMinValue, (double?)col.ValidationMaxValue);
                        else if (col.DataTypeDotNet == typeof(float))
                            CheckUtils.CheckFloatBetweenMinMax(col.Name, (float)val, errors, (float?)col.ValidationMinValue, (float?)col.ValidationMaxValue);
                        else if (col.DataTypeDotNet == typeof(decimal))
                            CheckUtils.CheckDecimalBetweenMinMax(col.Name, (decimal)val, errors, (decimal?)col.ValidationMinValue, (decimal?)col.ValidationMaxValue);
                        else if (col.DataTypeDotNet == typeof(DateTime))
                            CheckUtils.CheckDateTimeBetweenMinMax(col.Name, (DateTime)val, errors, (DateTime?)col.ValidationMinValue, (DateTime?)col.ValidationMaxValue);
                        else if (col.DataTypeDotNet == typeof(short))
                            CheckUtils.CheckShortBetweenMinMax(col.Name, (short)val, errors, (short?)col.ValidationMinValue, (short?)col.ValidationMaxValue);
                        else if (col.DataTypeDotNet == typeof(byte))
                            CheckUtils.CheckByteBetweenMinMax(col.Name, (byte)val, errors, (byte?)col.ValidationMinValue, (byte?)col.ValidationMaxValue);

                    // duplicate check
                    if (errors.Count == 0 && col.ValidationNoDuplicate) // Perfomance: We check database only if no error is there.
                        object idValue = ((EntityObjectBase)entitySet).GetPrimaryKeyValue();
                        CheckUtils.CheckDuplicateValueNotToBeExists(col.Name, val, idValue, errors, null, fnName == RuleFunctionSEnum.Insert, null);
                } // end of if column should be validated or not
            }     // end foreach column