public async Task <IActionResult> CheckOut(int?id)
            //If the order delted go to error ...
            ErrorViewModel errorViewModel = new ErrorViewModel()
                ErrorMsg = "Something went wrong while confirming your order.Contact Support"

            if (id.Equals(0) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(id.ToString()))
                return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Home", errorViewModel));//error message
            //data to prepare the checkout and invioce , payment
            Order _Order = await _context.Orders.FindAsync(id);

            if (_Order == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Home", errorViewModel));//error message

            Address _Address = await _context.Addresses.FirstOrDefaultAsync(d => d.UserId == _Order.UserId);

            var _User = await _context.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.Id == _Order.UserId);

            CheckOutModelView model = new CheckOutModelView
                FirstName  = _User.FirstName,
                LastName   = _User.LastName,
                Email      = _User.Email,
                Country    = _Address.Country,
                County     = _Address.County,
                Street     = _Address.Street,
                City       = _Address.City,
                PostCode   = _Address.PostCode,
                Mobile     = _User.PhoneNumber,
                TotalOrder = _Order.TotalAmount,
                OrderId    = _Order.Id,
                VehicleId  = _Order.VehicleId

        public async Task <IActionResult> PayByCard(string stripeEmail, string stripeToken, CheckOutModelView data)
            POJOMsgs       POJOModel      = new POJOMsgs();
            string         currentUserId  = _userManager.GetUserId(HttpContext.User);//Get UserId
            ErrorViewModel errorViewModel = new ErrorViewModel();
            //Converting to duoble
            int?_amount = 0;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.TotalOrder.ToString()))
                double n;
                bool   isNumeric = double.TryParse(data.TotalOrder.ToString(), out n);
                _amount = isNumeric ? (int)(Convert.ToDecimal(data.TotalOrder.ToString()) * 100) : -1;
            var customers = new CustomerService();
            var charges   = new ChargeService();
            var customer  = customers.Create(new CustomerCreateOptions
                Email       = stripeEmail,
                SourceToken = stripeToken

            Charge charge = charges.Create(new ChargeCreateOptions
                Amount       = _amount,
                Description  = data.Comment,
                Currency     = "GBP",
                CustomerId   = customer.Id,
                ReceiptEmail = data.Email,//the customer will recevive email invoice from stripe service
                Metadata     = new Dictionary <String, String>()
                    { "OrderId", data.OrderId.ToString() },
                    { "PostCode", data.PostCode },

            if (charge.Status == "succeeded")
                string BalanceTransactionId = charge.BalanceTransactionId;
                CarShare.Data.Order _Order  = await _context.Orders.FindAsync(data.OrderId);

                //Get the Reservation for this order to send the details to the customer by email (Invoice).
                Reservation _Reservation = await _context.Reservations.FindAsync(_Order.ReservationId);

                    //change the order status to paid
                    _Order.IsPaid     = true;
                    _Order.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    //Change the REservation to IsConfirmed =ture mean paid too
                    _Reservation.IsConfirmed = true;
                    _Reservation.UpdateTime  = DateTime.Now;
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (Exception e)
                    POJOModel.Flag = false;
                    POJOModel.Msg  = e.ToString();
                POJOModel.Flag = true;
                POJOModel.Msg  = _Order.Id.ToString();

                //Create Trans Record
                BankTransaction _BankTransaction = new BankTransaction
                    TransactionId = BalanceTransactionId,
                    UserId        = currentUserId,
                    OrderId       = data.OrderId,
                    Amount        = data.TotalOrder,
                    Status        = "succeeded",
                    Date          = DateTime.Now,
                    FullName      = data.FirstName + " " + data.LastName

                await _context.AddAsync(_BankTransaction);

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                //Get te Vehicle Details.
                Vehicle _Vehicle = await _context.Vehicles.FindAsync(data.VehicleId);

                //Number of Hours
                int Hours = Convert.ToInt32(_Order.DropOffTime) - Convert.ToInt32(_Order.PickUpTime);
                //Send Email to the Cutomer Invoice...
                //Preper the link for Location image
                string GoogleImagePath = $"{_Reservation.PickUpLocationLatitue},{_Reservation.PickUpLocationLongitute}&markers=color:green%7Clabel:E%7C{_Reservation.ReturnLocationLatitue},{_Reservation.ReturnLocationLongitute}&key=AIzaSyAJu3YwpJf6K5u1EVMtncPm4CD3209OWnw";
                EmailReceiptsBodyModelView _EmailReceipts = new EmailReceiptsBodyModelView()
                    OrderNum      = data.OrderId.ToString(),
                    CustomerName  = data.FirstName + " " + data.LastName,
                    CustomerEmail = data.Email,
                    ServiceName   = _Vehicle.Model,
                    Hours         = Hours.ToString(),
                    Price         = _Vehicle.PricePerHour.ToString(),
                    Total         = data.TotalOrder.ToString(),
                    PickUpDate    = _Reservation.PickUpDate.ToShortDateString(),
                    // DropOFFDate=_Reservation.DropOffDate.ToShortDateString(),
                    PickUpTime  = _Reservation.PickUpTime + ":00",
                    DropOFFTime = _Reservation.DropOffTime + ":00",
                    MapImage    = GoogleImagePath
                string EmailReciptsBody = EmailReceiptsBody(_EmailReceipts);
                await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(data.Email, "Car Share Service", EmailReciptsBody);

                //Send SMS Confirmation
                _SMSSender.SendSMS(data.Mobile, "You Have Paid: £" + _Order.TotalAmount.ToString() + " successfully, The Vehcile REG#" + _Vehicle.Registration);

                int id = data.OrderId;
                return(RedirectToAction("OrderConfirmation", "Order", new { id = data.OrderId }));
                ErrorViewModel error = new ErrorViewModel()
                    ErrorMsg = "Your payment has been Fail... you can pay it again from Pinding Order..."
                //Error page if payment not sucssefuly done
                return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Home", error));

            ////Get te Vehicle Details.
            //Vehicle _Vehicle = await _context.Vehicles.FindAsync(data.VehicleId);
            ////Send Email to the Cutomer Invoice...
            //string EmailReciptsBody = EmailReceiptsBody(data.OrderId.ToString(), data.FirstName + " " + data.LastName, data.Email, _Vehicle.Model, _Vehicle.PricePerHour.ToString(), data.TotalOrder.ToString());
            //await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(data.Email, "Car Share Service", EmailReciptsBody);
            //int id = data.OrderId;
            //return RedirectToAction("OrderConfirmation", "Order", new { id = data.OrderId });